
I rarely post personal stuff on blog posts here on AFF, but I just can't stay silent.

A tragedy has happened in my country. Most of you may know by now, maybe some of you don't, but yesterday from 10pm to around 2am, shootings happened in Paris. Terrorists attacked simultaneously six places in our capital, our football stadium the Stade de France, a concert hall called Le Bataclan where a rock/metal group was playing with a full audience, several pubs and restaurants. More than 128 people were killed, 250 are wounded, 99 very seriously, and the eight terrorists were killed, seven of them by their own bombs. 

It's been a shock to a lot of us and the entire country has been in front of the television yesterday night to try to understand the horror that was happening. 

I don't live in Paris, I'm in a calm city, but even far from there, I am scared. I am scared for my family in Paris, for my cousin, her lover and their daughter who live close to the district where it happened. I am scared for my friends who study in Paris. I am scared for all French people who live in Paris or somewhere else. 

Those who were killed were enjoying their daily life, eating with friends at a restaurant, having a midnight beer talking about the random movie they watched, having fun at a concert they were waiting for. None of them could have guessed that it would be the end. Witnesses have described the scenes as 'horrors', 'war scenes'. I have been to a concert in Paris, and I can only imagine the terror of being prisoner in this small place, surrounded by corpses and gunshots, by killers who shoot you if you just slightly move.

I have no words to express the pain and sorrow in my heart. Innocent people died, and their only crime was to be happy. We are not responsible for the choices of our government. Many of us do not approve of the war in Syria or anywhere else, yet we are shot nevertheless. 

Those terrorrists are not human beings. They are dogs, animals wanting blood, they don't respect human lives. Yet, we can't choose the simplicity and hate Muslims just because those dogs have this religion. The Muslims of France are in the same pain as us, they're French just like us. Terrorrists have only one religion : Death. 

The French frontiers have been closed, and are now regulated, but we know that the threat is here, and that it was only the beginning. The French population is scared, I am scared.

To all of those who supported France in this time of sorrow, from any country, on social networks or in the streets, to those country who lightened their monuments with the colors of our flag, I thank you. I thank you for your support, and even though you can't do much, it feels good to know that people all over the world share the same pain as we do. 

I am still very shocked, and I can't imagine how Parisians feel. 

Please, pray for Paris. Please, all of you, be safe and be happy, and share love with your friends and family.


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Yesterday seemed to be heartbreaking in several fronts, but I was simply so shocked when I heard about the news of the attacks. Like you stated, what is terrifying is the fact that the day started as normal as any other probably for them. They were looking forward to getting off of work or school, possibly planning on having a good time at a concert or just with some friends. That's something that pretty much any random person can say they would be able to relate to, so the fact that it ended so horrifyingly for the victims in Paris is equal parts heartbreaking and very scary. My thoughts and prayers go out to Paris, and I hope your family and friends are safe too Soony.

On another note I really respect how, even hurting over this tragedy, you recognize and address how it is not the fault of an entire religion and its practitioners when the actions of a few cause things like this. Please stay safe Soony.
I stayed up late last night reading updates, and have been this morning too. It's a terrible, awful thing which has happened. It's sickening that ISIS can be proud and brag about this. I hope your family and friends in Paris are safe, I'll be thinking of them. I'm a Brit myself, but I've been to Paris before and it's a beautiful city. And I fully agree with you about needing to keep the peace and not placing blame on anyone but the terrorists themselves, Muslims are also being killed by ISIS everyday and a lot of people seem to forget that.

Paris and the people of France are in my thoughts, and I wish you all the best possible outcome that can be achieved after this attack. Please keep safe, there may be some gunmen on the run and if so they'll be wanting to leave Paris to escape into other parts of France.
i was so shocked when i heard of this happening
i am so so so sorry this happened in your country. your family and friends are definitely in my thoughts as well as anyone who was affected by the attacks. the sad thing is that this can happen at any time to anyone and it's terrifying to think about. praying and praying for paris.
(on a side note, thank you for pointing out how the blame should not be shifted to the muslim religion despite the terrorists being muslim. it's a very important part of this that i think many overlook ;;)