When someone finds their way...

... and you consequently feel lost.

They say misery loves company. I have always had this image in my head where I am in a ditch, or hole, and there is light streaming down the darkness that is... my soul and there have been people who had tried to pull me out of the ditch but they do not know that the darkness is not my home, it's my soul... and what blankets me, the toxic toxins that upsets me is myself as a whole. They tell me you are not your mental illness. But I do not know how to separate the me that upsets the other me who I think is just dying to die.

I am not a jealous person. It doesn't mean I am never jealous. It means it seldom comes to me. I am to crowded with negative feelings. I no longer have space. But sometimes, my ditch is a place people settle, and they suffer with me, for me, and I wrap them in my darkened soul. I love them because they are in my ditch, and they make me feel less lonely.

But of course, they leave, as they should, as what I hope, because people I love deserve more than my love that is nothing more than tattered silk in cold, gusty night. I am useless. I am worthless. Not clothes. Not rags. Just a being that be for no reason.

And then of course people leave for the light and they are happy. And I am not jealous. But I cry... something awesome.

Sometimes... I feel like... I wish I can be happy too.

I feel terrible.

I am happy for you feels like I am pulling at my own hair. But of course, I am happy for you.

But sometimes, I wish, you know, that I can be happy too.


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I've gone through something similar before where I felt stuck while everyone else seemed to move on with ease. I didn't really get why but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep up with them or be as happy as they were. I finally figured I shouldn't compare myself with everyone else cuz it just made me feel worse about myself.
And I took it day by day, focusing on the stuff that made me happy, no matter how small or seemingly ridiculous (just imagine an adult running around in the rain). It was hard. It still is. But I feel so much better. My dog helps lots especially in days I feel like I'm slipping back.
I guess what I'm saying is no one else can make you feel better except yourself.
I do hope you feel better sev, that you'll find happiness cuz you deserve it. And you have to believe that you do.
But in the meantime, I could loan you my dog. He's an amazing listener. :)