Plonnies, and random blabbing

Wow. I am so impressed with my writer's block. I mean, it's been with me longer than most of my romantic relationships. *cough* I mean, for someone like sevvy who doesn't do commitments, me and my writer's block have been so committed to each other... like ing Bonnie and Clyde. I will be Clyde, because you know, I've always wanted to have a . I mean, figuratively speaking of course. I have envy, so what?

I am sorry about the brain barf, I mean, like seriously, why do I talk like this? Ugh. Well, writer's block is a possesive and she likes consistency, so even my introspection is crap. Oh well, whatevs.

So someone was telling me... not really, I read it from somewhere, that to write, you need to write, and even if you write crap it helps some of your mental juices going... I want to repost IA, should I? I mean, to clean up and ... and possibly get rid of some inactive readers... are you going why? Well, I dunno, maybe so I can do some purging. I hear that's good for the skin... or something. I dunno. I feel like I've been going around chasing my tail.... and maybe I miss IA and maybe re-writing it would help me re-possess it? Maybe? LOL

Anywho, I haven't made up my mind, but now, I had these plonnies. Really bad cliche plonnies, but I have always been kind of a er for cliches. Like why haven't I wrote anything about arranged marriages? So most of this is just the ball bouncing on a wall... this is what my head came up with... I may pursue this for the sake of putting one word before the next:

1) So Jiyong and Bom are set up to meet for a marriage meeting but Jiyong asks Seung hyun to go, and Bom asked Dara... and well, you know... hahaha. I haven't really figured out much, but I kind of liked the confusing scenario... so I guess Dara would fawn over SH who she knows as Ji, and Bom decides to just meet him and Bom ended up liking the real Ji, but Dara thinks it's SH and uhh... I guess she will meet SH in BOM-Ji wedding. wheew. That is like the complete storyline... Now, why would you want to read something if you know the ending? I guess this is scrapped. LOL

2) So this one is like the previous, but it's just Dee who pretends to be Bom... I don't know much of the details, but Dara is just there to meet SH to reject him in Bom's place... because Bom thinks rejecting people is a hassle, but Dara likes SH because he's earnest and sincere... you know, that type. He's not a big shot of anything, but he's kind... and thanks her for showing up eventhough it was a set up between Bom's Dad and his which was lied on the premise that Bom would learn to be humble from SH... yeah... you know, just random fawning over my TOP. lol He'd be the nurturing type, maye he's owns a daycare... or... a painting workshop for housewives, hahaha.. It's kinda cute in my head.

3) In this one, they are the one set up, and mostly they just agree to it, but neither is really that interested. I dunno what this is, but I kinda just wanted to see them meet in a restaurant and they both go okay. And they marry, and they slowly fall in love. Man. This sounds boring as . But hey, I think my head like quiet settings these days... don't you?

4) In this one, it's not really arranged, rather it's more courtship, because SH proposes to Dara... but Dara doesn't know him, as in she knows of him, but not personally. He works in a different department and SH just one day pops the question if Dara would like to marry him (wow this is boring too)


So this one is for eight ways: (with the prompt of kiss)

1) is about make up . Because my head is in the gutter. I don't want this, because I'm kind of bored of , but this is easily where my head went. Haha

2) I have nothing, but I'd like to come up with something, like... umm... how about... hmmm... like... whoa, my brain is empty.

Another one is action-like:

- where TOP is a mercenary, head-hunter... and Dara is his sunbae, which means of course, she's been in the business for a while. Here Dara is a tough cookie with shocking pink hair and a half shaved head. On the exposed part of her face is a huge scar going from ear to chin like someone tried to peel her face off, which someone did, winky wink. And this is my piece about victims in AFF who seem to get away so cleanly, here my Dee is pretty scarred on the inside and on the outside and she likes exposing the part where she's hurt. She has a predisposition to knives which was of course her attacker's choice of weapon as well... So this will be kind of dystopia-ish, where the law has fallen and if you want retribution, you hire a head-hunter who will deliver your specified retribution... I really don't know much about this, I kinda just like my Dara with pink hair and a scar... and I am actually thinking if I should amp up the visual and give her a burn... I dunno. Who is TOP here? Well he's a rookie, so he's the innocent guy who thinks he knows how hard life is and Dara is his partner. Dara's previous partners all died because she doesn't care about them. She was given SH because he is great with a gun, and extremely adept in self-preservation and like Dee, he doesn't really care much about others either. I am thinking of calling this Anarchy, and yes, it 's romance... eventually.


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