Unintentional sort-of hiatus, I'm Back!

i went missing for two months again lol i'm so irresponsible. sorry.. *bows*


I'll give an update about myself for the times i wasn't around. (:


  1. Things were (still is) pretty messy at home. Little frictions here and there with my parents and all, it really killed my mood to write anything and post anything..
  2. I won't make promises any more for frequent updates as i don't know when i can properly sit down and write, but i promise that i'll finish my stories no matter what by this year.
  3. following up to the 2nd point, i received my results for my college finals that i retook last year, I GOT THE RESULTS I NEEDED THANK GOD!! so i'll be off overseas in September to study again


I'll definitely finish off my ongoing stories before september because i can't afford to drag it into my university life.


If you want to talk to me or need help with anything (by anything i mean really, anything, life help to fanfic writing help or posters) just drop me a dm or ask me on Twitter, (@CSkies13) i'll see how i can help ((:

[31.01.2016 | 2323]


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WELCOME BACK SKIEEEE. :) good for yr uni application!! im glad for u :)