Hello everyone!

First things first, this is NOT a battlecry. I'm a diehard Cassie and I like iKON's music because dammit they have an amazing tune.

Please read carefully and the whole script, before you comment or bash on me. I'm typing this because I want back the peaceful times of KPop. When Cassiopeia, E.L.F., V.I.P., Hottest, Primadonna, Tripple S, Shawols, TRAXIAN, Wonderfuls, Everlasting, Sone, Kamilia, Kiss Me, B2UTY, Jumping Boa, Clouds etc. were supporting each other. Back then there were nearly no fanwars, or at least only a few. I never came across one, except Hottest and Jaywalkers. Back then KPop wasn't that much known as it is today, and there were less groups.

I don't want fandoms to fight each other, or drag the idols down.

Before I list the facts and details about the color-issue and fanwar, I need to apologize to iKON and TVXQ, as to iKONics and Cassiopeia. I admit that I've signed the petition and even translated it to German. The petition was made for YG to reconsider our wish, hopefully change the color. I signed it, because it was done in a good way. We were not rude asking YG to do it -no harsh words used- but unfortunately we were ignored. Would I sign a petition again? Yes, because I'd have the slightest hope that YG probably would've changed it. It IS worth a try.

I'm aware of iKON being totally innocent in this case, because they were not the ones choosing the color, neither were their fans. That's why I feel sorry for them. I don't attack the group, because I know that they're not at fault. I don't argue with iKONics, except they insult my fandom. I know not every iKONic is the same, but calling Cassiopeia "stupid roaches", calling TVXQ "old", or even stating something like "at least iKON's still 7 members" is really harsh. First of all, iKON's debuted about 4 months ago, so you can't compare them to TVXQ's situation, because they seperated their ways after 6 years of teamwork. It wouldn't be normal for iKON if they'd have problems right after four months. Comparing iKON's MV views and TVXQ's is ridiculous too, because sum up the views of distributed MVs of TVXQ and you'll reach a whole new level.

You have to know that TVXQ's been around for a decade now and they're good seniors to every young KPop-group. Most of the younger idols look up to them, because they know what TVXQ's achieved. I've been into KPop since a lot- really a lot- of years and let me tell you this: TVXQ paved the way for every group.

Being a Cassie, I can tell that our fandom's suffered a lot and went through a lot of hardships. We were the first ones to notice the abusive staff of SM -I'm not trying to drag SM's name, I'm just stating what really was at that time and is still continuing-. Our boys were scolded a lot, shaped and treated like -excuse my choice of vocabulary- . Changmin named the fandom as Cassiopeia and the color red was chosen officially for TVXQ.

My friend being a JinuSean fan since their debut said that JinuSean never had red as an official color since they're a hiphop group. Well, like colors were not that important to them, as he says that they were enjoying the music and that's what KPop/Hiphop used to be. The color red used at their concerts etc. could've been blue or yellow too. The fans simply chose red, showing their unity, not claiming it as theirs.

About Fin.K.L, yes they had red as their official color, but they ended their group activities around 2002, came back for a digital single around 2005 and after that each member continued on their single activities. Thus leading SM to take on the red color, calling it "perl red" due to the balloons. It's actually the same red as Fin.K.L's. Back then there was fanwar between Cassies and Pinkies (The fandom of Fin.K.L is called "Pinky"). But the fanwar didn't last long, because Fin.K.L's hiatus/disband-thingy was announced earlier. It wasn't a big deal after TVXQ kinda got the permission of using red. So, TVXQ never "stole" the color red. But neither did iKON.

Back to this issue. Why Cassiopeia's so "overly" protective? Because as I mentioned before, we went through a lot of hardships. Cassies that supported TVXQ since their debut had to go through hell, as we lost three of the members. Losing them broke our hearts, some Cassies even left the fandom, some became fans after the whole incident -so they might not feel the same way as the "older" fans do-. Now that our boys- yeah I know they're grown men- are in the military and becomning really the "older" idols, it kinda scares us -actually me- that these might be the last years with TVXQ before disbanding. Althoug, I believe that TVXQ will slay the charts and keep breaking their own records for another 12 years.

iKONics will understand what a color means to fans when they go through hardships and suffering for over 12 years. It really is not just a color for us. It is our identity, it's our love for the group that we've supported all these years. They've inspired us with their songs and we gave that back with the appearance of the famous"Red Ocean" that could turn an entire A-Nation into a TVXQ concert. It really isn't just a color to us, like I believe it isn't just a color to Shawols to use the pearlescent sky-blue, or pearl sapphire-blue for E.L.F, yellow for V.I.P. etc.

I believe what Yunho'd be doing at this point's cheering on the juniors. I believe he wouldn't want us to fight, even though he'd appreciate our hard work of trying to protect something that's precious to us and also for TVXQ. This is truely not useless, because we've shown our sincere love towards our precious group.

As for iKONics... I'm really disappointed in some of you, because you've become really insulting and respectless towards your seniors TVXQ, while we were never attacking iKON. I ask you to stop doing this. Don't drag the idols into this fight over colors, don't hurt your friends because of this issue.

Time passes by. New KPop groups debut each year and this for many many years to go. It's not like in the old days that you could "stan" a group easily, since there's too many of them and you can't concentrate on one group entirely. One day iKON will also become seniors, you'll also have this special bond with your idols and the color won't be just a color anymore. Yet new groups will appear and probably take on the color red that has a special place in your heart.. If you grow up listening to a group, you don't want to let go, even though you know one day you have to, because nothing lasts forever.

For the generations 2004-2015: red will always be memorized as TVXQ's fandom-color, since this group had a huge influence into the whole KPop history, the Hallyuwave and all. Hands down, every idol recognizes that.

For the generation 2016 and on *I'm referring to younger fans*: red will be memorized as iKON's fandom-color, unless they become Cassies.

In conclusion, it's ok for iKON to use red, still I would again sign a petition for YG to change it, by hoping it would happen. Why not give it a try? Yes, we can't own a color, but at least we can try to protect it, try to keep it unique.


For me red is TVXQ AND JYJ.

For Bigeast and Cassiopeia red is TVXQ.

For iKONics red is iKON.

So, let's stop this fight, support each other and listen to KPop. It's good.

Important side-note: this is only my opinion on this whole issue. You don't have to share it. Do whatever you want, feel however you want.




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I totally accept that and I fully understand and support your opinion, though I'm a 2015 generation fan. I know I won't really understand the complete pain and heartbreak you went through as an early Cassie, but still.. when you're new to Kpop and slowly find out about everything:
I found "Mirotic" after watching RDD from Shinee and there they were 5 people and I found some other songs from DB5K and I was totally in love with them. Instantly Jae was my bias ;) But after googling a bit about them I found out that they were already seperated for 6 years or so, and I was sad that I only came into this "world" by 2015. With TVXQ I found SS501, and again found out that they disbanded already 5 years ago(I think) and then the lawsuit thing with Kim Hyun Joong... In the JYJ thing, on one side JYJ has become REALLY successful (I mean look at their houses and cars etc) but on the other side, they couldn't share their success with the other two members. In the KHJ case, I don't even know what/who to believe.. One side says that Choi(IDk how she was called) is right with the evidence which is again claimed to be fake by the other side. I kinda have hope that Kim Hyun Joong isn't that violent person he is said to be but still...
Also I went on to Super Junior and I really instantly loved them, but then finding out that I'm again too late to see them in action as 15(+M) or at least 13(+Kibum and Hankyung) members again pained me. I never knew much about them and still don't really do, but I still wish for a reunion, same in TVXQ, SS501, EXO and f(x). The last two groups are more those groups you listen to and know the members names and some songs, but I am not really a big fan.
I respect all their decisions to leave because I personally too wouldn't want for example my talent to be neglected only because I'm a Chinese person singing in Korea or sth like that. (I'm German tho)

But... didn't iKON have orange as their colour and a fight with Shinhwa bcs of that?
Red = TVXQ & JYJ

If other band use red too, its ok for me coz we know who the original ocean red belongs to..and honestly no matter what color TVXQ or JYJ ends up with (if not red) they will still remain the same for me...the best group ever...

goodluck to Ikon..I don't know them or their songs but I feel sorry and pity for them to be facing this kind of of luck!
KittyJongsuk #3
Red is TVXQ & JYJ to me and I'm not willing to see other group use it as their official color too since TVXQ or JYJ are not disbanding yet. Stop asking us to get over it if u're not going to change it either. We value Red so much because it have been our identity (I realized that I'm not the only one waiting for TVXQ&JYJ when I see red) & unity (eventhough the group split, it still red and its nice to see them smiling seeing red even though everyone having a hard time). All this while, it always been RED that accompany us and when we got big and bigger it became our pride.
You wanna touch red, u have to be ready to deal w us.
I have nothing against any rookie group and their fans but please know where u're going and where we are coming from. Ain't nobody got time for stupid fanwars.
ozwalkr #4
Correction.. Red is Ikon. DBSK's official color designation was CRYSTAL Red. Cassie from DBSK debut here and Colors DO NOT MATTER! I believe iut was HOT who first had yellow, but now VIPs sport it proudly for BigBang. Fans need to just FORGET all the bullsh*t and support their idols, no matter what. Multiple countries sport the SAME colors in their flags,but no one cares about THAT! What MATTERS is the DESIGN of the fanlights. I could care less if they ALL were a shade of red as long as they were all different designs! Red roses, Red Oceans and Red Ikons are all different to me, just as a HOT stick and a Crown light are. GET OVER IT and just ENJOY THE MUSIC!

Ok..My rant is over. Let there be peace, Idol love and KPOP throughout the land!!!
-Qiaolian #5
Kpopper from gen o3 here
& i agree with what you said.
its sad tht fandom wars have to break out cuz of newbs comin into the fandom & all
as for me, I've been a multifandomed kpopper since o5 & o6ish
kpoppers esp the new ones make it hectic for us old gen kpoppers
MystMayden41 #6
Why did YG pick red in the first place when he of all people should have known that the colour has always since 2004 or whenever been associated with DBSK?

I'm sure there are a lot more colours to choose from instead of using the standard colours. YG likes doing bold things, why didn't he make up a colour that best suits the group, something that screams out IKON.

I don't even know why fandoms are even at war with each other, the way a fandom acts also reflects badly on their idols. It's usually all the new fans who join fandoms, that either don't know or don't care about groups like Dbsk/tvxq or old school kpop groups that pathed the way for all the new idols.

We all know that groups like Ikon, 17, Monstar X, BTS, Etc respect all their Sunbae-nims that pathed the way for them and to have them read about their fandoms disrespecting any of their idols would really break their hearts.

What fandoms need to understand is that, our favourite groups etc will someday go their own way and unfortunately for most, its because of ill treatment and over tiredness and mainly underpaid.

With these fandoms, do they actually have a leader or committee? Or do they just wait for news from off the idols fansites? If nobody is explaining to these new fans, then of course they're going to start wars because they don't know anything.
lilith9999 #7
Thumb up!
Red is just a color, maybe it's time for sharing this color.
TVXQ/JYJ will remain the same in my heart.
I honestly thought this fight had died down, it saddens me to hear it's still somewhat ongoing. I'm not a Cassie but I am a Shawol and I totally understand what red means to you guys. I used to be an ELF as well and those two shades of blue will always be something very dear to me, so I can only imagine red for you.
This is not iKon's fault (like you said) - it's just sad that it has gotten to these petty fanwars.
To me - red is TVXQ and JYJ (DB5K) and will always be. I think your blog is very well written. ^^
Finally someone put my feelings into words. I can't express myself as well as you do, but even I'm not a hardcore Cassie I always think about db5k when I see red oceans.
WOW! Well said! Hats off... I'm sure you would probably be seeing some fights in the comment areas (by some immature fans). I'm a Cassie too and agree with whatever you said. I may not be a fan of iKON but I have never bashed them in any of my social media. yes, I might have defended TVXQ and Cassiopeia if an attack was faced. but otherwise, I don't speak bad of any other group on my own.
Once again, well said about the issue :)