
So I posted this in the Discussion forum but got no nibble. So will try it with the blog. If still nothing, then, oh well!
I'm one of those people who can spend hours at Starbucks, like 3 or more hours. And I've been noticing trends and characters at each of these Starbucks. I know this is random but can you all humor me by answering these questions? I'm trying to see if there is a similar/different trend with Starbucks around the world. And since AFF is such a global community, I figured this would be a great place to help with my research:
Please tell me where you live, then: 
1. How often do you go to Starbucks?
2. Order by app or at counter? 
3. Is there a favorite Starbucks?
4. Favorite drink or order? 
5. Left without purchase because line too long or all seats taken?
If you are a resident (someone who spends hours there like me): 
6. How many hours on average? 
7. What do you do there?
8. Who are the 'residents'? Students studying or doing projects? Older folks? Office workers? 
9. Have you made friends with other residents?
10. Do you or have seen others leave their belongings unattended - laptops, backpacks, etc. - on the table while they leave to go to the bathroom or go elsewhere to buy lunch?
And of course anything else you have noticed while visiting Starbucks.


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MissSeng77 #1
I'm from Australia, I don't really go to Starbuck on here. But since I travel oversea a lot I would always stop by at Starbuck since its the only trustworthy brand oversea (no offends)
Order from the counter. Cause I love to check out the employee. (It's fun). I either go for ice vanilla latte or hot vanilla latte. Only leave when the drink is not available. M not a fan of staying in the cafe. I always leave every time I get the drink