Breaking Point

My New Reasons

Outside pov

Some days later EunHae still surprise at what happened. It nearly happened and of course she was shock to the core. She was even way more shy around Taemin than she had ever been. On another note Taemin was thinking about what EunHae told him. When they came back, EunHae told him that Shaw supposedly kidnapped her because he love him and he had a crazed look in his eyes. Why would he act like that when years ago he wanted to kill her. This just doesn't make any sense at all. He needs to have some secret motif behind all this but Taemin just couldn't know what it might be.

But when he looked at the time he got worried. It was already night outside and EunHae hasn't been back yet. She left early in the morning and hasn't come back yet. She hasn't even replied to his messages so he got more worried. She seem to have been acting weird these past days and it doesn't seem to be because of what happened. She seemed to be acting more weird everytime she came at his place and unlike long ago, she's spending more time at her home and even Jonghyun find it weird despite loving to having his little sister around.

~ Ding Dong ~

The doorbell rang and Taemin sigh in relief as he hoped it to be EunHae. He smile happily while walking to the door. He's been smiling way too much and got his happiness back because of EunHae. Of course when EunHae hit him, he knew EunHae has a really soft heart and would only hit when she's deeply hurt or deeply upset by something or someone. She has just wanted for Taemin to feel the same pain she did and to let her frustration off, he knows he deserves it and he knows that the pain he felt was nothing compared to EunHae. EunHae love him more than anything and would do anything to protect his happiness.

He opened the door happily but as soon as he looked in front of him, his smile disappeared and his eyes were filled with terror. In front of him there was EunHae looking completely tired, her knees could be seen as her black jeans were torn and they were bruised. Both her arms had wounds and were bleeding and the corner of had some blood on it. She was shaking and tearing up. Her tears were falling over her face mixing with the blood on while her hair covered her eyes.

Taemin immediately grabbed her and pulled her inside. He was still in shock and EunHae wasn't responding and she was just crying and shaking. "EunHae tell me what happened?" EunHae was looking around like a scared kid and didn't let herself go of Taemin. She kept holding onto Taemin like a lost frightened kitten. She hide her face on his chest and kept on crying. Taemin was panicking of course but seeing EunHae in such state he knew he had to kept his calm a bit.

He let go of EunHae and take her back bridal style and he makes his way into the nearest room. "EunHae calm down. I'm here, I'll protect you, nothing bad will happened to you. I'm always here I won't leave you alone my love", Taemin said gently ad he her hair gently and left a sweet kiss on her forehead. EunHae was still shaking and was holding onto Taemin as if her life depends on him. After some time, he felt her hold on him weakened as EunHae let go of him completely worn out. Taemin lay her carefully on the bed.

Taemin couldn't hold it anymore. He fell on his knees and started to cry, somehow he knew that this seems to be his faults. He took out his cellphone and called Jonghyun while tearing up "Jonghyun please call Minho and the others......please come....quickly...." Hearing Taemin tearing up like this, it obviously make Jonghyun panic but Taemin ended the call before he could say anything. He just looked at her state and couldn't help but cry with anger. He'll obviously kill the person who did that but Taemin didn't sense any danger approaching EunHae so who could've done that.

"No....not your.....fault...Tae...." Taemin just stare at EunHae lovingly while still crying. Despite being all hurt and wounded like this, she still care about him. EunHae is getting hurt because of him and she still worries about him. Does he even deserve someone like this, how can someone love someone like this. Taemin felt it, he didn't deserve her, he knows he doesn't. No one actually does.

Suddenly he heard banging on the door and it being opened. "H...ere" he yelled in broken voice. He heard many footsteps rushing and everyone was here. Minho, Key, Onew and Jonghyun. When Jonghyun's eyes landed on EunHae he immediately panic and the others had to calm him down. "WHAT HAPPENED???" Jonghyun yelled completely enraged while the others were still holding him. Taemin then explained that he heard the door bell rang and opening it to see EunHae like this. He fell on his knees again and cried more.

Minho came to him and help him up patting his back. "This isn't your fault Taemin. She knew it wasn't. Wipe your tears and just tend to her wounds". Taemin sniffle and wipe his tears while looking down. He felt as if his world world was crumbling down all around him and that was all his fault. But then another voice came and he felt a sudden warmth wrap around his body. He was more shocked to see that it was Jonghyun whom he thought was angry at him. Jonghyun smile sadly at him and ruffle his hair "Yah Lee Taemin it isn't your fault and I'm not mad at you. I know how much you love and care for her and that's why I trusted you to take care of her. Don't worry".

They all left for the living room leaving EunHae and Taemin alone. Taemin wipe his tears and start tending to her wounds. Fortunately they were not ad horrible as he thought they were. They seem to have been inflicted by a girl rather than a man. His mind immediately wanders to one person in particular but he immediately shake his thoughts away. The wounds on her arms seems to have inflicted by his kinds though. He just ignored everything and tend to her wounds. After having cared for her wounds, a sudden realization came to his head.

She seems to be needing a change of clothes. His face immediately heat up. His sister was nowhere to to be seem and he didn't want to worry Nikki or Bia by calling them. He just needed to take it off and put another, he didn't have to touch any of her underwear. But the dancer was more shy than expected. He went quickly into his room. He took a piece of cloth and some of his clothes and came back. He closed the door and locked it. He wrapped the piece around his eyes. He took a deep breath and he removed her shirt and fortunately he didn't smell any trace of wounds. He immediately put the shirt he brought on her. And he did the same for her pants. After he was sure everything was done, he took off the blindfold. EunHae was still in a deep sleep.

He let EunHae rest and went into the living room. Onew wasn't here for a while and he was really grateful to know that he was in the kitchen preparing some soup for her. They all just sat down in silence and Onew came back with a delicious looking soup. They then all went into the room and sat down on the chairs waiting for the girl to wake up.

EunHae stirred in her sleep and Taemin immediately rushed to her side helping her to sit down on bed caressing her hair and kissing her forehead lightly. He caress her cheek lovingly and ask if she was okay. EunHae couldn't help but felt love. "Is it Hailey who did that to you EunHae?" Taemin then ask while still having a hand wrapped around her and comforting her.

EunHae shake her head and they were all shocked to see her face drained with any type of emotions. She just had a cold expression and she just let a disgusting laugh at the question she was asked. "How I wish it was her Taemin".

They were all shocked at how she was acting. Taemin suddenly got an idea. "EunHae listen to me. Me and Jonghyun will read your mind but you have to let us through and gives us permission to. Okay?" Taemin said that because it seems that EunHae could not bear to talk about what happened. EunHae was the type of person who acted cold when someone she hate did her wrong and she doesn't want to remember that person again. But who hurt her to that point that she doesn't seem to want to talk.

Jonghyun nodded his head and came towards EunHae. They both put a finger leaving just a very small space from their fingers and her forehead. They close their eyes and with her permission they were pulled into her memories.

They look around and they find EunHae and with Taemin's sister talking happily and laughing but since they were really closed to them, they could see that Taemin's sister was hiding a worried and guilty face under a fake smile. Taemin's sister brought her into an alleyway saying that they sell the best ice cream. EunHae followed her while still giggling happily. She seems to be really happy with her and all her worries seem to be fading away with her.

They were now in the alleyway but there wasn't anyone except the two of them. "Where is he?" EunHae ask referring to the seller. She looks back and saw her friend tearing up and falling onto her knees. "EunHae I'm sorry. You're too kind EunHae way too good for me. I've made lots of mistakes in my life and I don't want to hurt you. EunHae it's the best that I leave you. This is my final decision EunHae please don't stop me. I just can't anymore. I don't deserve any type of kindness" Taemin immediately understood why EunHae seem to be acting weird. His sister wanted to leave again and this time it wasn't the same.

EunHae was suffering because of that. She maybe have cried at home and that's why she stayed there most of the times because she didn't want Taemin to know. She had been suffering all these times and no one knew about it. She has been wanting to meet up with her but she didn't want to. EunHae had been crying while messaging her but the other didn't do anything. Taemin understands why EunHae was such a crying mess when he find her. She wanted to cry one last time before starting anew. Everything that happened this month was nothing compared to the pain she was experiencing right now. Her whole world was shattering. The person that she took years to build up back strong, she was being hurt again by the broken pieces.

This time she was broken to a point where she wouldn't want to cry about it. She'll be sad of course but she won't cry because all her tears has already been shed for that person. EunHae was now dull off any emotions. This last betrayal was all it took to break the soft and caring EunHae to someone who couldn't cry anymore.

"I'm sorry" This all it took to make EunHae suddenly laugh with tears flowing over her face and with a crazed expression. "Sorry? Do you think a simple sorry would erase everything that happened between us. The care I had for you and how much I suffered because of you. Do you even know how much hurt I and how I cried every time you pushed me away but me like a crazy person I threw away a nonexistent pride just to make you feel better. But I didn't care because all these suffering were worth it but now you're making me regret everything. And you think a simple sorry would make everything better?"

The other didn't said anything but just ran away and EunHae wasn't even surprised because she saw it coming. She sigh and decided to go home but when she turn around she was faced with two men with huge white wings. Then everything went black.

Jonghyun and Taemin came back into reality and they immediately wrapped their arms around EunHae comforting her. "I'm alright I was expecting this to happened and it seems to be time that we just part our ways". Onew came and brings her the soup he made and EunHae smile bright making the others relief. EunHae took the first spoon and "I left her. She told me what she'll do and I left her because.....she was also the person who lead these two men to EunHae. She wanted EunHae to hate her that she did all these. I'm just realizing it now. I'm sorry EunHae."

EunHae smiled and put a hand on his shoulder "Onew, you're our smiling leader and your smile is contagious and seeing you not smiling isn't good. I'm alright. I was expecting it and the blow was just harder than expected. I'm hurt but that wasn't anyone fault. No one can stop what will happened so don't worry and also...." Onew look up to her and ended up laughing. While he was talking EunHae end up finishing the bowl completely and was looking at Onew with puppy eyes. "Can I get some more? Can you make some for the others too?" Onew laugh along with the others and he nodded happily and took the bowl back.

After Onew was gone Taemin immediately wrapped himself around her kissing her forehead. "I was so scared I thought I lost you...."

EunHae immediately stop Taemin from talking by pressing her fist on his stomach." I swear if you a say it was your fault I'll hurt you more" EunHae said before shyly kissing Taemin making the later deepened the kiss more. Taemin stop and laugh while looking at a blushing EunHae and Jonghyun just rolled his eyes. Taemin knew it was his fault and he felt it but what can he do? How to stop EunHae from being hurt again. EunHae was in her case, she knew that she shouldn't get attached too much and now the only person she trust was Taemin.

This last betrayal was all it took to changed EunHae. She became more weak but she also had the option to change that weakness into a strong weapon.

Onew was cooking the food while thinking. He did what he knew was the best for everyone and himself but he knew that this wasn't going to end like this. The trouble just seems to start. Taemin was being more worried than he was the cause for EunHae being hurt all the time and EunHae was worried that it was because of her that Taemin was always sad. These two look so much alike that they don't see it. Taemin doesn't realize that EunHae is the happiest around him and same for Taemin. He just smiled and laughed at how stupid love can make these two people feel.

"Food is ready!"




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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie