Writer Questions

I am an introspective derp, and I like thinking about things. XD

Since you've woken up, how many words have you written story-wise?

I will say 1, 500+. It's not for a story. It's for a review. That's still work!

How long have you been writing?

I started really writing at 12. It was mostly free-verse poetry. I only engaged prose when I was 16. I am now thirty years useless. LOL


What is an effective writing environment for you?

Environment is not that important to me, I can write when I want to write. The crux, of course, is nowadays, I almost never want to. I can write on a bus standing up. I can write in a library. I need no one to talk to me. I guess I prefer music over human chatter, but I can get over it. I am a pretty absorbed reader/writer. I once wrote and not notice anything, in five hours and my husband was actually pretty pissed. LOL. I guess a place where the noise level is manageable.


What are your deal breakers when it comes to fanfictions?

No capitalization. All dialogues. Romanticized . Animated art. Cast Lists and Profiles. Chapters over 10,000 words. I don't read much fanfiction nowadays, because I have become really picky about word choices, I don't know why. I get annoyed if you keep using your character as your active subject. I think that is strangely picky.


What is your comfort zone when it comes to writing?

Romance. LOL. I like to write slice of life, but what I really want to write is fantasy/ supernatural/sci-fi-ish


Which genre are you less experienced with?

I am not sure. I mean in terms of writing, I have never really written futuristic SF. Oh. And parody. I also can't write true RomCom because my humour is always crack.


Do you research? If yes, what for and why?

I research all the time. LOL. It's just the way I write. For my most recent story, I am researching about PTSD and military ranks


What was the highest number of comments you've every received for a chapter? (This question is aimed at chaptered stories.)

Well, I don't really count. Haha. I read comments as they come. I know IA received a lot of comments. Kamsamhida.


What is your average number of comments per chapter?

I'd say for my less popular story around 15. For my more popular ones higher. I never really pay attention.


Do you feel discouraged if your story lacks comments?

Not discouraged, per se. But feel, uhm, pointless, like why do I even write this. LOL. I feel kind of mad because I get all these subs and no one even tries to give me something in exchange and they ask me for more updates, and I just get mad.


What are your thoughts on bad/good reviews? Do you have a strategy for finding reviewers?

I have only been reviewed once. LOL now don't get me wrong, I get editted outside IRL all the time, so it's not like I'm super averse to constructive criticism. I just don't see the point here in AFF, because I mostly write here without reservation or care. I know, it's an awful habit, but AFF is where I kick off my shoes and not proofread, or whatever. My editor hates, hates, hates my tense shifting, but I don't want to deal with it. I am just... that pain in the writer that editors hate. So, I would never subject reviewers to that pain. My AFF material is not worthy of any reviewers time. :3

If you are looking for a reviewer, read their reviews and see if they bother more explaining their thoughts. Read samples and see if they give deliverables you want.


What song describes you as a writer?

In AFF? Wrecking Ball? LOL


If you became the next Stephen King or J.R.R Tolkein and you had to choose an actor/actress to play a version of you, who would it be?

Why would I need an actor play a version of me? Do you mean, I'd be like a ghost writer? Or do you mean my characters?

I would like to be TOP please. LOL But if it's characters, aside from the obvious TOPDara. I actually love Sophia Bush... yes from one tree hill. lol. But yeah, her. Or Mila Kunis, but not really, I like her, but my type is definitely somebody a little more shy?


Last request: Drop some motivational quotes for other writers!

These are not all inspiring, but I like them all!


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I like reading Romances. I really enjoy reading yours. I don't read fanfics much unlike before. Maybe because I go to wattpad or goodreads to looks for romances. I like romances just because I like feeling giddy. And maybe because I have never experienced romance beyond the second date. Haha