Two Years + 1 day on AFF



Hello precious people!


I just had my second anniversary on AFF, can you believe it?


In a way it actually feels longer... like I've been on here forever.

Maybe because I've written so much lol (like 270+ chapters).


It would be nice to celebrate my anniversary with an update, but I really really really can't, crazy busy at the moment. Currently in France on a work trip, and then I need to take another one before the end of the month... sooo maybe in May? June? Let's see lol.


But I do plan to participate in the Red Carpet event, so... you *should* get a new story from me on the 30th of April (and lots of other stories from other people :))



Anywho.. Just wanted to drop by and thank everyone for the support over the past two years, you guys really have been amazing... and writing fanfics is just so much fun lol.

So if anyone out there is thinking about writing fanfics but hesitant/shy about it... just let me say that it is a common misunderstanding that you have to be good to write fanfics... you really don't. that's kind of the beauty of it :)


Of course there are fanfic writers out there that are better than most published authors (I think you know some of the people I'm talking about). but I'm saying that you don't have to be. For most of us its not a career, so it should just be about the fun. As long as you have fun writing, you are a successful fanfic author. Or at least I do believe so.


But anywho... I really really really should get back to working.


So thanks a lot for everything!

Hope you can wait for my updates...



2PM2PM2PM *kitsu*





P.S. My new story will be chanwoo... I have barely been writing them at all lately, so it's about time!



P.S. P.S. And if you haven't checked out some of my old stuff, all my stories are in here.






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But it's better late than never~ Happy Belated 2nd Anniversary my dear~! ❤ You are definitely one of my most fave Hottest writers on Aff. *huggles* You've never disappointed me with your stories, nope, not even once! I love you! Thank you for being such an awesome author~! :***
Congratulations on your anniversary! ^^ I am so glad you dove in and began writing for us (selfish thoughts here ^^)! It is so wonderful having such a fantastic author in the fandom and thank you so much for sharing your talents with us all! <3
awwww, happy 2nd anniversary being in aff kitsu! love since the bery first time I found u here ^0^/

omg yeay another chanwoo fic! im totally up for it!!!
happy anniversary and good luck with your work trips. I'm so excited to read your RC story, bcuz you're one of the greatest authors ever, will be waiting for you whenever you've time to update
happy anniversary :)
Happy anniversary, captain! :3

Time flies fast here on AFFs, right? Lol

Thanks for mentioning RedCarpet! :3
I'm really looking forward to ur and all the other fanfics! ♥

Have a save trip~ x3
affgaga #7
congrats! congrats! yup!! please do train theme please, whichever pairings!! ahahaha... *ert mode*
Lisa34 #8
Congratulations on the anniversary =)
Congratulations on the anniversary! :3
I hope you'll remain a part of this community for many years more because you’re really making it a much brighter place. ♥
AHHH happy anniversary! Here's to many more years of 2PM being amazing and us all writing fics about them