About me! + who would you ship me with?

Hello darlings, ^_^ I thought I'd make this blog to share more about myself. I feel like I know more about my friends than they do me so I thought I'd change that.  Also while you're reading this would you mind thinking of who you would ship me with?  Everybody is doing it, but I'm very curious.  I like most groups so pick whoever!  Here we go~~~

I am turning 15 in a couple months, I'm female, and I'm just under 5'4.  I have long blonde hair, it's naturally a dirty blonde but I've had it dyed bright blonde for about 2 years and I'll occasionally dye it something crazy like purple, pink, or silver.  I'm what most would call "emo", I dress in mostly black, I wear skinny jeans, band t shirts, wristbands, converse/vans etc.  I wear a lot of makeup, I don't look like a clown though I swear, and eye liner is my main confidence booster hahaha :) I also have a gap in my teeth which makes me very self conscience and it makes me not smile in public, but I'm getting used to it and starting to accept it.  Also I have a similar body type to Hyoyeon of SNSD.  
Hobbies: I dance and choreograph; I wish to do it professionally, it's my dream job.  I also edit photos for fun. Those are the things I'm good at, now for the stuff I'm not so good at, but still do.  I make beats, write raps, write song lyrics, and sing on occasion.  I'm not good at it though hahaha.  Oh and I write fanfics, not sure if I'm good at that though XD 
Personality:  I have a complex personality so this is hard haha.  I get REALLY nervous when meeting new people; everybody says it's cute though cause when I'm nervous I just giggle at things.  I cover my mouth when I laugh (like GD does) a lot, but more so when I'm nervous (which is like all the time).  It takes a lot to make me happy, but when I am I will laugh and joke, but in a moderate wat; I rarely get hyper.  Most jokes I make are either really stupid puns or bad pick up lines (bad pick up lines are like my favorite things ever).  I hate when kids/teens are disrespectful towards adults or their parents; it makes my blood boil.  I live off of the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" saying.  I do my best to only speak positively and avoid confrontation at all cost.  I hate confrontation; it makes me so upset and uncomfortable it'll make me shake I get so nervous.  
Music taste: I love music of all kinds.  I was raised on metal (when I was 5 my favorite band was Pantera), but my oldest sister started getting into, what is referred to as, "emo music" (I hate the word emo in case you haven't figured that out yet) a long time ago and that really opened up my taste in music.  I enjoy all different forms of rock, pop, rap, and even country.  My favorite band is My Chemical Romance and they fueled my love for music.  I really enjoy older music; things like Queen, David Bowie, The Smiths, Morrissey, etc.  while I may not know all those bands songs and stuff, I really love listening to them.  Also 80's rock is a big love of mine.  I love most kpop guy groups and have been getting into more girl groups.  (I'm thinking about making a blog full of all the groups I like.)  I will listen to music of all languages; I think they're all beautiful. 
Random: I am homeschooled, and have about 5 people that I consider my true friends.  My dad is in a band and used to b boy (I got my dancing talent from him).  My mom and two sisters are insanely good at art (I can't draw a stick figure where as my sister could probably paint the next Mona Lisa).  My parents are strict and think that fanfiction is weird so this is a secret hahaha.  I named my dog Tablo because I'm such a massive fan.  I've never had a boyfriend.  My favorite food is sushi and ice cream (not together).  And I have a MAJOR obsession with Peter Pan; I've seen all the movies a million times, I've read the book, listened to songs, I really love it.  When I was young I used to think that Peter Pan was real and would wait for him to come take me to Neverland (I still wish he would to be honest).  I love using terms of endearment; I call people baby doll, babe, sweetheart, darling, baby face, doll face, honey, etc 24/7.  Basically if we're friends I will eventually end up calling you one of those.  I am the mom of my friend group even though I'm the maknae (I don't get a long with people my age a lot because they tend to be immature) and I will always go out of my way to make sure that people are feeling well. 
So there it is!  That's random stuff about me.  Who do you ship me with?  It could be a boy or a girl and it doesn't even have to be a kpop idol hahaha.  Have a nice day sweethearts!!! ^3^  <3


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Lay from EXO is a good match for you. You'll dance and choreograph together, even write songs.
I also think that your personalities will match.
Omg you're cuuuute *-* and we have matching personalities apparently, it's funny x')
Hmmm as about whom I ship you with. .. I would say J Hope, dunno why (well you too would dance handsomely great together *-*) but I also think you would have a great chemistry ^-^

OmG .. PETER PAN IS MY LIFE TOO (*^*) I watched all the versions, read all the books and even tried to watch once upon a time just to see his character (but gave up because I really can't watch American tv series ; - ; ) but ooooh come into my arms child \( ; ♢ ; )/
lowkey the only person that i could think of was hoshi from svt

yo i ship it hard
Aw you're 15. I feel so old now. <3

Now I'd ship you with Jimin. Mainly because you're kind of reserved (from what I read), and you'll need someone to lead you in the relationship. Jimin is the kind of BOY who would walk in the same pace as his partner. He wouldn't rush things, and he would be the one to initiate if needed. (From what I see.) So yeah! Park Jimin it is!