Yours Until The End

My New Reasons


Author's Note: Here is the chapter yall wanted. Hope you enjoy it you sick ert. :P

One Week Later.

One week had already gone by after every happened. Taemin is now alright. The poison that was inside his body has now completely dissappear and he's slowly getting better. But the memories of what happened between him and Eunhae is clear in his head and he was so confused about that. He really needed some time to think and reassess everything. He was confused and what had happened seem to made his heart ache and it was really painful. Sometimes he feels that he couldn't even breath.

Fortunately for him, he was invited to Kuala Lumpur the capital of Malaysia as a guest for a Adidas along with Minho and Key. Minho was an actor along with being a model, mainly known as "the face of Asia" because his looks are seriously no joke. Key is going there because he's a fashion designer and he was also invited. They were leaving in some hours.

On Eunhae's side, she was with her friend Krystal packing their suitcase. Krystal was invited somewhere as she was the face of "Étude House" whereas Eunhae just wanted some fresh air and Krystal recommend her friend to come with her. Eunhae was seated on the edge of the bed while Krystal was packing her stuffs. Eunhae couldn't get the memories of what had happened between him and Taemin. That kiss was driving her insane. She touch her lips lightly, the feeling of Taemin's lips being against her was definitely driving her insane. She shake her head trying to shake it off but to to no avail.

"Eunhae! Come on. Wake up. We're going to Malaysia your favorite place on earth. We're going to have some fresh air and have some fun" Krystal back hug her friend tightly. She knew what happened between Taemin and Eunhae and clearly knew that these two still have feelings for each other and she could clearly see how Eunhae seem to crave for another kiss, to feel Taemin's warmth against her but Eunhae just didn't knew what she wanted. Eunhae look at her and smile, "Yeah you're right," Eunhae smiles brightly then smirk, "Oh so your boyfriend is coming to pick you up? Hmmmm let's see if that bastard is treating my princess right" Krystal hug her arm and smile, "You'll see he's a real prince"

Eunhae has never see her boyfriend, all that she knows is that it was an amazing guy and that his name was Kim Jongin and that he was a model as well as a dancer. Someone knock at the door and Krystal grinned happily, "that must be him" she ran to open the door as Eunhae continues to pack some of her stuff. She heard some footsteps and look back. Krystal was smiling and laughing while hugging the arm of a guy who was smiling back at her. "Eunhae meet my boyfriend Kim jon-



Eunhae was so shocked to see him there. Krystal don't know about Kai and Taemin or the rest of the group being supernatural beings do what was Kai doing here. Obviously Kai look as surprise as Eunhae and Krystal was just there being completely confused, "You two know each other?" she asked still in her confused state of mind. Kai just nodded at me and her, he nodded at me in a way to tell me to tell Krystal the truth about him.

"Krystal, this is Kim Jongin"

"I know that"

"He's Taemin's twin brother."

"WHAAT? SINCE WHEN DID TAEMIN HAD A TWIN BROTHER? Well they do seem to look slightly alike though" Krystal finally calms down after I explained everything to her and she was in a state of disbelief.

Eunhae help Kai to carry the luggage to the car and they made their way to the airport. The time of their flights was earlier than the one's of Minho, Key and Taemin. But they'll be staying at the same hotel. Eunhae chose the same hotel that she uses to go as a kid. That place felt like home to her. The country was just amazing and she felt comfortable and at peace. She'll be able to think better there.

After some hours they finally arrived in the hotel and the happiness of Eunhae could clearly be seen. She was like a kid on Christmas day. Krystal and Kai were glad that she was finally happy and all smiles like that. She took a deep breath and released it while chuckling. She made a twirl and smile again, "Finally back to my real home". They made all the necessary arrangements at the reception and got their key cards to their room.

Krystal and Eunhae will be staying in the same room and Kai got his own room. Eunhae was so excited to finally be there that she just dashed to the room, insert the key and pull the door open. "Back home" she says as she fall on the comfortable bed and rolled around. She take a look at the big window and was amazed to see that beautiful view again. Krystal was glad to see her like that. They needed a good night rest as tomorrow will be the big day for Krystal and she'll accompany her. They immediately get on the bed and fell asleep.

After some hours, Key, Taemin and Minho arrived at the same hotel. But what Taemin didn't knew is that Key had a plan. He knew Eunhae was coming. He made each of them has their own room but on different floors. Key and Minho was on the same floor while Taemin was on the same floor as Eunhae in the opposite hallway. Key just smirk at his plan. He would make these two get back together at any cost.

The Next Day......
After Krystal's work, there will be an after party where all the important people will be invited including Taemin and Eunhae but none have seen each other yet. Krystal had already finished and now they were getting ready for the after party. To Key's displeasure, the two still hasn't seen each other. "I got this beautiful dress for you Eunhae, let me dress you up and all eyes will be on you" For once Eunhae wanted to try that so she accepted. Krystal made Eunhae wear a long golden dress. She put on some very beautiful necklace and earrings and did her hair.

"You're gorgeous Eunhae. You'll make head turn as always" Krystal chuckle as she start preparing herself. After an hour they were finally ready to go. They arrived at the party and like Krystal expected some heads did turn for Eunhae. But a special head turn too. Lee Taemin was now staring at Eunhae. Key smirk, his plan was going perfectly well. After some minutes Eunhae did notice Taemin and they were now looking at each other. It was as if it was just the two of them. Their moments had to be stopped when Krystal dragged Eunhae away.

Taemin was lost in his thoughts once again. "You need to get her back Taemin" Taemin look up to see Kai taking a gulp of his drinks and went away. Taemin have really been thinking about this for a long time. But now he finally made a decision.

After some hours, the party finally ended. The two women were now back in their room removing their accessories and makeup. Eunhae change her clothes into a more comfortable outfit as she wanted to go for a walk as she really wanted to go out into that beautiful city. She said goodbye to Krystal and made her way to the escalator when suddenly her phone made a noise telling her she got a new message. She checked her phone and her heart stopped.

From: Taemin
To: Eunhae

Message: Can we talk. It's important. Meet me in my room. The room number is 120.

Eunhae was now completely confused and didn't knew what to do but after so many months of avoiding each other, she gave up and decided to just go. She obviously couldn't reply to that message so she just went to the room which was just on the opposite hallway. She wasn't supposed to be this intimidated but she could help it and her heart was beating so fast that she thought it'll pop out at any moment. She was now in front of the door. She close her eyes and take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Taemin opens it with the same expressionless face as always and just look at Eunhae who was now not looking at him. Taemin back away and made a sign for Eunhae to enter the room. Her heart was still beating so fast and she was afraid that Taemin might heart it. "It's been a while since we haven't talk" Taemin finally started to talk still with no emotions. "You don't say.." Eunhae just reply while still looking away, the tension was so thick that you could cut through it with a knife.

"Eunhae, please look at me" this voice was now filled with emotions and regret yet still full of love. Eunhae wanted to cry as she couldn't hold it anymore. She just shake her head slowly but hesitantly. "Eunhae...." this soft voice was now killing her from the inside and she just couldn't hold it anymore. "I.....I can't" her voice cracked and she hold her hand over her mouse so as not to make any noise but Taemin already heard it.

Taemin take a deep breath as tears was welling up in his eyes. He love her so much and he never stopped. She was the only person who could understand him in a way no one could. She loved him through it all and stayed no matter what. "Eunhae...i don't care about what happened I still love you no matter what" he holds her arm. Eunhae just couldn't take it anymore, she finally turns around and let it all out against Taemin's chest as he let his tears flow.

"Do you.....know how hard it was without you...I hated all these cheesy girly romance but ended up like that too" she chuckle through her tears, "Do you know how cold I was without you. It was hard freaking hard....I thought I was about to die honestly.....I.....thought if I go away....I won't hurt the person I love the most.....but...but....I was fine living in a world....where I know you're though....I'm not with you....but I'm being selfish I want you back I can't....I can't live without you" Eunhae finally said everything that she had on her heart.

Taemin wrap his arms around her, "I thought I was doing it for...for your sake too but I couldn't anymore. It's not selfish's nowhere near that my love. I've missed you so much. I love you so much. I promise you nothing like such will happen again. Don't leave me alone Eunhae...."

Eunhae smile through her tears, "I won't Taemin I love you so much my angel", Taemin has to admit that he really missed that nickname. They finally closed the gap between them. Their tears mixing with each other as they kiss. Eunhae wrap her arms around his head not worrying about anything else. This country was really magical and nothing could change that. Taemin wrap his arms around her neck and kiss back as passionately as ever.

Taemin smiles through his tears and sniffles cutely while pulling EunHae to sit down on his lap. He moves his hands to caress her face lightly and he kisses her softly while his hands wrap around her stomach. "I love you so much Kim EunHae" He whispers into her ear sending shivers down her body. EunHae mind panic. What was he doing? He pulls her even closer and laughs slightly when she breath out nervously and gulp slightly.
EunHae wasn't scared. She was terrified she literally had no idea what Taemin was doing right now. 

Her mind was screaming danger but her heart was calm. "Oh you see I...seem have forget so...something about Krystal I'll be b....back".The name got out of by accident as she was in a panic. EunHae successfully got away from Taemin's grasp and was about to reach the door but in vain. Taemin hold her hand and shove her against the wall completely cornering her "Don't you know? You're only mine and no one else can have you" he said as he took both of her arms and put them above her head as he stare at her "You only belong to me" he said angrily as he came dangerously close to her and his hot breath hitting her cheek "You're are mine I love you" 

EunHae sigh and chuckle lightly while continuously hitting his neck lightly "Fine Taemin" she said smiling and got away from his grasp but he grab her hand again and slam her a bit too hard against the wall this time "Where do you think you're going?" 

Taemin said before crashing his lips on hers while still holding her arms up above her head. Taemin look and saw a completely red EunHae frowning angrily at him "What're you.....doing?" EunHae ask while panting a bit. The dancer pulled his hand off the door and placed two fingers under her chin, pushing her slightly off his skin and then forced his lips onto hers, low as his hips were still grinding harshly against EunHae’s and the latter’s eyes fluttered close at the friction.

Having the Kim EunHae, the girl who can kill you if you hurt her loved one and whose death stare is literally the same as Taemin, the strong and fierce Kim EunHae in that situation was something that Taemin like. Only him had the right to see that and only him had the right to make her like that. That girl belong to her. She was the happiness he needed.

EunHae lean and kiss him deeply completely taking Taemin off guard but he like it that EunHae wasn't scared or looking down on herself this time. Like feeling that it would look bad if she kiss Taemin but in Taemin's case he think that she look really hot while doing so. EunHae kept on kissing and Taemin couldn't help but chuckle at how beautiful she look "A bit rough are we?" 
Eunhae didn't want to admit it to herself but she also couldn't control herself.

Taemin smirk and kiss EunHae "I like it" then he came closer to her "Just a little reminder that you look so freaking hot while doing so" EunHae blush but then kiss her more deeply again then he turn her around still kissing while pushing her back. "Taemin what-"

Taemin’s lips guided the younger’s ones, as if speaking to her that what they’re doing is alright, that everything that was going to happen tonight will be alright. His mouth swooped down to crash against her lips, aiming to mark and just convey how much he really loved and wanted her without having to utter a single word. His hands climbed from EunHae’s shoulders, past her neck, until Taemin was cradling her face. His touch against her skin was burning like a thousands suns.

Taemin then lean a bit back and then push her on the bed. EunHae didn't had time to respond as Taemin climb quickly on top of her kissing her roughly while laying on top of her. He couldn't resist it anymore. He want her to be his and only his. She was his only light in the darkness he was in. She belong to him and no one else. He wanted her nothing more nothing less. He then back away looking at her. This girl cares about him, love him and has never let him down no matter what. Her caring is unique and unlike any other one.

Then he trail his smooth lips lightly against EunHae's neck making her gasp a bit. "I love you" he said as he continue to trail his lips across her neck leaving butterfly kisses on her neck. He didn't bite her neck, he was just leaving kisses on her neck as if he didn't want to hurt her. She was too precious for him to lose. Losing all his wealth is nothing compared to losing EunHae. Then EunHae kiss his forehead lightly "Thank you Taemin. Thank you for always caring about me. I love you" 

"Don't hold yourself EunHae" he said but EunHae couldn't hold it anymore. She had enough of always being scared of kissing him while he won't judge her and he himself wanted it. He love him but she had enough of always being scared. EunHae push Taemin back a little then hold him tightly by his collar and quickly change place with Taemin. She was now on top of him and just sitting on him while blushing madly. 

"I'm sorry I....shouldn't have" but then Taemin chuckle and put his warm hand on her face "I want you not to be afraid EunHae. If you want to know the truth you look really hot while kissing me so just go on and don't be afraid. I love you and for nothing in this world I'll leave you my love" Taemin smile making EunHae smirk which surprise Taemin.

"Then" EunHae said before immediately crashing her lips against his. EunHae felt a hot tongue brushing against hers and she just moan a bit. Taemin then hold her and push her down one more time this time kissing her as if his life depends on it. Then he started to feel something tugging at his shirt. He took a glance and saw EunHae was Still kissing him but her hand was now suspiciously tugging his shirt.

And dare we say? Trying to remove.

As a reflex Taemin just lift his arms to see what will happened. EunHae lift and took off his shirt and Taemin press his bare chest against her and she wrap her arms around his neck. They take some distance to breath and Taemin look at EunHae "You're so beautiful"

EunHae's face was completely red as well as her lips because of the excess of the kiss.

Taemin smirk she wanted her like that and he got it. But then the unexpected kept on happening. EunHae push him down again and start to kiss his body gently making Taemin throw his head backwards a bit. It felt so good having her soft lips kissing on his chest and stomach. EunHae's wild side was really something to die for and when Taemin glance at the way EunHae was kissing his body he felt his cheeks heated. 




Taemin throw his head backwards again when EunHae start to bite on his skin lightly. So this is what happened when EunHae's mind go blank? He was just a mess because it felt so damn good "Didn't you said you were a man Taemin? You're letting yourself being control by me?" Taemin couldn't even said anything. His hair sticking to his forehead because of sweating and he was his lips.

"Eun....EunHae" Taemin moan. He then hold her arms and push her back onto the bed roughly and immediately taking control and attacking her neck and biting hard on it leaving hickeys "You're mine!" He looks down at her and stares into her eyes while he pins her hands down to the bed. "I'm the one who doesn't deserve someone as wonderful as you." He continues to kiss her neck and on places of her skin as EunHae drag her fingers across his back. "You are perfect and mine." He bites your neck hard and you can feel his teeth dragging on your skin. "All mine"

Taemin hands then went down to the hem of EunHae's shirt but then seeming to understand what was happening "St..Stop!!" EunHae said a bit louder and grab Taemin's hands "I'm sorry....I.....I didn't know w...what got into me...I...shouldn't have done that I'm sorry...I didn't mean to act like...a bad person" EunHae said in a broken voice as tears welled up in her eyes.

Why was she afraid? By the way she has act she was scared and worried she didn't want Taemin to see her as a bad person. She couldn't control herself and now she's terrified of what Taemin will think of her. 

Taemin put her warm hand on her face and smile lovingly at her "EunHae you're not a bad person. I am the only person you're doing that to and knowing you I know that you only love me. It doesn't mean you're a bad person when you're doing it with me. I'll never think of you as a bad person EunHae. Don't ever dare to think that you're like these bad people and Eunhae don't forget that we're still married according to that rule" Taemin said as he kiss her forehead lightly. 

"I'll never force you into things that you don't want. I'll never be like these people, never. You're my one and only. So? What do you want EunHae?" He ask. EunHae know that Taemin wasn't like that her fright started to go away slowly. She shouldn't be scared she trusted Taemin with her life. She lean closer and kiss Taemin who took that as a Yes.

He determinedly lifts her shirt off and smiling at how shy she's. "Don't be scared." He says and continues to take your clothes off slowly, kissing every part of her skin as he does so "You're so cute blushing like that EunHae" Taemin said as he chuckle a bit. He kisses up her chest and press his hand over her clothed chest lightly while whispering in her ear "You're so y why can't you see that. I can't help myself."

Taemin drawls, swiping his thumb over EunHae's bottom lip. His hips were flush against the younger’s, making sure he could feel just how true of a statement that was.

EunHae's mind was a big mess to put it simply. 

"N....No Tae...Taemin ummm" EunHae was still scared so Taemin sooth her up by kissing her deeply again. His tongue exploring every part of . He hold her by her shoulders and kiss her more. His hand were around her back as he unclasp her well you know what it is. EunHae's breathing start to increase and she hold tightly onto Taemin "Don't be scared EunHae" Taemin then took it off and throw it somewhere. He blush a bit realizing that they were now both topless. 

He kiss EunHae's neck and stare at the many hickeys that he mark on what belong to him. He kiss down her neck to her collarbone and press his hands onto her chest while on her neck. EunHae moan at the feeling. 

Taemin then took EunHae's hand and press it against his abs "This is for you. My body, my soul and my heart belong to you. I don't care about anything else. The way you care about me is unique and for nothing I'll leave you" still holding her hand he lead her hand to his chest "I have never be this cheesy before but my heart only beat for you EunHae" EunHae then look at Taemin "I trust you I won't be scared anymore"

That's all Taemin wanted to hear. He smirk and palm EunHae's chest lightly while EunHae throw her head back slightly "You like it my love?" Taemin ask as he continue to palm her chest "Ta....Taemin no....ahh~" EunHae said and Taemin immediately kiss her so roughly that she fell back on the bed and she was a complete mess " you" EunHae said completely red.

"Awww but I want you to me" Taemin said pouting a little making EunHae hit him on his arms. Taemin then took EunHae's hand and lead her hand down on his pants. Taemin had no intention of making EunHae do what you're thinking you dirty erts! EunHae seem to understand and ed his pants and push the zipper down. Taemin immediately took control and forcefully remove his pants himself leaving him with on his boxer. 

Then he immediately took care of EunHae's pants and remove them quickly while still locking his sinful lips onto EunHae's who wasn't thinking right. She was a complete mess. Her hair was a complete mess. Her neck was covered with hickeys and not just one or two but more than that and they were all dark and a deep shade of purple. Her breathing was uneven.

She wasn't scared anymore because Taemin wasn't acting rough against her except for the kisses but apart from that he was doing everything slowly and carefully as if she would break under his touch. He knew EunHae was a strong and fierce person. But in that situation even the most fiercest person wouldn't be able to think right. 

They both became red when they realise their state. Looking at Taemin was way worst. Taemin hair were a mess but still manage to look adorable and hot. His body and chest were covered in small hickeys. 

Taemin lift her chin and he made his hand towards her girl's boxer. He tangle two of his fingers into the piece of cloth "Do you want it my love? Do you want me to make love to you?" Taemin whisper in her ears making her shiver a bit "I'll prove my love to you. Doing that only with me will make you mine forever!"

EunHae nodded slightly even her couldn't hold it anymore. She wanted Taemin to claim her, to mark her as his and all hell break lose. Taemin quickly remove the last piece of cloth off EunHae's body and quickly went on top of her staring lovingly in her eyes. He caress her cheeks and kiss it. "I love you EunHae I love you so much. Emmy was right about you no matter how much someone you love hurt you, if they're worth something to you you won't give up. You're the only person who understand and know how I feel. You help me to get out of that darkness that I was in" Taemin said as I single tear fell from his eyes onto her cheek. He was scared of losing her. "I love you so much Kim EunHae"

Taemin said as he position himself on top of EunHae and immediately get inside her gently making EunHae gasp painfully and held onto Taemin but couldn't hold him properly as every of her movements were really painful for her "It freaking hurt!" EunHae said as some tears welled up in her eyes. 

Taemin didn't move "I'm sorry I'm so sorry EunHae. You're just too perfect and too beautiful and mine..I couldn't help myself I'm sorry my love" Taemin just sit inside of her without moving and of course not moving was making him lose his mind and making him crazy but for nothing he would move and hurt EunHae. She was too precious for him. He kiss and on her neck trying to ease the pain while holding her wrists above her head.

A moan. 

A loud moan and his name being called in a whisper escape EunHae's lips and Taemin understand immediately. The loving and caring look in his eyes immediately disappeared and instead a look of mischievous lust appear in his eyes who were now glowing yellow. A smirk and a low chuckle was made from Taemin. He couldn't hold himself anymore. 

Taemin smirked before releasing one of EunHae's wrists and bring that hand down to cup her face and kiss her "I don't care how you look because you're so freaking hot. I'm the only one allowed to see you like this. I don't care if you have fats on your stomach nor about stretch marks because you're so beautiful. I don't care about these things because all these that you find your flaws are what I find perfect. The only thing I care about is caring for you loving you like you do towards me but to also tease and pleasuring the out of you. No stomach fats or stretch marks going to stop me from hearing you scream my name Eunhae" He then forced his hips forwards, instantly burying himself to the hilt, ing into her as he throws his head backwards in complete bliss.

 " like it? Do you like feeling you...your lover inside Does it feel good?" Taemin said in a whisper into her ears but she still didn't dare to admit anything.

" know....if about're dead" EunHae said but Taemin just smirk "It'll be worth it"

Taemin could feel himself reaching his . A growl was heard from him "Say it now! Say how bad you want it. Say it it's an order. Moan my name say how much you like. Say it!' Taemin said in an authoritative tone and EunHae could not hold it anymore.

“” EunHae cried in bliss, throwing her head back as her hand pushed through Taemin's hair and kept him close, falling open in a silent scream when the man started ing dead into her. 

The slow rythm gradually changed into powerful slams of hips, forcing EunHae into another state of bliss. Taemin was on cloud nine, in complete euphoria with the vise like tightness around . The heat kept squeezing him uncontrollably until he could feel his peak approaching.

With a last groan. He came and look at EunHae who was now hiding in the crook of his neck completely exhausted and about to fall asleep. EunHae fell asleep after some seconds and Taemin tiredly just stare at her while smiling. He lean and kiss her forehead "I love you. I love you so much I'd never let go of you again. Never. You're mine completely now". Taemin lean next to her. Laying closer to her face staring at her before letting his eyes close. 


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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie