Ready to cause some chaos, Lee Jihyun?

Lee Jihyun
Plotline: The Eldest Vampire
Persona: The Sarcastic Queen
Theme Song: 

Here - Her theme song
Just the Girl - The song describing Jihyun and Jongdae
△ Excuse me do you even know who I am?
△ No I will not listen to another joke Jongdae they're not funny.
△ In my personal opinion you're incorrect. Here's a few reasons why.
△ What? I was wrong? Are you sure?
△ No it's not a scar. What kind of vampire has a scar?

△ Seriously Jongdae I don't want to hear anymore jokes. 
△ My past? It's boring really there's no need to talk about it. Lets talk about you.
△ Stop bothering me I'm reading. 

△ It's none of your damn business. Stop asking me. 
△ Please can we just talk about something else? (referring to questions of her past.)
△ Of course I know it. I lived through the damn thing after all. 
△ Let me tell you a fun story during the enlightenment era it's quite interesting. 
△ Look I know I don't say this often so listen closely I'm not saying it again. I'm sorry, you were right.

△ Oh my god? Are you serious right now? I think we need to get your brain checked.
△ Even though I don't show it or tell you guys often. You're all the best and I have your back till the end of the Earth.


Kwon Miyoung: The Fallen Angel (the one who gets me the most)
She knows that her personality is offputting and many of the girls don't really like here and can deal with her, but Miyoung is one of the few who actually can stand her the way she is and Jihyun is grateful for that. If she's not with Minhee or Hyesu you can bet she's with Miyoung. The two get along well enough and this girl knows how to put her back into her place and doesn't put up with her bull, which Jihyun is also grateful for as many of the others just let her be and ignore her. 


Go Minhee: The Youngest Vampire (a little sister kind of sort of)
Jihyun and Minhee get along pretty well. Both growing up in Korea long ago and being vampires they have an understanding of one another that others can't really understand themselves. She honestly looks to Minhee as a little sister and looks after her quietly though she knows the younger one can take care of herself just fine. She doesn't talk to Minhee very much though is often dragged around by her to do something that seems like a lot of fun no matter how much she knows it isn't she just goes along with it. 

Song Raeyul: The Witch (the one who keeps me in check)
hRaeyul and Jihyun have been known to clash more than once because of their differing personalities. Jihyun feels she doesn't have to tell anyone when she goes out, and Raeyul likes to keep tabs on everyone it creates some tension when they go at it. However there are moments when the two of them get along really well and can see where the other is coming from. Also the witch isn't afraid to give a 1000 year vampire a swift kick in the whenever necessary or remind her that not everyone had the same upbringing, which Jihyun sometimes needs. 


Jung Nahla: The Water Mage (the scaredy cat)
This is the one that Jihyun can't really stand too much from her lack of logic and understanding. She gets that the girl is afraid of vampires because of the attack on her family, but is it really necessary to dislike her only when Bohye is okay for the most part? Sure she sees that she keeps her distance from all of them but is it really okay to avoid every kind of that particular race when they're clearly not all that bad. But Jihyun respects the space despite her thoughts in fear of making the girl burst out in tears or make her so uncomfortable. 

Gong Fei: The Shapeshifter (the troublemaker who sometimes worries me)
hJihyun is a little aprehensive about Fei from time to time wondering if she's actually talking to her or another of her pranks. But when she figures out which is which she can get along with her since Fei is one of the few who actually thinks she's decent company. Although she does question why she's such good friends with Jongdae she doesn't hold it against the other two. It's fun to have someone to talk to her though and there's never a boring moment when Fei is around. Jihyun feels that she's refreshing though a bit worrisome. 

Won Chun-hei: The Werewolf (the leader)
hChun-hei is someone that Jihyun does respect even if she doesn't show it most of the time. Being the only werewolf in the group she looks to as the alpha much like any werewolf pack. But that doesn't mean she talks to the girl, the two understand the other's secretive and independent natures they kind of give the other their own space and respect not to bother them. There are a few awkward moments between the two when they actually try to talk it's more amusing than anything since the other doesn't know what to do. 


Kwon Bohye: The Middle Vampire (makes no sense to me)
Jihyun thinks of Bohye as a little sister as well only in the vampire sense, they have to stick together no matter what. However she really can't understand Bohye sometimes and has to wonder just what is going on in her head. Not to mention she has to be careful, which is not Jihyun's strong suit, unless she wants to make the other one burst into tears and then she's the bad guy for making Bohye feel bad. So she doesn't really spend much time around her but when push comes to shove if anyone else makes her cry then they better watch out Jihyun is coming after them. 



Park Suyeon: The Time Traveler (the other one who makes no sense to me)
Jihyun doesn't like or dislike Suyeon. Living in the past Jihyun knows a lot about things of that nature, the future however is something that she has no idea about and it kind of worries her. She can handle the spoiled attitude, she had much of the same back in France, but just leaves Suyeon to her own devices since she's always busy inventing something or fixing something. She doesn't want to get in the other girl's way, but if the younger has a question about anything at all or if she just wants an opinion Jihyun is more than happy to give it. 


Lee Chaerin: The Genie (I have to watch her carefully)
Chaerin worries Jihyun on a spiritual level. Her naivity and lack of understanding of the human world makes her easy to be picked on or tricked and the genie wouldn't even know it. She acts as a bodyguard in a way and a nagging mother in  another explaining how that person did not mean that as a compliment and she really shouldn't have said that back. She does her best to kee Chaerin out of trouble but honestly there's only so much she can do without becoming too obnoxious and scary. 

Yoon Ahra: The Mermaid (don't even get me started)
hIf there was a person in the group who Jihyun honestly said she didn't like it would be Ahra and Ahra would say the same thing back. They are like fire and ice. Jihyun cannot stand the genius attiude that the mermaid has, and just like one another when they make a mistake that person is like a fish in water rubbing salt in the wounds and insult to injury. It's not a pleasant thing to witness when they fight, which often happenes when they are too close to one another and hear the other's voice. Jihyun really really really cannot stand Ahra but she'd still have her back if there was any kind of trouble because they're still family no matter how much they may hate each other. 

Kyung Hyesu: The Fire Mage (closest thing to a best friend)
Surprisingly Jihyun and Hyesu get along really well. Most wouldn't expect it considering she's also friends with Ahra we all know that Ahra and Jihyun do not get along. But they do, Hyesu's firey spirit is actually relaxing to Jihyun and because they both can be kind of irritating in their own ways so they take shelter in each other. And although she really doesn't like kids Hyesu's is the exception so she deals with him the best she can, which is usually bribery with fancy toys. She's about as close Hyesu as she is to Miyoung and trusts her, though still not enough to talk about herself just yet. 


So, how do you feel towards the other eleven girls? I think the other girls are pretty cool. Some I get along better with others but not everything can be rainbows and unicorns. 
Who are you closest to? I'd have to say either Miyoung or Hyesu. 
What about the wolf pack, how do you get along with them? Some are good compay Kyungsoo is easy enough to get along with. I cannot understand Jongdae for the life of me he's a mystery even to me, which is saying a lot. 
Do you like being vampire? Or would you rather be human? hI like it a hell of a lot more now. I could not stand being human again, so there's your answer. 
What's your most treasured memory? That's a little harder to think of, but it was probably when Minhee and Bohye came up to me and offered me a place to stay. Though some of these girls want me to pull my hair out I wouldn't trade them for all the treasures in the world. 
Here list down at least six scene suggestions. Be as detailed as you want. 
△ Jongdae trying to get Jihyun to laugh at his jokes going as far as to call and text her several times a day just to make it happen, only to get smacked for bothering her too much. 
△ Jihyun finally racking up the nerve to get the courage to tell the girls about her past and show her the scars she has from bother her sire and her abusive husband, as well as the guilt she feels about leaving her family even though they would have just taken her back to that man. 
△ Ahra and Jihyun getting into a fight and Jihyun ends up being the one who apologizes first one to apologize shocking everyone to complete and utter silence including Ahra. 
△ Jihyun and Jongdae actually starting to get along so she's teased about it and moves away from him again making him feel really bad so she's then yelled at for not being nicer to him and just toying with his feelings.
△ Jihyun finally laughing at Jongdae's jokes and Jongdae then goes and tells everyone that he got the stone cold Jihyun to actually laugh and smile. 

△ Maybe the girls and the wolf pack go on a trip together just so everyone can get to know one another and some sort of competition ensues. 
COMMENTS: Sorry it took me so long to get this done I honestly didn't mean to put it on the backburner so long. 
CONCERNS: None here ^_^


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