Random questions

Fic writing questions! (stolen from tumblr, which I then stole from CamilleVendetta)

1. Which is your favourite of the fics you've written?

Catch Me If You Can

2. Favourite piece overall?

Catch Me If You Can

3. Which was the hardest to write, in terms of plot?

Catch Me If You Can.  It was the first near original plot I had created.  The others were pretty plot-less.

4. Which has the most "you" in it, however you'd define that?

Ummmm ... probably Where Fairy Tales Come From (which is what I am writing now)

5. What is an image/set of images that you're particularly proud of?

Catch Me If You Can

6. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?

I don't know, to be honest ... so far, any ideas I've had, I've made work.

7. Least favorite plot point/chapter/moment?

I don't think I have any

8. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment?

Sunny falling to the Saurian in Catch Me If You Can.

9. Favorite character to write?

All of them.

10. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written

Helix wheeled his chair to Seohyun’s side of the table, took one of the stacked Codex documents and read it.  “Becomes a leader in one of the most spiritual civilizations at the age of twelve,” he mused.

“One of the most deadly, as well,” Optimus added.  “Spiritual sacrifice was rife in these areas.”

“The number of angels we’ve sent back to Earth because of that,” Helix conceded.  “But they had an abundance of something that we could never have perceived.”

“Sharp implements to torture their victims with?” Optimus responded tersely.  He was becoming impatient, especially with having to keep information from his Unit.


“Yes sir,” Optimus retracted bashfully.

“Although instruments of torture were a close second,” Helix remarked, sending the article back and selecting another.  “And they sure had a lot of uses for intestines.”

11. If I'm showing off just one of your pieces to someone, which one should it be?

Catch Me If You Can

12. What WIPs do you have going now? Are you excited about them?

Where Fairy Tales Come From, and I am excited about that.  But I am very nervous about it too.

13. Are there any things that might have happened in any of your stories, but you changed them at the last minute? (So-and-so dies, they don't actually kiss, main character has long extended ballet-based dream sequence, etc.)

In Catch Me If You Can, there was a lot of the discussions about love that I originally DIDN'T include, and I changed to add them later on.  But I haven't had something that might happen and then not do it.

14. Does font matter to you when you're writing a draft?

Not to me.  Although I was very peculiar about the font when I created my personal story publishing site.

15. 3 favorite comments ever received on fanfic.




16. Any mean comments? How'd you deal with it? Who laid the smackdown?

This is the meanest comment I've ever had.  Without a doubt.

My stories don't have any haters.  But at least I do ^_^

17. If you could go back and revise one of your older stories, which would it be?

I don't think I ever would.

18. Do you make up scenes at work/on the bus/at the gym? Who are the characters that pop up the most? Do you write them down?

Occasionally I do, but I don't know who pops up the most.  It's usually if I'm thinking of a story right now, and I plan scenes in my head.  And no, I don't write them down, but I should


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