KIM jina

soonyangel • soony • 8/10


You're so Beautiful.

name » Kim Jina

nickname(s) » Just try to give her a nickname, you'll regret it immediately. Jongdae tried... Do you get why his voice is so high now ? She has one nickname "Lady", but no one knows where it comes from and it embarrasses her a whole lot.

Birthday + AGe » 21/12/1993 + 22 y/o

birthplace » Jeju-do, South Korea

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language » Korean (fluent), French (conversational), English (conversational)

face claim » Ahn Su Kyung

backup face claim » Ryn


appearance » Jina is one fire girl you can never judge. With her thin and delicate body, you may think she's some fragile girl but believe me, she has enough muscles to make you feel the hit (hit, heat, fire, get it ? Ok, bye). She's about 166cm tall and weighs 55kg. She sees herself as a pretty common girl, except for her face. Her slanting eyes are of a very very dark chocolate, so dark they're almost black. They're fierce and convey all her emotions, they're really expressive. Even if she doesn't tell (which is super rare), you can see in your eyes if she's angry, sad or simply vexed. She spends a lot of time in her barthroom to get some make-up on her eyes, it's something really important for her. She loves makeup. Another thing she's proud of is her long ginger hair. Of course, she dyed it because she has black hair just like any Asian girl, but she fell in love with red hair just before leaving for France. Don't you dare badmouth her hair, she'll make you pay ! She takes great care of her 'fire hair' and hates everyone calling her a freak for having red hair. She usually has it curly 1 2, sometimes she straightens it 1. She likes tying them in a heavy braid 1 or a loose ponytail 1. At work, she's more 'strict' though 1.


style » Jina is more of the casual chic style. Not to say that she's not girly, but she never wears dresses or skirts, she doesn't find them comfortable and refuses to ever wear one. If you see her wearing something like this, you can definitely tell that something is wrong with her. She's often found to wear chic leather jackets or well-designed coats, as she's often cold outside. If it's warm, she'd rather wear a very thing shirt and a jacket because she absolutely loves jackets.




Regarding the rest, she's not really picky. She likes slim jeans of any color, she likes loose pullovers and tight short-sleeved shirts, she can wear pretty much anything. She's really casual, she won't wear anything too fancy, she'd rather be really comfortable in her clothes than thinking about fashion. She doesn't give a damn about it. She does fancy some types of clothing though, she loves high heels, she loves scarves, but neither of them are good to wear for her job, so she always have a second pair of shoes in her bag. One thing is that she absolutely hates jewellery, so apart from a watch, she has nothing on her. You could give her a necklace as a present, but she would never wear it. 





" I am simply one hell of a chef ! "


She's My lAdy.

plotline » Pastry Chef
BackUp PLOTLINE » Security Asst. Leader

Description » Jina is one of a kind. Full-mouthed and vulgar, bossy and arrogant, she looks like Satan in a girl's body. Her whole life revolves around cooking and it's a good thing she spends hours in her kitchen instead of dealing with customers. She's been given the soul of a troublemaker but the heart of a lovely woman, dedicated to her friends and her job. Loved for her harsh-but-loving nicknames, she's the firework you need to forget about all your troubles. She's basically a douche, but a douche you can't help loving. Be careful of her mischief, but let your taste buds sparkle with the delightful dishes created by her burning passion for baking. Hotel El Dorado got itself one hell of a chef !
Traits » 

( + ) hardworking, trustworthy, caring, devoted, mature

( -- ) cunning, arrogant, vulgar, attention-seeker, demanding


personality »


There's no ing way I'm letting this restaurant being ruined. 

You won't find someone half as involved in her job as Jina. She's really hardworking and she's ready to do everything to achieve her goals. She never backs down, never gives up. Nothing can stand on her way when she has a goal in mind. She tries all the possibilites and if it doesn't work, she'll think again and find a way. She never gets tired of her job and has a neverending passion for baking. However, it's the same with everything in her life. She never gives up on what she does and she hates failure. She'll always try harder and harder to do what she wants and she won't stop, even if it endangers her health. Sleepness nights are common for her when she's really engrossed in something. With this said, you can imagine that she's never been one to disappoint. You can give her a task and be sure she'll come back to you with something of quality. Even if it's something as simple as finding an idea for someone's birthday, she'd definitely work on it so as not to let you down. She hates not meeting someone's expectations and always try to woo her friends. You can trust her, she'll never let you down and she'll always go to help you. She's not necessarily good with feelings - she's terrible at expressing herself other than with bad words, but she's affectionate and likes making people happy. That's why she cooks so much and works so hard : who couldn't smile when eating something delicious ? Food is a way to eradicate your worries : and Jina understood that very well. 

Are you serious ?? Come on, are you this dumb you can't do such an easy task ?

With her hardworking condition, she cannot understand lazy people. It's fun to work, it's fun to move, and she expects people to be as quick as her. She sometimes has too high expectations and ends up disappointed and angry. She tends to be a bit hot-tempered, but don't think she gets super angry easily, she just voices her opinion with a bit more strength than others. If stressed or working, she can raise her voice quite rapidly. Regarding work (as you noticed, she eats work, drinks word, breathes work !), she's extremely demanding with her team because she expects the top quality and cannot accept half-assed work. First, it shows a lack of respect for your customer, and second, it just means you weren't doing your work with heart. There's no excuse for failure - just that you didn't work enough. 

Man, you're truly ed up. Fortunately, I'm not as dumb as you, .

Ok, one big thing with Jina : she's really vulgar. "", "", "", "", "", any word like this is a part of her everyday language, along with pretty much any insult you've heard in your whole life. It's unfortunately a habit she took from her French friends back in France - French people tend to swear a lot, and even 'stupid' or '' can be said in a funny way when talking to a friend. She took this bad habit and you may think it's not nice - and it's not, but she never says it to mean harm and the big smile and sparlking eyes she has when she adresses you as "" have a strange power of endearment. Ok, her little cunning smirk makes her look like a scary fox, but she's not a bad girl, I swear ! She tends to be a bit extravagant and she likes having the attention, but not in a bad way. She's somehow arrogant as she believes in her abilities way more than she maybe should, but it gives her a strong sense of competition and strength to always become better. 

head, I love you, 'kay ?

She's someone who's really close to her friends, even though she may show her affection via uncommon nicknames, she never means harm to her friends and loves spending time with them when she's not working. She likes sharing her passion and talking about it, she likes chatting and having fun. She's not really good at telling what she feels or showing her weaknesses, because she wants to appear as a strong woman, but her eyes convey a lot of emotions. She's also very tactile and instead of talking, hugging or cuddling are a way for her to show she needs comfort and company. She's vulgar, arrogant, bossy and independant, but she gives lots of love... She's a whole new definition of adorable !

trivias »

 — french pastries ; do i really need to explain ?

 — coffee ; she cannot live without coffee, it's her adrenaline and her drug - besides, she'll just fall asleep if she stops.

 — puppies ; they're the cutest things ever, seriously. how can you resist them ?

 — fantasy novels ; she admires fantasy writers because of their imagination, she likes discovering their worlds.

 — running man ; she loves this show, she's the biggest fan of it in the whole world, don't you dare bother her on monday evening, because it's running man's hour !

 — customers' smiles ; it's the best satisfaction and present she can have from her work

 — praises ; she's an attention-, of course she loves praises, it boosts her confidence

 — strawberries with whipped cream ; it's her guilty pleasure, she loves spring just because strawberries arrive !

 — cheese naejjimdalk ; it's her favorite meal, cheese, chicken, mandu, tteokbokki, vegetables, japchae, the perfect combination, and the taste... delicious !

 — rush hour ; call her crazy but she loves rush hour, because it means she can focus on work only and show her abilities



 — sports ; too tiring. 

 — babies ; they scream, cry and eat, and basta. more explanation ?

 — late people ; she's really scary with that, be prepare to be kicked if you're late, she finds it super rude.

 — french rap ; believe me, if you could understand the lyrics, you'd know exactly why she hates it.

 — lies ; she's really honest, so she cannot understand why people would lie (white lies are not included).

 — making a mistake while cooking ; it goes over her, she just can't take it, she insults herself if it happens.

 — couples fighting ; she'd rather have them rubbing their happiness on her face than having them fighting, it's too sad ! she's actually a romantic at heart, who could have guessed ?

 — girls touching her brother ; he's her twin, stop touching, it's private property.

 — messy kitchens ; if you forgot a spot while cleaning or dirty her kitchen, prepare yourself to meet Evil Jina.



 — singing during her work, listening to music if she's alone in the kitchen

 — only ties her hair when she has to cook

 — always asks for a vanilla latte to Minseok when she arrives

 — cuddles to the closest thing when she wants to sleep (object or person)

 — swears in French when something goes wrong



 — baking, obviously, but also cooking and trying new recipes ; she's always ready to try new things and invent something new.

 — reading ; not only cooking books of course ! she really likes fantasy novels but it takes her to another world

 — watching dramas or tv shows ; she tends to be quite a dedicated fangirl and follows all the filmography of her favorite actors.

 — fighting with satansoo ; yes, she loves it so much it became a hobby.

 — bothering her twin ; yes, it also became a hobby, it's more like a routine to be honest


Random facts

 — she  loves giving nicknames to people around her, though her nicknames aren't necessarily cute things. let me introduce to you dumbhun (sehun), uglyass (jongdae), squishy/satan (kyungsoo), marysue (haneul), seddict -as for sehun-addict- (jihye), chou (taehyun, it's a cute french way to say, well, 'cute' or 'cutie'). for the others, they're either head, etc. strangely only minseok and chanyeol have been spared. but it's not meant to harm, it's just her way to address people she likes. don't worry, you'll notice immediately if she calls you that for a bad reason. and you'll run faaaaar away.

 — she's a blood type O.

 — minseok is currently her favorite person in the world because his vanilla latte is to die for.

 — she can't draw to save her life, which can become quite problematic in her job.

 — she dreams to have a dog.

 — she's scared of babies.

 — she remembers lyrics very easily, so when she hears music, she sings along

 — she's a clean freak.

 — she eats a lot but fortunately for her, doesn't gain weight easily.

 — she takes random 5-minute breaks every now and then.

 — her favorite Kpop song at the moment is 'too very so much' by myname and her favorite western song is 'élan' by nightwish.

 — she's a huge fan of victorian-styled mangas, her favorite one is without a doubt black butler.

 — her motto "I'm simply one hell of a chef" comes from black butler's sebastian, who calls himself "one hell of a butler". she likes to think herself as a feminine version of sebastian.

 — she can play the piano.

 — she's allergic to stupidity aka she tends to sneeze a lot for no apparent reason.

 — she smokes, and though she's more a light smoker, if she's really stressed, she'll start smoking a lot.



The History that i make.

background »


Jina was born in a pretty wealthy family but was early accustomed to not being dependant on her parents. Both were doctors and owned a hospital, so they spent a lot of time working at their hospital, they couldn't be with their children as much as they wanted to. They weren't negligent, the time they had at home was spent playing with their babies, helping them with their homework when they were in school, going to the cinema with them etc. At first, it was difficult for Jina and her twin brother because they were raised with a very strong sense of family, but they eventually got used to it. Their nanny, Soohwa, was very nice and she took great care of them. The siblings spent their days with her and she became some sort of auntie for them. But more than their link with Soohwa, it was the link the siblings shared which grew the most. Being 24/7 with each other, they grew really close. Jina's brother loved his role of brother and loved taking care of his sister. At this time, Jina was a shy little girl, scared for simple things, and terribly clingy. It was impossible to see one without the other and their parents thought it was really endearing. 
Basically, Jina grew up normally, going to school, having friends, spending time lazying around at home and watching sappy tv shows with her brother. Until she found the manga Antique Bakery. She was thirteen at this time and she totally fell in love with this manga. All those pastries looked so delicious and the customers seemed so happy ! Jina had spent time cooking with Soohwa, but she never tried those things ! She immediately asked her nanny and the woman accepted. They went shopping and that's when Jina baked her first pastry : a charlotte au chocolat. It was not perfect but it tasted really good and Jina had truly enjoyed baking. Her obsession with cooking started at this point. Good bye the lazy girl, she started working and working, reading all sorts of book about food, trying new recipes - let's say her brother was quite happy with that ! She grew up discovering and trying new things, her grades went up and her motivation had reached its peak. She worked harder and harder until the end of high school. At this time, she was a bit mocked at by boys, they said she was good at nothing but bake pretty cupcakes, they said she should just become some servant etc. Jina started losing a bit of self-confidence and she felt a bit lost. Why was she mocked at ? Cooking was a good thing ! Her brother was as lost as her and didn't know what he could do to help. That's when Jina turned to a friend she had met on the Internet, a boy named Sungjoon who lived in France. He told her to do something drastic, to change something in her life. But what ? It was her brother who gave her the idea to dye her hair. You're flaming, Jina, that's what he said before taking her to the hairdresser and she got her hair dyed reddish. 
She didn't know why, but her new hair gave her a sudden boost in confidence and she decided to just forget everyone and to live her passion. After talking to her parents, they agreed to let her try to get a scholarship for a big cookery school in Paris. She got it and she left South Korea for France at the age of 17, leaving behind her a lonely and heartbroken brother. She didn't like the idea of leaving without him, but it was something she had to do. During three years, she lived and studied in France with French chefs. She learnt everything she wanted and even more, and she graduated as the first in her class. She went back to South Korea to celebrate with her family and friends, then she moved in with her brother who had got himself a flat for his new student/working life. She kept on searching for work but she wasn't accepted because of her lack of knowledge on Asian food. So she studied and studied again, took care of her brother while he was working. Finally, her brother, who was working at Hotel El Dorado, told her that they needed a pastry chef and she jumped on the occasion !





» Kim Jongdae | Twin Brother | 22 y.o | loud, teasing, honest, self-confident, egocentric, caring, multi-task 

It's really hard to imagine there could be any relationship at all between those two, seeing as despite their similar personality, they keep on insulting each other. But yes, they're twins ! Surprisingly, no one guessed their link already - and the two never told them. They keep their little private life a secret, one because Jina doesn't want anyone to know she's living with this crazy dude, especially since no one would believe she's his sister and she'd had to prove her point, and two because they find it funny. Both of them have a pretty healthy relationship at home, despite screaming at each other at work, they're quite peaceful at home, doing the chores, spending time having fun together. At work, Jina is always seen telling mean things to Jongdae and vice versa. They're both explosing fires. At the beginning, everyone think they hate each other, yet there are subtle things that catch their co-workers' attention, like how Jina knows exactly which flavor choosing for her cupcakes so that they're to Jongdae's taste or how he'd bring medicine to her everytime she's a bit pale at work. Despite everything, they're siblings and they share a very deep bond. Jongdae tends to worry very easily for his sister and he cherishes her. Jongdae's a tactile person, he likes hugging his sister and simply her hair gently. He likes showing his love through touches. He's also always trying to show her some affection and if bringing her a big vanilla latte every lunch break to please her wasn't a proof already, the delicious cheese naajjimdalk he buys just for her when he comes back from work earlier than her is a good evidence of his brotherly love for the girl. And Jina isn't such a bad girl as well, if she uses every mean to bother him at work, she also brings a fluffy blanket to prevent him from being cold when he falls asleep on the sofa of their apartment after they finished watching a movie while cuddling. 





» Oh Sehun | Trouble Buddy | 21 y.o | rude, troublemaker, funny, daring, sweet, thoughtful, inexperienced

Oh Sehun is a brat, a dumb brat to be honest, but he's also a funny brat and that's exactly why Jina and him are often stuck together. They're two brats who love getting in troubles with their friends and do stupid things. Be afraid if you see them smirking at each other, it means they're up to no good. Oh, they never mean harm, they just have their own definition of 'fun'. They attack each other with insults, but the more insults they throw, the more they grow fond of each other. They throw dares at each other every day, and the stupidest dares ever if you didn't already guess. I bet I can throw this soap farther than you can. I bet you can't stuff 30 marshmalows in your mouth without puking. See ? With Sehun, Jina becomes a child again. He's actually the one at the origin of her nickname "Lady", and it comes from the movie "Lady and the Tramp". Spaghetti kiss, you can guess what happened - though they did it as a dare and no one knows they pecked lips because she definitely didn't want to do it. She lost the dare, obviously (she didn't believe he would actually do the spaghetti kiss), no one knows, and the only reminder of this terrible day is her forfeit : the new nickname 'Lady'. Ah, she would have loved calling him 'Tramp', but too bad. Sehun hates losing as much as her, so it can be funny to see how far they go to win a dare. They just like having fun and doing stupid things and they just like spending time together, as 'Buddies', and they know they can count on each other if something's wrong.


» Jeon Jihye | Tom & Jerry | 22 y.o | quiet, sneaky, hardworking, clumsy, sweet, thoughtful, possessive

Despite all her work, Jina may be the only person Jihye cannot seem to prank. The fearless girl somehow managed to tame the sweet girl and both of them are actually quite close. At first, Jina was only passing by a corridor to hear a stream of insults regarding Dumbhun. Being surprised that she was not the one uttering them, she curiously followed to melodic voice and found Jihye. First, Jina was more amused and started playing with the girl, asking her questions about the boy, wondering if it was a way to show her love - and she avoided a carefully thrown pillow. After that, their relationship grew more like a friendly tease. Jihye loves going to the kitchen to ramble about Sehun-this and Sehun-that and Jina keeps on teasing her that they would make a great couple. Of course, she'll never tell her that they actually kissed once. Jina finds the girl funny and likes giving her advice. Listen to your elders ! -- You're only older than me by one day ! They are often found laughing, but to be more serious, Jina finds her really cute and she enjoys seeing another hardworking person.




» Nam Taehyun | Evil Follower | 20 y.o | cute, cunning, teasing, too honest, clingy, curious, hardworker 

If Jina had a child, that would be Taehyun. This guy is a perfect replica of Jina but in a cuter version. He was really not into pastry when he started searching for a job, he was just an annoying teen who needed a job and at first, he was just a random cleaner and kept on complaining. The first time he tasted one of Jina's pastries, he immediately fell in love. During days and nights, he read tons of books about pastry and begged Jina to give her a chance to work for her. He tried a pastry and Jina swore that it was the worst thing she ever tasted - but she felt warm at the youngster's hardworking try and she decided to take him as an apprentice. At first, he would simply make easy tasks and during breaks, she would teach him the basics. He can now bake some simple recipes alone and he's Jina's helper. Both of them grew really close and she sees him as her dongsaeng. Don't you dare do something to him or she'll hurt you ! You could think his clingyness would annoy Jina - well you're totally wrong. Taehyun is way too adorable for his own sake and Jina can't resist him at all. She sees him as an adorable little brother and she adores pampering him. There's a great complicity between the two of them and Taehyun often comes to her whining when he doesn't have her attention. She's HIS Noona, so don't you dare touch her or he's going to hurt your bones. He's extremely jealous of boys who are close to her (aka Jongdae, Sehun and Chanyeol), to the point where some thought he was in love with her but no, there's nothing of the sort between them - simply because he has a cute crush on Haneul.







» Do Kyungsoo | Friendly Rival | 22 y.o | hardworker, passionate, professional, demanding, evil

This guy is Satan in a squishable body, I swear. He looks all nice, he likes his job, he likes cooking in general, he smiles to all his customers and treats them well, but with his co-worker, he's scary as hell. If you fail at something, he'll stare at you like he wants to cook you and eat you. It can be a very short stare, but it scares everyone to the bones. And no matter how hard Jongin tries to say that his hyung is the sweetest guy on Earth, Jina will never believe that. Kyungsoo is a cunning fox in the disguise of a charming Angel - yes, his smile is oh-so-cute and his eye smile is freaking adorable, but still. He's nice with everyone, but Jina is sure that he's one weird and crazy guy. There is a very big competition between the two, seeing as both of them judge each other's work. Kyungsoo represents his country in his Korean restaurant while Jina represents the beauty of French pastries, so they don't have the same values. No one around them understands their competition and if other workers try to get in between them, they immediately back off when they see the flames in their eyes. There's actually no hate between them, just a super strong professional rivalry. They're always found throwing sarcastic remarks at each other but there is one unspoken rule between them : never ruin the chef's work. They both worked hard to get here and become chefs at such young age and they respect each other, so none of them touches at the other's food or aliments or even try to say something bad about the other's cooking. And you know the worst ? They cook together and eat together for every lunch ! They're actually very good friends and are also very close outside of work, as they share the same passion.




» The Entertainer or Jongdae's Love Interest | Brother-stealer | see app | see app

Ok, so it's not because the twins are constantly fighting that they like having others close to their other half. Just like Jongdae cannot stand Jina's ex-boyfriend, the girl doesn't like seeing this other girl so close to her brother. She sees them smiling together and having fun, she hears Chen talking about her when they go home - and their sibling relationship is going farther and farther away. Hey, she can't say anything seeing how most of her friends are males, but it's different. It's different, right ? 






» Bang Sungjoon | Ex-boyfriend | 24 y.o | sweet-talker, daring, confident, playful, thoughtful, caring

Sungjoon and Jina met on the internet via the Korean application Doki Doki, they started talking like this and they grew closer. Several Kakaotalk messages and Skype calls later, they became good friends. When Jina left for France, Sungjoon was here to help her with all the papers, seeing as he lived in Paris. They grew closer and closer and he became the guinea pig of her baking experiments - perfect job since she was gifted. After 6 months of him picking her up at the university, eating together and spending time together, they developed feelings for each other and started dating. They were a very happy and playful couple and all the girls would watch with jealousy how the tall and handsome male would grab Jina's waist possessively and French kiss her. He was Jina's first love and she could never forget him. After two years, they decided to part ways as she had to leave France. Both were heartbroken but kept in touch and after a while, they realized their feelings were going back to their previous friendship. He's still a great part of her life and she considers him as a very close friend. If they were together, both of them would spend their time joking and having fun, and Sungjoon would be the super tactile guy he is, always hugging her or touching her... even kissing her out of the blue !




Call Me Baby.

love interest » Park Chanyeol

backup love interest » Do Kyungsoo


Interaction » For an unknown reason, Chanyeol is, with Minseok, the only one who didn't get a nickname. Even Jina doesn't know why, she just likes his name and can't find anything for him apart from 'Yeol'. Chanyeol is happy with that, he feels more... special. Both of them are actually very good friends, maybe the closest thing to best friends they could be (seeing as Jina considers her twin as her best friend). They spend a lot of time together and they can often be found laughing. When they're not working, they're always texting about crazy stuff, may it be the new Zelda video game or this funny cat video he found on youtube. Both of them are a loud duet, laughing hysterically at whatever funny joke they heard. Both are each other's vitamin and whenever they have a break, they go motivate the other. Chanyeol has priority when it comes to tasting new recipes, and he's often found in the kitchen whenever he has a break. He usually comes very early in the morning simply because he knows that Jina is preparing her ingredients. 


However, both of them can be quite serious and they know they can count on each other. They're really similar, none of them tend to show their weaknesses and that's why they find it easier to talk to each other if something is wrong. Chanyeol's presence is comforting for her and despite knowing that she's not good with feeling, he always goes to her when he feels down because she can have something stupid to make him smile. Needless to say, those moments are super rare seeing how both of them are. They can rely on each other and are close enough to hug each other without ambiguity (or that's what she thinks). 


love story »

<< have you heard of electric love ? >>

Unbeknownst to her, Chanyeol actually already has feelings for her. For him, it was like love at first sight but with less romanticism. Basically, he found her very pretty the moment he saw her and he fell in love hearing her voice. Of course, he doesn't really like that she swears a lot, but he really enjoys the tone of her voice. As they discussed, Jina immediately clicked and both of them started considering each other as very close friends. Chanyeol is maybe her closest friend in the Hotel and they're always exchanging gazes during their work time. To be very honest, Jina is the only one who doesn't get that he loves her. He's always found looking at her, smiling creepily when he sees her coming, talking about her, etc. Everyone knows and everyone teases him about his obvious crush on her - apart from Jongdae who doesn't really like it. Chanyeol doesn't know why Jongdae is so against him liking Jina and he's jealous of him because he thinks Chen also has feelings for the girl. But he wants to fight anyway.


<< you know, i'll be there for you, always >>

Jina is usually someone who understands people quite easily but this time, she's totally blind to what her friend feels about her. She really can't see that he's so infatuated with her. She actually likes him a lot, he's tall, handsome, funny, kind, tactile... She always blushes when he compliments her and finds herself anticipating Chanyeol's breaks as he comes to see them in the kitchen. She enjoys his hugs, she enjoys his kisses on the cheek. She enjoys their moments together talking about everything. He's there for her, he listens to her and tries to help her and he has this kindness in his eyes that makes Jina feels at peace. She finds it funny when he tries to protect her from Sungjoon's furtive kisses, or when he fights with Taehyun to have her attention. She really enjoys the fun she has with him, when they makes stupid jokes, when they plays games together. However, it's not until she gets hurt (see scene requests) that she starts feeling something new for him. He's there again for her, holding her tightly in his warm arms and comforting her, her hair... and confessing to her. 


<< will you be my valentine ? >>

Jina actually doesn't answer and Chanyeol doesn't pry. He knows it was kind of sudden but if everyone is sorry for him about the rejection, Chanyeol just smiles. No answer doesn't mean a 'no', right ? He's patient and he's being exactly the same gentle and funny guy, he does af if nothing changed. Jina is totally confused about her own feelings and she feels both happy and sorry about how he acts. She really wants to give him an answer, to forget this awkward relationship. She finds comfort in Jongdae and, surprisingly, Kyungsoo who thought his fellow Demon would need some help at work if she can't find some in her private life. And one day, after a funny conversation about skirts and Chanyeol saying he would like to be the first one to see her in a dress, she asks him to pick her up... and he just watches her with huge eyes as she leaves her flat with a cute dress. Don't laugh ! -- How could I laugh, you're beautiful... And she blushes and decides to tiptoe and peck Chanyeol on the lips, blushing, just as her brother arrives and scowls at them. As they arrive at the hotel, everyone cheers as Chanyeol holds Jina's hands possessively and has this huge creepy grin. They're all mocking him but he doesn't care and Jina finally shouts at everyone to go back to work before she kicks everyone's !









» Actually, Jongdae took me here saying you needed a pastry chef and here I am ! I didn't choose it since I needed a job but this is a fun place, I really like it here. Besides, there's almost some anumation going on, so it's a pleasure to help others bother you, Mama ! (JM : What did I do to deserve that ?) Nothing, poor boy, but don't worry, you'll love it.

What can you contribute after getting accepted? 
» (JM : Actually, don't answer that, I know already...) Oh, really ? Haha, Joonmama, you have absolutely no idea ! You'll have headaches because of the loud sounds, though, not because of troubles. Or maybe ? Oh ok, I know, I'm not that scary, don't worry. I'm hardworking, I live for my job, I would never do anything to ruin my workplace ! I need the job as much as everyone here-- almost, but hey, I care about it. It's not like I'm some firework you can't control ! If I cause trouble, it's only during my breaks or after my work, seems like little time right ? Naaah, it'll be funny, you'll see ! Besides, I can provide everyone with sweets. Sugar always ease tension, you should try, grandpa ! Ok ok, let's be serious for once : I can deal with food and if there is a problem for Kyungsoo, I can replace him to cook, I can also temper make Jongdae and Sehun shut up once in a while. Seems good, doesn't it ? (JM : Sure...)


Who do you think will you work well with? and not work well with?
» Hmm... Actually, I don't know. According to who, you or me ? Because the answers can be different ! No, for work, I could work well with Minseok, Chanyeol and Satan. Let's be honest, even though we're constantly fighting, he's an amazing cook and I would have a lot to learn from him. We kind of complete each other, besides, all of their jobs are somehow related to food, right ? Otherwise.... I don't think I could work with Blond Tower or Baekdiva, like I'm terrible at directions and dealing with customers, so both of them would go crazy with me there, even the Deer too ! Oh, I don't try to make me work with Dumbhun or Uglyass, nope, I want to keep my job thank you very much (JM : At least, you're into your job... What about Tao or Jongin ?) Naaah, I would stare at yjong's face non-stop and Panda wouldn't be able to handle my vulgarity. Could be funny though ! And the Unicorn is just weird. Urrgh. (JM : What about me ?) Haha, come on, grandpa, could you work with me ? (JM : Touché.)

» ... Erh, this is a serious question ? Because it's Jongin, like, without any hesitation. Did you see him ? Man, I swear if he wasn't younger than me, I'd like a piece of that. (JM : *scandalized*) Oh my GOD, if you could see your face, it's priceless !! Come on, I'm not a maneater, despite when you could think ! So, you want a serious answer ? Like, I mean, you want me to give a well-thought answer other than the obvious 'Jongin' one ? Hmm... Maybe Kris ? He's tall and handsome ! Chanyeol isn't so bad either... And you're quite good-looking -- I mean, more good-looking than the others. (JM : A-ah, thanks, it's nice of you !) You're still nowhere close to Jongin, though, old man. (JM : Nevermind.)

» The hell ? Of course Kai ! Sehun is dumb as and even though we're friends, he's nowhere close to y Jongin. No, ok, what's the criteria ? Eh ? There's none ? Then why do you even ask a question ? In any case, I'd never choose Jongdae, except if you have to ask me who's the ugliest over there. It's pretty much between him and Satan, anyway. (JM: I-Isn't that a bit rude ?) Why ? Don't you have eyes ? Oh, come on, 'Joonmyeonie', you need to cheer up, huh ? If you continue like this, you'll get old way before the good age ! Oh wait-- it already started. (JM : Hey !)

» @Kuropatishie (as a reference to Kurosuji, 'Black Butler', she's the 'Black Pastry Chef')


Run, don't let go of this hand.

comments/suggestions » i'm sorry, as i said, i feel like some ideas were really similar to other applicants but i didn't want to change them ;u; i hope you'll like her anyway ;u; i kind of butchered the love interest part, i'm so sorry !

scene requests » 

» There would be a cooking competition for a tv show in  the hotel. Teams of two would battle to the rank of "the best South Korean chefs" and as a surprise for all their friends, Kyungsoo and Jina would team up to get the price. Everyone would think they'd fight and ruin everything, but as the first test begins, they realize the two have a perfect teamwork and manage to mix Korean and French gastronomy to reach their own vision of perfection, both for main dish and dessert. They'd blow everyone's minds and win the price - only to be forced to cook the recipes of the tests for everyone to celebrate after the show. 

» After several sleepless nights of working on new recipes for the Hotel, Jina goes to work but she's not in a good shape. She can't focus, makes mistakes, sweats a lot and feels sick, but she refuses to stop working - to the point when she collapses, bumping into a pot of boiling water an dmaking it fall on her arm, burning her. Taehyun panicks and Kyungsoo is the first one to react. He sends the boy to Yixing, and the commis runs, bumping into Jongdae and Chanyeol on the way. The boys run to help Jina and take her to the infirmary. When he wakes up, Yixing tells her that she's forbidden to move her arm too much for two weeks, so basically, she can't bake. At first, she tries to disobey but ends up making things fall and hurting herself, so Kyungsoo shoos her out of the kitchen. She goes to a discreet place and starts crying her eyes out. Chanyeol, who was worried, follows her and comforts her, hugging her and kissing her hair like a lover would do.

» Cute clingy!Taehyun moments, or moments when he shoos boys away from Jina.

» A loooot of Kim Combo (Jongdae/Jina) moments !

» Jongdae reveals they're siblings and Jina hits him.

» Jina making fun of Jihye's crush on Sehun and Taehyun's on Haneul.

» Sungjoon arriving from France to surprise her and kisses her fully on the lips to say hello, in front of fuming Chanyeol and Jongdae.

» Chanyeol kissing Jina out of the blue and smiling creepily at how she blushes.

Desired CLients »
» one of jina's favorite actor (kim woobin, kim jaewook, anyone) or the running man cast

» a gastronomic critic

» a noisy family with babies and children

» a very rude male who would harass some female employees and would get kicked by all love interests

password »  here, have both~ # #


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