The beginning of the end.....

My New Reasons

Outside POV. 

Finally after a hard week of university the weekend finally came and EunHae decided to take a rest. It was really hard for EunHae but she felt that it was worth it because all her life she did things that wouldn't benefits for her career like she wants to become a writer, why would mathematics be necessary. But she still smile at those moment in high school. Running around and such. Damn she even get hated for saying the truth. 

But she was glad it ended as it was the most horrible phase ever. Betrayed, Sadness and Despair were all the feelings she felt. No one knew about the countless days she cried about not being good enough. But she kept strong and wasn't really worth it but yeah she manage it. Someone for sure was that EunHae was full of wounds and she's still standing on her own two feet facing the world with her two edged swords in hand. But she was scared of love. Because people have made her promises in the past and they’ve broken them. Because no matter how hard she works or how good of a person she is, she doesn’t believe she is worthy of love. Because she’s had too many people leave her – both intentionally and unintentionally – and she doesn’t want to give you the chance to leave too. There are a million reasons she might not be able to believe that you love her. And there will be a million more in the future.


Why would she have to worry about now?

She will start her career after university.

She has found her best friend. 

She's happy.


And most important one is that she found love. Love was something she hated and always think as a waste of time. For her love was just something that's not existing and absurd. For her, a friendship is more better.

When she found out her feelings for Taemin she felt confused but with Taemin sudden confession she felt happy. Time goes by and she hated how weak she became because of him. But she know it was worth it because she trust him. But something was bothering her, the photoshoot that happened one week ago and how Hailey had her arms were wrapped around Taemin made her blood boiled. She hated that girl and how during the old days she let that girl put her down but now she won't let that anymore.

To relax better she decided to go on the net and to go buy some books which is one of the things that calm her down as she always found comfort in them. For her it's like she's entering another universe, her own universe. But as she scrolled down to see 'Today's News', her heart sank to the bottom. 


[Meet The Two Business Partners That Look Like The Perfect Couple!]


She scrolled down and the comments literally made her self-esteem fell down to rock bottom again. 


-Oh my God! Look at them, they're so perfect together. Hailey is so beautiful for him.

-As a known fact, only beautiful and rich girls should be with someone like Taemin like I can't imagine him being with a low-class girl. That'll be disgraceful for him.

-I heard that Taemin has someone and she look like Hahaha. Like seriously Taemin, Hailey is more beautiful and more rich than her.

-That thing doesn't deserve Taemin, Hailey does more like come on she's a qween. 


These comments were enough to make tears rolled her face. Why did she did to deserve that? How could they compare her to someone as horrible as Hailey when they know nothing about how Hailey made her life horrible.

She decided to go and watch TV to get these off her mind. As she was choosing a channel she came across a channel which made her stop in her tracks.


[Meet The Two Business Partners That Look Like The Perfect Couple!]

Hello everyone let's meet the two business partners which in the whole of Korea look like the perfect couple ever. Both are hot and stunning and of course deserve to be together. Well they could've been if Taemin hadn't choose to be with some worthless low-class- 


Suddenly someone switch off the TV, EunHae turn around with still tears over her face and looked at the person. It was no other than Taemin himself. 

"Don't watch this rubbish-

Taemin said but immediately stop when he saw EunHae crying and wiping her tears quickly. He immediately come to her side and hold both of her hands. The girl shake off her head but he didn't let go. "EunHae, I know it's hard for you to saw all these but when you came across these just ignore it. I don't care what they say because I love only you. So don't worry about anything else".

Taemin wrap himself around EunHae trying to calm her down and it work. The warmth she felt with Taemin was a warmth she'd love to feel for the rest of her life.

"How should I? I didn't know I marry an idol" EunHae said still sad but with a bit of sarcasm which made Taemin smile a little. He caress her hair and kiss her forehead. "EunHae you know it isn't my fault". EunHae just nodded and he hated how Taemin treated her like a child but she couldn't help but also like it when he's this smooth towards her.




The weekend went on smoothly without any bad thing happening. University started again on Monday. EunHae was sitting in her English class and Taemin was sitting next to her, well more like he was sleeping. The bad comments about EunHae had stopped. However, a bad surprise was awaiting them.

A new student, Hailey.

This was the moment when Taemin decided to show to Hailey that no one can replace EunHae. When he saw her looking into his direction, he grab EunHae by her neck and kiss her. EunHae was surprise by this but then as she look in the direction that Taemin was looking she understand. Feeling a bit possesive, she kiss Taemin quickly surprising the man. It was a first time.

Hailey waved happily at Taemin and just smirk at EunHae making her more furious. The class went on smoothly and EunHae tried her best to ignore Hailey. Taemin was again back to sleep. EunHae chuckle lightly, she always wondered how this guy was passing his classes by sleeping all the time. EunHae caress the boy's hair who was secretly smiling. He wasn't sleeping an he also notice the glare and smirk Hailey was giving EunHae.

But little did Taemin know that Hailey had planned everything.

It was now time for eating. Everyone met in the canteen and Nikki, Hanbin and Minho explain the event of last night thus making EunHae laugh too. Fortunately they filmed the scene and it was a really worth video of Bia getting drunk. Especially the part where she kissed Jonghyun on his cheek. That was so adorable. Everything seem to be going on with Nikki and Minho as they stayed as friends.

"Hi!" This simple word was enough to make the mood of the group go down. It was none other than Hailey who was smiling and waving at them. Nikki wanted nothing more than to rip off her hair and to beat her up. After hearing what she had done to Kai, she wanted nothing more than her death. "What do you want?" Nikki spat with venom and Hailey just smile. 

"Oh I just wanted to say hi to you guys since it's been a long time. Hey Bia How're you doing?" Hailey said smiling to Bia who didn't know how to reply. Fortunately Jonghyun who was sitting next to Bia pulled her more closer to him and glare at Hailey "Can you just leave her alone!" Hailey just smile and wink at him which made Bia having a slight reaction. "I just want for EunHae to just watch the news"

Hailey said and everyone look up at the big led TV set in the cafeteria. EunHae heart sank. It was the interview of the photoshoot of Taemin. She didn't want to watch it but then a question peek her attention. 


"So Taemin do you have any love interest in your life?"

"No I don't have time for this. It's a waste of time"

"And what about the girl that we have seen you with?"

"She is no one to me like I said it is just a waste of time"


The answer which Taemin gave was enough to make everyone stare at him and EunHae didn't know how to feel. Everyone heard it. She start to hear people whispering about her and she didn't know how to feel. She was looking down not wanting to meet anyone's eyes. "EunHae I-" of course Taemin had to say something but EunHae was so confused that she just took her things and left. 


It's a waste of time....

It's a waste of time....

It's a waste of time....


These words kept echoing in her mind. She know this wasn't what Taemin thought and she wasn't like some cliche girl who'll think that the person they love had lost interest in them. No she wasn't like that. She knows and clearly knows that Taemin did that to protect her. She wasn't like the other girl who'll doubt the person they love. Because she believe in Taemin. She know how boys are. But Taemin wasn't like that and they proof was like he isn't even human. She know how boys and their desire work but Taemin prove her the opposite since from the beginning.


So why did she run?

She was scared of people's opinion.


"I'm sorry" Of course Taemin ran after her. He wrap his arms around her and she shake her head. "You don't have to be Taemin. I know you did that for my own good. Oh by the way, I prepared that for you".

Taemin opened the box and to his surprise it was steak. Taemin smile and kiss her cheek making her blush. At this moment Taemin hate himself. He realise that this girl she love was hurt by everything and still, despite all these. She was still there by his side and still loving him. And what Does he do? He kept on hurting her. Doing things that hurt her feelings and make her insecurities goes higher.

He look down still holding the box "Why are you like this?". He said still looking down not wanting to look up.

"Did I do something wrong Taemin?" Of course she'll be worried as Taemin was acting strange. She knew she did nothing wrong but his attitude was worrying her.

"No!" Taemin suddenly yelled shocking EunHae. "You didn't do anything wrong. It's me who's at fault. I kept on hurting you and yet you never said anything and you kept on loving me!"

EunHae sigh "Taemin I admit I am hurt by these but they don't bother me because I trust you-

Taemin just glare at her. He was never shown this enormous amount of kindness because all his life he was shown fights and wars. This new feeling scared him. "Why? Why are you this kind. I don't deserve that"

EunHae had enough "Taemin just stop it now it's me who should be saying that but I stopped being because I trust and love you. You've shown me true love and friendship. Don't say that Taemin. Our life was difficult before and I know yours was worst but trust me Taemin. You deserve to be happy and we both do. I realise that late but I'm happy so please Taemin"

Taemin really feel bad now but he just don't understand how can she be so kind. "I'm done I need to go".

EunHae really had enough now. He grab Taemin and hug him tightly. "Stop you" EunHae blush and peck on his lips before blushing more. Then she kiss him more and back away. "Was that enough?"

Taemin smirk then push EunHae closer to him crashing his lips on hers "This was now enough. I'm sorry for acting like that I was just afraid for not deserving you but I guess I was wrong"

Taemin still had that but just tried to shake it off. He love EunHae and would never let go of her. But the feeling of hurting EunHae won't go away that easily and he was always scared of not being good enough for her.



Author's Note: Sorry for the late update I was busy with school and my exams is next week.

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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie