plonnies dump

I am actually having a massive muse strike, and by that I mean, I am having a writer's block, but you know, sevvy likes being a fancy . :3 So my muse is on a strike, and really all she brings me are dull and inspired bunnies, though maybe a calm storyline would do my turbid soul some good.

Here are some boring plonnies that I might undertake, maybe. I should stop myself, right?

1. Baker Dara. I don't know why but this is something I thought of last night. Maybe because I find Dara in an apron adorbs, but yeah. So there is this girl who opens up a bakery across a corporate building where a corporate mang works (of course), and you know... they eventually like each other quite naturally. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS. There is actually no conflict, just a very slow progress pageantry of baked goods and a good dose of fluff. It's really just top eating every flavoured danish. I don't know. LOL It's just fluff. Do you think I should write this?

2. Young Daddy SH, Super successful Dara, of 10 years. YES. 10 years. So in this one, SH is 24 y.o. underachiever who has a lovechild from his teens. (Baby Mommy is nowhere, potential future conflict). Dara is 34, director of marketing, just corporate goddess (because I like her in a pencil skirt. OTL WHY DARAFETTISHES). She just broke off an engagement with equally successful dude (Ryu Jin because Ryu Jin is a hot ahjussi) and finds SH-intern who was this neighbourhood boy who used to adore her. Dara is TOP's first noona love. Haha. I don't know why I keep thinking of this. Tentative title though: Little Matchmaker (which reminds me of Little Match Girl which is super sad)

3. SH super played up second lead. Where TOP is the ultimate good guy and Dara ignores him because that is what second leads are for. :p

4. Tazza 2 Spin off Tabisan verrr. Okay, so this was a request. I am partially interested because I want TOPDara. No plonnies really. Haha


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hellokorea #1
I also vote for #2. Reading the description for #1 was fun though. I love this sentence, "It's really just top eating every flavoured danish."
I like the Daddy TOP thing. I just a have a thing for it, I think.