Zico, Tough Cookie and Being Hurt

Opening statement: I am -hurt. My is hurt. You don't need to tell me to stop being hurt because I do not have control over my 's feelings.

So okay, lol, this is an old issue, and I should say that I have loved Zico since... well, since, deathbychocolate introduced me to Block B. Zico has always been such an amazing experience to me. I liked his flow and his relative I don't give a demeanor, and his swag and his knowing that he's obviously very, very talented. I was pretty excited to hear about Zico going solo, because I liked him the most in Block B (maybe that's not true, but he is somewhere up there with PO, and Park Kyung), and when it came out, I listened vaguely to it, and said meh... then I watched the videa and this comment from a friend echoed in my head when she compared GD and Zico:

"You know, it's like Zico just know what he's doing... and GD is just... you know... trying so hard."

ThenI burst an important artery and died. Well, not really, but I really did have a vision of me gasping for air holding my throat that was squirting blood... because you know, my imagination is whack. And I have never felt the need to defend GD, possibly because it would ruin my non-existent street cred. But hey, everyone knows I like GD more than, say, ummm... mostly anyone (maybe except TOP, oh and Tablo), so non-existent street cred be damned. I think it's unfair to compare Zico and GD because they are different. Sure they both rap and are both in kpop, but that's like comparing me and Zang Zi Yi because I am female and Asian. Okay, not really. LOL. But Zico's message is definitely different from GD's so it's at least like comparing a potato and a tomato because they are both vegetables... and I should really quit trying to analogize (metaphorize. /brb verbing). I think Zico is more of concerned about err... I think swag... and GD is all about them love song.

I, of course, think there is something deep about a person so carved up about relationa issues, and I like how he's a cold city boy who likes being alone and in the crowd but feels like he's always, always shrouded by the fame that he has surrounded himself with. I think GD is deep in his shallowness and I think it's beautiful.

Zico on the other hand, I feel is all about the swag and being cool and saying Vedi Vidi Vici and that's all well and good, but I don't think that's "knowing what he's doing". It's superficial and lacks introspection, but whatever, not everyone needs to be introspect (not really, but I like cool things. Oooh! An icicle!)

So after this massive rambling, all I am truly trying to say is that I think it's GD who actually knows what he's doing, and while people keeps trying to say that GD is trying to be black, I don't feel that way because he has embraced the limitation of his genre and embody the kpop fashion and he knows he is. And people trying to put labels on him, are just people who don't understand that when he says he's one of a kind, in ing yellow braids, he means he's not part of the convention... his a product of westernization and cultural appropriation and he's not trying to be anybody else except himself with obvious environmental influences.

So now we have Zico's Tough Cookie showing "knowing" his way around "true" hip hop, and... you know he doesn't know much. I am not descrediting his flow and beat which is of course spot on, but for someone who "knows" and being surprised at people would get offended... well that's contradictory. I think people argue that true hiphop will use homophobic slurs because you know, predecessors of the craft have and everybody should skip and go whoopty doo because we are continuing with the true hip hop lingo...

 And here is the trip, you know, you have to think that an accepted convention is not always right: hey, think about the socially accepted catholics burning witches, or drowning them (and if you survive you're a witch... I mean what the .) I mean, I have listened to hiphop when I was young and sang along ignorantly to Eminem's little rap about catching some F-, in public... Now, people say, why are you offended, like they want teh LGBTQ to own the F word like women are expected to be called a and be empowered by it. But we are not at that point yet. You do know that people are still being killed for being gay. People are being judged for the sole reason that their ual preference doesn't agree with yours. So when someone is calling another the F- word, they are not only saying that the other person is gay, but they are contemptible and disgusting and weak.

This how "true" hiphop use the word, and how Zico uses it. How he calls people who he deems unworthy. It's not even being gay. It's just he uses being gay as an encompassing metaphor of people who he doesn't even consider. And this. This coming from a male idol who have gay fans! How is this someone who knows what he's doing?

And the confederate flag. Excuse him, you say, he's not American, and he's not required to know American history... well, okay. I guess, but it's kind of... you know, strange, because he's adapting a medium, rap, that comes from black people who was oppressed by the confederacy. So I go... okay. How does he know what he's doing again?

And you tell me to get over it because he's that good, and I admit his beats are catchy and his flow is nice, and I can't help listen to him because I am just in deep a genre where Zico is huge. And I do want to forgive him because he's young, but please don't tell me there is nothing to forgive, because clearly there is. He was wrong, He even said he was... and you defending him like him getting an earful is as bad as having gay people being regarded as trash, yet again, by someone they might have loved and idolized, is extremely, extremely ignorant. Yeah.

My is still hurt, and I am still iffy around Zico... I am hurt, and people just need to you know stop caring about my hurting. I mean if my hurting is so bad, you can go listen to tough cookie and jam to that, it's not like I am breaking into your house and grabbing your iphone and stomping at it screaming, DONT ING LISTEN TO ZICO HE'S A HOMOPHOBIC RACIST ... I am not doing that. I am just... you know... disappointed, and I think Zico has a lot of things to figure out. If he wants to continue this hiphop behaviour or emulate what he thinks is good hiphop or you know be someone who owns his own message.


PS: I consider myself biual with more preference in men. I am not offended by the F-word because of my ual preference. I am offended by people who throw the word around like they know how to use it and go, oh but that's not what I mean... Because I still believe that people should know how to respect others, especially people who expect to be paid for their words.


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