Our End

My New Reasons

Outside POV

"I'm hungry" an annoyed but cute Taemin whine while lying on the sofa with his legs hanging up and his head down. The weird thing and feeling that Taemin is having is that when he's hungry like than in the middle of the day after he just ate means that something bad is going to happened. He was staring at the ceiling with his eyes open and a frown on his face. He couldn't help but having a bad feeling and it wouldn't be the first time that he's feeling like that. 

His eyes suddenly widened more when a book, well more like a manga suddenly appeared in front of his face. He was still neutral because he's not scared of any sudden things. He could watch millions of jump scares videos and will only smile and heck even a ghost could appear in front of him and he'll be just smiling and greeting the ghost. But he's scared of bugs.......

Where's the logic in that? I don't even know myself. 

Taemin immediately smile and grab the book from EunHae's hand while grinning happily. One of the thing they had in common was their love for manga and anime and it happened that both of them love the same manga. 

"I can't believe that you got the three volume that were supposed to be revealed in four months!" EunHae grinned at the smiling Taemin. She would do anything just to see Taemin happy because she believe that he deserve to be happy after all the trouble he had face in his life. His happiness is her happiness.

"Well you see since I'm in Square Enix, I got really close to some people and here it is" EunHae blush more. Despite being with him for nearly a year, EunHae was still shy and that amuse Taemin who always . "Oh by the way, Emmy got us some strawberries and they're really big. It's my first time seeing that-

She hadn't had time to finish her sentence that Taemin pull EunHae on top of him making her laid her head on his chest. "I like this better" Taemin chuckle as EunHae struggle but finding no way out, she gave up and lay on his chest. Taemin smile in victory and Taemin's open the manga. EunHae was still laying close to Taemin and had her head on Taemin's chest. 

What could be better than that? Laying close to the one you love laying your head on their chest while reading a book. 

While reading they ate the strawberries and to EunHae's surprise, they were really delicious. Since Taemin's hands were busy holding the book, EunHae gave the strawberries to Taemin who smile happily. But Taemin doesn't seem to be satisfied with that way. He wanted to tease EunHae more. Just like the saying goes. Be with someone whom you want to tease for the rest of your life and that's exactly what Taemin wanted. 


Taemin watch secretly at EunHae took a strawberry and put it in and remove her hand and ate it without holding it. He found it rather cute for someone who'll probably kill him if he said she was cute. He know about EunHae's insecurities so he tries his best to make her feel good. But to him, she is wonderful, beautiful and an amazing person. He continue to watch as EunHae continue to eat the strawberry. 

When EunHae put another strawberry in . Taemin quickly take a big bite of the fruit which was on the lips of EunHae. He his lips and smirk "Hmmm it's delicious" making EunHae completely red.

"Strawberry kiss!" EunHae look at Taemin confused. 

"This is our strawberry kiss!" Taemin said smile and EunHae chuckle while still being red. This guy would do anything to get to kiss her.

"There's still some strawberry on your lips- 

Taemin immediately crash his lips on EunHae's. He kiss her and left butterfly kiss on her neck making EunHae gulp and Taemin chuckle with worries. It was really hard for him to resist EunHae but he always restraint himself towards as he doesn't to scare EunHae away. He just want to take his time and to help EunHae to make her insecurities go away. 

Taemin then smile and took another strawberry and put it to his lips. "How about another strawberry kiss?"




Taemin laugh and put the book down "I'm glad that you finally made your dream come true"

EunHae just sigh "I guess" she was really happy about it but only sadness reflect on her face and Taemin didn't understand why. "I'm happy that I made my dream come true but....that's unfair. I had nothing and you have everything and yet, you can't even make your dream becomes a reality and that's just unfair. You're a good person and you deserve the best that's just not fair and that's why I hate this world"

Taemin sigh and wrap his arm around EunHae but EunHae was still upset "its okay EunHae-

"No it's not okay Taemin! I can't even recognize you! Where has the Taemin full of guts and fierce gone? You're rich and heck you're even about to become king. I know you have responsibilities but still. But....I promise you something. I'll definitely do something about that. Even if it's just for some hours I want to see you teach out your dreams and make them a reality" 


Taemin was just staring at EunHae then he laugh making EunHae glare at him and frown "What's so funny?" Taemin smile more and kiss the girl forehead "You're really something else and I love you" 










Some roads away in a house, sitting on a chair with his hands over his face was a crying Minho. His eyes was red with both anger and sadness and wish that everything that he saw was just his imagination but sadly for him it wasn't. He hit the table next to him in anger making the vase break obviously wounding his hand but he didn't care. His eyes were red from crying so much and his head was full of confusion. 



2 hours before.

Minho knew that Nikki had her stylist job at YG Entertainment and he was going to surprise her by bringing her, her favorite food for lunch and to also spend some time with his girl because of university and their jobs they had no time for each other. Minho knew how much handwork Nikki is doing for that job and he clearly know how bad Nikki wanted to become a stylist. 

He decided to prepare the lunch himself and it took him about two hours to get everything ready not forgetting the mess he made in the kitchen. But he was proud of his cooking. He write a note and put it in the lunchbox and wrap it up. 


Since he is a model for YG Entertainment, he had access to the building. He was smiling happily at the face Nikki is going to make when she would see him. He was happily walking down the hallway searching for Nikki. He open a door and his smile immediately drop. 


Nikki, the girl he love was.....

Kissing another man.

No it wasn't possible and Minho couldn't believe it. He drop the lunchbox and immediately run away without any destination. He just ran away in confusion and anger completely mad and sad. How could Nikki done something like that to him? Was she always like this? For how long has she been cheating on him? 



It wasn't possible. Nikki wasn't like that!

Maybe he wasn't enough. 

Maybe he not being there made her fed up.







On the other hand Minho didn't see that Nikki had pushed Hanbin away, the guy who kissed him. She glare at him completely confused and flustered. It all happened when Nikki was so excited to see her friend Hanbin after months and immediately come to him talking nonstop. Hanbin didn't say anything and just stare at the girl while smiling slightly. He love her.


Without any warning to stop the girl from talking, he immediately kiss her taking the styling completely off guard and it was at that moment that Minho entered the room to see the scene and being completely shocked and angry, he ran away in confusion. 

Back to Nikki, the girl didn't know what to do. She just turn around and ran away. Her heart was beating so fast, she swore that if it was beating any faster, it would jump out of her chest. Suddenly she stop at the door and noticed a lunchbox that has fall down. She pick it up and saw a note. 

"For my adorable and cheerful girl Nikki. Don't work do hard and remember that your frog prince always love you" -Frog Prince Minho. 

The bullet has already been launched and everything was coming to it's downfall. Nikki immediately understand everything. Minho was there and he saw everything and knowing how he's, he obviously took it the wrong way. She immediately ran back to where Minho was. She didn't drive or anything. She ran the whole way back home with her heart beating so fast as it'll explode. And it wasn't a small distance. 

She finally arrive at the house. She enter and she found Minho sitting on a chair with his hands over his face. She move slowly towards the man "Minho..."

The said man obviously shot up. His eyes still red from crying and his hand still wounded from the broken vase. Nikki was a bit taken aback. It was the first time she's seeing Minho like this but her concern suddenly change to his bleeding. She immediately rushed up to his side and quickly took hold of his hand "Minho you're bleeding"

But her concern angered him more and he just glare at her "Don't act like you care after what you've done!" 

"Minho it wasn't like that" The model just roll his eyes and look at her with disgust and then he chuckle with a bit of disgust "I chose you....I chose you because I thought you were different. But I was wrong so wrong...you turn into everything that I didn't expect"

"Minho please....." Nikki tried to reason with Minho but it was no use. The man was too angry.

Even though Nikki was the one who didn't let people take advantage of her and always talk back when she's being accused or insulted, this time, she was completely lost for words. "It was an ac.....accident"

Minho look at her with disgust and just roll his eyes. "Do you think I'd believe that bull? You clearly seem to be enjoying it from what I've seen. And me who thought you were different! You're just a like all those at university!"


This sentence was enough to make tears rolled down on Nikki's cheek. She clench her teeth and fist while gulping slightly. She couldn't believe that Minho had just called her like that. Minho was in a pure rage. 

Suddenly as Nikki was about to talk, footsteps running were heard arriving and the door fling open and strong arms were wrapped around Nikki's shoulder just infront of a red eyes stunned Minho. Nikki was just frozen into the ground and didn't know what to do. 

And in the midst of all this confusion, 


Nikki just collapse. 




Back to EunHae and Taemin who were now back into their reading position were still eating strawberry and Taemin was still eating strawberry off from EunHae's lips from time to time and each time making EunHae completely flustered and he really seems to be enjoying teasing the poor girl who was so red and she seems that she could die from that. 

Her phone suddenly rang and looking at the name, which was Nikki she pick it but it wasn't Nikki. 




"Yeah it's me...."

"Wait. Why do you have Nikki phone?"

"Can you please come to the hospital? It's Nikki she collapse"

"What?!? Okay I’m. I’m coming"


She immediately ended the call and sigh sitting back on the sofa. "We have to go to the hospital. It's Nikki, she fainted". Taemin nodded and took his keys with EunHae following him completely worried because it was the first time something like that to happen. 

Arriving at the hospital they asked for the room number and immediately went there but upon entering the room, the atmosphere was scary and dense. Both Hanbin and Minho were here and they were glaring at each other and Minho had his eyes completely red obviously from crying which confused EunHae and Taemin more.

"What happened-?

She didn't had time to finish her sentence that both boys spoke at the time. "Who's that guy?"

EunHae sigh. EunHae know one thing at least which was that Minho was mad and he couldn't speak to him. So he decided to speak to the reason of Minho's state, Kim Hanbin. EunHae went to Hanbin and Taemin went towards Minho. EunHae heard a Hanbin then Taemin heard Minho. EunHae and Taemin put their statement together and were flustered to understand what really happened. 

"I am such an idiot. I shouldn't have called her like that" Minho said starting to tear up a little. 


"No it’s not your fault. I didn't know she had someone. I'm sorry" Hanbin apologize and Minho realize that this Hanbin guy wasn't someone bad after all. 

"This made me realize something though. I need to leave because after what I've said to her I won't be able to face her anymore. The reason why I chose to love is that I thought that my anger issues wouldn't surface again but I was wrong" Minho has actually some anger management issues and that can really be dangerous especially if it's for a non-human. 

He closer to her and wipe her hair away from her face "I'm sorry Nikki. You deserve better" he kiss her forehead. And decided to leave he took a last look at Hanbin "I saw the way you look at her. You seem to love her. So please take care of her and don't repeat the mistake I did" 

After Minho left, everyone was left stunned. But then Nikki start to stir up and she woke up slowly. "You're finally awake?" Hanbin said while smiling at her. "What? Why are you, Taemin and EunHae there? And where I'm I?"

Taemin and EunHae sat down and told Nikki to relax and they told her everything that happened.

After the explanation and Minho's decision. "I was never angry at him for what he called me. I truly love him with all my being but if he want it that way then I can't do anything" Nikki smile sadly with a tear rolling down her face. 


"But if you really love hint then why are you letting him go that easily. You're supposed to run back right? THIS is so confusing" EunHae said. EunHae haft never accepted things the way it is and that somewhat ended to be good. When long ago Emmy told her that she wanted her to leave she didn't leave. Heck she fight for her and prove her she'll Stay and after years it's was a success. If not for her, EunHae knows that Emmy would have been probably dead by now. And now she couldn't understand why Nikki isn’t fighting back. This wasn’t the Nikki she knows why isn’t she fighting back?

"One day you'll surely understand EunHae" 


Love was strange, it could make the weakest person strong and the strongest one weak and that was something that sadly EunHae could come to know about sooner or later. Love? Why was that so confusing to her and EunHae really despise when something is confusing for her.

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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie