Tell Me What To Do

My New Reasons


Outside POV.
Just before Taemin went away, Rachel immediately stopped him by grabbing his arms but his eyes were still staring at EunHae without a care that Rachel holding his arms. After all these years, he still could not stop looking at her, the girl he loves but broke. "Taemin what do you want?" Taemin didn't seem to be in his sense and he answered without thinking "EunHae...." After some seconds, Taemin immediately realized what he said and shake his head getting his arm away from Rachel. He made his way hurriedly and breathlessly toward the exit.

Key made his way home to fund EunHae sleeping on the floor and smile sadly and call Jonghyun to inform him so as not to make him worry. He carried the sleepy woman to the bed and laid her there. "You'll find your happiness back EunHae believe me" Key said to the sleeping EunHae before leaving. He knows she deep down still love him but she has been too hurt too.



The next morning....... 

Eunhae woke up with a headache and still in her dress of last night. She curse under her breath and got ready to go to the bathroom. The memories of last night came into her mind and she immediately shake them away. What was done was already done and even if she has to meet him again. She'll show him how strong she really is. She finished taking a bath an everything and already dressed up. She take one last look at the mirror and noticed the barely visible stained tears on her face.

The past is the past now and she won't let herself be hurt again. She went through so much to be where she's right now and it's not one person who can destroy her and make her weak again.

She wash her face once again and look at the mirror. The weak and fragile Eunhae is gone now and no one would be able to break this Eunhae. She wipe her face and got down. She smile as soon as she smell the delicious cooking. As soon as Key saw her, he smile. "So did our princess slept well?" Key asked teasing her knowing clearly she hate to be called like that. Eunhae immediately send him a playful glare before sitting down at the table.



Eunhae grins seeing the delicious food all around. Croissants, eggs and toasts and salad with eggs. For Eunhae everything is just better with eggs. Eunhae immediately dig in eating as if she hadn't ate for days. Well it's not everyday that Key cooked for her and his cooking can beat any luxurious chief cooking for Key. "Damn Key, your food is absolutely delicious". Key smile at Eunhae and started to eat too. "I know right, baby" Key said before winking at her. He didn't ask about last night event as he didn't want to saddened Eunhae. He was just amused at how happy Eunhae looks while eating. After all, she was like his daughter.

"So what's your schedule for today?" Key asked while taking another bite of his eggs. Eunhae smile "Actually I don't really know but Shaw is coming today and he talked about me taking pictures of people for a photo shoots or something and I'm really happy for that" Key was glad to see her smiling like that.

Actually Eunhae wasn't any type of normal writer as you have heard before. She's a really famous one as she has also direct many series in Japan and one in Paris. But yet, if it was any other people, fame would have got to their head and they would have become really arrogant but Eunhae's case was really something else. She literally do what she want. For being such a famous person, she did many types of small jobs. She's a photographer and also tried to be a waitress from time to time. For her, it doesn't mean since she's famous she can't do small jobs. She really enjoys doing them and it's no wonder why so many people including Key admire her. She has a beautiful mind.

Key look at her with admiration and smile, "You're really something else Kim Eunhae". Eunhae just chuckle and continue to eat. After she finish eating, she took some food with her. Eunhae waved goodbye to Key and made her way home.

As always before entering her apartment. She went behind the building to find the man to whom she always give some food and money. Since a kid, Eunhae was really affectionate and caring towards the homeless and she could distinguish between the fake and the real. The man to whom she gives food and money, was always covered. He had a hat and a scarf covering his neck because of the cold and Eunhae had given him a blanket. Everyone told her to be careful but Eunhae feel that this man wasn't a fake and that he really needs help.

Eunhae made her way behind the building and smile as soon as she saw the man. The man smile when he saw Eunhae too. Eunhae greet the man while bowing and smile. "How're you today Mr Kim? Here I brought some delicious food for you" Mr Kim just smile at her. No one has ever been this kind to her and yet a famous person like her was being this kind towards him. "Thank you Mrs Kim" The man said and Eunhae shook her head. "Like I said just called me Eunhae". Eunhae sat next to the man for some time and they talked for some time. Then she waved goodbye to the man.

Arriving at her door, she put her key inside the lock and open it. But as soon as she entered her apartment, she immediately fell uncomfortable. As if someone was here and was watching her. She was always paranoid about these thing but she try not to care as her mind always seems to be playing tricks on her. This apartment was the most secure one of New York city so she didn't worry much.

But suddenly she froze as she felt two arms being wrapped around her waist. "Hey princess", she immediately relax as it was Shaw and being the tease he's, he kiss her neck making the girl punch his arm lightly. "So ready for your work?". Eunhae nodded happily.

Since Shaw didn't ate yet. Eunhae quickly prepared some food for him and they just talked. They already forgot about the kiss that happened between them years ago. But Shaw had some kind of feeling that someone was manipulating them and he knew that someone must have manipulate Taemin's mind too but Taemin wasn't the type to listen to other people. So who's that person, it must be someone really powerful and it doesn't seem to be Yunho. So who is it?

Shaw just shake it off. "Okay, so about the photo shoot, it'll be mostly some non famous people as its most based on a sport theme and the director saw your recent work and loved them. So good luck". After he ate, they immediately went off.

The studio where they were supposed to work had also a pool as it will also show some of the models in water. Eunhae tied her hair into a ponytail and they got inside the studio. There were many models girls and boys and seeing the girls, Eunhae obviously start to compare herself but she immediately shake her head away. While walking she then suddenly stop and her heart drop. Some distance away from her, she saw Taemin.

She couldn't think straight and immediately made her way outside when Shaw stop her. "Don't you want to go and prove him that you're strong?" Eunhae nodded and made her way back. Taemin saw her from a distance too. He then remembered about an unknown sender who send him a text saying to look into her eyes and to realize about it. Taemin clearly understood what it mean and he just wanted to try it.

"Okay everyone get ready, we're about to start" Eunhae said and they all got in position. She took some solo one and then came the turn of Taemin. The tension was so thick that you could cut through it with a knife. Some pose were of him not looking at the camera but the last one, Taemin stared directly into it. Eunhae didn't know how to react. For some reasons, she could feel her heart beating fast and didn't know where to look and Taemin noticed it too but didn't say anything.

Then came the couple photoshoot. Eunhae took and did her work perfectly but then her state of mind was disturbed when it was Taemin and a girl who could not stop clinging onto him which obviously made everyone uncomfortable as the girl was so annoying and loud. Eunhae cleared "Okay we'll start". The girl then start to pose and was being a bit too touchy against Taemin who just wanted to rip off her face. Eunhae chuckle lightly happy to know that he hasn't changed. She hate him for what he did but yet she did not want him to change because of her but that girl was getting on her mind.

When the shoot finished, Taemin push her so hard that she end up falling down making Eunhae laugh a bit and the girl noticed that. "YAH! How dare you laugh at me? Just do your work ". The girl was ready to slap her when Taemin caught her hand and pushed it so hard that she fell down again. Taemin then went away going to prepare himself for the next shoot.

Taemin was in the changing room and clearly had a lot in his mind. He could clearly see Eunhae getting a bit pissed when the girl was all over him. He clearly got his answer but was scared to get her hurt. He just shake his head and prepare himself for the pool photo-shoot. Thinking about that he smirk. After all these years, he had been working out and his body was really something else but not too much. He wanted to see her reaction.

Eunhae was near the pool and got everything prepared. The boys started to get out and as always, she showed no reaction at all and just rolled her eyes when the boys were showing off in front of the girls. But she hated it when her cheek immediately became red when she saw Taemin coming out and his body was more gorgeous than ever. She just couldn't stop staring and Taemin noticed it too and smirk. Eunhae was still attracted to him and she just hate him.

Eunhae take a deep breath and start taking the pictures. After some minutes, everything was finished. Eunhae was making her way out when the girl pulled our her leg making Eunhae trip and fall into into the water. Taemin heard the sound and when he came, he was shocked. He immediately jumped into the water and wrapped his arms around Eunhae who was coughing out water and had her arms wrapped around Taemin. Just like last time, Eunhae was still scared of the deep water.

Taemin carries her as Shaw rushed to them. Shaw immediately fired the girl and he was happy to see Taemin taking care of her. Taemin then carried her to a room where Eunhae seems to finally wake up. As soon as she did, Taemin left not wanting to upset her. When Eunhae saw Taemin left, she called him. "I might hate you for what you did to me but thank you for everything and I'm happy you finally got to make your dreams come true"

Taemin left the building and he got into the car and slam the door hard. He lean his head on the wheel. He breath heavily and closed his eyes "Why do you still make me feel like this Eunhae...." He saw the fire in her eyes and how strong and amazing she still was. She had that type of aura around her that even made him afraid. She walk with no fear of the future and with the same kind and helping heart that she has making her more beautiful than ever to Taemin.

Then he find a letter. He picked it up and read it.

"Taemin. You're an amazing person that Eunhae won't ever find in her life. She's only hurt because of your lies but deep down she doesn't hate you. She secretly kept update about you and I don't think if she really hated you she'd do that. I know you don't want her to get hurt but if you want her happiness you have to get her back and protect. Do whatever it takes but make her happy, you're her happiness. So go"

The letter didn't show any name or address making Taemin more confused. Who was this unknown sender but more importantly was what is written inside this letter, should he make the girl whom he still love, should he make her his? He left not to get her hurt but it seems to have done some good both of them. They grew up more and have their own job. They left not to hurt each other. But despite all the odds, they kept on meeting each other. Taemin was just confused about what to do.

Eunhae was just laying in bed and staring at the ceiling the memories of her being saved is still being played inside her head and she just closed her eyes taking a deep breath. What she could not forget was the piercing eyes that Taemin had when he hold her. How he looks as if he nearly lost his own life. His eyes still show the same type of sadness and loneliness when they still met and way before they got together. Eunhae try to shake off these piercing eyes off her mind but couldn't, they were as if engraved in her permanent memory. Memories that you want to forget will never leave you. But this one was like a broken tape which kept on replaying in her mind. How his eyes look made her heart skip a beat.

She tossed right and left but nothing could be done. After all these years, he still manages to take her breath away with his eyes. But now Eunhae start to wonder about something. Does she really hate him or was it because she didn't want to hurt him. Did these two years apart make them realize their mistakes? It seems to have done some good to both of them but does she really want him back or was she too scared to admit it? She was just confused about what to do. She was just too tired by the pool incident so she just fell asleep.


Authors Note: Was it too quickly written?



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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie