My Thoughts: Religion

I know that I haven't been active on AFF in a few weeks. I've been busy with school and my youtube channel. There aren't enough hours in the day (sigh) This isn't the most pleasant blog to return to, but it's something that I've been thinking about for quite a while.

Here's my thoughts on Religion.

I used to call myself a Christian. I am currently non-religious. I wasn't raised in religion. I wasn't forced to read the Bible or go to church. I've only been about 5 times  and I slept through most of them. My mom doesn't really talk about God and faith that often. I didn't feel pressure to commit to Christianity via my family. As I got older and people would ask me questions about what I believed in I started to notice that I didn't know jack about the Bible or it's principles. I don't even know the 10 commandments. (Yet I've probably committed less "sins" than those so-called Christians who try to bash non-believers)

After doing some research I concluded that I am not a Christian. I don't like what it stands for. I don't like the way they portray women and gender roles, , marriage, homouality, sins, and ity, and self worth. I believe that people should do good regardless of their faith and that morals should not be determined by a book written by normal people hundreds or thousands of years. 

I am not an Atheist though I am deciding whether or not I am agnostic which means I'm not 100% sure there is or isn't a God. I'm not 100% sure there's heaven and hell or the afterlife. It seems unbelievable to me that there's a place where billions of dead people hang out. Reincarnation, on the other hand, is a theory I would like to be true. There's no proof, but I'm content with my soul transferring to another being. I believe in karma and jinx. I believe that if you do good things there's a change good things will come and if you do bad things there's a change bad things will come. This isn't faith related. This is just how I feel. I also believe in miracles. For some reason things can happen for the better and you can't explain them. I wouldn't credit it to God though. I wouldn't credit the unfortunate to satan either.

The reason why I'm not Atheist is because a part of me believes that there's Something higher than us. Something with greater power watching over us. I am too selfish to believe that there is no faith and that what you see is what you get. But at least I admit it. 

To sum it up, I would say if I am anything I am Spiritual. Can an Agnostic be spiritual?? Well if Christians can pick and choose what part of religion to beleive, so can I.

Just out of curiosity, What religion are you??


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I guess I have the same story as you kind of. My parents brought me to a church and baptized me when I was a baby. I think my mom just believing that there was a higher power out there kind of influenced me and when you're that little, I think you don't really care and just call yourself whatever your parents are because you don't really think of such heavy topics like religion at so young you know? At least I didn't. Then when I was like early teens I felt like there were just soo many loopholes in everything and I found it really hard to believe in something that seemed to have no solid ground to it. Like if people can just pick and choose what to believe in Christianity then I have a hard time believing they are all involving themselves in the same religion. I began to not want any label on me because I think it's just another way to separate people honestly and so many wars and revolts have been started because of religion. I think all the negatives about religion and just the fact that I could find no solid foundation in anything (Christianity manly) gave me a little hatred for it and I now call myself an atheist. Don't know if I'm agnostic or not but no one really has proof if 'god' is real or not. If something good happens to someone, they praise god, but if something bad happens it's suddenly not because of him or his fault. I think religion is just a thing to get people up in the morning and gives them faith that their life is worth living. I think people don't want to face the ugly truth that we live just like everything else and then die like everything else. That's it. Depressing right? So that's why I think people want something to believe in. (sorry that was really long! but I thought I'd add my thoughts in because you asked)