Some random comments on Descendants From the Sun

Soooo, I finished Signal, and hogod, that show has ruined for other shows, lemme telyu. I hope there is a Season 2. Actually I am dumbfounded to think there is even a possibility that it won't get a season 2, but hey, who is sevvy other than a gawker, cryer, go-jae-han-sunbaeeeenimmmmm cheerleader. I dunno. That show was awesome, I can't even talk about it coherently.

So anywho, after like losing half of my life watching that show, I really wanted to find something lighter. You know. Like dessert after a really heavy meal. Signal is like really heavy. Like Paella... mmmm... paella.... so now I need something light and cleansing. Maybe peppermint tea. Mmmm... peppermint tea... Okay, I think something is wrong with me.

Anywho, I really didn't want to watch Descendants because it's about military and war and those two ingredients can go awry and explode on my face. I dunno. I mean war is nothing light, but I kept watching some crap tv and one night I go, whatever. If this is going to make me sad or crazy, I don't care anymore.

So as a synopsis I love this.

I don't really want to give a review because reviewing tends to make my head hurt. so I am just randomly going to spew shizz and you know, watch shizz fly. Whatever.

(+) Positives: At episode 10, I can say this is pretty light. No gore. No psychos. No . There are realities of war but it's pretty downplayed. It's a positive, just cause I am exhausted with the darkness right now. So positivity is a positive. I really haven't cried. Onew however, tried very, very hard. (and almost suceeded)

Joong Ki. Okay, so guysssss, did we know Joong Ki is hot? Like HOT. And cute. And charming. And he's practically a romcom wet dream, like first he's in uniform. Then he's beautifully lean and . *coughs* And he fights really well. And he plays this smitten kitten. AND DID I MENTION HIS BEAUTIFULLY LEAN TORSO. *chokes on my soul*. Oh, and his witty and has a fun personality. I mean, if you're into that.

Jin Goo. Okay, so men here are wonderful. OTL Jin Goo is not my type physically, but ho gad, his character is. He's the silent, brooding type, and , is he manrryyy? His almost kissing scene had the girl's toe curl and I am like :Q_____ <--- WARNING: puddle of drool I like his stoicism and determination, and I actually like his female counterpart, because she's so into him and I sort of get it.

Funny. It's funny. It is. Not too many literal LOLs, but relatively good. I like the female lead breaking cars slapshtick. I think that's hilarious.

Satisfying Kissing Scenes. I don't want to sound like a ert, but yeah. KISSES people. with -es. Meaning more than that first kiss we get near the last episode. He kisses her. He kisses her often. She kisses him too. And they look like real kisses too (well, not really, but they're better than a whole LOT of other kisses I've seen in KTV. Oh you know who seems to be a good kisser? SEO IN GUK. Sheeze)

Setting: I dunno where this is shot but the setting is beautiful. I was very confused about fictional Uruk... I was wondering if there is a country I had no idea existed. But existence or nil, Uruk is pretty beautiful.

Onew: I don't even know Onew. I mean, is he from Shinee? But ho is character arc right now is just blowing my mind and how earnest this boy cries, it touches my soul even if I though I didn't have one.

Konglish: I love Konglish. I like that they try and when girl is tired of konglish, she just go korean... and I LOL at "I get tired of speaking in my broken English!!! >:/" (I weirdly remembered Joong Ki asking an officer at war for a picture, and I LOLd because, Selfie!!!)

Impressive foreign bad guy: I just hate it whe kdramas pick on the american stereotype, and they always portray them as arrogant, women-beaters, and greedy bags. This dude is all of the above but he's actually decent looking and speaks decent English. So they didn't just cast a random blonde dude who speaks awkwrad English and I didn't go (too much) "American my ?!"

Kim Ki Bum. The adorable, adorable Dae Young dongsaeng. Ugh. He's such a puppy.

Shi Jin/ Dae Young dynamic: These two are the bomb together.

(-) Negatives: too much pretty: I dunno, I mean it's a show, but I feel saturated for some reason. because it feels like onlyt beautiful people have valid stories. It might be weird to say but Song Hye Kyo almost seem way too pretty. I don't particularly think it's bad, but when she says she hasn't washed her hair, I don't believe her. Or that she went into a disaster area in shorts and her legs are flawless in two days. I mean she had gashes, but nothing after. I dunno. I just... I don't buy it. OTL I am sorry.

Some of the plotlines are very... umm... laking in weight. Like the lead poisoning. I mean, her wow diagnosis is nothing wow worthy. I do like the fight scenes, but they're not all that impressive. Overall, I don't think the medicine or the action is impressive in the show. And Joong Ki is played up as ace, but to be honest, Dae Young seems to be better? Which is weird... I dunno, maybe it's just me.

Okay, so this is my list for now because I am getting sleepy and yeah, my brain is not working really well.

Anywho, this show is fun. Fingers crossed I finish this with a smile. LOL


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I'm glad you liked it because I love Joong Ki too bits. Some scenes where shot in Greece while the rest were done in Korea. The Camp in Uruk and the tower was all done in Korea. I actually watched the specials even if it was mostly a repeat of memorable scenes and a number of interviews. DoTS is my guilty pleasure. I spazz over Joong Ki a lot ahehehe. I seen many of his dramas and he's so good at playing his characters. He's such a good actor. It's just cake in the icing that he's such a pretty boy. And yup I agree that everyone is too beautiful but it worked anyway. The 2nd lead love line is also really nice. I like that they're not getting in the way of the lead characters relationship. Dr. Song & head nurse pairing is also cute. This drama made me feel all sorts of fluffy. Oh after reading your blog about Signal I watched it and was really hooked. Oh TVN is a er for cliff hanger endings so it may or may not have a 2nd season but like you I wish there would be one. Lee Je Hoon is such a good actor. I like him in his other dramas and his movie My Paparrotti is really nice. I was surprised that TVN got Kim Hye Soo and Cho Jin Woong in one drama project like this.