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birthname. Qi Hsiu Mei 齐秀梅

— Mei, most of the other trainees just call her Mei even though it bothers her. She has a name for a reason

birthdate. 17 09 1996 
birthplace. Qingdao, Sandong, China
hometown. Qingdao, China/ Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity. Chinese
nationality. Chinese

— Mandarin, fluent
— Korean, fluent
— Cantonese, conversational
— English, conversational

faceclaim. Kyulkyung
backup fc. here

height. 166 cm
weight. 47 kg


— Hsuimei has long, soft black hair. She takes more care of her hair than anything else. Her skin is also very creamy, blemish free. Every day she will do her hair and makeup, never anything wild and outlandish but enough at accentuating her natural beauty. 


— Hsuimei is the person you want to go shopping with. She can bargain hunt better than anyone so, while she will only wear high end labels, she never pays full price for them. She always spends a few extra minutes in the morning to make sure she looks her absolute best, even if she is just going to rehearsal. She never, ever dresses down. 

(+) Passionate, dedicated, confident, strong willed
(-) Selfish, arrogant, tsundere, disloyal

Hsuimei has a passion for dance. It is the only thing in life that really matters and she will do anything to get to the stage. You can see her passion in her dance and the way she emotes on the floor. She doesn't let things get in her way of her goals and prioritizes things to make sure she gets what she wants. She easily blocks out distractions in her life, even if that distraction is a person. She oozes self-confidence and there is nothing anyone can say to her to think less of herself. When she steps on the dance floor people are drawn to watch her and she knows it. She will tell you off and put you in your place if you try to mess with her at all. She does not bend for anything. 

As bad as it may seem, Hsuimei is very selfish. She will do what it takes to get on that stage and that means she will step on someone if she needs to. She has dreams and she will get there, no matter what. She knows she has talent and she will push it in your face. You will watch her when she is performing and you will know she is better than you. She seems to be kinda stand offish at times. She doesn't like getting close with people because she doesn't want to feel bad when she has to knock them down to get to her goals. There are only a few people she closes with but if she does then she starts opening up to people. She will only befriend someone and start being kind if she knows she can fully trust them and that they won't be someone she needs to knock out of the way. It's not saying that she will betray people at any time but she can't stick to someone when they are potentially going to be an obstacle for her. Once TGG becomes a group she will start to soften up more. 

background. Hsuimei has been dancing her entire life. She started walking when she was nine months old and her mother pushed for her to get a special teacher who would start when she was just over a year old. It mainly was just walking to beats and small stuff but her mother still expected a lot from her. 
When she was a young girl her mother insisted on her being in as many dance competitions as possible and learning all sorts of styles of dance. She was homeschooled so that her classes could be regulated so she learned exactly what she needed and not any fluff as they taught at public schools. *Her mom says 'public school' the way Malfoy says 'mudblood'* She had her own private dance studio in her house so she didn't need to leave for anything. 
When she was thirteen her mother gave her an option. She could either start auditioning for dance companies or if she would be sent overseas to a special dance academy. She didn't really wanna leave China so she chose to audition. She and her teacher set up a dance for it and she auditioned with three companies, two smaller local ones and one international company. She was accepted into the larger one, SM Entertainment. 


— likes
Getting her hair done
Raw sushi
— dislikes
Spicy food
Getting dirty
Other people's blood
— habits
She showers every day after rehearsal, it doesn't matter if there is no hot water left, she just can't not
When she gets stressed she will put her headphones in and go somewhere and dance
When she gets overwhelmed she just needs to be alone
— hobbies
Learning new things
— fears
— special talents
She can peel an orange without ripping the skin 
She is very flexible, if she warms herself up she can do contortion tricks * * * * * * 
— trivia 
She is learning KSL
She has three cats * * * but they aren't named 
She can drive but doesn't often
She likes mystery stories
She has more clothes, makeup and shoes than can fit
She has never broken a bone 
She rolled her ankle really bad and now her right ankle is a lot weaker
Mint is her favorite color
She hates mint flavor though
She has an irrational fear of her eyes getting injured
She always checks the other member's outfits to make sure they look good
When she wakes up in the morning she stretches
She doesn't usually eat breakfast, it makes her stomach upset
She prefers the city to the country 
When she goes to the beach or somewhere she will stay in a chair under an umbrella
She has a low pain tolerance
She hates birds
She has never dyed her hair 
She doesn't often eat meat, usually only fruits and vegetables 
She doesn't like being underground
— Hsuimei says
Yes I look better than you, clearly, I care
Take a picture it will last longer


— Mother : Qi Tang Yi / n/a / Controlling, manipulative, intelligent / 3/10

Hsuimei and her mother have never really gotten along. Her mother was always more interested in pushing Hsuimi into a career than getting to know her child.

— Father : Qi Feng / high profile lawyer / busy body, cynical, ignorant / 5/10

Feng was always at work so he was never really involved in raising Hsuimei. She just never had the opportunity to get close to him

— Friend : Kim Namjang / Trainee / quiet, quirky, clever / 7/10

Hsuimei has known Hamjang for years.The younger was a quiet girl who would copy Hsuimei in dance and watch her to learn. Once Hsuimei caught on she confronted the girl but Namjang said she just wanted to learn and that she wanted to be a good dancer like her. Hsuimei was flattered and taken aback but started talking the girl thought things. 

stagename. Clem (클렘) Hsuimei loves clementines and the others thought it would be cute and funny if her stage name was Clementine but she didn't want that, she couldn't say he liked it so she said she would make it Clem
persona. Tsundere star
plotline. 11
position. dancer, rapper, vocalist
units. TCG Mars, 月神P

talent twins.

— Dance-IZ*ONE's Chaeyon
— Vocal-Momoland's JooE
— Rap-Momoland's JooE

trainee life.

— 9 years
— For the first three years, Hsuimei trained in Qingdao so she was able to live at home and still attend school. She didn't mind it at all, she liked being one of the better dancers and being asked to demonstrate certain moves. She still sent a lot of time dancing but she took a lot of singing lessons as well, without telling her mother. Her mother wanted her to be a dancer and only a dancer but she just wanted to be on a stage. 
When she was sixteen she asked if she could do more, learn more. Her teachers suggested she go to the main training building in Seoul but she didn't really want to leave China, it was her home. She told them she would think about it and let them know the next day. When she told her mom though, she started screaming that that was the opportunity of a lifetime and she was a stupid child to give up on that chance. That night she went back and told them she wanted to go to Seoul. 
— Hsuimei struggled at first when she got to South Korea. Everything was so different there and she didn't speak any Korean. She didn't get to start dancing again for months because they spent all of her time working on teaching her the language. She hated it and hated the teachers. When she was done for the day she would go back to the dorms, put headphones in and dance. Her roommates would always hate it but she didn't care, she just needed to blow off steam somehow. 
Once she finally started to dance she realized that she was just average with a lot of the other trainees. She really needed to step up her game if she wanted to make it. She started taking more classes and spending more time in the studio, sometimes it would just be her, dancing so hard and so long the mirrors would start getting foggy and she couldn't see herself. 
She started with SM Rookies, she was one of the first trainees to start with the program with Seulgi, Jeno and Taeyong. She worked in all the same programs and showcases with the others. 
In 2016 she was a part of Produce 101. She made it until episode 9 but suffered an injury during the rehearsal. She was told she could continue but it would risk further injury. She decided to not continue and to rest it for a while. She went back to SM to work on her vocals but hobbled around on crutches for weeks until she was better. 
During that time she started developing new skills. She tried rapping out and wasn't too terrible at it. She figured she might as well add it to her list of skills and spent those weeks working on rapping. 
For the next two years, she spent time working on her vocal and rapping skills. She still danced all the time but she split her time between vocals and dance. 
Hsuimei was a last-second addition to Produce 48, one of the few from SM. Again, she made it rather far into the program, however, she was the last contestant eliminated. While she wasn't devastated she was still upset about not getting to debut. 
When WayV was soon to debut Hsuimei started befriending some of them. They were, for the most part, from China so she was able to connect with them more than others. She felt more comfortable around them. She started to be an active fan for them and supported them all but she had her favorites. 
When Hsuimei found out she was going to debut with TCG, finally, she literally whooped, in front of her soon to be manager. 

pre-debut activities.

— SM Rookies
— Produce 101
— Produce 48

future activities.

— things like solo's, sm station releases, acting or variety that you want your girl to do!

This interview was recorded around the time of debut in 2017 (or around their debut date if they joined later). They might see the interview again in the future.

hey there! Introduce yourself to the viewers!

— Nǐ hǎo, I am Technology Culture Girl's Clem

how do you feel about debuting?

— I feel like it took too long and that I should have made my debut already. 

what do you want to achieve with tcg?

— I want to make it to the stage, have everyone watching me as I dance and be able to be on an international stage, have the world watching. 

Do you have any personal goals as well?

— I really want to learn Korean Sign Language so that I could reach those who don't often get to be fans of music. People in the deaf community are too often left out of too many things. 

what do you think about the group's concept?

— It's interesting. I get to be in more than one group, which means more stages for me. 

how are you going to survive living with a bunch of other girls?

— I've done it before. The dorms are often over filled anyhow. 

what do you think about nct? do you get along with your counterpart?

— I get along with WayV the most but yes. I have to don't I? I expect we will be working with them more than a bit. 

thank you for this interview! any last words? 

— Thank you for supporting TCG and please continue to do so. I hope we can be everything you're expecting us to be and more. 

replace with love intreplace with love intreplace with love int

birthname. Dong Sicheng
backup li. here


— Passionate, shy, reserved, sweet

first meeting. 

— Hsuimei was walking to rehearsal when she heard a trainee talking harshly in Mandarin. He was frustrated because he was struggling to talk to most of the others, minus the few Chinese trainees. She felt the need to say something to him because she felt the same when she first started training. She introduced herself and told him that it would get easier and that there was always plenty of his countrymen around to talk to. He thanked her and she continued on her way. 


— Sicheng did take Hsuimei's invitation even though she was referring to other Chinese trainees, not really herself. She didn't know how to tell him that she didn't really mean she wanted to talk to him. He would come to her asking all sorts of questions about trainee life and about life in Korea. She felt strange about it but she would talk over things with him. 
It wasn't really until after WayV debut that they really started talking more. He was still uncomfortable with a lot of things in Korea and felt uncomfortable asking s because he didn't want to seem like he didn't know things, so he asked her. All sorts of things like what he was supposed to do once the song was done or how to act on shows. 
Sicheng does this thing where he acts soft, needy and whiney when he wants something from Hsuimei and she is weak for it, he knows it too. He has convinced her to come to a bunch of shows and to fan signings, just so she could bring him something or make a big deal about him. He gave her one of his stuffed dolls ones so she could give it to him at a fan signing. When she did everyone noticed and he felt supported and that it would get him more friends. 

current status. 

— When TCG debut Sicheng was the same for her. He would go to concerts, but work his way into the back and be waiting when she got off stage. He would have light up signs for her, making her blush but she was glad he was there. 
One night after a show TCG and a handful of NCT members got together in a training room, having dinner and relaxing. It took a lot of courage and convincing from the other boys, but he walked over to her and sat by her. After a while, he took her hand and slid it to the ground so no one could tell they were holding hands. 
When Sicheng took her hand Hsuimei's heart seemed to skip a beat. She had liked her younger but she didn't think he would have feelings for her, she was snappy and rude to people but she was glad he had her hand.  


— Up to you, I am a for drama, fluff and angst so anything will work

relationship trivia. 

— He has called her jeijei since they met
They often have little competitions to see who is more flexible 
They have fallen asleep together, like just sitting at the edge of the training room leaning on each other napping
They like to go shopping together 
He absentmindedly will play with her hair when they sit by each other
He loves her cats 

comments. here
password. Mint
wishlist & suggestions.

— here



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