The second angel?

My New Reasons

Eunhae was now walking on the road towards her apartment building. A lot was on her mind and she couldn't think straight but she felt serene as she was watching the streets with its busy people all around. Kids were playing and there were some people holding hands which she could guess was a couple. She decided to just go to the park and to just rest for a while. She did so and was now sitting on a bench staring at her hands in her lap. They were cold so cold. She rub her hands against each other hard but they were still cold. 

She just didn't worry and was now watching the kids playing around. The kids were running around happily smiling and laughing. This was it, a kid has no worry nor stress. They just live their life happily. She just smiled sadly while still rubbing her hand but suddenly someone grab her hands lightly. She was surprised as she didn't see anyone coming. She look next to her and her eyes widen. 


She was so shocked to see Taemin there sitting next to her and staring at her while still holding her hand that she didn't know what else to say. She became suddenly weak and she couldn't even get away from his hold. His mesmerizing eyes, the same eyes that she couldn't forget was now staring at her. She hate that guy but why was her heart beating so fast for a guy who lied and destroyed her. Just why?

She just look down avoiding his sinful eyes. But she felt as if her heart explode when she felt his soft fingers against her cheek. Taemin wasn't saying anything but he just gently turn her face to face his and stare into her eyes. 

Eunhae got more afraid when Taemin was leaning dangerously closer to her. His breath was now hitting her face. Suddenly without any warning he slowly lean down and kiss her. Eunhae was frozen and she couldn't get away. She was feeling safe and protected with the guy who destroyed her and for that reason she couldn't understand it why. Suddenly Taemin lean back and look at her. He open his mouth to say something but instead he just.... 

Vanished into thin air. 


Eunhae suddenly woke up on her bed in cold sweats and was breathing heavily. She realized it was all just a dream but we're all the emotions she felt in it was real? No she just shake her head at these absurd thoughts. She just put her head in her hands but she felt her hand being wet. She look and realized that she was crying. It was just a silly dream but why was she crying. 

"Eunhae are you alright?" Eunhae look at her manager who was the one who woke her up. Her manager was shock because when he wake Eunhae up it always ended up in him getting him by a pillow or worst by her phone next to the table. But seeing her like this, he got really worried and immediately hurried next to her. 

Eunhae just nodded without saying anything. But Ren, her manager still looks at her worriedly. Eunhae just brush it off as a nightmare. Ren sigh in relief but he just hug her. "You scared me I thought something bad happened since you didn't beat me when you woke up" Ren chuckle while saying that and Eunhae just hit him on his arms lightly. Ren was really something else. Ren said he'll just wait in the living room while Eunhae got ready. 

Okay since Eunhae is getting ready, let's just get a background story on our new character, Ren, the manager of Eunhae. Let's go back to the day Eunhae moved to New York city. Since Eunhae couldn't always be staying at a hotel, Rachel decided to let her stay at her place until Eunhae got her own apartment. It was just about four months and Eunhae was returning back  to New York city after her work in Paris. Because of her agency in America, she immediately got known by many people but didn't accept all the proposals that came to her. 

But when returning, she was really pissed at how the people that she was working with were being racist to the people there and injustice was something that she just couldn't bear. She was tired and angry also because due to a problem, her luggage will arrive tomorrow and she didn't ate well as the food was just horrible on the plane. As if it wasn't enough, she had fell in mud and now she was more angry. Today wasn't really her day. But she didn't give a anymore and was just walking angrily on the streets and glaring at anyone giving her looks. 

While walking and cursing under her breath, she had enough and decided to take a short route to Rachel's place. She was walking in an alleyway not caring about anything as she was still mad. But then she heard someone groaning in pain. She looked and saw three men cornering a person who was down. The girl had her hair covering her face and she was bruised. 

Eunhae didn't had time to react when one of the man turn around and when he saw her, he just smirk. "Guys, I think it's our lucky day". The other two turned around to look at her with a disgusting making Eunhae more disgusted. But when Eunhae got angry, she can become a real fury. The man was about to grab her when Eunhae suddenly yelled and punch the man right in the face and he start to bleed. He kick the other and punch the other one in the stomach. 

Seeing that all three men were down, Eunhae grabbed the girl and got away. They just ran and ran until she arrived at the apartment. She quickly got inside and locked the door. "Are you alright girl?" The girl nodded but Eunhae still couldn't see her face clearly. Eunhae asked her to sit down while she tend to her wounds. The girl didn't say anything apart from a thank you and was just looking at Eunhae. "Here it's all done". 

"I'm sorry but I'm not a girl. I'm a boy" Eunhae look at the girl and couldn't really believe that she or should I say he said that all of a sudden. The boy suddenly felt uncomfortable as Eunhae was staring at him. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Eunhae just chuckle and shake her head. "Not at all. I just think that you're really pretty for a boy and people may not like it but trust me, just be yourself because I have to admit that you're exactly my style. Ah sorry I'm embarrassing you more" 

But this wasn't exactly the case instead he was blushing. "My name is Ren and thank you for saving me. I'm honored that such a pretty girl is saying that about me" Ren was blushing but when he looked up, he saw that Eunhae was the one blushing really hard. But then Eunhae suddenly laughed "I was covered in mud and I looked like I haven't slept for days and you say I'm pretty?" 

Ren just nodded "Like you helped me. You were so cool when you punched these men and so nice when you grabbed me and took me here. You even took care of my wounds when I didn't say any words and still look at me smiling when I had a poker face on. You also cheered me up and from all that I realized that you're an amazing and beautiful person" Eunhae was blushing because no one (apart Taemin) has ever said something so nice to her or to understand her. "Thank you" Eunhae said while smiling shyly. "So where do you live. You can rest here and I'll take you home after it" 

But then Ren suddenly looked down and explained to Eunhae that he has been homeless for around a year now. His parents throw him out of the house because he was just a worthless son of theirs. Eunhae smile sadly at him. "What were your qualifications like did you have a job?" Ren nodded slightly and told Eunhae that he was working as a manager but the company he was working for went bankrupt. He went around finding a job but he didn't got any. "Ren you know, I understand how you're feeling about your parents but listen to me those people aren't your parent because they don't act like such so don't let their words get to you. Also I have been searching for a manager too so if you want you can be mine?"

Ren slowly lift his head and look at her. "Well don't feel pressured because I help you. I'm sorry if I'm pressuring you" With that Ren just laugh and smile at her. She was surely a funny and kind person. "I'll gladly do so. Actually the recent people I work with were really horrible people so I trust you". Eunhae smile at him. 

And this is the story of how Ren and Eunhae met. 





Author's note: No I'm not dead. The past few months has just been hectic because it's my last high school year and I'm being freaking scared what will happened next so I have just been concentrating on what I want to do next. I'm sorry

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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie