What I want to write about...

Well, generally because I am in a writing slump... I don't really want to write anything lol. But if I had some fuel, I am, sort of, kind of inspired by TaeHyun's and Mino's Pricked. LOL. And I don't even like winner, but I bought Exit, and Taehyun has always had a hook on my soft side. Haha I don't even know... But yeah, so when I actually opened myself to the experience, I think Winner is kind of pleasant... I watched SMTM4 too, and Mino had been in my list since his Doom Dada performance, and after SMTM4, I don't think he is anymore. I mean, I am still not in love with him, but I can understand his charm.

His voice is nice and deep and textured. His tempo can be quite impressive. His writing the same. So yeah, Mino, I am no longer hate you, if that matters. Hahaha. I really like his short song in Pricked:

"I still say goodbye and my heart still cries
Don’t leave things with me now
Take everything with you"

I think this is pretty and both TaeHyun and Mino in this song had very evocative voices, so I am just wriggling because I don't want to like this, and I obviously do.

I've sort of like Taehyun in WIN, possibly because he looked so snobbish, but he did this back-dive sidera thing and I was like whoa, because he looks like such a fragile prince but he did most of the stunts, and his falcetto seemed off for his edgy dancing and yeah...


So instead of talking about this, I really wanted to write something for Pricked because it sounds so lovely, but I don't even have that writing steam so... I don't know...


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I think we all go through a phase where we have ideas but don't know how to begin. I think you can start by writing anything that comes into your mind for a story, even if it doesn't makes sense. Then you can put them all together later.