New beginnings

My New Reasons

Taemin POV 

I was so tired. Like hell these homework were killing and I don't even understand French that much. My subjects are Additional Mathematics, Physics, English Literature, Sociology, Psychology and French. I'm the top students in all of my subjects except for French. I wanted to try something new but I didn't knew it be that difficult though. I'm falling this class but fortunately we got a new teacher who's coming today. Since the others are spoiled brat children they don't even care about their grade the only one doing more efforts is Kim EunHae. 

I hear the sound of footsteps coming and then the door open and to my surprise it was my cousin. What the heck is she doing here? I thought that she was in America continuing her studies. She notice me and smirk and I just glare at her. Every boys were gaping at her and the girls were just rolling their eyes. The teacher put her books on the table and bow. 


"Good Morning everyone! My name is Boa Kwon and from now on I'll be your new French teacher"


The girls groan and the boys cheers and my cousin just laugh lightly. 


"I've been keeping tracks of each one of your performance and all I can say that it's the most horrible thing ever except for some of you. Our best one here is only Kim EunHae at least her and some others are trying. From now on I won't accept any failure, understand?"

"Yes Madam"


The guys say cheerfully and Boa start walking among the down and being the tired student I was I had my feet on the table nearly falling asleep when Boa hit her hand on the table startling me. I glare at her.


"What Do you want?"

"Still with the same attitude I see?"

"Let me be. What do you want?"

"You know your grades are the worst of all Mr Lee Taemin and like I said I won't accept any failure!"


She said pointing her finger directly in front of my face and I just push it away annoyingly.


"So as to remedy this. I got the solution"


"I'll get you a tutor!"

"Are you serious???"

"No talking when I talk Mr Lee Taemin. I got the best one I could find and it is...."


Is she freaking serious. Me? Getting a tutor? Seriously but still I can't Do wrong with her. Please don't let me have a hysterical fangirl or else I'll really kill someone. 


"Kim EunHae will be your tutor since she's the best in that class!"



We both say at the same time and EunHae look startled. Wait it might be a good opportunity for me. I can find more about how she know about vampires since I couldn't find anything for her to do for me. EunHae was told by Boa that she could decline the request if it was too much for her and she was about to agree and then she look at her. I signal to accept the request and she sigh and just nodded to the teacher saying she accept it. 

After this class I went up to her and smirk. She didn't bother and look at me the way she always look. Bored and tired. 


"Then come at my house. Follow me"

"Wait a minute I'm all sweating since it's hot. Can't we meet like in 2hours or something"

"Hmmm fine. Here my address"

"Sure. Don't worry I'll make you the best student ever so that you can destroy everyone in your way hahahaha"


She said with determination but end up laughing at the end. Did she forget that I was making her life a living hell some days ago? 


"Did you forget I was making your life some days ago a living hell?"


"Don't you hate me?"



"I don't know you don't seem that bad to me but I can't tell you the real reason"

"Tell me it's an order"

"Shut up. I don't take orders. Fine I'll answer your questions if you get the works I give you right. Okay?"




2 hours later......

She told me about her address and I went to her place and when I saw where she live I was left in a state of shock. Her apartment cost was way too much high for a normal college student and her background isn't that rich. A normal apartment cost at least $100 per month but this one cost $10000 per two month. Who the hell is that girl? She's not some Mafia's daughter right? Well that wouldn't be surprising since she wasn't scared of me. Okay here she comes. Her clothes really make her seem like she's a Mafia's daughter though.




I said simply and we walk to my house. The walk to my house was awkward and silence since no one talk. I could feel she was not comfortable with this awkward situation. Well since I need information about her I'll need to ask questions. 


"Your apartment seem pretty nice"

"I think so too. It has a nice view too"

"The rent is pretty high so I guess that's why it has such a nice view. By the way, are you a Mafia daughter or something?"

"Hahaha XD no why are you saying that?"

She laugh. For the first time I heard her laugh a genuine laugh. I like to ----- the persons I'm being with. Do you know how many es I was put with. But fortunately they all get scared when I threatened them. But this one was just a normal girl living her life except for the fact that she knows about vampires. 


"Just asking because your apartment cost $10000 per two months"

"What? Are you serious? Damn I'll kill him. He told me he'll get a nice apartment for me and he got the most expensive one. Aish that little !"


"Oh Yeah. It was my childhood friend who made me got this apartment and had mostly finance for my studies. He want me to always be happy since....Yeah so I don't want him to spend his money carelessly-


Suddenly she stop and look at me with wide eye and then look away quickly. I could see that her face had become red with embarrassment. 


"What now?"

"It's my first time talking to another guy apart from my childhood friend so I don't know what to talk about and I got really embarrassed and shy around a guy even if I just got to know him so don't mind me"

"You're weird"

"I know"


We finally arrived at my house and when EunHae saw my house was left wide open in awe. 


"It look like heaven!"


I just shrugged and we continue our way in and EunHae was still in awe. We got into my room and she was still in awe. Then suddenly she became very serious 


"I promise I'll make you get good grades. So let's get started with the basic. Okay?"


"Introduce yourself in French"

"Euh....Bo..Bonjour m'appelle Taemin" (Hello name is Taemin)

"Nearly good. But you miss the 'je'. It should be like that. Bonjour je m'appelle Taemin. Okay?. Can I ask you a question. Why aren't you trying to kill me like you usually do like from the start you hate me."

"It's not that I hate you it's just that I don't know. At first I thought you'd be like a hysterical fangirl and I don't socialize much. I don't even know why I'm this calm to be honest"


I don't know what's get into me. Like I'm opening to her. Okay it's been two months since I know her and the only time I talk to her was when I ask her to bring me lunch in class because I was ill and she did it with utmost care almost forgetting that I'm just using her. She seem like she don't care about anything she just want to help. And the way she talk to me it's as if I don't know. Usually I'd get mad when people try to befriended me but her she's not even trying and yet she look so caring. I really don't know what's happening to me. She seem to kind for this world. She's always happy and smiling even during the days. 

When I was observing her I could see she wasn't like the rest. She isn't a nor a like the ones at university. She's kind and I don't know why but it feel like I've seen her somewhere. I admit there are other girls than may be like her but I don't understand like she wasn't like that she was way more...more...Arrg I don't know how to describe it.

Okay to be honest it was someone who told me everything about her. That person knew everything about her and the watching she talk about her I couldn't imagine that someone as kind could exist. That person talk so godly about her. Well I don't blame that person since EunHae has save their life and maybe I was wrong. Maybe people as kind as EunHae do exist. 




Suddenly we hear a crash across the house. We both rush to see someone biting a maid's neck and that someone was the maid's blood. I look at EunHae expecting her to look terrified but instead she look as if she was about to kill someone. Her once kind and gentle eyes was now full of hatred. The vampire look at EunHae and was about to jump on her but she just punch him on the face. She kick the vampire right where it hurt the most. You know what I mean. She continue to punch that man's face yelling. 

"You disgusting vampire you don't deserve to exist. You all need to die"

The Man push her away and and escape. EunHae was panting heavily full of anger. 

"These vampires they killed my family and they took away my cousin. Why the heck is there a,freaking vampire at your house?"



So that's why she know about vampires and their existence. Okay I need to find something to say....


"Since little I've been seeing vampires but until today they didn't attack anyone near me"

"I see"

"Well you know what?"


"Let's stop this war that we do. You know I'm not someone as bad like Yeah I act like a complete to some girls but come on, all they want is my looks and money. You don't seem like them though"

"Haha well it's just that I also hate people like that and I decided to just be myself. Life had given me many scars but I'm still here fighting"


I look at her and she was smiling and laughing. For someone who has been hurt so much she is so strong. I guess having a second friend which is a girl and since she isn't like these stupid girls it might not be bad. Well I'll still be an to these disgusting s at school but her, she seemed fine to me. I don't know why but I feel like she's going to have a huge role to play in the future well I guess having someone who think just like me won't be bad. 


"So friends?"

"Yep friends"

"Don't just appear suddenly in front of my friends or they might kill you!"

"Haha Well I don't blame them. You have nice friends"

"Yeah but one of the important one in my life is gone"

"What Do you mean?"

"Ah! I'm sorry I don't want to bother you with my problems. I'm sorry"

"It's not troublesome to me Okay? We're friends"


I was right. She has been hurt multiple times and she doesn't want to be a burden to anyone. She's shy and kind. For some reasons she doesn't seem like any other kind girls. She's like weird in a kind way...Okay that doesn't even make sense. 


"Well. When I was 15 I've had some problems and there was a girl which I always talk to online. As months goes by she became my best friends. Our online friendship was not like others. We barely talk since she has work but she always took her time to talk to me. She had understand me the most and even though that we had fights sometimes we're still friends. But then one day...She disappeared. Any of her social networks were on. I ask any of her friends but she didn't tell them anything. I Still miss her and I'll never forget her. There are days than I even cry because of that"

"Don't worry I'm sure one day she'll be back"

"I guess. Wait Are you sure it's not one of your plan to trap me. Oh My God. I get it, you're going to put me to sleep and send me to another country or no wait you're going to put me in a box and throw me into the ocean and then shark will come to eat me"

"You Do have such an imagination Hahaha"

"Hehehe I might look cold but the thing is that I'm scared of getting close to people"

"What're you going to do about your girlfriend tomorrow? She'll get angry if she found out that her boyfriend is friend with the she hate Hahaha"

"Aish stop with that she's not even my girlfriend she's just an annoying brat that keep saying that I'm her boyfriend. She is a freaking plastic . And by the way you'd give such a beating to Sekyung on your first day here"

"I lost one of my friend. The only thing I can do is protect them" 


After that we kept on talking and laughing. When was the last time I've been this happy. I guess I was right. Things have really change since she's been here. And someday maybe she'll find that light that she's been searching for.

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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie