Chapter forty-one

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Dodging a flying demon as it aimed for his flank, Kai opened his mouth and roared, but not loud enough to distract the other sky unit. What he wanted was to catch the attention of his nearest opponents. He wished to eliminate them enmassed, taking them one or two at a time was waste of his precious energy and time. Besides the other dragons, Blink and her family seemed exhausted from the endless wave of demonic dragons. One of her whelps was injured and had been sent to the ground by Kai's doppelganger that was riding a Golden dragon. Kai almost laughed as he brushed against said golden dragon. It was almost funny and a bit of ironic. In another world, he was a wolf shifter, that had a dragon. While in his own world Kai himself was the dragon– a shifter, that could turn things to precious stones if he wished, albeit consuming great amount of energy. Something only a handful his kind could do. In a century, there was only two or three dragons born with the ability to turn anything into precious stones. Kai was one of those few, he was special, and powerful, with several abilities to his name. If Kai were a narcissist he would say there was no Dragon in his universe that was as powerful as himself. He had all the dragons magic in him. Watching his doppelganger, Kai couldn't help but feel for the guy. The wolf shifter was weak, he would have been better off being the golden dragon instead of its rider. Kai couldn't imagine himself being anything but a dragon. Though his baby brother, Taehyung hadn't been able to take his dragon form since his first shift, when they were whelps, but his brother was still stronger than most races. He shook his head, now wasn't the time to be thinking about himself and possibilities. Thus he focused his attention on the enemy, that now had their awareness on him.The sorry imitations of dragons, paused, then they made for him as though possessed. Good, come on boys, come to papa. As though encouraged, the creature doubled their efforts, rushing madly forward, and Kai opened his mouth with the intention of burning them to ashes. The intention was essential or he might end up turning them into precious stones. That would be a disaster. Surely they would fall and crush whatever was beneath them, friends or foes. Though he knew the inhibitants of this world would appreciate the free treasures, but definitely, not at the cost of their deaths or of someone they cared about, beside it took a lot of energy for that, he better settled for burning them. Bright hot silver fire erupted, scorching the fake dragons as they shrieked helplessly. With satisfaction, Kai watched them burnt, before flapping his wings and changed location. The creatures might be dense, but they still retain a quarter intelligence of the dragons they had impersonated. When he was in the right place, he roared once again, and the fools rushed to their deaths. "Thank you, Kim." Blink sent his way, and Kai winked at the she dragon. She batted her lashes,  flirtatiously, while her mate made sounds of disapproval, huffing tiny flames in the process. Laughing inwardly, he moved to the next stop. But the next stop didn't go as planned, because just as he opened his mouth to spew fire, his mate chose that moment to interrupt. Kai barely manage to control his fall as he came crashing onto the ground hard. It knocked out the air from his lungs. The fake dragons had used his distraction as an opportunity to throw him down, hoping the fall would kill him. Kai really did underestimated them. He lay there, looking up at the sky and cursing at his mate for a moment before he asked. What is it darling? Quit cursing at me Drake, i picked up dark clouds. his mate said. Kai resisted the urge to roll his eyes. We are in a battle darling, of course you'll pick up dark clouds. Death is every where. His half elven mate, had the ability to see people's deaths in form of dark clouds. The thicker the clouds, the likely for one to die brutally, and soon. Sehun had predicted more deaths than Kai cared to count. One of the many reasons he was feared across the galaxies. He was known as dark soul. No this is special Nini. It's very thick meaning any moment from now. From where? Kai looked to his side, searching for his mate. Sehun! Which Sehun love, you have to be more specific, there are tens of you out here. This world's Sehun. What do you wanna do? Nothing just thought to let you know he's going to die brutally and soon. Kai knew his mate more than anyone. Many see Sehun as a bearer, a dark elf, or dark soul. But not Kai. Kai knew beneath that arrogance, brutally, and carefree nature was a kind Sehun that only a few knew. It was clear his mate wanted him to do something about it, thus the interruption. But he wouldn't dare call his mate out on it, if he wished to sleep on a bed for the next few months. Worst, Sehun might probably withhold , and that was unacceptable. The elf could be cruel when he wanted to be, not even Kai was spared. Okay, thanks love. Kai sent. You know the rules Kai, a balance is essential. Sehun said before cutting off the connection. He knew what to do to prevent it and just how to keep the balance. Sending a little bit of his magic didn't work at first, he had to strain himself before he guided his magic into the heavenly crown prince, to subtly alert him of the danger that loomed over his babe. Kai believed It took him more energy than it should, probably due the other being a god, or Kai not being of this world. Knowing his work was done, Kai let his magic fall back inside him. Now it was up to Wei Ying to decide Sehun's fate. Kai and Sehun had done the best they could. With that he attempted to straighten himself, but couldn't when suddenly, four sharp spikes pierced his vulnerable underbelly. Looking up with a groan, Kai realized It was some sort of spider monster with a disfigured human head. It was huge and sneaky. And down right ugly. Pain shot through him as he used his talons to tear the creature's head off its body. More shrieks came from his side, and Kai didn't need more warning to know there were more. He hastily rolled to his side as he stood there panting, while digging his talons into the earth, flexed and stretched to ease the worst of the bone-deep ache, the spider like creature had inflicted on him. Expanding his wings, Kai slowly brought them in again as though to fly, only it was an animalistic technic to intimidate. Kai was furious as more creatures rushed at him. He roared, lowered his head and summoned a different type of fire. The particular fire sacs deep inside him churned and gurgled, sending fiery liquid up his throat, smoke pouring out of his mouth and nostrils as he held the fire ready. He waited until the rotted, rancid bastards were close, waited and let them think he was still recovering from the prior attack, then opened his jaws and spewed– this time instead of silver fire, he opted for the most wicked– blue fire, scorching, melting, obliterating the vile creatures. His flames only destroyed the first wave of monsters, unfortunately, and until they could kill the demon king ,the damn things would just keep coming. But he wasn't General of the Drakes because he was a thrice-damned pushover. He roared, enormous claws raking the earth. Two more monsters came at him. The one closest to him jumped, landing on his leg and digging his claws against Kai's skin. But, the beast's claws could not penetrate Kai's dragon armor and it eventually slid off onto the ground where Kai lifted his foot and slammed it down with a mighty crunch. The other beast slowed when it spotted its dead companion but did not stop. Kai smelled the blood of Zerg around the beast's muzzle. He lunged first, grabbing the beast's lower half with his talons as he brought its head to his mouth and ripped it clean from the beast's body. He let the body drop to the floor as he spit out its head, careful not to swallow any of the Demon's blood, lest It was poisonous to dragons. It seemed the sky unit had it easy, there were endless type of monsters down here. He noted when a different wave of two headed monsters came at him, eyes glowing sickly red with the power of the twisted, hellish necromancy that was giving them a twisted imitation of life. He knocked several over, then rounded sharply and took out dozens more with his long, spike-tipped tail. A familiar cry drew him, and he saw flying monsters – they looked like wyverns– trying to carry off two of his Zerg. Kai crouched, braced himself, then jumped forward and up, wings spanning as he rushed the escaping wyverns, catching one in the wings and sending it tumbling back to the earth. Kai snatched the Zerg free and threw him toward an empty patch of field, then whipped back, looped around, and surged upward to save the second captive. He met it at an angle, using speed to drive his claws in the patch of skin between belly and throat where the scales were soft. It screamed and released its captive. Kai caught the Zerg and flew him back down, letting him go a few stones from the earth before landing several paces away. "Thank you, prince consort!" The Zerg said with a bow. You're welcome. So don't forget to put a few good words for me. Okay? Sehun have to know I've been good and helpful. He winked at the other. The Zerg laughed. "Your mate adores you." Grinning, Kai turned back to the battle, which was still rife with chaos and no clear winner apparent, he tried to figure out what he should do next. Should he stay on the ground or go back to the sky? He got his answer when he sighted long blue hair not far away. With a wider grin, he trotted toward Sehun. He knew he looked like a puppy, happily wagging its tail at the sight of its master. But damn it all, Kai didn't care, he was smitten with his mate.
  Jumping down from his dragon, Wei Ying waddled through the battlefield, never neglecting to kill as many demons as he could on his way. His focus was entirely on Sehun. He didn't why, but something had been calling him toward his son, as though he needed to be close at all cost. Though strange, but Wei Ying welcomed the feeling. If nothing it would allow him up close and personal moment with his boy, even if Sehun probably wouldn't even spare him a glance. Sehun was mad, and as parent Wei Ying understood why he was. He would give the boy the space he needed for as long as he needed it. He just wished Sehun would forgive him and come to see him as a father someday. Sehun might never understand, but Wei Ying had done what a parent would to protect their child. As he approached, he realized his son was no longer fighting lesser demons but the fallen. Lan Zhan's barrier must have collapsed at some point, due to the constant use of his soul power. Sehun was a wonderful fighter, and Wei Ying saw himself in the boy. The way he executed his strikes were very similar to his. Of course they were, Sehun was his precious baby boy. Though his youngest son physically looked more like Lan Zhan, but almost everything about his personality was inherited from Wei Ying, while Eunhyuk had Lan Zhan's personality. Speaking of which, he sent his awareness to search for the other black Jaguar, and when his Jaguar found his son, he looked at the direction it came from, to see Eunhyuk battling Samael. The demon had altered his appearance to look similar– but not quite– to the fallen had when they were first banished. The were more powerful in the form, something between a god and demon. It shouldn't be possible because Samael wasn't one of the fallen, he was born and raised in hell, but Wei Ying wouldn't put it past his uncle to use a dark act just to make sure Samael achieved his potential. Eh was that his cousin? The other demon, had suddenly appeared, and was now battling Samael. He smiled when Eunhyuk and Asmodeus shared a hug. Maybe it was time to bring his cousin home. It had never been Asmodeus's choice to be part of the rebellion. But Wei Ying had punished him for not saying anything sooner. It was enough now, though. Asmodeus had his focus elsewhere and Wei didn't need to turn to know he was looking at his wife that he thought would never see again. But he was curious to see if the woman would recognize even the silver of the Demon's eyes. Just as he was about to, that thing pulling him toward Sehun vibrated vigorously. When he looked over, Wei Ying felt his blood running cold and his breath got caught in his throat. The demon king, had somehow managed to escape his brother and was now stood behind Sehun, the spear of triumph raised, aiming to stab his son in the back. The weapon had been hidden since the fight began and no matter how hard he sent his awareness it came back blank. Until this moment that it was revealed. Wei Ying tried calling the weapon to himself, but for some reason it wouldn't budge. He tried several times with no effect. The spear was supposed to listen to Wei Ying, but why wasn't it? Heart in throat and cursing under his breath, Wei Ying used the fastest speed known to a god to reach where his uncle was. Without hesitation he did the only thing he thought to save his son, by placing himself between Sehun and the weapon aiming for his son. It shook violently but It didn't stop to recognize him as its master, as it plunged into his chest. The demon king had the audacity to look shocked. Like this wasn't what he had wanted. A pain unlike anything he had experienced wrapped around not just his chest, but his entire body. Every meridian in him felt like it was on fire. And he knew what it meant. His golden core had been pierced. Ironically he was about to die from a weapon he forged himself, one of the few that could harm him and other heavenly royals. With blurry vision, he pulled the spear out of his chest, and raised it to stab his uncle. But he missed and the weapon fell to ground before separating and becoming three pieces. His body jerking, Wei Ying, slid onto the ground, but before his body could touch the grass, strong arms came to wrap around him, supporting. Blinking his tears away, his eyes landed on Sehun. The boy's feature had twisted as though he was the one in pain as he brought a hand to press on Wei Ying's bleeding chest. When it did nothing to stop the blood, Sehun raised his head and screamed in utter sorrow. What followed was a ferocious fire and air, that rose high in the sky before it surrounded them. If it had been any other time, Wei Ying would have been awed by his son's abilities– that he had gotten from Lan Zhan– as he watched the fire and air mixed-up and become a terrifying firenado, sweeping around the field, devouring anything on its path. He lifted a shaky hand to touch his son's face. So this was how he was going to die? Just when he was about to make up all the lost times he had missed with his son, the fates– those es decided he wouldn't have that. It wasn't fair and Wei Ying was unwilling to accept, yet there was nothing he could do. He just hoped Sehun would remember him and forgive even after he was gone. "No, please tell me what to do?" Sehun cried out. A loud roar from the other side had him looking sideways to see his other son in his animal form rushing over, shaking the earth tremendously as he ran, while demons disintegrated whenever he passed by. It been long since he last saw Eunhyuk's Jaguar and his boy was as beautiful and magnificent as ever. Wei Ying felt pride as he witnessed how powerful his son was. But he feared Eunhyuk would use up his soul energy and exhaust himself soon. There was a reason they didn't use their exceptional Jaguar ability to banish the demons in the first place. Eunhyuk didn't have a mate to fuel his energy. In Wei Ying's case, Lan Zhan was also consuming great amount of his energy in the battle, Wei Ying would take a lot from him had he done that and it would have left them both defenseless when another wave of demons appeared a
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750 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot