Chapter seven

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Four and half years later.
Setting his phone on the table, It landed on a photograph of a body, hiding the carved-open chest cavity. People were dying with signs carved onto their faces for a reason. The reason still wouldn’t be found in the case files at the KNPD  just like in the past. It was once Sehun's job to tie it all together– even now that he was longer part of the KNPD Sehun was still trying to get to the bottom of things, but it was proving harder than he had expected. He thought now as shifter mage he would be able to see things clearly like he couldn't in the past. Sehun flipped through the files again. Junmyeon had sent them over last night. Just what was happening? Those ritualistic murders that he had once worked on years ago had stopped the moment he left the KNPD, but suddenly had resurfaced, a body was found, the murder exactly like those of the past.  From his experience, he could tell the murders were the work of a demon and a shifter combined, which meant a necromancer was involved. But it didn't make sense, shifters didn't work with necromancers, it was hard for the two to be in cahoot. That was all he could guess.  Something told him there was a public nightmare just waiting to happen, not to mention illegal on so many fronts it wasn’t even funny. It was black magic at work. As the leader of the pack, Sehun had been busy recruiting new members, handling pack business, accepting jobs, to think of these matters for the past few years. Until now. Back then he had devoted his time and energy to solving those cases, but was only met with a dead end. He so badly wanted to know what the hell those murders were all about. If only his grandfather were here, Sehun would have asked him. His grandpa was a genius with plenty of experience and he was probably the only one who could tell him what they were dealing with. His grandfather had left to cultivate– and was currently in hibernation as he put it– for four years now. When the old man told Sehun he was talking a break with the intention of leaving the pack in Sehun's care, Sehun had panicked, but the old man had assured Sehun he would be there when he was needed. Mr. Lee had been there to see the babes born and weaned after six months. But then suddenly he had left everything to Sehun, the house, the wealth and everything that came with it. Though there were still a lot he didn't know about the man, but Sehun knew Mr. Lee's love for him, Irene and the pack was genuine. Sehun could remember that day, it was a normal day where they he was sparring with Jungkook while the old man watched on the side and suddenly he dropped the bomb. When Sehun had asked why, he had shared a look with Jungkook, laughed and dragged Sehun, –with Jungkook following closely– to a secret room inside his bedchamber. He had opened a room like safe, where unfathomable wealth lay.  "This is all I have accumulated over the years except for a few properties in places around the world. And now it's yours, and your sisters. And I want you to use it in a good way to help others." Seeing the amount of gold bars on the shelves, rolls upon rolls of wrapped money, diamonds and several previous stones, that were worth billions of dollars, Sehun couldn't even begin to imagine the time one had spent alive to gather such wealth. It could be said that Sehun and his pack wouldn't need to worry about a damn thing for decades or even century to come. "How long has it took to gather all this?" He couldn't help but ask. "How old do you think I am?" His grandfather asked with indulgence, leaning against the gold bars filled shelf. Sehun seized him up for a moment before he said."Fifty something?" The old man laughed, shaking his head ."Appearance can be deceiving Sehun, never forget it. I am far older than I look. Search into my soul and tell me what you see. My beginning. My heritage." Sehun did tried, stressing his magic to its fullest, but no matter how hard he searched, he wasn't able to grasp the beginning of the old man, neither his heritage. He gasped in realization that the old man was truly old. "200? 300? Or more?" He looked behind him to where Jungkook stood, but the half demon only shrugged unhelpfully. "Don't bother yourself Sehun, you can't predict my age, let it go." He sighed, pulled Sehun to walk into the room. He pressed a hidden button and the room shook before two shelve slid open and Sehun realized it was another secret room.  He walked down a staircase and Sehun followed and he didn't need to turn to know Jungkook was behind them. The room was empty save for two stone tombs with transparent glass doors that made it easy to see what was inside. One was empty, while the other had a sword– saber laying in it. Sehun walked over, something was pulling at him toward the saber and he so badly wanted to get his hands on it. There was a strong magical energy emitting off the saber, so strong that it made Sehun reeled. He didn't realize what he was doing until he felt a hand grabbing his as his grandfather cursed under his breath. "Don't." Sehun felt dizzy, he shook his head before looking sideways. "What happened?" "I should have warned you." The man sighed. "You truly have my blood coursing though you." "You've ever doubted it?" Sehun glared at him. "No" the old man shook his head. "I've never." He looked at the saber."this is a family heirloom, it recognizes your soul power as a potential master. It was my father's. But it will belong to you when you need it" "Can I touch it?" "Not at the moment." "Why? "It's too powerful and consumes a lot of soul power you can only use it when in a dire situation." He said. "When this world was still young, long before man or beast roam this land. There was a war in the heavens, immortals once though incapable of death discovered they had the power to kill one another. The crown prince of heaven forged a weapon and lead the army of immortals to fight the war. Lost in this war was that weapon of unimaginable power. The spare of triumph.  The victors declared themselves gods while the vanquished were renamed greater demons, and forever imprisoned within the bowels of the lowest earth. After the war was won, the weapon was split into three, to be kept separately and each was called a holy weapon on its own. The flaming saber, Staff of pangu and the lightning labrys. Millennials passed and the great war receded from memory but the evil once again re-emerged. One of the holy weapons was used to defeat the demon lord and and sealed his minions for eternity. This is the very holy weapon, you're seeing. The flaming saber, separated from its brethren" He pointed at the saber. Sehun blinked, the words didn't make much sense but he still nodded. But the old man seemed to notice, nothing escaped his sharp eyes.  He sighed."Do not bother with it now. You'll know about what it does when the time comes." He pulled Sehun away, and it took all of Sehun will power to look away from the saber. He so badly wanted to put his hands– or even just a finger on it. "Here, this is a gift I've been wanting to give you."  It was a dagger, and Sehun had seen it many times tucked away on Mr. Lee's body. Though it didn't seem to be as powerful as the flaming saber, but it had its own unique energy, and shouldn't be underestimated. Sehun accepted it, turning it over, this was the first time he was given the chance to examine it. It was truly a beautiful weapon.  "This one was passed down to me by my shifter father." At that Sehun raised his head. "I thought both your parents were shifters." "Nah, my sire dad was a mage, just like yours." "Oh" Sehun smiled, his attention once again going to the dagger.  "It could kill any demon regardless of its level." Mr. Lee said. "I want you to always keep it on your person. Especially when you're going out." Sehun nodded. "Thank you grandpa." "Come, let's move to the last part." He motioned Sehun closer.  Mr. Lee stood in front of the empty tomb. "I will be in here." "Huh?" Sehun asked, dumbly. "This is where I will be staying for the foreseeable future." Sehun opened his mouth to speak but the man shook his head. "We've talked about it." "Like thirty minutes ago? Seriously? Are you a vampire or something?" "Or something!" The man parroted with a smile. "I need my beauty sleep." He shrugged. "I don't understand, are you dying?" He laughed once again."Am more than I appear Sehun. I won't die. I can only take a nap for years– hibernate. And Cultivating my soul power while am it." Sehun once again looked over to Jungkook that was stood silently, seeking for help, but Jungkook didn't seem worried as though he was already used to it."I don't know how old Mr. Lee truly was either, but his first recorded appearance hit the history books about seven hundred years ago" "What?" Sehun snapped his head to look at old man wide-eyed. The man seemed to be in his fifties. Though Sehun knew shifters had many advantages, one of which was living longer than the other species and a human or mage could extend their lifespan if mated to a shifter, but still he didn't expect a shifter to live that long. Almost a millennial, that was a lot. He didn't know what do with his life if he were to live that long. "He does hibernate from time to time. There's nothing to worry about. It's his way of cultivation" Jungkook added, wanting to reassure Sehun. "You heard him Sehun. I be in will here." He pointed a at the tomb. "Not any place you can't see me. My rooms now belongs to you, we'll only be a few doors away. When you miss me you can come look at me, but don't make it a habit." He jerked his head at the saber tomb. Sehun didn't even bother glancing at the saber tomb, what he was most worried about was–"But I am just getting to know you, how can you leave so abruptly?" "You'll know everything about me when the time comes." Sehun was beginning to hate that sentence 'when the time comes' Mr. Lee stood in front Sehun, pulling him in for a hug. He kissed Sehun's forehead. "I am sorry I can't stay much longer. But I promise to be there if you needed me." He rubbed Sehun's back. "You shouldn't stop training even when i am not there to guide you. I want you to reach eleventh or even thirteenth level in a few years." Sehun sobbed, holding tightly onto his grandfather. "I don't want you to leave, the pack needs you as its leader. I need you." "Silly boy." The man said, voice full of fondness. "I was never the pack leader Sehun. You are, you've always been. All I did was guide you." "I can't do this without you." Sehun shook his head. "Yes you can. You have a responsibility now as a father of three, a leader, and a brother" "What about Irene? She'll be heartbroken." "She knows, it's something I've told her to expect since she was a little girl. She'll be fine" "But I will not." Mr. Lee sighed. "You'll be Sehun. You're stronger than you think. Take care of those little ones for me will you?" With tears running down his face, Sehun nodded unable to say more. It took a lot of coaxing, but eventually Sehun was able to calm himself and let the old man to do what he intended. The last thing he told Sehun was not to be disturbed– awaken no matter what. He had insisted he would be there when he sensed something that Sehun couldn't take care of. And just like that, Sehun watched him, changed into a green robe, lay inside the tomb, closed his eyes and Jungkook sealed the tomb with a spell.  From then on Sehun had continued to train with the help of Jungkook and in a few years he had become frighteningly strong– more stronger than Jungkook– that he sometimes feared his own strength. Now he could proudly say he had finally reached where his grandfather had wanted him to be. He was an eleventh level mage, just two levels inferior to his grandfather. And no alpha could beat him in combat, not Jungkook or even the strongest shifter, Yoongi. Now with almost two hundred members– consisting of shifters, mages and a few humans– in the pack, Sehun's responsibility had increased, he was trying his best to create the best environment for his family, his pack and even other shifters out there. He had built cottages close to the castle, for those with family or even anyone that wished to have privacy. The settlement reminded him of the Tv show Terra nova– well honestly that was where he got the idea, he only added a private courtyard to each house. Building those cottages had been easy with the help of the his sister– as an architect and earth mage– and another two earth mages. All they had to do was import the building materials and furnitures and the earth mages would take care of it with Irene's guidance. Though the pack was well off, due to the wealth the old man had left for Sehun and his sister, but still Sehun had created opportunities for the pack members to earn a few notes of their own. Aside from helping those in need, they also accept side jobs, and became some sort of a private investigators, helping with missing persons(dead or alive), couple cheating on each other, murders– crimes that the law enforcement couldn't solve or were to lazy to do so, stolen properties, tracking criminals or those that had something of theirs taken away forcefully by someone more powerful than them.  Those jobs weren't limited to civilians, the pack accepted jobs from the government as well, that recruited them as secret special forces, when dangerous things that the government couldn't solve– weren't willing to handle themselves, happened, and clearly didn't want to endanger their men, thus the hooligans came into the picture, they were the best option– scapegoats. But Sehun didn't mind because his pack were well trained and strong and the pay was good, it helped the other members live a stress free and comfortable life. Even after forming the pack for a couple of years, Sehun and the others still didn't know what to name it, but fortunately someone– people had helped them with that. Hooligans was a name the netizens came up with, due the way the Sehun's pack were causing trouble for both the good(authorities) and the bad guys(criminals) , bea
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749 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot