LOCK ℓ Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Face ℓ Ray

lookandseehere - taylor
ℓ NICKNAME(S) - Ray - a name given by her brother, but used by most friends
ℓ BLOOD TYPE - o type

ℓ BIRTHDAY - january 17, 1996
ℓ BIRTHPLACE - seoul, sk
ℓ HOMETOWN - san francisco, ca, usa + seoul, sk

ℓ ETHNICITY - korean
ℓ NATIONALITY - korean
ℓ LANGUAGES - korean, 99% fluent, some trouble with writing
                       english, mostly fluent, spoke it for many years but has forgotten a bit
ℓ FACE CLAIM - seo sung kyung x
ℓ BACK UP - kisum

ℓ WEIGHT - 46 kg
ℓ HEIGHT - 168 cm

A birth mark on the back of her left thigh, stark white in color. Multiple piercings on each ear. (3 on left, 4 on right)
She doesn't like wearing skinny jeans, so she usually wears leggings, sweatpants, loose jeans, shorts, or skirts. Although she prefers muted tones and earth tones, she also likes to spice thngs up by adding red to her outfits (her favorite thing- red sneakers x)

gym: x x
casual: x x x x x
stage: x x x
(+) positive traits - punctual, optimistic, creative, caring
(-) negative traits - forgetful, stubborn, insensitive, critical

on the positive side of yah ri, she is very punctual. this is a trait hard instilled by her father, who is the type of man to always arrive five or ten minutes before needed. it was something she picked up on at a young age and constantly strived to be the same. she always looks at the bright side of things, even when the world is looking down on her, she will craack a few jokes, flash a smile, and make people forget why they're down. this along with her creative and caring sides are what really makes her a moodmaker, always knowing exactly when to help people or cheer up others, her bright attitude is like a lightbulb in a dark room. her creativity helps because she can think outside the box, bringing up quirky ways of tackling problems. the biggest side of her is her caring side. this sprung up from her love for her little brother, always taking caring of him as a baby turned into her taking care of him even as they both grew older. she continues to care about everyone around her, even when she's sad or injured.

on the downside, though, she can be quite forgetful. one of the biggest examples is when she was riding bikes with her brother. they both fell off, but she rushed to his side to make sure the little scrape on his knee wasn't too bad- completely ignoring and forgetting the fact that her own elbow was badly injured. she was too worried about him, that she completely forgot to think about herself. another example is that she sometimes leaves the house without shoes, always forgetting to grab them on her way out. another large part of her personality is her stubborn side, since she was young she would cross her little arms and stand her ground. no matter what it was about, she refused to give up until she got her way and won over everyone elses opinions. this kind of leads to the insensitive part, which isn't very noticable, but can pop up and hurt others feelings. because she's so busy being stubborn and focusing on herself, she can push away other peoples valid opinions, making them seem little or less important. she always feels awful after she realizes shes done this. that's where being critical comes into play- it's not just towards others, but also herself. she knows she isn't the best singer, but if someone isn't trying hard, she'll judge them for it. the same goes for herself, if she isn't giving her 100% towards something (usually dance), she'll beat herself up for it. while alone, she'll scold herself and talk down to herself, occasionally even pinching her own skin as punishment.
ℓ LIKES - spicy food + exercise (jogging especially) + american food + anything red in color
ℓ DISLIKES - rain/snow + bare feet + cigarette smoke + hallmark style movies
ℓ HOBBIES - collecting flowers from sidewalks / open gardens
ℓ HABITS - doodles on the corners of all her pages, even when she shouldn't

ℓ Trivia - likes to trick people into thinking she doesn't speak korean + can play basic guitar & piano + she's extremely flexible
born to parents yoo min suk and lee sun ri, yah ri grew up in a tall apartment building in the center of seoul. her parents were loving and hard working, her father a high class laywer while her mother focused on teaching. when yah ri was three years old, her family had a second child, tae suk. from the moment he was born, she was extremely caring and protective of the baby boy, especially when, at the age of five, her family picked up and moved around the world. because of her father's career as a laywer, he was assigned to a high profile case that took the family all the way to san francisco, california, in the united states. since yah ri and tae suk were so young, they adjusted to the cultural differences very easily, though her mother, sun ri, did not. she had a hard time adjusting to the language, and was unable to continue her passion of teaching children. instead, she became a stay at home mom, caring for the children while her husband was busy.

while living in america, yah ri joined her schools choir, and though she wasn't the best, she really enjoyed singing in front of people. in order to keep the korean side of them strong while living overseas, they joined a korean culture learning center and a korean church. this helped yah ri become strongly bilingual, singing in schools choir in english, and the church choir in korean. when she was twelve, after seven years of living in america, they once again picked up and moved back to seoul. this was far more difficult for tae suk, her little brother. he had lived most of his life in the states, and struggled to adjust to the huge cultural shift, while yah ri found it pretty easy. it was during a performance for a talent show that she was "discovered"- but not in the way she expected. yah ri was nine years old, and the clothing company "GAP" wanted her to be in a commerical for them. it took some convincing, but her parents eventually agreed to it. although she didn't have formal training, she quickly found a talent in commercial acting.

it was during their return to seoul that she decided she wanted to continue with her musical and acting training that she had started in america, and thankfully, her parents enrolled her in various classes outside of normal school. it was during those classes at the age of thirteen that she really found her passion- rapping. it was strange, because she had never really been into rap music, mostly american pop or korean ballads, but suddenly, she caught the rhythm and rode it like a wave. her acting teachers told her parents she had talent, that she should audition for a company. her father wasn't very fond of the idea, but because she had done commericals in america, he caved. at the age of fourteen, she audition for a handful of companies, with sm being the first to offer her a contract. she joined sm in hopes of being trained as a proper actress, with the hope in the back of her mind to maybe one day debut as an idol as well. after years of training with only some acting jobs and zero music jobs, she left sm and auditioned for jellyfish.
 yoo min suk  45  they always had a good father-daughter relationship, but they disagreed on a lot of things. she was very accustomed to the american way of living, but he wanted her to stay strictly with her korean ways. despite the struggles, they always said "i love you" to each other at the end of the day.
 lee sun ri  41  it seems like a normal mother-daughter relationship, in that they get along but disagree on some things. in reality, it goes much deeper, and is really like they have nothing in common. although it was thanks to her mother that she started singing in the school and church choirs, and joined music classes, they never had similar tastes in anything.
 yoo tae suk  14  these two are extremely close, yah ri fell in love with her little brother the moment she first held him in her arms. she has always worked hard to be a good example for him, protecting him and making sure he stays on the right path in life.
ℓ POSITION - #3 Lead rapper, vocalist, face
ℓ TALENT TWINS - rapper - yura + vocalist - chorong + dancer - krystal

ℓ TRAINING TIME - 4 1/2 years at sm ent + 1 1/2 at jellyfish
ℓ TRAINEE LIFE - She had a somewhat difficult life at sm ent. because they didn't handle her schedule too well. they often put her in small commercials with no speaking parts instead of giving her larger roles. after 2 years, she finally got a second lead role in a drama. it didn't do great, but it did well enough to get her sponserships and a couple more acting roles. sm continuously turned down roles without asking her, which is part of the reason she left. she also made that decision because although they did give her minimal musical training, they didn't ever put her in a lineup towards a debut. when her contract ended, she left the company and instead auditioned for multiple companies. jellyfish offered her the best contract, so that's the one she took.

ℓ PREDEBUT - a handful of american clothing and restaurant commercials + two second lead characers in slightly well known dramas dramas, a handful of korean clothing commercials and make up commercials
ℓ NAME - Hetero

ℓ PERSONALITY - She's a bit self centered and looks for someone who's physically attractive, as well as smart and clever. Abs + strong arms + dark hair = her dream guy. She likes sarcasm and a dry sense of humor. Although she isn't a big flirt, she doesn't mind being flirted with. erted jokes turn her off. Someone who is educated turns her on.


ℓ CONCLUSION - All ages. Literally, as long as the other is of legal age, it's fine with her.
COMMENTS - Hope you like her :) I'll change something if you ask me to!

SUGGESTIONS - miss a's only you or aoa cream's jelly baby

SCENE REQUESTS - Her making out with some guy but not in a relationship with him (caught by one groupmate) + Her watching one of her old acting jobs and cringing.



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