His Story

My New Reasons




Outside POV. 


Taemin stammered as these words left his lips. He couldn't believe his eyes. There standing in from of him was his twin brother Kai who had left home years ago and now he's right in front of him looking completely fine. Taemin was confused what was he doing here and especially with EunHae. 

Taemin gulped "Wh...what're...you doing here Kai?" Of course even though he has met his brother now, he still need to be careful as he doesn't know which side he's. He smirk that evil smirk of his and laugh a little then Kai get away from EunHae who was left frozen on the ground completely scared and confused. The guy approach Taemin "Tae...you- 

Taemin punch him straight on his face and glaring at him. He was so mad that his eyes were now glowing yellow and he was breathing heavily. "Don't start with me with these words Kai!!" Kai then scoff "So because of this girl you'll attack your own brother now?" Kai scoff as he wipe off the blood from his mouth, his eyes glowing dangerously yellow with his claws already out in defense.

"I thought you were better than that Taemin? Even if I wasn't appearing in front of you I was watching over you. I thought you hated girls seeing how cold and rude you treated them. Can't you see that this thing is manipulating you?" Kai said as he glared at Taemin and continue to talk "Come on Taemin you're better than that" Taemin had enough of that he rush towards Kai to punch him but EunHae stop him. Kai then glared at her “Why are you pretending to be nice. Don’t you dare use him like that”

"Taemin!!! Just stop!!!" EunHae rush in front of Taemin protecting Kai. "Taemin I thought you were better than that? Are you seriously going to fight against your brother because of me? Taemin come on stop it can't you hear the desperation in his voice Taemin?" Both of the guys were surprise and especially Kai. "Lets hear him"

Taemin then smile at his brother when he see how shocked he was to EunHae's reaction "You see that Kai? She's my mate and if you have been watching over me you should know how much we both went through before so that now we're together because her she's different. She change me in a good way" 




Kai POV. 

I took some steps back as I couldn't even believe it myself. Taemin, my brother, the one who's cold and ruthless to everyone is smiling to a girl. Of course when I was watching over him it was just that I really felt that this girl was different but I just can't trust people anymore. I wanted her to die I hated her with every fiber of my being.

"Kai please explain me what happened to you?"

Taemin ask me and then I sigh. Of course I appeared to him for a reason and I should explain it to him. "Love Taemin that's what happened to me Taemin, I fell in love. For you it seem to have done good but for me Taemin it wasn't the case" 

Then I start to explain. The reason why I left the household was because I had enough of the way I was being treated. I knew Taemin could've protect my mother but the reason why I left wasn't only because of that but also because of this girl, my first love.



Even saying her name disgust me. I had left because I fell in love with her and since I was 16 at that time I fell for appearance first. I had my first kiss stolen by her. But I was an idiot I had fallen for her appearance and not her soul. She was the one who told me to ran away from my family and the way I was being treated. Even though of just one week of knowing her I thought that she was the one. But I was an idiot, a really ing idiot. But I wasn't idiot enough to tell her that I am a vampire. 

Of course when I ran away I took a bit of my fortune and ran away and by the time I was 16. I had brought a condo in the USA and I stayed there with her. The first weeks with her was fine but after that everything change. 

She started to want more and more materials things. At first I thought that it was normal because she was a girl. But she started to want more dresses, shoes and accessories and also expensive dinner. It wasn't normal and at first she start to seem to only want me because of that. She always said that she love me and I always believe her and she did love me. 

But at the age of 17 I did the biggest mistake of my life. I was 17 and her, she was one year older than me so she was 18. 

I lost my ity.  

When you're growing older it's normal for anyone to have these types of needs and of course I respect her. I never had these types of intention on her because I was still a minor. But for her it was different. She always look at me with these lusty eyes. I didn't bother about it but then one day it happened. 

I had just finished taking a shower and I had put my pants on leaving my chest bare because my shirt was in my room. I was drying off my hair while entering the room and she was there. Of course I started to smirk it’s not like I didn’t want her.. I continue my way in thinking that she would just leave but made her way towards me and wrap her arms around my neck making me completely red. I felt her breath hitting my lips and in that moment I understood.

She wanted me. 

That night I did the biggest mistake of my life. 

The next day, anyone would have been blushing red but her she was smirking at me and she was kissing every part of my body. Being madly in love with her of course I felt good. But then it started to happened like literally everyday and I meant it. She wanted me everyday and I did it too because I love her.

But then one day I ask her something and it literally change everything. I ask her the reason why she love me and her answer wasn't what I expected. She said that she love me only because of my appearance and cool attitudes I ask her if it was only because of that and she answered yes. Her answer left me with confused emotions. Then I ask her if I became fat or if I had cancer and lose all my hair or became a handicap if she would still love me. If you really love someone your answer would be really obvious. Her answer was.

"What're you saying of course I'll stop loving you. How can someone as perfect as me be with someone like that"

She laugh and then went away. At first I thought that she was just joking around but then I thought about something. She wasn't joking. Then I ask myself this question.

Why do I love her?

Then reality hit me harder than expected. I had love her because of her appearance. When we had move together we never had time to talk. In the morning we both had our separate job to do and at night we were both busy on bed if you know what I mean. When we were free and I wanted to told her about my dreams, hope and fear she just said that she's busy but for me I had to listen to her. It wouldn't have bothered me if she wasn't only talking about what type of clothes she wanted and what type of gifts she wanted from me. Then I understand something. 

I was just a toy to her.

She didn't have any dream all she want is to have fun and to go at parties and one time I had enough. I decided to test her love for me. 

I told her that I didn't had that much money now because it has been usurped by other companies. I was expecting her to be sad about it and just try to cheer me up. But her reaction disgust me. She was sad because now she wouldn't be able to buy that dress that she saw at a certain shop. And she just went away.

From that day I was disgusted by her. She wasn't that beautiful and amazing girl to me anymore. She was just a witch to me. 

When I was pretending to have lost all my money we had moved to a small and not so luxurious apartment. But she started to come home later than usual and sometimes she even come home in the morning saying that she got drunk at some parties and she spend the night at her friends house. 

One day I decided to follow her secretly and what I find shocked me. I kick the door open and was disgusted to find her on bed with another guy. She didn't panic she just look at me and said that she don't want to have anything to do with me anymore because I had no money and because I didn't pleasure her enough on bed. 

But actually it happened. I told her that I didn't want to have anything to do with her and slam the door and went away. But then I found out that she had found out that I was lying to her about me losing all my money so she had usurped all my money. I was left with only my tiny apartment.




"What a ing " I heard EunHae said "Seriously I don't think....no it wasn't even your fault like seriously you were young you did mistakes so what? After that you wanted to know her better and her she just love you because of your looks and money. You don't even have to regret it she didn't even have feelings so don't regret you deserve better"

She scoff and roll her eyes and continue to curse her. Damn it when Taemin said that she's different he really meant it that girl was really different. "To be honest I don't hate you I was just envious of Taemin to have someone like you but I guess I did the right thing when I made that garage door shut" They both look at me immediately understanding that I was the one who was the cause of the garage incident. 

"So you cause that just to made me and EunHae more closer?" I nodded. "So Taemin...." I started and look at him. "This time I came back for good.." As I was saying these words I saw him coming towards me while glaring at me. I know he hate me right now a

nd it would be no surprise if he punch me right now. I felt a blow on my face and I immediately expect him to punch me again but he took me by my hand and make me stand up and hug me tightly and I immediately hug him back. He is still my brother. 

(Their Hug)

I could feel him grasp his hand on my clothes. No matter how fierce he may look he's still my emotional little brother. He was everything to me and I would never let him because it was of a special reason that I'm going to stay now. To me Taemin is the most adorable little brother, you'll know what I mean later. I said my excuse to EunHae but she just brush it off and smile 

EunHae was looking at me and teary eyes "I'm so happy for both of you. You really deserve to be happy" I smile back at her she is a really nice girl and it's good that people like her still exist in that cruel world. Suddenly I remember the reason that push me to do this "Actually Taemin there's a reason why I come for good. Our uncle found out that EunHae is still alive and also I'll need to confess something" I took a deep breath and look at them.

"Actually EunHae I was the one who had save you on the day your parents died. Actually my uncle thought I was a bad person too so he told me to go and kill you because he knew you were Taemin's mate but I knew it too. Unfortunately I came late but I chased the evil vampires away and saved you on that day and then you of course know what Shaw did, that bastard."

EunHae bow to me and thank me. Then Taemin start to talk to her about something else. Then I just laugh "Taemin? You still don't know how to convey your feelings and it's same for you too EunHae right? Hahaha you too match so well. Now please let's go I really want to meet my sister!"

Then I smirk wanting to tease Taemin a bit more "Oh by the way Taemin" he turn to look at me and when he saw me smirking he seem to knew what I was up to "Did you already did it?" I said smirking and EunHae  blush furiously. "Kai....." Taemin said in a menacing way while EunHae cover her face "Kai I give you ten seconds to run" I gulp If he's acting like that it means it's a no, a really big freaking No.

"KAI!!!!" He yelled and I ran furiously away while laughing. I had miss him so much.




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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie