Get To Know Me Tag! {Stolen}

  1. -What is your name?

  2. It's Britney  

  3. -What are your nicknames?

  4. Brit, Brit Brit, B-rad, Bweezy keke
  5. -When is your birthday?

  6. January 10, 1998

  7. -Where were you born?

  8. In a tiny city in Michigan you never heard of...

  9. -What is your star sign?

  10. Capricorn!

  11. -What is your occupation?

  12. High school student??

  13. -What colour is your hair?

  14. Burgundy, but my natural hair is black

  15. -What was the last thing you bought?

  16. The last thing I bought with my own money was some black combat boots from Target. The last thing my mom bought me was Taco Bell XP

  17. -How long is your hair?

  18. Mid neck, above the shoulders

  19. -What colour are your eyes?

  20. Dark Brown

  21. -What's your best feature?

  22. My Smile :)

  23. -Do you have braces?

  24. I used to from 5th - 7th grade. I still wear a retainer though... sometimes x3

  25. -Do you have any piercings?

  26. Ear lobes, cartilage, & industrial. I want my nose pierced badly!!

  27. -Do you have any tattoos?

  28. No, but I will someday...

  29. -Do you have any pets?

  30. No T_T

  31. -Are you left handed or right handed?

  32. I'm a Lefty ^^

  33. -Mac or PC?

  34. PC Too poor for Mac

  35. -iOS or Android?

  36. Android all day~

  38. -Dogs or cats?

  39. Cats & small/medium dogs

  40. -Who is your bestfriend?

  41. Ambriel <3

  42. -What was your first award?

  43. 9th grade I won a 2nd place trophy spelling bee. 

  44. -What is your favourite sport?

  45. I'm not a fan of sports...

  46. -When was your first real holiday?

  47. Thanksgiving years ago when our whole family got together. That was the first and last time T_T 

  48. -What was the last concert you went to?

  49. Ariana Grande

  50. -Whats your favourite movie?

  51. Drumline

  52. -What's your favourite TV Show?

  53. Teen Wolf

  54. -What's your favourite colour?

  55. Blue

  56. -What's your favourite song?

  57. Anything SHINee ^^

  58. -What's your favourite restaurant?

  59. Apple Bees yumm

  60. -What's your favourite shop?

  61. Target <3

  62. -What's your favourite book?

  63. It's currently Divergent. I need to read more.

  64. -What's your favourite magazine?

  65. Cosmopolitan haha

  66. -What's your favourite pair of shoes?

  67. My high heel combat boots. The ones I bought at Target XP

  68. -What's your favourite season?

  69. Spring!!

  70. -What's your favourite quote?

  71. "Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it. Repeat." - N/A

  72. -How are you currently feeling?

  73. Tired.

  74. -Who was the last person you message?

  75. My best friend ^^

  76. -Are you single or taken?

  77. y, free, and single. I'm ready to Bingo >.<

  78. -What are you currently eating?

  79. Rice cakes

  80. -What are you currently listening to?

  81. The TV playing in the background

  82. -What are you currently thinking about?

  83. I really should be doing homework right now, but eff it #BOSS

  84. -What are you currently watching?

  85. Empire

  86. -What are you currently wearing?

  87. a Howard Univerity shirt and some pajama shorts

  88. -Do you want children one day?

  89. Maybe.
  90. -Do you want to be married one day?

  91. Yesss!!!

  92. -Where do you want to live?

  93. Some place far away from the ghetto

  94. -Do you believe in God?

  95. I believe in Something.

  96. -Do you believe in miracles?

  97. Yes.

  98. -Do you believe in love at first sight?

  99. No, but I do believe in attraction at first site <3

  100. -Do you believe in ghosts?

  101. I'll believe it when I see it.

  102. -Do you believe in Aliens?

  103. Anything is possible.

  104. -Do you believe in Soul mates?

  105. Maybe.

  106. -Do you believe in Heaven or hell?

  107. I don't know...

  108. -Do you believe in kissing on the first date?

  109. If we are complete strangers No. But if we were friends prior to Maybe.

  110. -Do you believe in yourself?

  111. 75% of the time I do.

  112. -Do you sing in the shower?

  113. Yes but softly.

  114. -When did you last laugh and what was it at?

  115. At a facebook post earlier today >.<

  116. -Where was the last place you traveled?

  117. Pennsylvania to visit my aunt

  118. -Would you go skydiving?

  119. Maybe.

  120. -If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

  121. Seoul, Korea of course ^^

  122. -If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?

  123. Pay for college and Travel the world~~

  124. -Can you whistle?

  125. Yes

  126. -Can you speak another language?

  127. I know a little bit of Spanish

  128. -What's most important in your life?

  129. Success

  130. -Have you ever had surgery?

  131. No and I am very grateful!!


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