@Girl's Republic ; Aeno

aeno : no eunho
full name : no eunho (노은호)
other NAME(s) : n/a
nickname(s) : 
  • eun : a shortened version of her full name called by her family and close friends.
  • hands of destruction : called by the members and the trainees as almost everything she touches would break or get destroyed unintentionally (rapmon i found your daughter)
  • little angel : called by her brother for that they're very close to each other
birthdate : march 13, 1998
birthplace : seoul, south korea
hometown : seoul, south korea
ethnicity : korean
languages : 
  • korean, fluent : she is a korean native so she speaks korean well, though is bad at writing
  • japanese, conversational : she's an avid otaku and mainly learns a lot from watching animes
like a mannequin
faceclaim : dani kim
backup : the ark's halla
height & weight : 154cm & 43kg
bloodtype : b
appearance : eunho has a pear-shaped body; skinny, much to an athlete's but not as muscular. she has the typical korean female complexion - fair, though a little tanned due to the fact that she likes being outdoor. she has a natural black, long and straight hair. her eyes are small, almost slanted, and dark brown in colour. her eyesmile is obvious even when she's just talking. she finds her eyes a little charming. she usually wears a pair of colourless contact lens, though at times she'd wear her spectacles. her height is around 154cm and she weighs around 43kg. she is a little short compared to other 98liners and is often teased because of her height. other features like a circular face, average-pointed nose and thin lips can be noticed just by a single glance. she has dimples at both sides of her cheeks, an obvious one on her right side and a faint one on her left. she wears make-up only for performances or else she'd just leave it bare as she dislikes wearing make-ups. a scar can be spotted on her left arm if you look closely; one that she calls a 'victory scar'. she won at starship's 2008 audition along with her brother because of it.
style : 
black denim plaid snapback practice
eunho’s first priority would be snapbacks. She really love snapbacks and can’t leave her house without wearing one. As feminine is totally out of her style, she is never a skirt enthusiast. Only on certain occasions, like school or for performances, would she wear a skirt. Her typical style would be of a jumper or a sweatshirt, matched with jeans or leggings (mainly long pants), but hardly matched with shorts. She's not a fan of high heels or wedges despite being short, and would go for sneakers for all sorts of occasions; unless it is a formal event where she'd wear a pair of decent front-closed flats. She usually goes for a style that is a little boyish (don't worry, she's not boyish- it's just her fashion style), something that would go well with hip hop; but still gives a female-kind-of vibe. She dislikes wearing a lot of accessories at once. BE WARNED: she is an all-time HBA and Boy London enthusiast. Her closet consists of 90% black items and 10% others. Denim is one of her favourite fabrics and plaids or stripes are something she'd go for too. she prefers her hair untied at all times except going for practice.
why am i like this?
traits : 
 (+) outgoing, optimistic
 (n) hardworking, competitive
 (-) opinionated, gets mad easily
personality : 
+ To start off, Eunho is friendly and outgoing, always happy and full of energy. She’s not greedy with her smile and interacts with everyone. She’s very kind and approachable. She can turn an awkward situation lively even by her presence alone. People tend to get close to her in a short time as they’d get comfortable around her really fast, and that enables her to adjust to new environments quickly too. As a result, it’s very easy for her to make new friends. She’s always the first one to approach new faces, making her appointed as an outcast saver among Starship’s female trainees. If you tell her to do things or run an errand like buying food or snacks for you, she’d do so without complaining.
+ Eunho is well-known for her hard work, especially being one of the longest-trained trainees in Starship. Having to cope with studies, she has to really balance out and organise her time systematically. She’s determined towards her goal; that is to make good music and to let people listen to it through a debut. Every day, she would stay up till 4 to 5 in the morning to improve her skills, after having to go for a cram school from 10PM to 12AM. She often gets sick due to that as well and her nose would bleed on a daily basis due to lack of sleep. She doesn’t like it when trainees fool around during practice. Although to them it’s not a serious matter, to her it is. She thinks that what they did will distract other trainees from focusing on the practice itself, so she didn’t like it.
+ What made her stronger each time she thinks she’s failing is her confidence. She is very optimistic and is always confident in what she does. She tends to expect the best in all possible ways, even if it seems almost impossible. According to her, tasks are always easy if you only think of doing it positively. When making a choice, she is always assured that her choice is the best quality. Knowing how to play with words, she always succeeds in assuring others that her choice is the right one too; although it’s almost the worse coming to worst. Negativity is almost out of her dictionary, and even if something goes wrong in the end she’d just say “that’s life” or anything similar. She's free-spirited and doesn't get sad easily.
- Eunho is quite of a stubborn-headed. She is opinionated and only stick to her choice. Only on rare occasions she’d want to change her mind and agree with others, but usually she doesn’t give in easily. when she says something, she'd always defend her opinion and often, one random question could turn into a heated debate because of this too. People around her think she’s bossy due to this, but it is just part of her personality. Her all-time saying is “No buts- or butts!”, often aimed towards the members who are against her.
- One more trait that represents Eunho is that she gets mad and flustered very easily. Usually her anger won’t last long, it’s just that she gets mad easily; though often ends up smiling because Hyunju would do an aegyo to cheer her up. It’s rare to see her get mad for so long, but it has happened before during practice. If her anger is too bad, she’d be silent and turn from a bright Eunho to a gloomy one. One of those who could make her explode is Cosmic Girls’ Eunseo as they are never in good terms. Seeing Eunho shooting a death glare towards Eunseo is already a daily situation in Starship.
- Eunho is very competitive. She can’t stand it when someone challenges her and she’d work really hard to win it; even if it’s just a petty competition like a ramyeon-eating competition. She always comes up as the first one in almost every monthly evaluation among the female trainees, and because of that, many of Starship’s artists recognize her talent. As mentioned before, she’s really determined to debut and she would do anything to make it happen, especially when her brother had his downfall in the industry in the past year. The public had been expecting a lot from these two, so Eunho felt more burdened due to that. According to the trainees, the last time they saw her crying was when her brother got eliminated from No. Mercy. She worked even harder after the incident and had since become a little more serious than she was before.
background : 
+ Eunho comes from a decent family originated from the city of Seoul. Her family consists of at least a father, a mother, and an older brother. Due to the short of two years with her brother, they are really close to each other. Both of her parents came from a dancing background, so Eunho and her brother, Yoonho, have been in the dancing scene since they were little. The No siblings (idk man this actually sounds funny lol) had modelled for several agencies before as well as making appearances in a few dramas when they were kids.
+ When Yoonho was in his first year of middle school, he started to show interest in rapping and song-producing; in which later in the same year, Eunho who was still in her 4th grade, followed her brother’s footsteps. After thinking really hard about it, they both told their parents their desire to audition and thankfully their parents weren’t against it; given that they have both been exposed to the entertainment industry quite early. They decided to audition for JYP Entertainment, though later both were rejected as they were said to be very young and not compatible for the respective agency.
+ On January 28th, 2008, a new agency named Starship Entertainment was founded and they were in search of trainees. Wanting to focus on studies first, Eunho told Yoonho to audition alone, in which he actually got in for his rap and freestyle dance; hence placing him as one of Starship’s first batch of trainees. Being close with Yoonho, she felt lonely when he left. While waiting for another audition opportunity, she continued doing mixtapes and improved on her rap and dance. Only in summer the same year, she decided to audition for the same agency as Yoonho. Among 10 female participants, only 4 auditioned as a rapper including her. She luckily passed the audition as Starship was in need of female rappers more than vocalists; though soon she switched to vocal after getting advises from starship's artists.
+ Being the longest-trained trainees in Starship, the public had been expecting a lot from the duo. After Yoonho got eliminated from No. Mercy, Eunho suddenly felt like giving up as the burden she’s lifting seems to be more heavier. however, her brother told her to hold it in. he told her that she has came that far only to debut and that she shouldn’t give up easily. she continued training even harder than before; until one day the management announced her as one of the potential members of starship’s upcoming girl group cosmic girls. Though, after discovering that she’d be teamed up with her pet peeve, eunseo, she requested for a drop-out and soon was added into the line-up of starship’s other upcoming girl group, girl’s republic, as the last member.
likes : 
  • hip hop
  • sports
  • fried chicken ("Chicken heals our heart," -joshua hong)
  • anime
  • cats; her family owns a Persian-breed cat and she is also a big fan of the game 'neko atsume'
  • k-pop; she's multifandom and as of january '16 she has been a fan for 8 years
  • the colour black
  • 5sos
  • shawn mendes baeeeee
  • hyunju's hair
dislikes : 
  • clowns; she has a coulrophobia
  • vegetables; she's a very picky eater
  • snakes
  • the colour pink
  • aegyo; unless the person doing is hyunju
  • dogs; she has an allergy
  • cosmic girls' eunseo
  • Monsta X's Hyungwon (a.k.a. her Pepe-faced rival)
hobbies : 
  • writing lyrics
  • dancing
  • song-producing
  • playing video games
habits : 
  • she tends to play with hyunju's hair or randomly calls her name when she's bored
  • at times she'd mix korean and japanese in one sentence without noticing
  • she hits people when she laughs
  • she likes to her lips especially when she's about to say something out loud
  • she hugs at least one member (usually hyunju) when she wakes up in the morning
trivia : 
  • she thinks British accent is hot
  • her laugh doesn't have a sound
  • she is often said to look like krystal from f(x)
  • she can beatbox
  • she can play a guitar
  • once she almost threw her guitar at wjsn's eunseo for going against her
  • she's a 3rd level black belt holder in taekwondo
  • she's an avid fan of youtuber gabe bondoc
  • currently attends seoul school of performing arts (sopa) and is sitting for csat in 2016
  • her classmate is gfriend's sinb
  • she can impersonate pikachu
  • she is a fan of boys republic and her bias is suwoong
  • her sns username is @aeno0313
  • she's a light sleeper
  • her favourite song is shinee jonghyun's hyeya/y si fuera ella, the song gets her every single time and she really likes the lyrics
  • bad in cooking and drawing, yet calls herself euncasso when she only drew an egg
  • she can imitate monsta x's shownu's robot remark "i'm sorry, you must've been busy" from their survival show no. mercy
  • she would leave candies in her locker  when she was a trainee and wouldn't lock it so that other trainees can take it whenever they want (x)
  • she finds ikon's song 'm.u.p' really inspirational
  • she eats a lot
  • she has a great obsession towards pepe the frog a.k.a. bobby's crush a.k.a. chae hyungwon
  • once she put salt in the ceo's coffee (x) and he had to go back and forth to the hospital for one whole week
  • she believes her face looks more like pepe (actually not) than hyungwon is
  • she shares the same birthdate as infinite's l and u-kiss' eli
you're too harsh
family : 
actor lee hyunwoo (born 1966) actress kim sungryung (born 1967) no yoonho 
  •  dad  : no jungwoo, 49, dance instructor + Being a dad, he is protective of both his children, especially his youngest, eunho. He is usually not in good terms with her male friends in case they’d hurt her in any way. eunho feels comfortable around her dad. He’d give full support on whatever she does so that her self-esteem wouldn’t be affected. He makes her feel safe and assured no matter where she goes.
  •  mom  : kang yeondu, 48, dance studio manager + eunho loves her mom so much, and being the only daughter, she’s very close to her mom. Her mom is very easygoing, caring, and is always worrying over eunho's health especially when she works hard. She had always reminded eunho to not be afraid of anything and gives her full support on whatever she does. She's always there for eunho to turn to when she couldn't decide on things.
  •  brother  : no yoonho, 20, trainee + eunho is very much loved by yoonho and they are very close to each other. She tends to tell everything to him, and the same goes to yoonho as well; since they only have each other. he is overprotective around her and is always worrying over her whereabouts. They joke around each other a lot. yoonho, especially, loves teasing her for her height.
friends : 
seventeen's dk iu omg's arin 
  •  best friend  : lee seokmin (dk), 19, idol (seventeen); they go to the same school. though seokmin is a senior by one year, they are very close to each other. they first met in the school's piano room once after school, when eunho had an assignment to do and seokmin was practicing for the school's upcoming concert. they talked to each other and both being outgoing, they became friends really fast. he had helped eunho a lot when both of them are still trainees, especially on her singing. they joke around a lot. they are supportive for one another and take good care of each other too.
  •  roommate  : kim yeon, 20, idol (girl's republic) ; given that both has a thing for boys republic, they can really correlate to each other and they've got each other's back. Along with yeon, eunho would pull pranks on hyunju especially when hyunju’s showering where eunho would playfully switch off the bathroom’s lights. being the lead vocalist, yeon always check on eunho during their vocal practice and would tell eunho what to fix on. She’s also the one who would run over to eunho and bring her tissues when her nose starts to bleed. eunho called yeon 'yeon unnie' at first, though later changed it to 'yeonnie' (which is also yeon's original nickname) as a combination of 'yeon' and 'unnie'. they call themselves 'yeonho'. when suwoong pointed at yeon on their first encounter, eunho pinched yeon for that she was jealous that her bias pointed towards someone other than her.
  •  roommate  : choi hyunju, 18, idol (girl's republic); the both of them are also roommates. when they first met as group members, eunho thought hyunju is really cute and she really likes her hair. eunho takes a really good care of hyunju although she's only younger by a few months and thought that she has to protect her at all costs because she thinks that hyunju's innocence is one of a kind. without any valid reasons, eunho has a really strong liking towards hyunju (don't worry, she's as straight as a lamp post). often when someone tries to get close to hyunju, eunho would imagine herself giving the person a flying kick.
others : 
mamamoo's wheein boyfriend's jeongmin wjsn's eunseo 
  •  everyone's mom  : park hanbyul (delilah), 23, idol (girl's republic); these two click with each other really fast when they first met as both of them are friendly, though not as close as eunho is with yeon. eunho always look up to hanbyul and would like to be like her because she's so sweet and mature. hanbyul takes care of everyone in the group by the same way as a leader, and is loved for that trait of hers. eunho calls hanbyul 'hoshi unnie' for that 'byul' means star and 'hoshi' is 'star' in japanese. eunho once composed a song dedicated to hanbyul on hanbyul's birthday entitled 'one star (han byeol)'.
  •  vocal partner & trainer  : lee jeongmin, 23, idol (boyfriend); when eunho first entered starship, the management advised her to switch from rapping to singing. jeongmin later was appointed as her vocal training partner, and when he debuted in boyfriend, he became her trainer. she really looks up to him as he is known to be one of the high vocal-ranged trainees. eunho would find him in starship's studio if she ever had doubt on how she sings and would ask him for consult. among all starship trainees and artists, you are only able to see eunho being all serious and focused when she's with jeongmin. she feels comfortable with him as he has a great brother figure. she idolises him so much.
  •  lifetime enemy  : son juyeon (eunseo), 18, idol (wjsn) ; eunseo and eunho were originally best friends and even called themselves '2eun', until one day eunseo decided to betray eunho on a monthly evaluation. eunho had placed first on almost every evaluations, and eunseo wasn't happy of that. once before they had their dance evaluation, eunseo changed eunho's shoelaces and had tied them losely. eunho's choreography required a lot of energy and had a hard beat, so her moves must be sharp. without a tight-tied shoes, she can fail her test. eunseo pretended to help eunho hand over her shoes, and without noticing the shoelaces, eunho wore them like nothing happened - and to her despair, she failed the test. she didn't blame eunseo for that, until hanbyul came to her and informed that she saw what eunseo did. since then, they became enemies. [relatable scene : kwon sua betraying kang yeondu in sassy go go]
i wanna be like that unni
stage name : aeno
persona : the swan's grace
position : yuri (b/u: yoona)
fanclub : pepe macaroon ( #999999 )
talent twin(s) : 
  • rap : dani kim
  • vocal : lovelyz's sujeong
  • dance : omg's mimi
  • act : dani kim
  • variety : lovelyz's sujeong
  • talk : dani kim
trainee years : 7 YEARS 7 months (AS OF January 2016)
TRAINEE life : unlike other trainees, eunho has her brother with her while she's on training. though, they can't meet often as her brother didn't want to spoil her so much as she, too, has to experience how training was like for him. eunho rarely gets homesick as she video calls her parents every day; and that her parents live in seoul so her house isn't that far. she's happy that she gets really nice roommates as they are also one of her reasons she didn't get homesick. being one of the longest-trained trainees, she aims to do well to be a good role model towards the new trainees. she is known for her hard work mainly. she didn't have much problems with the trainers, but she does get scolded once in a while. she likes being a trainee despite all the rough trainings because of the people around her. she is nicknamed as 'starship's fossil' alongside her brother for having to train there for more than 7 years.
predebut : 
  • participated in writing the lyrics to labelmate uniq's song 'luv again'
  • had a supporting role in kbs' drama 'school 2013' as kim dani
  • auditioned for smtm4 though was eliminated on the 3rd episode along with monsta x's jooheon
  • appeared in boyfriend's janus m/v
  • released a mixtape with cosmic girls' exy
  • several modelling jobs with her brother as a kid
scandals : 
  • "no.mercy yoonho's sister requested a drop-out from starship's upcoming girl group" + predebut + eunho was under fire by fans of starship for being selfish; requesting for a drop-out just because she hates eunseo. they said she was being arrogant because a debut opportunity is already in front of her but she rejected it just because of one person. but really, would you like it to be teamed up with your enemy?
i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : seventeen's seungkwan
backup love interest : astro's eunwoo
personality : 
+ seungkwan is known for being friendly and outgoing. people tend to be comfortable with him even on their first encounter. He’s caring in his own way and gets really worried when someone he cares for gets sick or injured; and would often call you to check on you every now and then. He is always cheerful; goofy even. He jokes around a lot though he himself knows that his jokes are the lamest of all. Even if he manages to make you smile just at his dorky joke, he’d be happy enough. He’s almost very trustworthy and reliable; people would go to him just to get him to listen to their story, and he would listen to them without complaining. He’d lend his shoulder to cry on, and hold out his hand when in need.
- positive traits aside, he also has flaws in him. He is at times very clumsy, often tripping over rocks while walking even if it can clearly be seen right in front of him. He’d think too much to even realise where is he going to most of the time. he is too goofy at times and also very loud. he likes gaining attention and wants people to look and listen to him. he tends to say things out loud even when it is unnecessary. he is also sassy, have a high self-esteem and his words are often sharp, he is always straight to the point and say his opinions that he think is right. he doesn't like admitting that he's wrong. he at times would compliment himself out of nowhere too.
background : 
+ once, when seventeen's dk was still a trainee, eunho had to follow him back to pledis while on their way to their night vocal class because he had left his notes in the studio. coincidentally, seventeen's vocal unit were still around, practicing for their debut without dk. being the lively seungkwan, he approached eunho with ease. he started to bring up random things for a conversation and being eunho, they quickly click with each other. she felt at ease by seungkwan's warmth. they exchanged phone numbers and later started to text each other and even hangout when they have time to.
+ however, after a while, eunho realised that she started to feel uneasy when she's with seungkwan. When she told dk about it, he right away knew she has fallen for seungkwan. being in the same group, dk asked seungkwan what does he think about eunho and to his disbelief seungkwan’s answers surprised him. Both of them were showing signs that they like each other, and dk decided to be a matchmaker. with dk's help, seungkwan had confessed to eunho. inexperienced in love, eunho had doubts accepting seungkwan, but later accepted him with dk's advice. they began dating secretly since june 9th, 2014.
relationship : 
+ the both of them prefer keeping their relationship much like a best friend kind of relationship unlike the typical korean couples. seungkwan is the type of boyfriend who tends to get very much overprotective and jealous. Every time eunho would look at other guys, he’d tell her off to only look at him or if she refuses to, he’d continuously poke her till she gets annoyed. He would quickly run over to her whenever she’s about to approach any members of seventeen, and also tells dk to watch her when they're at school as seungkwan and eunho go to different schools.
+ he especially doesn't like it whenever she looks at her bias in seventeen, joshua, whenever she comes to pledis. He tends to show how much he cares for his loved ones, though to some people he’d seem a little obsessive. eunho, however, is the type of girlfriend who would go against her boyfriend and continue looking at other guys, knowing he’d never go against her; though would get really jealous when seungkwan looks at other girls. They do bicker a lot because of that, but being young, it’s almost very normal to fight over such a small issue. Despite not looking like she is, eunho is actually very affectionate of seungkwan and would get really upset if he’s sick or injured. both seungkwan and eunho call themselves 'eunkwan' and saves each other's names in their contact list as 'my other half'.
Conclusion : they started dating secretly since june 9th, 2014; and went public shortly after seventeen made a comeback with 'mansae' in 2015. however, a little later after the debut of girl's republic, they both decided to just stay as friends. they came to realise that dating while they both have different schedules is a little difficult for both of them, and they both agreed to separate. though, they still remain as friends and are still close to each other. seungkwan is still overprotective around her and gets jealous when she's with other guys. they still take care for each other like they used to do, but they had set a limit or a boundary, to what extend could they care for each other. there are times where they'd almost get back together, but either seungkwan or eunho would hold back. even after breaking up, they did not change their contact names.
status : currently dating publicly; soon to break up.
everything is so awkward
comments : sorry if my app doesn't fit to your expectations :cc for the 'you're too harsh' section, hover over the pictures for names of the faceclaims! cc: + p/s: i don't hate eunseo btw, gaha.
scene request(s) : n/a
suggestion(s) : you don't have to use these scene suggestions if you don't want to btw-
  • a boys rep x girls rep interaction! (trust me, i'll be a big fan of this lmao)
  • yeon and eunho are caught on camera for fangirling over boys republic in an awards show
  • a seventeen x girls rep interaction
  • girls rep' healing camp!
  • food party after winning on an awards/music show
password : royal kingdom (because uh boys rep has 'royal family' as their fc name so- #Republicans #idekwhatidid #republicansunite)


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Hi!! Omg! I just looked over your application, and I'm already fangirling, keke.
Author-nim is a bit busy and so am I, but I am looking over the other applications as well.
You had Boo as your love interest ^_^ so happy!! Let's be friends :3