Good news! (Update on life)

Hello darlings~~~ 

So, I GOT INTO A PLAY!! I'M GOING TO BE A GIRL JET IN THE PLAY WEST SIDE STORY!!!!  I'm ridiculously excited, especially because I thought I and had a panic attack almost every day leading up to the audition, BUT I MADE IT!  The only thing is that, we've only had one rehearsal and I can tell that some of those people aren't nice.  I can already hear bickering amongst them and I can feel their judging eyes upon me.  Granted, I probably shouldn't have gone to the first rehearsal in what I call my "classic emo look" (black skinny jeans, vans, heavy eyeliner, dark lipstick, pale face, and a my chemical romance shirt), but I got a lot of stares and dirty looks that made me more uncomfortable than I already was.  My anxiety has been at its worst and I can't even control my heartbeat, let alone the shaking, and I just don't know if I can handle being stared at and no one talking to me the entire play.  Anyone got some anxiety tips? I could use them.  Despite being terrified, I'm very happy.  I want to be a professional dancer and this is a big step for me.  Also, my best friend recently got a phone so we've been talking a lot.  She means the world to me and always makes me feel like I'm worth something; so being able to talk to her is a tremendous blessing.  I'm also in the process of updating my seventeen fic (it's called Young Hearts of you guys want to check it out ;))  and I'm very excited for the next couple of chapters.  So basically, even though I'm super anxious and stressed, the little things are making me feel better.  I hope you guys are having a lovely day and thank you for reading. ^3^  <3


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Congratulations :) Well done . I would say to just do your thing and slay them off with your awesomeness. And once you're doing well eventually everyone will have a change of mind and be friends with you . All the best .You can do it. Fighting