
My New Reasons

EunHae POV 

I was laying on my bed. It was Saturday so I have no classes today so I was just resting. It has been already one week and the bullying hadn't stop. The first took me completely off guard but I am alright now. So that's what happened when someone go against Taemin. Well my life was miserable so it is nothing compared to the pain I've felt years ago. 

Years ago I've lost the most important persons of my life. No one believe my story. The only person who've heard of my story are only Shou, Bia and Nikki know my story. 

I was only 16 I wasn't rich but I did have a loving family. My life wasn't perfect but it did have perfect person in it. I am someone who don't show her feelings like I don't know how to do it. There was this person who understand me more than anything and whom I've loved more than anything in this World. She was my everything and for whom I would've done anything just to meet. 

She was the only person who understand me. She was my internet best friend and the bond of our friendship was the strong. We've had up and down. She didn't have a perfect life and she think that she isn't perfect but to me she was my everything. She did mistakes like everyone else. But no matter what I'll never leave her. Because without her, my life would've have any sense. She make me smile and laugh when I cried and I would do anything for her happiness. 

No matter how I would've done it but I would have done it just to save her. Because she's my everything. I would've fight anything and I would've given my life for her. For anyone they would've just leave but I didn't because I'll always be here. Called it whatever you want but for nothing I would've left her. But the worst happened. One day she just disappeared and I didn't heard of her again. This had made me cried even thinking of that is making me cry. I didn't had the chance to meet her and just like that she disappeared without any trace. 

I was a crying mess. I didn't cared about anything. I felt that my life had no sense without her. The promise and everything else disappeared. I was alone. No one was there I was completely alone. I didn't had other friends but Emmy was my whole life she was the rarest of all. I did everything and I didn't regret one bit. But now I don't think I can get the happiness that I got with her. I am even crying while writing this. I get into my room and cry I felt everything falling apart. Nothing could help me. I feel like a failure. I was afraid. I feel like it was my fault it all end I felt like I wasn't good enough. I felt like I was the one who made her go. 

I couldn't even eat nor have fun. My happiness went away the day I lost her. I swear to protect her but now I couldn't do anything. The tears won't stop. I felt like I lost everything. But little did I know that it was exactly what happened. 

I went back home from school. I search for my parents. I went into the living room and the scene I found is engraved in my memory. There was blood everywhere and it was from my parents. There were three men who had attacked my parents. They had fangs. They saw me I was completely frozen I couldn't move. I ran, ran without looking back I knew they were chasing me. I didn't stop running. My vision become blurry because of my tear. The only thing I remember was that everything went black and I fell unconscious. 

I woke up in a hospital room. The person that was here was Shou my best guy friend. When I ask him about my parents he just look down and I immediately understand. He hug me and I let everything out I cried I didn't knew for how long I cried but I did. I couldn't stop this day I lost my parents and worst my only happiness in this cruel world Emmy. He rubbed my back trying to sooth me but it didn't help. I felt that my existence was nothing. This time I knew than I was all alone. This is why I have a pure raw hatred for vampires. 




Enough about that. I just rub my tears away and decided to go for a walk. Bia and Nikki came along. Fortunately they didn't noticed my dry tears. I put on my black ripped skinny jeans, a white shirt and along with my black leather jacket. I didn't drink tea nor coffee so I just want some cold juice. I found a place called 'Fruity Juice'. We just stopped by and order juice along with a chocolate cupcake. Which girl in this world can resist chocolate.Our order arrived and we we're just amazed. It look so amazing and delicious. The cupcake made our mouth water. Bia was already crazy about the cupcakes and the strawberry juice. We were happily laughing and talking.

"Seriously what's wrong with that Taemin guy? Just because EunHae stood up against him. He started to make people bully her like that" Nikki said angrily as she sip her bubble tea angrily. She was fed up of Taemin being a bastard toward EunHae who clearly did nothing wrong. "Let it. It's alright I don't care about it!" I sigh. To be honest I am not hurt that much.

"How can you say that. What if he start doing worst?" Of course Nikki was worrried about me but going against him would lead to no good. So I will just ignore him until he decide to stop one day. Seriously though I didnt know that bullying still exist even at university level. "Nevermind. What about Bia then? This Jonghyun guy is seriously being after her Hahaha!"

"Yaa~ Seriously guys. He just want to play maybe I got the wrong games, that's why he's angry" She was too innocent to realise his real intentions so we just let it go like come one how could we tell Bia what he really wants. "Oh God Bia how can you be so innocent like that?"


"Nevermind Bia" 

We finished our drinks and we decided to go home. I just tell the others to go home already and that I'll just pay and I'll went home. They got home and when I went to pay I run hard into someone. I shake my head and bow to the person saying sorry. When I look up I my eyes widen as well as the person I ran into. It was Taemin. Seriously why do I have to meet with him just now.

"Well what do we have here?" I was fed up I didn't had the strength to put up with him. I just sigh and went away without saying anything. 




Taemin POV.

Vampires do eat and drink human food. Vampires get rarely ill and today I'm ill as heck. So just for today I decided to go out to have something fresh to drink. I put on my black ripped skinny jeans, a white shirt and along with my black leather jacket. I went to the usual place and command my favorite banana milkshake and banana ice-cream......I just love banana.....Stop thinking like a ert I'm not gay. I was about to pay when suddenly someone ran into me. She bow to me and say sorry. I was pissed. Sorry but I'm just pissed at everything even when I'm ill. Yeah vampires do have cold. She look up and we were both shocked and I just smirk. It was EunHae.

"Well what do we have here?" I said while smirking. She said nothing she just sigh and was about to go away. When I just block her way. She just shove me away and went away. I have the power of feeling how does a human feel and for her she was feeling sad and hurt but it wasn't because of me. I don't know how but I could feel that she had been feeling like that for years. Wait why do I even care. Suddenly I saw her sprinted away. Damn.

I went after and she went into that old garage room. I get inside. Just when I was about to say something. The door behind me just slam shut. It isn't normal. I couldn't open it. This door need a lots of force for it to shut. The wind wasn't that harsh. It's strange but then the air conditioner went on complete cold. I started to shake more and I went to sit somewhere and hug myself. EunHae just look at me. Anyone who I've bullied would look at me with disgust and be happy with my state. I look at EunHae expecting her to have the same look but to my surprise she look worried. 

"Are you alright? You look pale?"

She ask and her voice was sincere. I don't need anyone pity. She look worried like really worried. Duh! I bullied her and she's worried about me?. She was about to put her hand on my forehead to see my temperature but I just push her hand away. She just sigh.

"I don't need your pity"

"Can't you stop being an and let me see your temperature?"

I was surprise by her sudden outburst. I just let her. She put her hand on my forehead and she took it off immediately. I feel something strange inside but then I saw her looking at me with wide eyes but then she regain her composure. Her hand was warm. What is wrong with me?.

"Damn you have a high temperature and you're cold right now"

"Why do you even care? I am the one who kept on making your life miserable, so why are you helping me?"

"My life was already miserable before all that"



She stood up and start to search for something. The door was lock and even when she shout no one could heard her. There was also no signal. Damn I was feeling so cold and who the heck had put on the air conditioner. I put my knees to my chest and hug them. My bangs fell on my forehead making my forehead warm a bit. I look at EunHae and she was looking at me as if she had seen a ghost. She immediately look away. Okay that was weird. I need to read her mind but I'll not understand everything since I'm ill. 

'It can't's's not him.....he's's not him.....'

What was she saying. She took off her jacket and put it on me neatly. She look so careful while doing it. I wrap it around myself and nodded in a way to say Thank you. She smile lightly at me and nodded. She's strange everytime she got bullied she's always all smile and yet she said that her life is miserable? That's weird. Anyone would have just made fun of my state like take a picture and threatened me something like that but her, she didn't care about revenge but she's worried about me.

"Why do you care for someone who ask people to bully you?"

"So what if you hurt me? That doesn't me I should do the same for you. I don't care how much someone hurt me but I'll never ever hurt anyone no matter how much they hurt me. And also you don't seem like a bad person. Something may have happened to you in through past for you to act like that. But life doesn't end. I was always blaming myself for the people I've lost but then I realise that they wouldn't like me being like that. I still feel sad but I've stop being aggressive and I've stop pushing people away. Ah! I found it!"

I just listened to her. She seem to have been someone that have been deeply hurt but she still manage to smile through all this sadness. She found a blanket and put it on me. No one had ever been this kind to me. Why I'm thinking all of these. She took a piece of metal rod. She hold it firmly and smashed it against the air conditioner. It broke and the cold air stop. Suddenly I felt Minho trying to contact me through telekinesis. I tried to answer him.


"Can I ask you something EunHae?"

"Sure go ahead"

"Why when you took my temperature you looked at me shocked?"

"Oh. It's nothing. I thought I saw your eyes changing colour it's alright it might be a trick of the light"

I was shocked. I was told that my eyes would only change colour when I'm around a non human person. But EunHae was clearly a human. There was something else they say and explain why your eyes change colour in front of someone that meant something but I completely forget about it. I need to ask Key about it. I was out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and Minho standing there and sigh in relief.

"Thank God I found you. I was so worried"


I said and then everything went black. 



Outside POV. 

Taemin was saying he was alright when he suddenly fell unconscious and Minho hold him in his arms and

check his forehead. I guess it was really hot. He put Taemin more carefully in his arms like bridal style. He then look at me and smile sincerely. "Thank you for taking care of him even if he did all of these bad things to you. I don't understand. Most people would have take advantage of the situation and yet you help him"

"Don't worry. I don't mind it. No matter what someone do or hurt me I'll always be there to help if it's needed. I just don't like seeing people suffer. No one should suffer not even the bad person. Because they're human, they have feelings also" 

Minho just stare at me as if I was a ghost but then just chuckle. 

"You're the first person I met that's like that. No one has been this kind to him"

"Well I guess he doesn't seem that bad to be honest" 

"Right. Sorry I need to go now and Thank you for everything. you want me to tell Taemin to stop with the bullying"

"I don't even understand the whole thing but don't worry seeing how stubborn he is he won't stop. Don't worry I'm a fighter"



Author's Note: Sorry about the beginning I was feeling really sad when I wrote. I hope you like it so far! 


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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie