
My New Reasons



Taemin POV. 

I was so tired and I didn't go to school today I was just laying on my bed and rolling around. I was,also really embarrassed from seeing EunHae. Like I've seen her half and like a freaking idiot I was freaking staring. Why the heck is she saying that her stomach has fats? I didn't see it and like come on her body was freaking gorgeous and....and Wait what is wrong with me damn it.

Nevermind I think we'll have to talk and it was a freaking accident. I'll just go by and say sorry and then I'll come back home. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door and,saw,Minzy entering the room. "Yo what's up" I greeted her. "Not good Taemin I'm feeling a great,danger coming and it's by the university!"  

I then followed her and,arriving there I could feel a real danger. I quickly ran and I could hear like a fight going on. The first thing I saw on arriving there was a wounded EunHae on the ground and Jessica and SeKyung laughing. I yelled but that of Jessica came towards me acting all cute which disgust me. I hate people who act cute to get everything they want and I especially hate that . I ignore her and Let Minzy and Bom to take care of things. I went with EunHae, Jonghyun carry Bia and Minho carried Nikki. 

I arrived at my house and lay EunHae on my bed to best. I was taking care of her injury. I bring some water in a bowl and a towel to ease her wounds. I lay around somewhere waiting for her to wake up and after I took care of her injuries I'll go and deal with Jessica something that I should've done a long time ago. This time no one will stop me and I bet Jonghyun would agree on my decision as well as Minho. I feel EunHae waking up and I came towards her. She was really in pain. 


I smile lightly when I saw her and calm myself down. 

"Hey....How're you doing?"

"My head hurt li..like hell. Are you the one who save us?"

"Kind of. Now rest, I'll take care of your wounds" 

"Thank you Taemin" 

"You're my friend EunHae I'll do anything to help you. You have help me more than you could imagine" 

I damp the towel into the water and put it on her face which she wince a bit but then calm down and I succeeded in taking all the blood away from her face. As for y'all who're wondering where has the ruthless Taemin gone let me tell you that I'm not a bad person. I just hate annoying and disgusting people Okay. Nevermind after her face I came to her arms which was worst. I treated her injury and put a bandage around her arms. 

"So would you take revenge on Jessica?"

"Revenge wouldn't make anything better but I wouldn't forgive what she did to my friends. By the way Taemin, can I ask you a question?"

"Go on"

"Do you li...no do you love Minzy"

I was drinking water and started coughing madly when she ask me that and I just stare at me. 

"Why are you asking something like that??"

"Taemin I'm your best friend you can trust me"

I sigh she was right and I started talking about Minzy to her. Minzy was actually my childhood friend and we're still friend. Fortunately Minzy wasn't a and a like other girls. She was always hated because people say that she is ugly but for me I only look at her and see her beauty and despite everyone bringing her down she still stand up and ignore the bad comments. She worked her way up. 

"I did have a crush on her like she was different and not an annoying or y person. She was kind and amazing"

"I need to admit that you two make a great couple"

"But we aren't together and never have been"

EunHae was surprise and stare at me not understanding what I just said. "So you're telling me that you like Minzy but you have never told her about your feelings? Why?"

I sigh she was right "you're right EunHae but then I realize it was just a crush not a big thing like real love. When I ask her for a date as friend I didn't feel like anything. So I guess it was just a simple crush. And you?"

"Let that stay between us. You still remember about that guy called Shou right? Well when I started to know him I fell for him. He was kind and wasn't like others who look at me like I was disgusting. He help me see myself as beautiful and not to care about what others think about me. It's all thank to him that I am the person I am now. Without him I'll be nothing"

I don't know what I felt inside me when EunHae was talking so godly about that Shou guy. What was that feeling inside me? I don't know what was that feeling but I felt that EunHae too felt that but then calm down when I talk more about me Minzy but what about me? Why after she finished talking I still felt that way? Envy? The envy of wanting to be that guy? What nonsense is that? It's true that I wanted to be the person to help her but why is it that I'm hating that guy so much. 

But why do seem to care so much about EunHae? When iron was for Minzy I did care for her but why when I saw her so hurt and wounded on that cold floor I felt like loosing and if Jonghyun wasn't There I would've destroy everyone who dared to hurt her. I felt like protecting her with my life. Was it what I'm thinking about? No No it can't be. But then if it was that then it could explain the arousal I got and the way I got when I saw her- No No she's my best friend she can't possibly be that person. But what if she's? No it....can't be


(Chicken Soup)




Damn my head is full of confusion right now. I look at EunHae and she was sleeping peacefully. She look as if nothing can hurt her. EunHae I don't know what this feeling is but as your best friend I'll do anything to protect you and make you happy. I'm sorry for what I did to you in the past. I need to get some air so I went downstairs and I saw Minzy sitting in the living room holding her head and having a pained expression on her face. Maybe she is having a headache. 

"Yeah I'm having a headache and it's because of you Damn it"

I look at her completely confused "What do you mean? I don't understand?"

She sigh and look at me "Your mind was literally screaming and Fortunately I am the only one here. Because Damn it. Your head was so full of confusion that I could hear it all the way from here. But if you want I want can help you"

"What do you mean?"

"You are confused and you want to know if EunHae is that person or not right? But let's say that EunHae is that person you'll still keep denying it no matter because you're scared of the consequences and how will EunHae who hate vampires react right?" 

She was right. If EunHae was my mate the earth would like literally fall on her and I don't want anything bad to happened to her. I nodded to Minzy and I sat down and ask her to talk to me about. 

"First I want you to know that even if she wasn't your mate you'd still act like that because it's really different for you because you do what the hell you want and also for you. Well we didn't want to tell you but I guess it's time you know the truth about it Taemin. Taemin for you it's special......you have the choice of choosing your mate and that mean that the mate thing had nothing to do with your attraction towards EunHae!"

"You meant that I could've fell for anyone??"

"Nope. What I meant is that destiny has something to do with it. Taemin I knew you had feelings for me and to be honest with you......I also did have feelings for you"

I was shocked. Everything came,at me so sudden. I found out that I can choose my mate and that Minzy haft feelings for me. I didn't know how to respond to that so I just nodded for her to continue. 

"But like you I thought the same thing. When we went on that supposed friend date I didn't felt that type of love too and I decided to move on and think of you as just friends like you did too"

I ruffle my hair madly "But....what if it wasn't EunHae???? What if someone else has come???" I was right what if someone else was it. Would it still be the same. Why I'm I yelling? Why is my heart beating so fast right now?. Minzy wrapped her arms around me just like the old days to calm me down. I just breath and relaxed in her arms.

"Taemin have faith me. EunHae is literally different from anyone else I can feel it. She's the one. No matter what would happened destiny would have brought you two together no matter what. So trust me and now the question is that.....do you love her?"

I was still in deep confusion but everything came normal again. I breath deeply once again. "Oh Taemin bring something for EunHae to eat I bet she's hungry" Yeah I completely forget about that. I prepared some soup with chicken in it snd since Onew wasn't there I took his chicken and put in the soup soup along with some carrots. Minzy come with me to EunHae and wrong open the door to see EunHae waking up. When she notice Minzy she greeted her with a smile. 

"I made some soup so eat it up. I'll make you eat and that's final" I said and she just laugh "Thank you Taemin" I smile at her and come to her and started to make her eat. No matter how tough she seemed to be. She still blushed so easily and unknowingly I was smiling. I look at her sadly "EunHae I'm sorry for what I did to you in the past I hope you can forgive me". EunHae look at me "Taemin I was never mad at me. Because in your eyes I could see it. You were not at fault at all and in the case for Jessica I could feel that she was really a bad person"

She paused and look at me in the eyes "but for you I didn't felt that. You seemed kind and you were maybe just doing that because you were annoyed or was just putting a facade. Sorry if I sound stupid right now but to me you were different Taemin. You weren't like the rest and I'm glad I have a friend and....but I wonder if I deserve a friend like you" I chuckle and look at Minzy and I mouth to her that EunHae was the one. I hug EunHae and I felt her tense. I was told about it by Emmy but then she relaxed quickly "Only you deserve to be one of my best friends. No one else. Now rest I need to take care of some things I'll come back later to check on you. You just need some rest" 

She lie down and quickly fell asleep and after some minutes when I was sure that she was sure asleep. I did something that surprise Minzy but then she smile. I had lean down and I kissed EunHae on her forehead. It doesn't matter who'll have come. No one would have been able to understand me that much and see through me like that. EunHae was the one for me. It'll be nearly a year that wrong have become friend and time sure flew by quickly. Soon it'll holidays, Christmas and New year. We had lots of moments even if not all has been listed in that story. 

We had played in the snow had a snowball fight and had a barbeque party and all these time she has always tried to make me smile. She cared for everyone but always seem to forget about herself. She haft cried too much this time. I promise I'll make her smile and laugh from now on. And for that to happened. I have to destroy something first. 





Outside POV. 

Jessica and SeKyung were laughing at what they had done to EunHae and her friends but they suddenly stopped immediately when they felt a big danger coming towards them. They look around and they saw an angry Taemin coming towards them. Dark smoke could be seem around Taemin and his eyes we're glowing bright yellow. 


Jessica hadn't the time to finished her sentence that she was thrown on the ground by an unknown force which was Minzy and Taemin. Minzy smile and took her by her hair and bring her somewhere still holding her by her hair. Jessica had done a lot of bad things she had destroyed the life of innocent girls and she had also killed many killed many innocent girls in the past. Minzy throw her down and kick her in her stomach "I won't beat you up too much because I don't want to be as low as you but I'm sure that your life is already ruined by now".

Taemin haft some sources and these persons had post the pictures and videos of Jessica and her illicit relationship of her and many men all overt the net. If some of you didn't know. Jessica was part of a girls band called SNSD and Taemin posted the comments and videos of her talking badly about her fans and Taemin was sure that by now the company will disband the group of es. Taemin took all of her money and donated it to many associations that deserve it. Jessica was on the floor tears about to fall and Taemin was standing and looking down on her.

"If you dare to hurt EunHae again in any way I'll make sure to kill you this time"

Taemin then went away along with Minzy leaving a worthless Jessica on the floor. 






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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie