Finally Together

My New Reasons

 (The Room)


EunHae POV. 


I woke up with my head still hurting and try to remember what happened. When I remember what happened I got really scared after I saw him. I just then shake my head Ugggh I hate nightmare like this. I just stretch myself and look outside the window. The view was amazing and the sea look just breathless. I just fall back on the bed. Oh it was so comfortable it was so soft.





Wait a minute I jump off the bed tearing the blanket away from me. This wasn't my house nor any house I know. My house don't have a view of the sea as we aren't near the sea and this room. It wasn't mine. Just where was I. I look around me still in confusion then I heard the door being unlock. Maybe I was kidnapped and it was the kidnapper coming back. As soon as the door open I quickly took the lamp and hit it on that person face. Unfortunately that person hold the lamp in his grip.

"What the hell?" Yelled a very familiar voice. 

"T.....Taemin? Oh I'm so sorry I thought it was a kidnapper"


"Where the heck are we?"

Taemin sigh and then he explain me that they find a way and they escape from the vampires. So he save me. Why the heck I'm I blushing at this thought. 

"So where are we?"

"Since it's the holidays we decided to stay here and in a way we're hiding for some time from the vampires. This is Jonghyun's villa" 

I just stare at him with the 'Are-you-sure-you-are-not-a-mafia-son' look and he chuckle "Don't worry I'm not related to drugs nor Mafia" he said and smile a little. "You look better when you smile. You should smile more" as soon as I said that his smile disappeared "Don't get me wrong Taemin. You should smile more. It doesn't make you weak though. I know that there are some ed up things happening in your life but still that you need to be happy. ed up things happened to me too but I'm still smiling and look things got better. I've found Emmy and you prove me that not all guys are the same. 

"Thank" he said while smiling a little 

"You're really badass though hahaha?"   

"Really? Like you know when I was a kid I had the most innocent face and everyone thought I was innocent and quiet but well they didn't know that this quite and innocent little girl watch aka Junjou Romantica XD" I said and he laugh a bit "So want to go for a swim and by the way we brought your clothes in that luggage over there and we bought some clothes along the way and knowing your taste I brought you some nice one" 

"But...." he cut me off "Kim EunHae it's Okay so no worry. Now put something to wear and let's go" He left so that I can put on some clothes. I trimmed through the luggage and,saw,some of the clothes that he bought. It's been a really long time since I've been in water and I really hate putting on clothes that are revealing. So I chose a tank top and a short. 


(The Balcony)            


Before going out I went on the balcony and the light cold breeze of the winter hit my face and I close my eyes. It was so relaxing. I look around and I was amazed and I don't know why I was feeling so Damn uncomfortable. This place was so luxurious, it's not like I've never been in luxury before. I've been on two Costa Cruise and I've been to Paris, Rome and Italy and all these time there I was crying since I kept on comparing myself to others. I sigh, fortunately it's not happening anymore. 

I hear Taemin calling my name and I open the door to go downstairs. I saw Bia, Nikki and Emmy along with the guys waiting downstairs. I blush when I saw the guys. Imagine I was in front of 5 drop dead gorgeous guys who're freaking shirtless I look at Taemin and was stunned like Taemin wasn't that skinny but I never would've imagine that This guy had abs and it was freaking so well defined. Wait.....what the heck is wrong with me. I shake my head trying to erase the blush on my face hoping that no one saw it.


(Shirtless Lee Taemin) 

Outside POV. 

Taemin smirk when he notice EunHae blushing face and decided that he would a little bit more. Strangely EunHae and Emmy were wearing the same tank top and the two girls were happy. Since the two pools had some problems they decided to use the one which was at the back. The girls were fed up by seeing amazing things. Knowing them they knew that seeing the pool wouldn't surprise them. Imagine they're in a villa by the,sea which has 3 freaking swimming pool and Taemin own a gorgeous restaurant and a freaking luxurious hotel. So they weren't surprise anymore but EunHae was amaze by everything. 

Taemin smirk mischievously. He saw EunHae walking by the pool he came secretly near her and push her in the pswimming pool and laugh hard "Hahaha I got you Kim EunHae" Taemin was laughing and was waiting for EunHae to yell at her but instead he heard Emmy's voice.


Taemin face went blank. He look in the water and saw only three hand of EunHae outside the water and she was still struggling inside the water. He immediately jump into the water to save her. He caught her by her hand and immediately made his way to the surface. EunHae breath out loudly. 

"Oh Lord I'm so so sorry EunHae I didn't know that you don't know how to swim I'm so sorry"

"It's.....o....Okay" EunHae gasp while still panting and breathing heavily. Then EunHae face heat up realizing something. Actually when someone get scared and are finally save they grab onto the thing that save them as if their life depends on it right? Well that was actually the case. EunHae got so scared that she had wrap her arms and legs around a shirtless Taemin who really didn't mind the situation but was more red than a tomato.  

EunHae couldn't let go or else she'll fall into the water. So Taemin take her while her still being in that position to where the water wasn't that deep. Taemin couldn't really think properly like he had fangirls who were literally partially half being stuck to him and he was always disgusted and always he always kicked them away but now he literally had EunHae body being pressed against his. 

He arrived somewhere where the water wasn't too deep and let EunHae go "I'm really sorry EunHae". To his surprise EunHae just chuckle "it's Okay. You smile like you were having fun and you were being really happy so it's Okay.....well at least I wasn't killed" Here's my badass girl Taemin thought while smiling. 

Actually no one was here yet. There was only Emmy who was watching the scene while smiling well more like smirking. Suddenly EunHae's phone got a message and EunHae ask Emmy to check it and after reading the message she smile. She immediately rush to EunHae calling her happily. EunHae left the water and help Taemin to get out. She got a towel for herself and gave one to Taemin. 

"What's up Emmy?"

"You won't believe me what I'll tell you?" Emmy said exitedly and shove her phone with the message on it.

"That's a really nice phone I have I know but can you just put it away from my face and let me read it" EunHae said while laughing a bit. EunHae took the phone from her and read it and immediately drop open. 

"What happened?" Taemin ask seeing how EunHae had her eyes and mouth wide open. 


EunHae suddenly yell happily startling Taemin and since Emmy knew how exited EunHae get when she's like that she immediately kept her distance and EunHae jump and hug the nearest person next to her which was.....Yeah you've guys it right it was Lee Taemin who was confused as hell. He took the phone and read it. 


Dear Kim EunHae,

It's my deepest pleasure to announce you that I've accepted your request and had personally read about you ideas. Square Enix has taken interest in your profile as we were in love with the way you write and would like to request a further interview with you. We find your potential and the person of your abilities and passion to be fitting for our industry. I, Phil Rogers (CEO, Square Enix Europe President and CEO, Square Enix, Inc.) and Yosuke Matsuda (President) would like to personally visit you and would like to invite you for a one-on-one personal interview.  I will have my secretary send you more details about the program and our future meeting to follow.

 I hope to meet the person who catch one of our best person attention, 


Phil Rogers,

CEO, Square Enix Europe President and CEO, Square Enix, Inc

Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan





Taemin POV. 

Wait did I just saw that? Square Enix? The Square Enix? The Square Enix that is known for creating the games series of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts. And EunHae got a letter written by the two main Creator of that entertainment? I was just left speechless she really deserve it and to make it the happiest days of her life I've decided to confess to her in the coming days. Now let me read her mind. 

I....I can't believe it. The Phil Rogers of Square Enix himself sent me this letter. He....he said he like my ideas. I just don't know how to feel. I'm finally making my dreams come true. Square Enix here I come. 

I smile at her thoughts she really deserve the best and she got it. I don't know what got into me but I advance towards her and wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly against me. "I'm so glad you made it come true. I'll always believe in you and will always cheer on you". She was the only girl that could make me feel like that. Happiness, Smiles and laughter I got all these from her. 

But then our little moment had to be broke by a very familiar voice. "Kim EunHae!" I look up annoyed while still hugging EunHae to see an angry looking Show and by the way I also forget to tell him about EunHae. When we went to fetch their clothes he wasn't there so I didn't bother about it. "Show what're you doing here? Didn't Taemin told you what had happened?"

"What do you mean?" Show look confused. "We were attacked by vampires but we successfully escaped and decided to brought them here and they're already okay with that so you don't need to worry" I said boldly without even smirking at him. This time I was really serious. EunHae is mine.


"It's okay Show. They're our friends so no need to worry" EunHae said and I smile. Show was left speechless but then nodded "If everything is alright then it's fine. By the way I'm going to Japan to check something and also" Show said and approach EunHae and then he suddenly hug her which make me growl "I'm happy you made your dream come true. Take care okay? See you soon!". He wave goodbye and I was burning with jealousy. 

When Show went away I ask EunHae "Want to go for a walk?" She nodded her head. As we were walking along the beach I secretly signal to Bia, Nikki and Minho to set up the plan I made. While they were setting it me and EunHae were walking along the beach while talking. 

I could feel that her hands were cold so I just took her hands and put it in my pocket without saying anything. She was a bit surprise but didn't say anything and in that moment we both knew true peace. At that moment I immediately knew about her feelings. 






EunHae POV. 

I was feeling like really cold and I had completely forget to bring my jacket. But then I felt Taemin taking my hand in his and putting it in his pocket. I feel my cheek becoming red and I just stayed like this without saying anything. This was really something else. 

He understand me...

He never judge me...

He's nice and kind.... 

His smile could literally light up the whole world...

He is always there for me......

These moments with him made me realize my feelings for him. I've never felt like that for anyone else. But I was scared, scared to trust and to be left alone again. The last time I've felt this happy was what now make me this hard to trust someone again. But the things are these. 

I'll never be good enough for him.  

He's rich and I'm not. 

He'll want a pretty girl not an average one who look like a potato. 

I just laugh a little and shake my head. How can I even think of a guy as amazing as him to fall for me. EunHae your imagination is going too far now. I guess I should just continue to love my anime characters because at least this won't give you heartache. The last time I tried really hard for someone was for Emmy. She push me away and said she hate me and did that countless time and despise I stayed. Why? Because she was worth every pain and for nothing I would leave her.

Suddenly Taemin take me to somewhere and what I saw there left me speechless. 


 (The place where Taemin brought her)


Taemin POV. 

EunHae please stop with these types of thoughts. I knew she would think about these type of thoughts. She was the type to think really low of herself and to think that she was the ugliest girl in the world. EunHae to me was my everything. For me no other girl made me feel like that. She was the prettiest, hottest and most beautiful and amazing that you'll ever found and to prove that is simple. 


Her kindness.... 

The way that Emmy had acted with her any one would have given up. Even you the one reading it. EunHae cried everynight thinking that Emmy hated her but yet she knew that Emmy was just pushing her away because Emmy was scared that EunHae would leave but despite every ed up things that Emmy did. EunHae stayed. How can anyone be this stubborn. Because EunHae didn't want to give up on Emmy and she never did. It’s obvious isn’t it?  I have developed mad feeling for this girl to the point where I’m not able to restrain my actions anymore. 


Her dreams..... 

Everyone in the place she come not really have dreams. They just work because they have to like she told me. They don't like the job they do. Most are teachers or accountant. But her had a real dreams. She want to deliver her message throughout her way of writing. She want to make people smile and laugh with her stories and now she'll be finally entering Square Enix. 


Her fears....

Her fears was that she didn't want to lose Emmy. She didn't want to have the people she cared for to leave her in the dark again. She was scared of people looking down on her and yet she never fail to keep a smile on her face.


She’s special.  She’s the girl that ruined other girls for me. But my eyes only want to see her.  What else?  She’s the girl, in fact the first girl, who has made me feel this nervous when I’m with her.  She’s the girl that’s also made me feel this restless when I’m without her.  She’s the girl who has the power over me to do things outside my character.  She’s Kim EunHae. That’s who she is to me.

"EunHae I have something to tell you..."

"Yeah?" EunHae look at me and I smile. For her I would go against the world. To leave everything behind just for her. "EunHae I.......".

"You love me"

"Yes....wait WHAT????"

"Hahaha Taemin you know me well. You know I study psychology and I freaking know you. Your way of acting was really different from time to time and I started to wonder why you were acting like this. But come on Taemin This joke has gone too far"

Wait....she think that it's a joke? Damn it I swear. 

"EunHae it's not a joke" I said seriously. 

"Taemin I get it now so stop"

"Joke or not do you love me?"

"I.....yah Taemin..."

I love you more than anything but I don't deserve you.

"I love you Kim EunHae" 

I said as I put my hand on her cheek and lean my forehead against hers. Her heart was beating rapidly. "Push me away and I'll understand but don't and I'll say Yes you love me". 

I should've known about it. Since she studies psychology since last year she is able to see how and why a human character change. But now she was just scared that her feeling aren't reciprocal. 

"Just tell me about your feelings and then We'll see. No matter what you say we'll always be friends. I know it's hard for you to say but you trust me right?"

EunHae sigh of course she'll be scared and nervous as I have just ask her to tell me about her feelings. I'm doing this in a way to help her. She is Kim EunHae. She is beautiful *whisper: hot* kind, sassy in a good way, smart like she already knew my feelings but think its a joke, strong and confident. She's not fragile and weak. 

I'll help her to trust again and for nothing in this world I'll break that trust. She was the only one for me and I'll never let her go. 


Come on EunHae you can do it no matter what you say he'll still be your friend. He's Taemin he'll just act like nothing happened. Damn it I should've just act like I didn't know anything. Come on EunHae go. EunHae thought. 

"Okay fine you want to know about my feelings okay. I love you I do. The first time I saw you l nearly hated you because I thought you were a bad person but then I decided to get to know you which was the best decision of my life. In you I find a friend someone I can trust with my whole life. You make me laugh and smile when I wanted to cry. But then as months goes by I started to be confused...."

She look down sadly. It was hard for her but at least she's trying and she'll get a good surprise in the end. 

"I told myself years ago to never fall in love because in the end I'll always be the one to be hurt. I was betrayed by the friends I trusted and because of that I was scared to trust again. But with you it was different. I could literally put my life in your hands. But then....I realize these confused feelings were love. I freaking love you but then I realize how- 

I know what she was about to say. But I immediately cut her off.

"Don't think you're not rich or beautiful that I'll never love you. It's been already one week since I love you and you you thought that it was a joke. EunHae you're freaking beautiful and if anyone say the opposite then they're blind and your kindness is just inhuman. You accept the pain just to help my sister. You save her. But you save me too. You didn't let me fade away in darkness so everything. what people think and if I'm rich. I love you and only you. You're the prettiest and kindest girl ever"

"So you love me?" 

I laugh slightly at her baffled frown blushing face. I lean closer to her and she lean backward and frown at me suspiciously "what're you doing?" I smirk and put my hand on her face making her lose her suspicious face for some milliseconds. "So you know I love you right or are you just confused?". She just stare at me "confused...". And I smirk more "Then let me make that confusion go away?" 


I immediately cut her off by kissing her. Reading her I could see she was surprise but then feeling her kissing back I immediately take it as a Yes. I'm happy she decided to stop worrying about not being good enough because she was the one who was too goof for me. I kiss her back and I wrap my arms around her while nibbling lightly on her lips. She kiss back again making me moan a bit. Damn it she's arousing me. I could feel her smirk. When we left away for getting some air I immediately took off her smirk by her lips. And she look at me completely baffled.


She said while blushing and I wrap my arms around her. "I'm happy" we both said at the same time. "No matter what happened I'll always love you now just sleep" I said and push her down. She was happy and I want her to always be happy. "What're you doing?" I smile.

"sleep it's late"


"Sleep" I push her down again. I wrap my arms around her while putting my hand on her head. She was calm and after some seconds she fell asleep. 







[The next day]

I woke up with the love of my life in my arms. She was so cute when she sleep but if I tell her she'll kill me surely. I lightly take some of her hair off her face and she yawn waking up.

"Oh Taemin? I had the weirdest dream yesterday"

Now she think it's a dream. I lean closer and I peck on her lips "it wasn't a dream my love". She smile "then I'm glad" she said and laugh. "Are you happy?". She really was but then her answer was followed with something I didn't really expected. 





"Of course I'm happy Mr Lee Taemin the vampire...." she said and smirk taking me off guard completely. 







Author's Note: So Yeah I freaking stop at a cliffhanger Hehehe no but really sorry. 






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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie