Some thoughts on Huntress's The Fangirl Contract

Okay, so this isn't goin to be a gush fest, but let me say that I respect Huntress, and I liked Mobster for Rent. And I felt blessed for my ship to have one of her works. Huntress is an imaginative gal and a gifted fanfic writer, and I could gush about her but I won't.

 I don't particularly think the Fangirl Contract was bad... it's just... it's a portrayal of TOP by a none TOP stan, and honestly I didn't finish it because for some reason a lot of none TOP stans really play up his Bingu and while I cannot argue the Bingu to non-existence, TOP really dislikes being called that. I just, you know, don't buy it, that he'd be a sulky kid the same way Dara is not really a krungkrung as testified by their close friends Gummy, Se7en, HanByul. I don't know, I am juts saying it's too bad, you know, to see TOP portrayed so... not badly... but so unflatteringly by a people who thinks TOP as 4D but he remains one dimensional bingu... Oh well, whatever. Haha. To me TOP is a y genius, what can I do?

But how glaring to see non-TOP stans writing. Chang always said I was a TOP writer more than a Dara one... and I wonder about that sometimes. LOL


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DO you know where can I read MFR? I've been searching for forever ;__;