Forgiveness and Love.

My New Reasons

The Next Morning.....

Eunhae woke up the next morning still a bit sleepy with her body completely sore. She roll around to grab her phone to check the time but she couldn't move. She tried again then again and again but couldn't move, her mind was still confused and foggy as she just woke up. After she got back into being fully awake she realized that someone was wrapping their arms around her not letting her move. She froze. Then the memories of last night flashed through her mind and she got completely red. She covered her face while still trying to roll around.

Then she could feel Taemin's hot breath against her neck bringing shivers through her whole body. She close her eyes and try not to make any sound. She still didn't move and was still covering her face with her hands. Taemin groan and started to wake up. He smile shyly when he realized that Eunhae was in his arms. He saw how Eunhae was covering her face and he wanted to . He grin evily, he lean down and kiss her on her neck, "Good Morning Eunhae, you slept well?" he says with a playful smirk playing on his lips. That only made Eunhae squirm more trying to get away from him. Taemin understand her, she may be play things cool but she's an innocent soul and shy as hell. Even he had a blush across his face. "Come on Eunhae you're not going to cover your face staying still all day long"

Eunhae shake her head while still covering her face, "I know I'm looking like those cheesy shy girls and I don't care. Just don't look at me" Eunhae whine and Taemin understood but couldn't help but chuckle a bit. She hate to act cute but doesn't realize that sometimes she do it unintentionally. But after both of their stomach made a grumbling noise signaling that their body needs food to survive, he knew he had to wake Eunhae up. He smile and caress Eunhae's cheek which again just send shivers all over Eunhae body. She hated how weakly she reacts towards his soft touch as it literally drives her insane but obviously she would never admit it. "Eunhae please look at me. It's already 9:15, we need to go or else we'll miss breakfast and I don't think you'd want to miss your favorite buffet ouvert breakfast at your favorite hotel? Right?"

Eunhae took a deep breath and remove her hands to see a smiling yet blushing Taemin looking at her. She was happy to be finally back with the person she loves the most but she was more happy to see Taemin smiling so brightly again. His happiness matters the most after all the he went through as a kid. Then she decided to show Taemin that she's trying her best not to be that shy anymore, she gulp and look down, "" she take a deep breath and look at Taemin shyly but this time with a sad and confused expression, "Do you regret what happened last night?"

Taemin was a bit taken aback by this question but he immediately understood that Eunhae was forcing herself not to be shy and he didn't like that. And also like heck he'll regret what happened last night. He love her more than anything and would never force her into things she doesn't want. He want her to be herself without being scared of people's judgemental views. He promised he'll never forced her to be someone she isnt (That doesn't only applied during love making). Fortunately as Eunhae was hiding her face some minutes ago, he managed to put on his boxer quickly. "Eunhae it's alright you don't have anything to prove to me and you're cute when you're shy and no I'll never regret what happened last night"

Eunhae look at her with her normal WTF look and crossed her arms. "Lee Taemin don't look at me as if I'm those cheesy girls from those shoujou Manga" Eunhae glare at Taemin who smile proudly for having his Eunhae back but then her glare dissappear and she look down, "I didn't regret last night. Like due to that law we're married right?" Taemin was shocked. So that's why she was worried, she thought she was doing something bad because they aren't married. He kiss her forehead, "Eunhae compare to humans laws, my law is that we're not bonded by a piece of paper but rather by a form of a more stronger union so no worries. Now I'm hungry and by the way, you were perfect last night" Eunhae whine and he wrap his arms around her.

"Fine, fine let me get my clothes first" Taemin chuckle as he kiss her on her cheek making her dumbfounded once again and just turn around searching for a shirt while Eunhae put on her underwears. She was just about to grab a shirt when Taemin just hug her from behind kissing her "I'm so glad to have you back" Eunhae said while smiling but then she turn around and look at Taemin, "About....last night, since you're not that kind of men, how did you know about these stuffs though?" Taemin was obviously not the kind of men to watch these kind of videos so she wonders where he knew about stuffs like that. "Well I don't really know to be honest. I just wanted to claim you as mine, I guess it was just my male alpha instinct" Taemin smirk while saying the last part which made Eunhae just roll her eyes at the latter but a faint blush could be seen on her cheeks.

"In all honesty I don't understand guys who watch these stuffs, I've never even come across it like maybe during accidents but it's not the right way. Like there's no way these stuff should be accepted. No man in a relationship should watch that. They should be just like me and follow their male instinct and not watch disgusting videos like this which shows no emotions at all. It's not true love so if a man get aroused by that they're just disgusting and don't deserve to have a woman. They should not force their woman to continue a relationship with them if they can't change for the better. Like I change" Taemin said but the last part made Eunhae  drop his smile.

"Taemin don't say that I didn't made you change. I don't want you to change because of me. I love you because you're you. I just help you out of that dark hole and make you smile was my goal I just didn't expect I'd fall for you." Taemin smiles and kiss her forehead," That's why I love you"


"Taemin are you awake yet?" Both of them panic. Eunhae was in her underwears while Taemin had a shirt and a boxer on. They didn't want Key to know at least not right now. "Yes wait a minute Key" Eunhae got an idea and decided to hide in the closet but unfortunately she was still in her underwears as she was in so much panic but she fortunately took a shirt.Taemin quickly put his pants and close the closet door.

He then opens the door," Hey Key? What's up?"

Key sighs, "I'm waiting for you to go for breakfast. Will you take long? I'm really hungry" Key whine as Taemin chuckle. "Go first I have some documents to finish I'll come later" Key nodded and Taemin watch as he made his way to the elevator. Taemin closes the door and sigh in relief. The door of hell weren't open and he was glad.

Taemin then open the closet door, "That was close" Eunhae said as she got out. She then proceed to put her pants on and made her hair look decent while Taemin was watching her with a smile. After she finished she grabbed her phone and put her room key card in her pocket and made her way to the door. Taemin grab her hand as he open the door.

"Well, well, well. What a sight?" The two froze. They then look up to see a completely furious Key glaring at them while crossing his arm on his chest. They looked like two deers caught in the headlights. There was a long silence and the two lovers didn't dare to say a words to Key. They didn't want that maniac to run after them with a broom in his hand all around the hotel so they stayed silent.

The silence was broken by Key who started to laugh leaving the other two more confused than ever but they still didn't dare to say a word. "Oh my god" Key said while laughing, "You should see your faces" he laugh more and wipe a tear from his eyes. Taemin was about to say something when Krystal and Kai popped about behind Key with a smile on their face. "So Kibum's plan did work afterall" Krystal said with a smile as Kai grin.

Taemin's eyes then widen and he understands what was going on, "You three, you prepared all that" Taemin said as his voice died down. He didn't knew if he was supposed to be mad or happy. Kai then laugh, "Taemin come on. You got her back so it's alright now. Let's go eat we're all hungry." Kai and Krystal went first while Key was waiting for the two. Key then smirk, "I guess you're both really hungry after such an eventful night" Key teases as both of them became bright red. Key laugh at his friends but then all of their smile drop when they heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Key what are you doing there?" Hell was about to break lose. Like man even Satan would be scared right now. Key and Eunhae were both scared less as their heart were racing with horror. Taemin was just being neutral completely unaware. The man who even Satan would be scared of when angry, Kim Jonghyun.

"Key what....." his voice died down when he looked behind Key. His eyes widen and he didn't quite understand what was happening until he look down and saw Eunhae and Taemin's hands intertwined together. But what made his eyes turned a glowing yellow in complete rage was that the scent of Taemin was sickeningly all over Eunhae.

As he approached his doubts were clear. His blood was boiling as he looked at Taemin. He had enough of him hurting his dearest sister. He was always there for her but now that bastard took advantage of her when she was at the weakest point. Jonghyun was mad but also scared? His mind wasn't working properly. "Jonghyun calm down let me expl--" Jonghyun didn't let Key finish his sentence. Jonghyun push him aside as his eyes were glued to Taemin who wasn't scared but didn't like where this was going. He matured a lot during these two years and could clearly understand Jonghyun's feelings so he just stood up still waiting for the hit.

Suddenly Jonghyun grabbed him by his throat and slam him up against the wall while breathing heavily and glaring daggers at him. "How dare you took advantage of her like that you bastard!!!!!". Taemin cough up for air as he couldn't breath properly and he hold onto Jonghyun's hands. That took him by complete surprise. He expected a harsh punch in the face. Key and Eunhae were scared less but Eunhae reacted first. "Jonghyun stop he didn't hurt me!!!!" Eunhae was scared too but she couldn't let them hurt each other. She didn't want to destroy a friendship she knew how much that hurt. She would prefer to get hurt than to destroy a friendship as strong as theirs.

But the one who'll got hurt was Eunhae after these words were said to her. Jonghyun's hold on Taemin's neck unintentionally loosen and Jonghyun whip his head and glared at Eunhae who got taken aback, his mouth spoke before he could even think, "Why are you defending that bastard huh? You like being a ???"

These words shock everyone except Jonghyun who was too furious to realize what he just said but then. Taemin punch him straight and hard in his jaw sending him falling down on the floor. Taemin was breathing heavily as he gritted his teeth. Eunhae didn't knew what to say. To have such things being said towards her and especially when these words were coming from her own brother who didn't realize what he just said was just awful. "WHAT THE JONGHYUN!!!! DID YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU JUST ING SAID!!! SHE'S YOUR SISTER FOR SAID!!! DON'T YOU SEE IT'S YOU WHO'S HURTING HER MORE BY SAYING THESE WORDS. YOU'RE OF THE SAME ING BLOOD!!!!!" Taemin was the one who was breathing heavily now as he held Eunhae in his arms in a possessive and protective way while his eyes were glowing dangerously yellow.

Jonghyun's world then came crashing down after he realized what he just said but he could not let his emotions to be seen so he just glare at them. He wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up. He turn his back toward them, made his way towards his room and slam the door shut behind him. Taemin help Key to stand up and went back to comforting Eunhae. "You know he didn't meant these words Eunhae he was just angry" Both reassure her but Eunhae just wipe her tears angrily and look at Key. "Kibum" Key froze. She only called him that when she was serious and right now looking into her eyes she was being deadly serious. "Give me your room key card" Key was staying with Jonghyun.

"Eunhae he's still mad talk to him late-

"Give. It. To. Me"

"Eunhae pleas-


Key sigh and gave Eunhae his key card. She ask the two to just stay behind and they accepted without saying anything. Eunhae unlock the door and close it behind her. Jonghyun was just laying on the bed facing the ceiling with one of his arm covering his face. He removed it a little bit to see who it was and glare but his eyes seems to soften a bit when he realized it was Eunhae. He immediately cover his face back and turn his back toward her now facing the big window.

Eunhae sit on the bed next her brother. She knew he won't listen to him so with all the strength she grab him and force him to sit up. Jonghyun expected Eunhae to be mad at him but Eunhae just look at him. She smiled and wrapped arms around him. "I'm sorry I should have noticed the darkness inside you sooner" Jonghyun ended up crying as he hug her back. "My beautiful angel. Cry let it all out my beautiful man" Jonghyun cried and cried harder while Eunhae rubbed his back while he cried. After some minutes Jonghyun stopped and was now breathing lightly.

Eunhae back away and look at Jonghyun's face. She kiss his forehead. "You thought I wouldn't notice your sadness baby? I was depressed too but I learn how to live with my demons. These demons inside us are not bad like those humans on earth. I know exactly how you're feeling. When you saw me with Taemin you thought that I was leaving you and would never come back and that Taemin wanted to steal me away from you. Jonghyun I know you need to hear those words but look into my eyes"

She put her forehead against his and look into his eyes, "Kim Jonghyun. You're my brother, my family and my own blood. Even in the world would throw me away from you. I'll fight against the greatest demons to get back to you. You're the most beautiful angel in my life. The day I found you I swore on my life that I'll protect you till my last breath. The only family I have left is you. I'll never leave you I know what it's like and as long as I'm alive I'll treat you like you deserve. I won't treat you like a weakling because baby you're the strongest man I know. I'll be by your side while you fight against those demons. Don't give up. You're the most beautiful and amazing person I've ever seen. Don't let this world make you judge about your worth my angel. You're more than that sadness. You're the smiles, laughter and strength that you bring to people" But then Eunhae's voice crack and Jonghyun's eyes widen as she saw tears streaming over her face. "Don't leave me Jonghyun I won't be able to live without you I can't imagine my life without you. You're the only family I have. I'm here for you baby I'm so sorry so sorry my beautiful angel"

Jonghyun put his hand over her cheek and wipe away her tears. "I'm glad to have a sister as amazing as you Eunhae. I admit I once thought of giving up but the thought of leaving you alone gave me all the strength I needed to fight those demons. During those two years I fought and I won. I'm sorry for what I said. I'll always be here for you. Thank you so much for being here Eunhae. I'm doing amazing these days. I can honestly say I'm really happy these days. I'm glad you and Taemin got back together I was just also surprised to see that 'it' happened so early" Eunhae could see that he wasn't telling a lie when he said these words. Jonghyun said while laughing while Eunhae was completely red. "Oh shut up puppy. Now let's go I'm so hungry"

We got out of the room and opened the door. And two eavesdropping idiots came stumbling down on our feets. Jonghyun help Taemin up while I help Key. "I'm sorry Taemin I shouldn't have act like that" Taemin smile and shake his head, "Jonghyun don't apologize I understand your reactions". Eunhae was happy to see that these two were back to becoming friends. But then this time it'll be Jonghyun who'll break all hell lose.

"Now let's go guys my girlfriend is waiting for me downstairs...."

Everyone stop in their tracks. Jonghyun realise that he didn't told anyone about his new girlfriend. "Yes " Eunhae grab his wrist and rushed to the elevator "Let's go. Show me that that stole my brother from me. I swear if it's that that made you depressed I'll skin her alive and torture her in every way possible. How dare this ." Eunhae was furious even Taemin was now scared and Jonghyun was as speechless. Both of them were really territorial. I guess it just run in the family.

In the elevator Jonghyun tried to calm her down trying to make her understand that this new girl help her get over his depression. But Eunhae knew she was being childish. "So I didn't help at all" Eunhae said while pouting angrily. "oh God Eunhae you all did help me" Eunhae just continue to pout angrily. When the elevator stop down at the lobby they all got out, "I'll go to eat first you go finish the procedure with the hotel" The boys went to the reception while Eunhae made her way angrily to the breakfast room.

"ing trying to steal my lovely brother" She took her food and sat down and eat her food angrily while thinking of what type of fake bimbo stole her brother's heart. She didn't want him to be hurt again but now she had a strange feeling.

"Eunhae is that you?!?!?!?"

Eunhae look up and her eyes softened when she saw her high school friend Mahi. Mahi was a friend she got in the last two years of her high school days. Mahi helped her a lot to get through her sad days. She help Eunhae to face the world and the reality. Mahi was a spiritual being. Mahi help her in a way that can't really be explained. It was all thanks to her that she found about what to do in life. Mahi was one of those being that were true and honest. She wasn't like the others, both were there for each other. Though Mahi was sometimes overcome by sadness like all humans. Eunhae bond with her was so strong that both could read each other without them saying a word to each other. They could understand each other to an extent that it was sometimes terrifying for both of them. But as time went on they started to be alright with that.

Mahi was a spiritual being that associate stuff with spirituality rather than just logic and religious beliefs. She was open minded so its obvious we all suffer but it was because she was open to a world that is in need of repairs. They have an incredible ability to feel the pain and emotions of people around them, that was the kind that Mahi was and Eunhae was just amazed by that. So it's obvious when they met Mahi could feel the dark aura around Eunhae and wanted to get away but with time she realized that Eunhae just wanted to be save. So with time she help her energy to become more and more good. Then made Eunhae realize that she was just like her, they realized that in such a cruel world they were both people that could feel the energy of people around them and Eunhae was just someone who need help to control that power as Eunhae thought something was wrong her.

Mahi was those types of people that others like being around and though she may be a complete stranger to many. Those stranger feel completely safe that they just tell her about themselves and their stories. Then she somehow knew what to say to make others feel better. She says the words that people wants to hear. She's a magnet of negative not because she's bad luck but because feels the need to put that negative energy to let go it and help them heal. She had some difficulty to express her emotions and most of the time decides to focus her attention on something else. Mahi also has some random mood swings that she doesn't know why. Although she searches for the reasons to why, she does not attach any labels to her emotions. Anything that relates to nature brings her the sense of calmness and peace. She's a healer.

Mahi was the soul that was unique and amazing in every way. But Eunhae cannot really tells her all that so what's better than telling Mahi all that throughout a story.

Mahi sat down with her plate of food at her table and couldn't believe it either. Just when they were about to talk another voice came in the picture, "Mahi why are you sitting there?" Eunhae look up and saw Jonghyun looking at Mahi. "You know her?" Eunhae asked completely confused. "She's my girlfriend" Eunhae nearly fainted. "Let's go out" they all made their way outside.

Jonghyun calm Eunhae down and everyone was as confused as the other. "Someone tell me what's going on?" Mahi ask completly confused and Eunhae just glared at her, "Oh shut up ". All except Mahi were surprised at Eunhae's outburst. Mahi then crossed her arms and glare "Well 'excusez moi' 'lichienne' (female dog) but I'm confused as heck now". Both look as if they could kill each other. Taemin comes towards Eunhae and tried to calm her down while Jonghyun do the same for Mahi.

Jonghyun then explained everything, "Mahi listen to me. Eunhae here is my sister the one I told you about and Eunhae here is Mahi my girlfriend. Now guys stop looking as if you want to kill each other. Why do you hate each other? " Jonghyun said in an exasperated way.

Mahi and Eunhae Blink at the same time, "Jong we don't hate each other. We don't want to act like cheesy girls and hugs each other. That's too ugh. It's just our way of talking showing our affection" Mahi then nodded. Taemin just stare, Eunhae have some really weird but amazing friends. "So....." Mahi started "Who are the others?" Mahi ask Jonghyun. "oh this is my two best friend. Here's Key and this one is Taemin. Taemin is also Eunhae's man." Jonghyun says as he rolls his eyes at the last part.

Mahi then clap her hands, "my mission is complete. I made Eunhae gain some confidence, she got a man and finally got laid. Now come on gimme a hug I miss you so much" Mahi says out loud and hug Eunhae as Taemin just stared. Eunhae was so embarrassed and she covers her completely red face, "Mahi you can't say these stuff out loud"

They were all talking in the lobby which was on the same  level as the pool. The elevator was near so many took the elevator directly to their floor. Someone came from the pool and was making his way to the elevator. That man had only his swimming shorts on thus showing his glorious body to the many women staring at him. That man was obviously Choi Minho. And yes Mahi was staring too. Another point about her. Although Mahi was a healer she's afterall a human. She's loyal but she just can't help but to stare. "Wow oulala~ who's that gorgeous man over there. That body though"

"Mahi~" Jonghyun whine because he was obviously jealous. Mahi just chuckle and pinch his cheeks, "Awww baby you're so cute when you get jealous like that"

Author's note: So here's a new character that'll hopefully stay and again sorry for the delay my life is just hectic at the moment. 

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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie