A1's Main vocalist, Terry

Satoh Taree
nicknames: Terry
birthdate: 12 01 1996
birthplace: Fukuoka, Japan
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Languages: Japanese, fluent
Korean, high conversational, she stull struggles to read hangul
height: 157 cm
weight: 45 kg
appearance: Taree has very long blond, wavy hair. She has pale creamy skin with hardly any flaws. She has a few nicks here and there but none major. She has no tattoos or peircings either.
style: Taree has a cute punk look. She loves looking edjy with black boots and lots of eye liner but also likes to wear big sweaters and shorts. She will wear almost anything, she isnt picky.
anabear / 4/5 / ana
Let Me Introduce Myself


from a young age taree’s parents told her to follow her passion. the both followed their passion and they are good at it so why not her? her older brothers were told the same thing. she was just a kid so she didn’t know what her passion was. one of her older brothers played the guitar and that was what she decided her passion was.
it didn’t take her long before she learned how to play the guitar and piano. she knew music was what she was going to do. she lived for music from her young age. her walls were covered in band posters and she had music playing around her constantly. by the time she was nine she was playing complex and intricate pieces of all sorts with her older brother. she knew then that she wanted to get into the music industry.
when taree was eleven her older brother went on to college and her other brother joined a band. she loved going to watch them play and going around back stage. they even let her up on stage with them a few times. she loved it and kept asking to go back more and more. the band let her and a year later actually let her become their guitars.
their band kept going all the way through tarree’s middle school years, but when she was fifteen they got big enough that they went overseas. tarree couldn’t go with them though.  not only was she still young, but she didn’t have a passport and her parents wanted her to finish school. the band only lasted a few months before they came back to japan and disbanded. taree still decided that was what she loved to do and that she was going to do.
the week before graduating from high school taree and some of her friends auditioned for a few entertainment companies, but no one big. none of them got it though. after graduation most of her friends started getting ready for college but not taree. she wanted to be on stage and she was going to get there.
that month she and her mm went over to south korea. taree knew a little korean and she knew about the entertainment companies there. they got a hotel and she auditioned for a few companies before she was accepted.

taree was accepted into starship entertainment but didn’t start training for another few weeks. she had to go home and pack everything up. her parents managed to get her a tiny rooftop apartment a few minutes away from the entertainment building and gave her enough money to keep her going.

training was hard for her. really hard. not the actual training but more of the being in south korea and not really speaking the language or knowing anyone. she didn’t start to get to know anyone for at least a year and then it was only other trainees. by that time she had the language down too.

fall 2013 taree was traded to Wollim entertainment and she had to start all over new again. it was easier this time though. she knew what she was doing and what she didn’t need to do. she took a lot more dance classes than she did at starship but she didn’t take as many vocal classes, she didn’t need to.

rumors started floating around that Woolim was going to debut a girl group soon and people went a little crazy. trainees went crazy taking classes and taree was a little blown away at it. she didn’t want to take any more classes but didn’t want other to show her up. she could only fit two more classes but she did. she ran herself ragged with classes hoping that she could keep her standings. they started slipping though.

taree had to step back and figure out what classes she needed to do and what she didn’t. when she got back to her normal classes her standings went back up.

Woolim announced that they were going to debut a girl group and that they already had their members picked out. taree was one of the last members announced but when she was announced she was elated. she called her parents and they were just as happy.


Personality: Loyal, responsible, resourceful, discaplined, inhibited

 taree is a fiercely loyal person. if you are her friend, you are her friend through thick and thin and she has your back. she wont abandon you for anything. she will help when she can and if she cant she will tell you. she is incredibly responsible and is will to admit if she screwed up. she is willing to take the punishment if she did the crime but she wont take the fall for someone else. she thinks that who ever did it needs to take responsibility but she wont throw people under the bus. she would find a way to make that person come clean. she is resourceful like that. she is very good at convincing people of things, whether it be true of not. 
taree has the self discipline that any one her family has ever met. she taught herself how to speak korean, play the guitar and piano and to cook and bake, all by herself while maintaining her own grades. she doesnt need someone to be urging her on to get stuff done. she gets stuff done on her own
in life, its taree's way or the highway. things are to be done her way, period. she has a sort of dictatorial method of life and that rubs off on other people around her. she is used to people listening to her and when they dont she gets bothered. when she gets bother she gets overly inhibited. she normally is quite inhibited though. she struggles to relax, ever. its not that she is shy or bashful, she just cant do it. she cant put herself out like that. 

• satoh atsutane / 54 / fashion designer / father
• satoh yachi / 51 / artist / mother
• satoh kohei / 27 / pastry cheif / brother
• satoh iemitsu / 25 / drummer / brother
• satoh aritomo / 23 / medical student / brother

• hamburgers
• guitars
• sleeping in
• noodles
• blue
• coffee
• carmel flavor
• spring/autumn
• horror movies
• swimming
• beef

• fighting
• tea
• fake nails
• public displays of affection
• gum
• peoplem being abnoxiously loud
• cheese
• waking up early
• pearls
• cake

• playing her guitar
• napping
• eating
• drinking coffee in little coffee shops
• watching movies

• she is really, really hard to be woken up in the mornings. really hard
• she slurps her noodles all the time
• she talks in her sleep, but its in japanese
• when she is tired she will act like a child, wanting to cuddle or snuggle with people
• if she gets to the point where she is either going to cry or scream from anger she will leave
• she ever they have to go work out she will run. she hates almost any other kind of working out besides running

 having her entire life's work be for nothing
• flying
• she is terrified they are going to go swiming and she is going to drownd

• she knows how to cook and bake and is quite good at it
• she is left handed
• she struggles writing in hangul
• she needs glasses
• she doesnt know how to swim
• she doesnt like reading
• she hates cheese
• she is a christian
• blue is her favorite color
• she struggles to walk in heels
• she hardly owns any pink or orange
• she knows how to ice skate
• if she could be anything else in the world she would be an international rock star
• she likes cosplay but has never been to a convention
• she wants to go to a cosplay convention
• she wants to learn english
• she hates heat and humidity, therefor summer
• she sleeps in a tank top and underwear
• she always has a fan going when she sleeps
• she has five guitars in her room and one bass
• she is learning to play the violin
• she is a super junior fan girl
• she is an incredible light weight 
• she doesnt drink to often
• she is usually the last one in the van and they threaten to leave her behind

Idols can date too!


JK               JK 2

name: Lim Chang Kyun (I.M of Monsta X)

Chang Kyun is awkward andweird. He doesnt always know how to say or react to things and he hates when he feels put out. He doesnt want people to fight and worries that people dislike him. He is a sweetie with a good heart. 

Taree had a class with Chang Kyun and just before they were done he tried to offer her some water but ended up spilling it all over her and himself. He awkwardly apolgising to her and walking out

frating (friends who are unofficially dating)

Tarre always jokes around with him about the water and never lets it go. They text all day and will call eachother every night, no matter how tired they are. Chang Kyun unabashedly supports A1 and Taree specifically. She does the same for Monsta X 

Basic Info
stage name: Terry
position: Main vocalist
face claim: Miami Sasazaki
backup face claim:
singing: Miami Sasazaki
dancing: Kaeun of Dalshabet
trainee years: 4 years
Scene Requests:
Password: 'Sweet Eascape'


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