Call me stupid but name change again??

Yes, you've seen correctly, I just changed my name not a long time ago, I planned on changing it to the same name as my twitter name, since it's become my new nickname given by a girl that has the same name as me and the smartest girl I've met in my entire time

It all actually started when my politics teacher called me Stephanie when I raised my hand (Well, here Steffanie is more common) and I didn't even notice, since then they call me Steffffff<3 (like literally, saved in a lot of phones like that from now on), but I planned on anglicize it a little, so, it would be like my twitter name

I don't have enough karma to advertise, and I also don't know what to do with it, so lol, and I'm trying to open my shop soon with a new layout and name so, how about a completely fresh start??


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XianaXelxia #1
My not that real name is Sirana Yun Aqelxia so it turn out to be XianaXelxia~~and yet my friends didn't call me that.i told them to call me I-Z which means nothing.juat 'I' and 'Z'.hehe~~Glee-uee you know?