Chapter eight

Hooligans Paradise.
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  After making sure the rescued shifter had received treatment and was resting, Jimin made his way out of the infirmary to look for Sehun, in hope to discuss on how to settle the shifter in. Fortunately the shifter was a beta, which would make it easier for Sehun to let the poor guy to stay in the pack. Sehun didn't like keeping unmated Omegas, according to him they were trouble and Jimin couldn't agree more, because not many Omegas had gone through intense military training like himself, or gone through a different resistance training like Taehyung had. And not many were strong enough to resist malicious intents, the only way to assure the safety of pack was for an Omega to have an alpha. Jimin understood Sehun, he was his best friend after all and naturally knew where the leader's fear lie. He was relieved once again to rescue another shifter, the weight of not being able to rescue Bambam still sat heavily on his mind, only with little things like this could make him a feel slightly better. When Jimin–with the help of the others– went back a few months later after leaving the breeder house, to help Bambam and the others, the house was no longer there, it had been burnt to the ground and Jimin had no Idea what happened or who to ask. It was as If the place never exited. With no other option but to leave, Jimin hoped where ever Bambam was, the Omega was safe. He didn't give up though, he was still searching and Jimin wouldn't rest until he found where Bambam was. Jimin was sure it was because the breeding house had been exposed, and he himself had managed to escape– breaking their records–thus, those people wouldn't keep the Omegas in same place, they must have taken them to a different place and deliberately burnt the old place, to erase any evidence, incase the authorities came knocking. But Jimin knew the government didn't give a , only packs like theirs and Namjoon's did and not many of those existed in this unjustly harsh world. Just as he was about to enter Sehun's study, he received a text from his brother that had been away for a week now. *I am bringing someone home. An omega* Was what the text said. Jimin paused, reread the message once again to make sure he wasn't mistaken. His brother was bringing someone home? Did that mean he was finally going to get over his love? Jimin shook his head. It was highly unlikely for Chanyeol to stop loving Kris, but whatever the case at least he would have someone now to occupy a part of his heart. His brother wouldn't just decide to bring anyone– especially an Omega without much considerations.

Chanyeol had been in love with Sehun's brother for years. At first they were -buddies. Jimin had repeatedly warned his brother to be careful but the damned polar bear didn't listen. Unfortunately his brother caught feelings along the way despite knowing it was a dangerous territory he shouldn't trespass– but Chanyeol couldn't seem to help it– since both were alphas and would probably find their compatible Omegas some day. And it did happened, not even a year later, Kris suddenly came home with an Omega and abruptly broke things off with Chanyeol and happily mated with his Omega. Jimin had seen the way Kris looked at Chanyeol, and obviously the wolf regarded him as a means to get off, nothing more than that. The end result was what Jimin feared the most, his brother getting hurt in the process. Because of that Jimin had resented Kris' mate Luhan at some point, but soon realized it was pointless and the best he could do was help his brother out of that grey area. He remembered how his brother began avoiding everyone in the pack, especially his object of affection, he had refused to come out of his room for days. Then after a few weeks of that, Chanyeol changed tactic, as he began going on missions no matter big or small– even the types a weak Omega could handle– just so he could keep himself away from the pack, to avoid the pain, until Jimin couldn't take it and went to talk to the other, one time he had come home and was planning on leaving the next day. "How long are you going to keep hiding?" Jimin had said, arms crossed over his chest as he looked at his brother. Chanyeol shrugged. "As long as it takes" he continued to put a few set of clothes inside his bag. Jimin walked over and snatched the clothes from his hands." If you keep doing this, he'll know." His brother paused, staring blankly at his empty hands, he seemed as if he wasn't going to say more, but probably realized that this was Jimin, his only blood relative, his family. Letting out a sigh, he looked up to Jimin and said "I know. It's just, seeing him–" Chanyeol placed a hand on his chest, directly where his heart lay. "Hurts" Jimin was silent as he measured his brother. Chanyeol had lost a few pounds, he looked sad, lifeless, one could tell with just a glance. Jimin's heart ached, he wished he could take his pain away. "I know my sadness is my problem, and when he knows we won't be friends again, and I don't want to lose even that, I want to be his friend even If can't be more." Because of the love he had for Kris, Chanyeol disregarded his pride as an alpha and had allowed Kris to top him, and not once had Kris returned the favor. Yet Chanyeol didn't seem to mind. "You have to face it, so you can let go and move on." Jimin said, taking a hold of his brother's hand, wanting desperately for him to understand, to let go. Chanyeol revealed a bitter smile."Love is not a commodity, that you can put back on the shelf when you don't want it." Jimin shook his head. "Hyung don't impose your love on others, it's not like you'll get anything in return for your efforts when it comes this love." He made sure to emphasize this love. Chanyeol didn't speak again, he only resumed stuffing his clothes inside his bag. And even after a couple of years, it didn't get better, his brother still try to avoid the pack and Kris, until Sehun stepped in and stopped sending Chanyeol on missions for a while. Coming out of that memory, Jimin couldn't help but read the message some more, he just hoped his brother would move on for real this time. ****
Sehun took another sip of his drink, eyes dilating due the alcohol he had consumed. After cheeking to make sure his cubs were asleep, he had come to his study for a drink, something he only did when troubled, or trying not to think of something. Yes he was trying his hardest not to think about the guy he had impulsively saved. Kris was right. This wasn't like him, and Sehun himself didn't know what was wrong with him. He lowered his head as he recalled his earlier conversation with Kris “You’re not usually so cavalier about the pack’s safety,” his brother had said. “Given we’ve just spent hours taking every precaution, I’m not sure it’s fair to call me cavalier.” “I mean the decision to bring him here in the first place. All we know about him is he was so dangerous they were about to shoot him. It’s not like you to be impulsive. It’s not like you to take these kinds of risks, especially with the pack.” Kris looked into his brother's eyes. “I took a risk on other shifters. Chanyeol was a criminal, Yoongi and Jennie came from a feral house. Taehyung was an assassin,” Sehun pointed out coolly, he didn't know what was wrong with him, he resented the implication that he hadn’t thought this through. “That was different. Tae was just a kid." “He was known to have killed. He was plenty risky.” Kris let out a breath of frustration. “he wasn't feral. He only killed because he had no choice. He was made to do it." “I know that,” Sehun sighed, regretting his rash words. “And you’re right. This is different. Which is why he’s out here and not near the castle.” “But why is he here at all, Sehun? Where’s the logic?” Sehun tried and failed to come up with an answer, the only response he got was the buzzing in his neck. “See, that’s my point. There isn’t a sensible, logical reason why we have a feral shifter chained up in a cottage. Which means there’s only one question left to ask.” “What’s that?” Sehun asked dully, already knowing what his brother was going to say. “Are you and the feral compatible? Is that why you saved him?” Sehun's heart hammered against his chest. “Even if we were,” he said. “It would make no difference. Neither of us are in any position to act on it, you know that." Sehun had a chip put in his neck, even when removed, he might not be able to mate, just like his grandfather had said. The feral alpha’s neck had been scarred with a precision, just like every trained fighter who made it to adulthood, to stop him from forming a bond. "But I am mated to Luhan." Kris pointed out. "And he had those scars" When Luhan had arrived at the pack. He’d been almost as pitiable as the feral alpha. Scarred, confused, and with a weight on his shoulders that he might never be able to mate– his mating glands had almost been destroyed because his buyers didn't want a e to form a bond and that almost broke him. It was such a contrast to how he was now; smiling, confident, his head held high. He knew he had a place here, by Kris's side. He’d earned it. “Luhan and you were lucky. One in a million. But you’re right. When I saw that alpha on the ground, when I caught his scent, when his eyes met mine, those eyes–" he trailed off, as he bit hard on his lower lip "I couldn’t just leave him to be killed, hyung. I had to do something. And maybe we’ll fail, maybe there’ll be no choice but to kill him. But at least I’ll know someone tried, really tried, to bring him back from the brink.” Kris clapped a hand on his shoulder. “If anyone can do it, you can. I’ve seen you work miracles.” Though never with someone so damaged, Sehun conceded privately. He’d helped people who the world had trodden on, who’d been almost beyond hope. That feral, Jimseung , he was beyond that, beyond the reach of words. Sehun would need to find some other way to guide him home. He was jolted out of his thoughts by Jimin, the Omega seemed to be taken aback as he stared at the drink in his Sehun's hand. "Sehun are you okay?" Jimin reached out, placing a hand on his forehead as if to check for any abnormalities. "Am fine." Sehun swatted at Jimin's hand. But how could Jimin be convinced? Jimin was his best friend. He knew Sehun only drink when something was weighing down on him. Thus he continued to ask, not all bothered by Sehun's cold attitude. "Please Sehun, if you truly consider me your friend then please speak to me. You know I will never judge you." Letting out a sigh, Sehun rotated the drink in his cup a couple of times before telling Jimin everything, even the buzzing sensation in his neck when close to the feral. After listening to what Sehun had said, Jimin didn't speak immediately, he was carefully thinking over what he just heard. "Maybe he isn't just compatible with you, the reason the chip buzzed was probably because he's your fated mate?" Sehun gasped, turning sharply to look at his friend. Though Omegas could have a few potential– compatible Alphas, but if lucky enough in their liftime they could also meet their destined mate, and the probability was higher with shifters than other species. But still, Sehun didn't want to believe it was possible, hence he shook his head. "I doubt that's the case." "Think about it Sehun, since the chip was put in you has it ever buzzed?" Jimin asked and Sehun shook his head. "Is he the first compatible Alpha you've met after–" he trailed off, but Sehun understood what he meant. "No" Sehun had met a couple of compatible Alphas after the birth of his cubs, but it was different, there was never a pull as strong as this, the chip in him never reacted. As realization dawned on him, Sehun's eyes widen. Seeing the horrified look on his friend, Jimin rested a comfortable hand on his shoulder. "He might not necessarily be you destined mate, maybe the compatibility rate is just higher compared to the others– probably 87-90 percent" he said. Even that was high, thus Sehun chose to believe the latter possibly, the easier way. "It's normal to want to help him, I am sure you'll still do it even if you not compatible. No one knows you like I do, and I know deep within you're a compassionate person." Sehun was unable to say more, he could only stared at his friend with wide confused and unfocused eyes. "When he gets used to the place, I will like to meet him." He patted Sehun's shoulder as he stood up. "And be ready, my hyung is bringing someone home, an Omega." Jimin smiled as he spoke. At that Se
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749 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot