Quiz: Are You Who, What, Where, or Why?

Take the quiz and comment in this blog with your result cuz that will give you karmapoint rather than just taking the quiz without replying anything....so why not? (and if you want to comment on how you feel/what you think of your result...i'd be happier)

because i'm feeling generous on this unusual Saturday where I'm omg...not working and omg! i'm not working tomorrow too...what is this miraculous sorcery? can i get this for more than two weeks?

and because i'm nosy like that and i like to know other people's results....haa...


Are You Who, What, Where, or Why? (just click the link to take the quiz)



what i get



          You Are Why



        You are a very philosophical person, and you're happiest when you're able to sit and think for long periods of time.

You're interested on everything on a deeper level, and you aren't content until you've thought about something thoroughly.

You believe that often we act too quickly without taking time to reflect. You can learn a lot if you sit with your thoughts.

People may think you're a bit slow moving, but they don't realize how quickly your mind is racing.






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lilith9999 #1
I am What!
"You are a very smart person, and you are happiest when you're learning something new.
You're interested in so many things, and you feel like there's always more to discover. You're very curious.

You believe that knowledge is empowerment. You do your best not to be ignorant about anything.
You are well read and continually adding to your database of information. You never stop learning."

Hmm. .. About the smart person,.. It might be too much.... (: :)
I got the same as you - and I think that is mighty right, except I sometimes hate my thoughts because there's too many and it's too messy. XD
I got the same as you :))