Years Later....

My New Reasons

Two Years Later......

[New York, America]

A young woman dress in her office clothes walk into a very beautiful office. She open the door to the novelist's office and entered while bowing slightly to the woman working on her laptop. Her heels could be hear as she walk closer to the woman.


EunHae POV. 

“Mrs. Kim, someone is outside wanting to see you.”  My secretary informed me as I was busily trying to finish the work that was left for this upcoming project that I have. “Thank you, just send them in.” I answered with my eyes never leaving the screen. I had a really important project to work on and I want everything to be perfect. I'm a perfectionist when it come to my job to be honest. Being both a writer and a director is so much work because it is a job that I always dream of doing, a job where I do not wait for holidays.

"Kim EunHae!" This familiar voice call my name and I immediately look up smiling to see the most handsome man to ever walk on this planet. My dear elder brother Kim Jonghyun, the perfect man. I immediately let go of everything I was doing and went into his embrace. I miss him so much. His warm embrace always give me comfort and safety and that's everything is going to be alright. It feels like home. How much I miss him and I could not help but smile like a little kid on Christmas when I see him. Just seeing him or hearing his voice could make my whole day better.

“How are you doing EunHae? Look at you! You’ve gotten skinnier and paler. Have you been eating?  Have you been living well? How am I suppose to let you live here all by yourself when you’re not taking care of yourself? Look at you—

 I chuckle lightly. "Jjong I’m fine. I’m living well. Yes, I admit that I’ve been busier than usual but you don’t have to worry about me, I’m a 23year old adult, not two“ I smiled at him and ruffle his hair. I know him so well. He's always worried about me and if someone dare to hurt me he can literally destroy them in the worst way possible and trust me I know what I meant. He's really over protective about me, I still remember the day when I decided to leave to pursue my career of becoming a novelist, he immediately said that he'll come with me. Of course after some time I made him understand and he did let me go. Well knowing him I thought that he had send spies to watch over me. Trust me, he can do anything to protect me.

“How are you? I missed you! I’m really glad you’re here" He rubbed the top of my head and embraced me for the second time and peck on my forehead. He smile brightly and I swear that his beautiful smile of his could literally light up the whole world despite the fact he's not human. Okay it's not the time to say how hot my brother is.

“I’m glad that I’m here too. I missed you too. Now, I’m sure you can spare an hour or two for your brother whom you haven’t seen in over a year and a half" He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. Seeing my brother after so much time make me so happy because it felt like home. Well because I do not even know where home was. My home is just my brother because at least he will not betray me like others did.

Lots of things had happened in these two years. Some were good and some were bad. There have been a lot of change. I need to admit that I am the one who has changed the most. Both in appearance and in character. I have become more strong. Things change but life goes on. For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it.

“Of course. Let’s go eat lunch because I actually do eat Mr Perfect” I emphasize the fact that I do take care of myself despite my hectic schedule. Yeah I have been eating less but I still eat whenever I get time. Eating is my purpose in life. Like I am not of those who do not eat because they will get fat. Like duh, I eat pizza like each month.



[At a Restaurant in New York]

"So how have you been? I heard that you're managing your own label now? Oh my! I'm so proud of you Kim Jonghyun" I smile looking at him. I was so proud of him. He’s living the dream that he has since young, making music, doing music and sharing it the best way he can. People sometimes forget that he’s a modern day Mozart in a sense that he’s a musical prodigy. He plays more instruments than I can count with my fingers. He has the God-given ability to write songs, sell them and turn them into hits. He's the manager of his own label but he's also a singer with the voice of an angel. Just hear him sing and you'll be in heaven. 

"Yeah you're right. I set my own label in New York, you can come to visit me. Oh and I heard you had published your third book already? I'll immediately buy it" I chuckle and him grinning like a kid. Well writing a book isn't easy. What do you think writing is a book is? Sitting in a garden surrounded by roses with the fresh smell of some cold chocolate milkshake and after some hours you have finished writing half of the novel?

Well you're wrong.

Many people when they're alone they hear voices, they're stuck inside a room staring at a wall with no one but themselves. These people are called mad and are often assigned to a mental asylum whereas others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing. You go up into your room, you hide yourself away for hours every day, hunkering down over your computer until your spine crackles and your fingers buckle from carpal tunnel, and you stare at that screen and write word after word after word, and you have… nothing to show for it? Nothing at all. 

When writers dwell in their element, usually meaning with other writers or other creative-types, you can sense it. The freak flag flies up the pole. The inappropriate jokes fly.

We laugh. We cry. We eat. We're humans.

But when we’re amongst the, ehhh, ahem, pen-muggles, sometimes it feels like walking on unsteady ground. Like we’re going to be found out. Like eventually they’re going to snap their fingers and say, “Ahh, right, right. You just sit around in your underwear and tell stories to yourself, don’t you? I get it now” Because that’s the vibe you get from some people. From family, from acquaintances, from those nearby. They don't understand the love and passion you have for writing. I mostly work at home though.

"I'm glad you made it both as a writer and a director" Jonghyun say. Actually I was the one who had directed and scripted a series called "Super Lovers" in Japan and the feedback was really good. I had to do loads of audition to find the perfect people to put in the series like it's not choosing a famous actor and to get more sales and views no! This isn't my way of doing things so I had spend days to find the perfect people to put in the series.

The way I direct things was always stern to those who were arrogant but if you're really nice and try your best I'll help and be nice to you. Just like how I and the character who play the little brother in the series were. We were like brother and sister. Of course that made my own brother a little jealous. He gets jealous and protective too easily and I can't really blame him because I'm just like him. Now you know from whom I got this over protective and territorial character. This just run in the family I think.

Back to my story. Obviously I knew that I would get money from directing and writing the script of the series but what I didn't expect was the amount I received. The series became immediately popular in Japan and overseas and I immediately got a lot of opportunities. I direct and script many series in Japan and since I speak French really well I got to do one in Paris which was a real success.

From someone who needed to wait for payday to buy at least two clothes to now a rich person.

I couldn't believe it myself until I check my bank account, it was like receiving a big blow on my face. But to be honest with you, I don't do it for money, I do it because I really have a passion for writing and for the series I directed I want the fans to be happy about it, I wanted it to be as realistic as possible. I want to make people love my work, because if they read my book they'll not only like it but some will also understand how I feel.

"So I heard that you bought yourself a condo?" Jonghyun ask as he sip his cup of coffee. I nodded and sigh "Yes. I couldn't stay too long at Rachel's place, not that it bother me but it's far from my workplace and I always wanted a place for myself" After what happened years ago, I left and wanted to start anew.

The place I work is really good, after the scripts and books I wrote and the series I directed, Phil Rogers wanted to send me to a more worldwide renowned company in America. I didn't run away from my problems I just wanted to live a life that I love. To live without being afraid, without being scared of the future. Because my problem was that I was scared, scared of what the future hold. Jonghyun's eyes sparkle with interest "Can I see it please?" He ask making his puppy eyes at him. This idiot he know that I can't resist these beautiful eyes of his. I just sigh and nodded to him.





Some minutes later.....

"Wow EunHae this is so beautiful!" Jonghyun say looking around in awe and amazement. I smile at him and we settled down on the sofa. "You can stay here for some days if you want. By the way how's everyone?"

We talk for some time about the past of course he didn't include a certain someone so as not to hurt me. In overall everyone is fine.

Key and Nikki had both started in the fashion industry and by Minho's help, Nikki was made known to the most prestigious Fashion Institute of the world which was in Paris. Last year was her last time and now she's a renowned fashion designer as well as Key. Bia became an english teacher and work at a university.






Jonghyun POV. 

Seeing her after over a year, I’m more convinced of that fact more than ever. She has matured a lot.  Physically, she has blossomed into this young woman and the baby EunHae that she was has now transformed into this gorgeous young lady. She’s also much more confident and charismatic than ever that when we walk inside a room, heads can’t help but turn. She has this aura around her that was magnetic but also dark and cold like she was years ago and this time it was for the better. She do not let anyone walk on her but she still had that kind hearted character that she always has. I’m watching her as she deals and talks with her people and I can’t help but tear up a little bit because of how proud I am of her, she grew so much in the past years and I cannot help but be proud of my little sister because no matter what she is my only family for whom I swear to protect even if my life depends on it. She was all that I have left and I could not  bear to lose her.

But I know deep down that she's still hurt about Taemin and is still in love with him. But she decided to move on and continue with her life. She has a career now. They love each other, they still do but both of them are scared, scared that they weren't good for each other. Scared, that they would made each other drown in sadness. Scared, that they won't be able to made each other happy. After their breakup, my sister immediately left for New York after some weeks. The past week I remember it clearly, every night I could hear her crying in her room alone. She cried and cried every night until one day she decided to finally go away and she came to America. Everyone hope that this was just a break and that Taemin would stop her from going but that was not the case. She just left like this.

I decided to settled in New York because of two things. First is because of her and second because of my work. Because of our work we could not really meet each other, we just did some video calls from time to time but being her brother, I could still feel the pain and sadness in her eyes. But as time goes on, she became more and more strong. What I honestly feels is that it was a good thing that her best friend left, because or else she would have been broken to a point where I do not think she would be able to heal.

The guest room that I had was really perfect. Damn she's really rich now but you all know that she don't value money at all. But I need to admit that even she's not a room designer she knows how to chose the right room. The grew wallpaper match really well with some of the pictures that were put in the room. I guess sadly that this grey color represent her dull heart and the white colors represent how she just wanted to start anew with a new mindset.

I quickly took a bath and get on the warm and comfy bed wrapping myself in the sheets of the bed and check my phone. I was scrolling through the news and there wasn't anything interesting, it was the same boring things until a name caught my eyes. I quickly scrolled up and saw it wishing my eyes were playing a trick on me but fortunately it wasn't.


"Lee Taemin son of the president of the Lee Industry to open his own dance studio in New York"


I immediately shot up from bed while staring at the screen mouth slightly open knowing exactly what that means. This only meant troubles for both of them and I was expecting the worst of course.

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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie