I Got Lost!! T_T

I got my license in March. I got my car in April. And yesterday I ventured off into uncharted territory.

The orginal plan was to ride with my friend and her date to the military ball. I was going with a friend who asked me. His rank is first sergeant. But she changed the time on me and we had to be there 30 minutes sooner than what she told me days before. That day my bestfriend was going to prom and I wanted to see her off. If I left at the time my friend wanted to, I would've missed her going to prom. And since I had a car of my own I thought that I should drive myself there, to a place I never been for the first time...


I was okay for the first 20 minutes. I knew where I was going. I didn't take the freeway for comfort reasons so it was supposed to take 40 minutes at the most. But we ended up diving around for 2 hours before we got there.

How did this happen?

I read the directions my mom gave me completely wrong. And so did my date. I asked him what did the directions say and he read them wrong. Honestly, I should've read them again at a red light to make sure. My date has worst since of direction than me. So it turns out I was looking for the wrong street and eventually the road we were on came to a dead end. My turn was long overdue.


Instead of calling my mom I decided to gps it. idea... And it got us very close but not quite and we were still lost. I called my mom and she couldn't give me exact directions from our location. I wanted to cry I was so upset with myself. But I held it in because I needed to stay strong. I was the only driver and navigator.


We were an hour and a half late at this point. I wanted to turn around and go home but we were so close to the hall and even thought he didn't say it, he wanted to go. Then somehow after an hour of being completely losr, we stumbled upon the street we were looking for, and decided to turned right. And boom 10 minutes later we found it.

I was so happy and relieved!! I arrived looking like a hot, irritated mess. 


But I learned my lesson: Always call my mom when I am lost or unsure. 

One of the reasons I got lost is because this was a short notice thing. I wasn't planning on driving so my mom had to give me rushed directions and I didn't study the notes in my phone good enough. The next time I go somewhere it will be planned and I will memorize the route. I will also pay more attention.

But after all the chaos, we got there and danced for 2 hours and had fun. We took pictures with our friends and no one knew we got lost. No one shows up to parties on time anyway haha.

I still feel bad I got lost though. I knew exactly where I went wrong too. But they say all new drivers get lost a few times. And what matters is that I got there and back safely. This guilt I am feeling will pass sooner or later...



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