Controlling Himself......

My New Reasons

Outside pov.....

EunHae didn't know whether to laugh or cry. One moment Taemin was acting brutally towards her, ignoring her and pushing her harshly away hurting her physically and emotionally and then apologizing because he had no other choice and now she was freaking kidnapped and had her legs and hands tied up in a freaking vehicle in complete darkness. She knew she was unlucky but that beat everything else ever to happened to her. This was to be the most screwed up thing to ever happened to her.

Of course EunHae was freaking terrified and didn't know what to do. She was so scared. Yes she was a strong person but this situation could make any girls lost their and cried. She closed her eyes and gulp as tears flow over her face. She read a lot so of course she had some ideas of how things are going to end. It can either end in her being saved or her never been found again. These ideas terrified her.

"You're still the same EunHae....", this voice was enough to make her lift her head and tried to peer into the darkness to find the person. Suddenly the light in the vehicle was on and EunHae could see the person clearly. She just started at him still shaking with fear and with tears flowing over her face. The guy was none other than Shaw. Shaw was of course taken aback by seeing EunHae like this but quickly regain his composure.

EunHae didn't say anything and just look down and continue on crying silently. Her hair covering her face as tears kept on flowing. For some reasons Shaw couldn't bear to see her like this. He sigh and approach her and he crouch down when he came close to her. EunHae was still shaking and when he had approached her she seemed more scared than ever. Shaw lightly take off the hair off EunHae face making the girl flinch and trying o get away despite being tied up. "You know I'll never hurt you EunHae".

EunHae scoffed despite still shaking. "EunHae I did all this because I love you", EunHae look at him as if he was completely crazy. "I'll never let anyone else take you away from me. You're all mine" Shaw said with the most crazed expression ever holding her face with his hand and EunHae was stunned, her eyes were wide open more scared than she has ever been. This Shaw looks like a psychopath, he wasn't the nice and caring guy that she knew. He was another person and that terrified her not knowing what might happened to her or worst.


On the other side, Taemin was going completely insane. He breaks down in the middle of the road grabbing his hair and screaming in anger and frustration. He then punch the down in complete anger. "I need to find her I.... I can't lose her again" Taemin said in broken voice as tears start to flow. Hanbin understands now how Taemin really love that girl and at how extent he'll go to protect her. "Taemin listen to me get a grip of yourself first" Nikki shake Taemin who was in utterly disbelief and looked like he was about to both kill someone or kill himself.

"The only thing that I can see where she might be is Shaw place" With this sentence Taemin storm off running to find her love back. Nikki and bia sigh. Of course they were also really worried about EunHae but they were also afraid that Taemin might kill someone as he wasn't in his right mind. He looked so crazy right now. They need to find him along with EunHae.

They finally catch up to Taemin and they all followed him to the place where EunHae was held captive. Taemin arrived at his door and banged his hands like crazy on the door while screaming. "YOU BASTARD YOU BETTER OPEN THAT DOOR AND GIVE ME BACK WHAT BELONGS TO ME. GIVE HER BAAAACK!!!!!!"

In the end, the door didn't opened. Hanbin help Taemin to knock down the door and they did so. Taemin immediately rush inside looking around like crazy with mad tears flowing over his face. He saw Shaw standing and facing him with a smirk on his face. Taemin ran to him grabbing him by his collar and crash him down on the glass table harshly completely breaking it hurting Shaw in the process. The two man kept on fighting with their bare hands and Taemin was covered in blood breathing heavily with the look of murder in his eyes. He cough up some blood and wipe it off his mouth with the murder glare still firing in his eyes.

In the meantime, Nikki and Bia went to search for EunHae. Hanbin help Taemin and they both beat Shaw leaving him unconscious for a while. Taemin had still blood over him but he didn't care. All that he wanted now was to find EunHae and protect. He messed up once because he had to protect her. He can't do this again. He loves her dearly more than anything. If he loses her he wouldn't have anything left in this cruel world.


Taemin and Hanbin immediately rushed down to look for EunHae. Taemin push Nikki and Bia out of the way and immediately went and wrap his arms around a shaking and crying EunHae. He was completely broken at how EunHae was. Anyone would have been like this but EunHae was more hurt because of how Taemin treated her yesterday. He knew she forgive him but the damage was already done. "I'm so sorry for what happened EunHae I don't deserve someone like you"

Taemin find himself being pushed away and being hit by EunHae, " YOU!!! I've just been kidnapped and that's all you can say", EunHae angrily said before grabbing Taemin and kissing him harshly while tears flowing over her face. Taemin grab the back of her head kissing her back not caring that he had blood all over him.

They all help her to stand up. Shaw didn't hurt her in any way so she didn't had any injuries. "Are you fine?" Taemin asked worriedly and EunHae look at him smiling lightly but then....EunHae kicked him angrily again in the same where no man should be hit making the poor guy kneel down in frustration, this hurt more than his fight with Shaw.

"I'm still not over what happened yesterday Lee Taemin. So you better never do something like this or informed me before or I'll do something worst than this." EunHae threatened before leaving with Nikki and bia. Hanbin could not help but laugh and Taemin glare at him. This was the only girl who could make The Lee Taemin scared. Hanbin patted his back and help him up so as they can head back home.




Back Home.........

Everyone has left leaving Taemin and EunHae alone. Hanbin and Nikki left for home and Bia went her own way as she had some work to do. With EunHae, she forgive Taemin, she just want him to feel the same pain he felt of course she didn't even hate him and that's weird because anyone else would have at least got a little hate but Taemin cared about that little annoying brat to even hate him. No wonder Taemin was so madly on love with her. Taemin promises EunHae to never do something like this again and she'll in time tell her about ever information she find.

Taemin came closer to EunHae and place his warm hand gently on her face and leaning closer to her letting his hot breath hitting her lips "I love you more than anything EunHae and I'll always love only you. I'm really sorry for what happened I was thinking of just protecting you and nothing else. Please forgive me" he said and then close the gap between them by kissing her lightly once and then back away a bit to see a red and flustered EunHae who was staring down in embarrassment. Taemin laugh and smile out loud and that's one of the many things that Taemin love about EunHae. She's literally not doing anything and yet she can still make him be that happy and EunHae who thought that she was boring.. 

Then Taemin suddenly stop laughing as if he was switch off and then he put on his normal serious face making EunHae a bit intimidating. 

"Taemin what happened-" 

She was cut off when in a quick movement Taemin crash his lips with EunHae's and the impact was so rush that it made EunHae fell back on the couch and the thing was that this fall hasn't bothered Taemin at all even during that fall his smooth lips was still on a blushing EunHae's one. Taemin then back away in need of air.

Taemin look and saw a blushing EunHae frowning angrily at him. Her face was completely red and she was breathing a bit heavily. Having the Kim EunHae, the girl who can kill you if you hurt her friend and whose death stare is literally the same as Taemin, the strong and fierce Kim EunHae in that situation was something that Taemin like. Only him had the right to see that and only him had the right to make her like that. That girl belong to her.

Thinking that it was the end EunHae try to move but was stop when Taemin crash his lips again on EunHae's. But then he did something that surprise EunHae and make her blush deeper. Taemin was kissing her yes but his hot tongue was exploring EunHae's mouth and EunHae didn't know how to react to that. By accident EunHae's tongue came into contact with Taemin's one and Taemin kiss her deeper then EunHae moan as her mind went blank. 

Her pessimistic side went away. She didn't care what others will think because even Taemin don't give a about it. The thing you need to know about EunHae is that she want to know if she's looking good while she's being kiss by Taemin. The thing that she was afraid was what will people think of her even if it's something that she was taught by many of her friends. But then she said she won't care about it. Once Nikki accidentally saw Taemin give a quick kiss on the lips to EunHae and her thought was that it look hot. 

With this pessimistic side of her gone her mind went blank. She kiss Taemin back passionately which surprise Taemin in a good way. He was glad that EunHae didn't seem to care about what people will think of them. With that they were both in a hot makeout session with EunHae having her mind gone blank. Taemin kept exploring and EunHae kept kissing back and then something came out from EunHae's mouth for the first time. It was not loud but Taemin heard it.

A low moan. 

And with that Taemin went wild. Taemin kiss her deeply while completely laying on her. He couldn't control himself anymore. He wanted her nothing more nothing less. He then back away looking at her. This girl cares about him, love him and has never let him down no matter what. Her caring is unique and unlike any other one. 

Then he trail his smooth lips lightly against EunHae's neck making her gasp a bit. "I love you" he said as he continue to trail his lips across her neck. The he leave butterfly kisses on her neck. He didn't bite her neck he was just leaving kisses on her neck as if he didn't want to hurt her. She was too precious for him to lose. Losing all his wealth is nothing compared to losing EunHae. Then EunHae kiss his forehead lightly 

"Thank you Taemin. Thank you for always caring about me. I love you" 

He kiss her deeply and caress her cheek lightly "I love you too EunHae" he said as he continue to kiss her neck lovingly. 

Then he lift her shirt just a bit. When EunHae felt air hitting her stomach a bit. She gasp in horror but Taemin calm her down "No worry I know you. I won't do it now" EunHae blush. How could she even think of that? Taemin wouldn't do anything like that without her approval. 

Taemin touch her skin lightly then EunHae felt embarrassed. She wasn't fat but she had some little fat on her stomach "It's just some fat so what? From what I know real women have fat. All these commercial you saw are just women that did plastic surgery and in then end they'll be the one in problem" EunHae then smile lightly. This man was understanding, she couldn't believe that such man existed. He has flaws but to her she was perfect. Then Taemin came closer to her and whisper "I'm a man. So I'll need something to touch" 

"Don't ever feel bad about it. Never. I love you for your character and appearance has nothing to do with it. When I see someone, since I'm not human is that I see their soul and yours? Yours shine brighter than a thousands sun. And when I saw you? I was amazed by how you don't like yourself because trust me if other royalties found you then they'll fight over you. So why worry about what disgusting humans think when you can have non-human royalties fight over you. But you're only mine and I don't share what's mine". Taemin said caressing her cheeks making her more flustered and Taemin smile lightly. He was right, EunHae find someone even though not human who care about one's soul than appearance so why worry about anything else.

Taemin smirk evilly at her. Then his hand went to her waist. His warm fingers were now touching her waist "Your skin is so soft". He said as he continue to touch her skin. Now he was kissing her neck while his hand was now roaming all over her back as his hand was under her shirt on her back. Making EunHae throw her head backwards and she was breathing heavily. Taemin then continue to kiss her jaw and now was kissing her passionately. His hand made his way to her upper back but when he felt a sort of cloth underneath he stop and back away quickly. He was now breathing for air "We'll need to stop here before I do something you'll regret later. I love you EunHae!"


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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie