Artist and Album Recommendation: Yezi- Foresight Dream

I wanted to write this blog post yesterday. But life, ah, it keeps me from such indulgences and by life I mean, like IRL work and responsibilities, what-evs, right? Anywho, I just realized there are people subscribed to my blog... I think that's kind of... I don't know. LOL But if you like taking a ride in the crazy ride that's called the internal sevvy, who can stop you? I am warning you though, there is no hurl bags under your seats. My head is a badass roller coaster...

I should really get on with it.

Okay, so the star of this post is Fiestar's Yezi and her newly released album "Foresight Dream". I should say that I seldom venture out of the YG roof, and when I do I am astounded (astounded!) at the lack of exposure non-yg artist sets. What is YG? Is he like Dumbledore of Kpop or what? I mean, LOEN isn't even a small record label, but has anyone ever heard of FIESTAR prior to Unpretty Rapstar2? I mean, Fiestar isn't even my style, but Yezi was retelling this tale of being a nobody after the long trainee period, and I felt bad... well, anywho, that is not the point of this post. LOL.

Let's get back to Yezi. So if you don't know her at all, her most popular work is being involved in MNET's female rap contest/show, Unpretty Rapstar 2. She's one of the more popular contestants in the show... so if you did watch it, Yezi is pretty hard to miss.

(Sidetrack: Can we all talk about the lack of success of femal rappers in SMTM? I mean, Cheetah, Final Track Winner of UR1, failed her SMTM audition... so did Kisum... and I probably am missing some of the others. I wished Jessi joined SMTM instead of UR1. I mean, Jessi probably got bigger balls than most of the contestants in SMTM you know, just sayin'. It's just sad you know, that we need a special ladies version of a show that deemed women incapable of being on the same stage of their "better" male peers. I mean, wtf?)

But getting back on track (lol, what track?) Yezi is a lesser known idol rapper of a lesser known idol group. MNET pretty much stuck her to the role of this self-absorbed with an attitude that doesn't match her skill... well, that painted role pretty much exploded in MNET's face after Yezi refused to be kicked out of the show and declared herself indeed the in her elimination performance of Crazy Dog. Then San-E fell in love with her, and she kicked him on the balls. The end.

Except not really. LOL. San-E actually collaborated with Yezi to produce Crazy Dog for the publix.

Anywho, after Crazy Dog Yezi was pretty much considered the strongest contender to Truedy who was pretty much a shoo-in from the very beginning. But now, you might be curious if I am in love with Yezi and you may have already assumed that I actually am, and I am... LOL. But I think it's worth mentioning that I don't think Yezi is not my favourite contender in UR2 (it's suprisingly Hyolyn, lol) nor do I think she should have won (I am going to put it out there, KittiB Ronda Roussey Flow is out of other UR 2 contestants' league), but I also did like Yezi before Crazy Dog. Not from the very beginning, but I actually liked her better than Yubin and Sua in the Yubin vs Sua vs Yezi rap off.

I actually don't understand why anyone like Sua. Hahaha. I mean, as a partial YG stan I really did want her to succeed, but gad, she was pretty much annoying. I am sorry. I mean, I don't even understand why anyone felt bad about her almost losing her spot in the semi-finals. I mean, it's sad. But why did they vote for her because she was sad? I mean, Yezi is fire, and you don't douse fire with sob stories. Ugh. Sua won by whinning, then she made it to 4th place for saying she loves herself... well, I don't know about anyone else, but Yubin's counter-piece about losing herself along life's journey is like generation's better. I mean, it's a skill contest why are we voting for the sad child because she's sad? CAN I KICK SOMETHING NOW?

Anyway, you can listen to Yubin and Yezi's collaborative Alive... it's the same as the rap off minus Sua... that I am sure Yezi and Yubin like Sua well enough, but I don't so I am happy. Hahaha. I am not discounting Sua, I might grow to like her someday... but yeah, not right now.

I am trying to live my niggling with Sua but let me just say this... I think she was never voted by the public for her unbelievable skill but her potential. And I think that's pretty unfair, and she really did need Yezi to kick her on the diss battle so we can knock her out a peg. YG artists and trainees are really good, but they should sometimes learn humility... I think Sua went to UR2 swinging even glancing Truedy when Truedy actually thought of her as a cute dongsaeng. I grew to dislike Truedy, but I thought that was pretty sly. Yeah, everything Yezi said in the Sua diss was pretty spot on. Sua was pretty sure of herself which made her impromptu raps pretty good, or at least better than the experienced rappers who were plagued with criticism and self-doubt (like Gilme and KittiB) but Sua as an artist is not better than KittiB, Gilme, Yezi or Yubin, at all. And someone needed to say that.

I am not a Sua hater. I did hate the fact that she got so far or that Dok2 saved her intsead of Gilme in the diss battle. LIKE WHY. WHY. Whatever, lets move on. I don't hate Sua, I just, you know, hate the events that transpired around her.

Can I stop talking about UR2 now? Anyway, yeah, if you didn't watch UR2, I think you should. I mean, you'd have a bit of introduction to K-HipHop female talents. And give the contestants a bit of leeway too, they're mostly underground performers, which means, they aren't used to being in the centre of attention... Gilme and KittiB are better than that show ever could portray them. UR1's Tymee also deserves better than what she got, but whatevs. LOL. I want to also say, that, I have the unpopular opinion of enjoying UR2 more than UR1... hahaha. Jessi's rampage was hilarious. Cheetah is an amazing gem to discover. Jimin was my favourite (yeah, I don't know. She's my type... and I like how stylized her voice is. Her lyrics were pretty poor, and repetitive, but yeah, I liked her at the beginning. I do think Cheetah deserved the win twice over. But I still like Jimin. My favourite rap from her was actually one that she didn't win, ZICO's bounce), but the show... unfortunately lacked memorable talent, except for the three. I mean, Kisum was good but she's such a fame-, I can't like her. UR2 was better just cause there were reallly great contestants! I know some of you want to pour beer on my head for saying Hyorin was my fave. I mean, I know she's an idol and she doesn't really do well with freestyle, but I just love her raspy, squeeky voice. I like highly stylized voices okay.And I love her flow, and whenever she gets to perform, she just blows my mind. Hyorin vs Yubin was so funny because when Hyorin said Come here, Wonder Girl, Yubin actually went gangsta style but stopped like a respectful distance... and it was funny, because didn't they watch diss battles? Yubin should have been on Hyorin's face, screaming little love curses at her, for her to actually have some credit of diffusing Hyorin's taunt. LOL. It was funny. It's diss battle soft core. You know what I wanted to see? Hyorin vs Yezi. That's a good match. Hyorin is pretty good as long as she's prepared... Do I think she should have been on top 4? Yes. I dunno why anyone likes Haize.. Haha. My top 4 is KittiB, Yezi, Hyorin... and I don't know... I actually like Ji Yoon's That's not Me... so it's a toss off between Yubin and Ji Yoon... and maybe I should not disqualify Truedy, because despite me disliking her pretend black face, her tone and flow is still pretty spot on. I don't hate Truedy... I just think she's super overrated, and her lyrics are tired and reused and yeah... she tries too hard to be "old school" and I am uncomfortable of her lack of individual identity... yeah.

So anyway, can we talk about Yezi again, sevvy? Okay. So Yezi lost the contest... but she earned a fanbase who thinks she's the righful winner (but come on guys, Ronda Roussey Flow versus Rough? Which is better? I mean, honestly?) and LOEN thought, okay, let's get you an album while people think you're worth the money. We'll capitalize on your UR2 image.

Come January 28:


Okay, the gist of this blog is that I like Yezi, and I really do think you should buy this album. I will talk about this album in the negative, but really you should buy it to support her and her career.

Okay, to the meaty-meany stuff. I think this album is a rip off and I don't mean Yezi is ripping you off, but LOEN or whoever the decided to release Yezi's debut solo album and give it only 2 original tracks and one of them is a collab. I mean, what the . It's not even a mini album. I think whoever produced this "album" was running to get this to the public before Crazy Dog is forgotten. I am actually really, really pissed. Yezi deserved more than this half-baked attempt of keeping her somewhat relevant... and I don't know... I mean, I'd feel bad for her group, but I really do think I'd ing blow an important artery if I see her rolling around in tights again with other y pretty FIESTAR. Hahaha. I am sorry FIESTAR, you are really just not my style, and Yezi is my style, what do I do?

Going back to the album though, if you do buy it, here is what you get

1. Cider (Original)

2. Sse Sse Sse (feat KittiB, Gilme, Soo Min) (Original)

3. The Lunar World (performed in UR2)

4. Crazy Dog (performed in UR2, previously released as digital single)

5. Cider (Instrumental) -> who the actual likes these?

I don't remember how much I paid for this and it's not really the point. I mean, I was willing to part with my money for Yezi, but I really think Yezi is being short changed here. The company didn't give her enough time to write new raps, and just stuck her into the limelight because they think the limelight on Yezi is not the one that stays put. It's quite unfortunate that they didn't feel like Yezi would stay relevant or that they weren't willing to invest promotional budget on her like what the actula LOEN. IKONICS waited for IKON for two years. Can't you give Yezi even half of that? No?

As for the quality of the songs, they are pretty good even if most of it is not new. The Lunar World is my favourite UR2 performance for Yezi and it talks about how she was casted as the side character, but now she's a main because she showed everyone who she is-- a Crazy Dog. I think Yezi is really angry and frustrated about a lot of things, but she hated how MNET and LOEN portrayed her. MNET made her into somewhat of disrespectful idiot and LOEN made her roll around in tights (yes! I am still pissed at that). And while they continuously mould her into that cast that no one really identified with, she became more and more background material. So she bursts out angry... and the people cheered!


Yeah! I made that up but that's how my head goes. I am in love with The Lunar World since UR2 so I am not upset paying for it. Crazy Dog, I think I bought three times already, and I don't even like it all that much. I mean I like it, but I am not as impressed with it as other people are. Here, have Lunar World a go.


The original stuff is excellent. Check out the MV.

The MV pretty much tells you the reoccuring theme of prescribed roles and Yezi's rebellion against the pastel mould. I have to admit that I didn't love it the first time I heard it. And I have to say that with Yezi, I always felt like she can go harder. Haha. I think her voice is a little weaker than my usual preference. Her tempo is pretty quick but not the fastest I've heard. I did grow to love this after 10 listens. I like her hook and how her ending rhyme sounds so basic like na-na-na, but it's not. I love her rhythm and flow and I love her, so sevvy is happy. The MV is... unfortunately... weirdly timid, like she was mad and rampaging but she just pushes expensive equipment gently and destroys stuff on the set (but you know sets are designed and yeah, they're there to be changed). I just think lol, like she's hardcore, but you know, she doesn't want to get too hard core to be fired.

Yezi is actually pretty sweet, so whatever. I just think the MV could have gone harder, but whatever, I liked the song.


Sse, Sse, Sse is badass. I am a sore thumb for having 2 original songs but having one of them not even truly, solely Yezi's, but this... this gold. I am quite confused why they got Soo Min in the mix, but I was pleasantly surprised at her delivery. I love her stylistic opening... and how they structured this. I love Yezi's Sse Sse Sse then KittiB's response Now, do you get it? And Gilme is as awesome as nobody's business. I love her vocal tone, and flow and the lyrics of everyone! And can we talk about KittiB? KittiB is a gift from heaven and it's awful that she didn't get to show what she can do until the semis. I really do think that Ronda Roussey Flow is the most amazing thing since Coma '07. I am seriousssss. Fans say these group are the real winners, but that's not true they are losers but they refused to be defeated. I can't say that they're winners because they're not, but definitely fighters.

Ack, I also want to talk about the Album Title Foresight Dream which I think is really confusing. But after much deliberation, like, um, 10 minutes, I decided it's cool because it's like saying this album is a foresight dream, and that this isn't really Yezi's debut but a foresight, a premonition of something incredible, and everyone is going to ing cry for not believing in Cassandra! (No... I am not explaining that.)

Okay now, I have exhausted myself and am off to do life ... like eat or pee or something. Anywho, if you like k-rap, k-hiphop, k-female badass, definitely check out Yezi. If you want to talk about Yezi or the still obscure gem, KittiB, or Hyorin.. My comment box is free.

I don't want to argue about Sua though. I dislike her, but I don't think she has no talent or that her raps are bad. Only there were a lot of better rappers she outshone, and that's pretty twisted. Okay, bye.


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