Chapter two

Hooligans Paradise.
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Reaching for another case folder, Sehun flipped it open and sorting through the stack of reports and crime scene photographs, he paused when he sensed a presence. Rubbing at his temple, Sehun raised his from the file to see his brother stood in front of him. "You're not going home now?" Kris asked. Sehun shook his head, it was already past closing time but he still had a lot to do,. "I will be working late tonight." He said making a hand gesture for Kris to lower his head. Grinning, Kris did as asked, and Sehun rubbed the space between his brother's brows. "You look tired." He said and Kris made a noise of agreement. "You go home, take bath and get some sleep." He rubbed a few times before letting his hand drop. "Yeah, I am gonna drop by the usual, get a good and head right straight home–" "That's not a way to rest. Hyung." Sehun glared at his brother and Kris laughed. "I am serious, you should give your a break, the poor thing had been working 24/7." "But you know how I am Sehun. I can't do without a ." "Then get yourself a mate hyung. I fear for you brother. With the way those murders are happening, it's not safe to be taking strangers home. You might not know who you're going to pick or what might go wrong." He said earnestly, hoping his brother understood the seriousness of the situation. Those murders seemed random but Sehun doubted they were, there was a pattern that no one could pinpoint and that was what he was trying to figure out. The person behind them was vicious and surely was after a result. Kris had a smile on his face, and Sehun could tell he was enjoying this rare moment when Sehun openly show his concern. "Alright. I will go home, no hook-ups tonight." He promised, crossing his hands over his chest. Sehun let out a breath and nodded. "Good, go ahead. There's leftover in the fridge. Warm it up and eat before going to bed." "Will do baby bro. Don't stay up late yourself, yeah?" Sehun nodded. "I will be home as soon as I am done." Kris leaned over and drop a kiss to Sehun's forehead. "Bye then." He waved and Sehun watched until he was out of the station before turning his attention back to his work. "Hyung, aren't you going home?"  Came Daniel's voice a moment later. Sehun shook his head without raising his head. "I have to get these sort out before I leave." "Alright hyung. I am gonna go. See you tomorrow." Sehun waved a hand. "See you." *** Two hours and a half later, he finished reviewing every single case file for each murder and absorbed the information found within. The clock on his phone said it was a little after 10:00, and his stomach was reminding him he needed to eat something. He glanced around and realized the station was mostly deserted, only a few officers were left. Sehun started putting the case files back in order. It took him two trips to the bull pen to return them to the secured filing cabinet they were being stored in. Returning to the desk he closed his laptop, picked up his messenger bag from the chair, grabbed his keys and got ready to leave. But someone chose that moment to call the violent crime unit as though the person knew Sehun was just about to call it a day. He thought of ignoring the call, but on a second thought that maybe someone was truly in need of help urgently, he picked up. "H-hello is this the police? Please save me– they're going to capture me like they did my friend– he's– God please hurry." It was a female voice, she sounded terrified, and her voice was unsteady, she seemed to be moving as she spoke. "Calm down miss, and please tell me what is going on– a bit slower? First tell me your name and subgender" "I– I can't talk for long I have to keep running, they're chasing me. My name is Im Yoona, I am an omega, panda shifter." At that Sehun gritted his teeth in anger. Omegas were mostly the target, especially shifters that were harmless and couldn't defend themselves. "Okay, Miss Yoona do you see any safe place you could hide before help arrives?" There was a pause and Sehun imagined she was trying to take in her surroundings. "Y-yes I saw an abandoned building." "Alright, can you tell me your exact location?" "I- am not sure–" "It's alright. Tell me the last place you were– I mean before they began chasing you." "We're in Itaewon-dong, at a bar, and I think I've ran for a couple of kilometers from there." "Is your gsp on?" "Yes yes" "Alright am gonna track your phone. Do not worry, help is on its way." As he spoke he quickly flipped his system, luckily it was on hybanation not switched off. Using the connection he was able to get a location within seconds. "I see you." He told her and hastily made for the exit. The night was muggy, but the weather was slightly cooler than it had been during the day. Sehun had never drove as fast as he did at the moment, his blood was boiling, thus he didn't think to ask for backup. It was until he was almost at the location did he realize so and he quickly called his brother. A lazy voice came through, and Sehun noted his brother must have been asleep. "Hyung, I need back up." "Huh?" Came Kris' lazy response. "I just received a call now, a Shifter– an omega is in trouble, none of my unit are around. Please could you come–" Before he could even finish speaking, he heard some shuffles as his brother spoke. "Where.?" He gave the address, and stepped on the accelerator in the process. Arriving at the place Sehun didn't barge in straight away, he was in conflict whether to wait for his brother or not. But the next moment he heard a lady's scream and his choice was made as he headed inside the abandoned building. He saw a lady– that he assumed to be Yoona, kneeling on the floor with more than ten men –mostly Alphas– surrounding her, next to her was another lady, but unconscious. Though they were plenty of them, ten against one and he wasn't sure if they had guns, but Sehun couldn't just stand and do nothing. Thus he brought out his gun and fired at the roof to get their attention. "SMPA" he bellowed. "Hands where I can see them." The thugs turned to look at him. There was no fear on their faces, only mockery and Sehun felt a sense of foreboding. Something wasn't right. No matter how strong they were, the sight of a gun was supposed to coax a reaction but it didn't. "An omega." One laughed, walking over to where Sehun stood. "Stay where you are" Sehun warned, taking a step back. "Oh what? You're gonna shot me?" The man laughed and his companions joined in. "Drop that gun Omega." He said, tone laced with Alpha's command. Fortunately that didn't work on Sehun, it never did, promoting him to hold his ground. "Step away from the lady." The alpha approaching paused, and his face showed something else than mockery. Surprised. "How are you not reacting to my tone." Saying so, he released an even strong Alpha pheromones, to intimidate Sehun. Yoona being an Omega, cowered, lowering her head in submission and even the betas had a reaction, but not Sehun. "Who the hell are you?" The alpha asked, now he seem shocked more than surprised. Sehun shrugged lazily. "None of your concern." "Hyungnim, let's hurry before someone finds us." One of the men said, looking at Sehun warily. The Alpha– Hyungnim, made for Sehun but Sehun fired at his feet to stop him in tracks. "Woah, it's real." The alpha said, jerking his head behind Sehun. Sehun didn't sense it until he felt his hand being kicked, causing the gun he was holding to fall. Hyungnim quickly picked it up and ordered his men to attack Sehun. Sehun turned and saw more men behind him as a punch came. He was quick to doge the first blow, but not the second and the third. He still managed to take two of the thugs down before half a dozen more jumped him. He had enough time to tighten his abs when a baseball bat collided with them, knocking the wind out of him. He doubled over and fell to his knees, hugging his abdomen. They didn’t give him a chance to get up, the bat came hitting him on his back and sending him sprawling forward. He curled in on himself, protecting his head, the coppery taste of blood in his mouth as they kicked him in the ribs. "Trying to act mighty huh? Let's see how mighty you are now" Then the hitting suddenly stopped, Sehun was held down firmly as something pricked his neck. Too late he realized it was a needle, they had injected something into him. "What have you done?" Sehun asked, heart thumping as he looked at the men that laughed wickedly. ! Sehun cursed under his breath.
Hyung please hurry. "You'll find out soon enough." Hyungnim said. "When is the Alpha getting here?" He asked, looking at his watch. Sehun's heart dropped, was this planned? Were they talking about his brother? "In a while, I could sense him approaches." He heard a female voice, and Sehun looked up to see Im Yoona, leaning lovingly against hyungnim. Beside her was the other 'unconscious' lady he had seen earlier, now awake, and looking at him with a creepy smile. He blinked a few times as his vision was beginning to blur. It was a set up, a trap and he had walked right into it. And now it seemed his brother would be implicated as well. . "Is the place still warded?" Yoona nodded, making a hand gesture. "Yes" That was when yet another realization dawned on him, she wasn't a shifter to begin with, but a mage and Sehun wasn't able to sense it earlier because he was too caught up on wanting to save her. "Good, then let's–" The man was interrupted when a person burst into building. Sehun snapped his head, fighting the dizziness threatening to consume him. "No ,Hyung get out–" he words died in his throat when he realized it wasn't who he had expected, it wasn't his brother. "He's here." Hyungnim said with a grin. "I don't get why boss wanted those two, but I am happy to help." He clapped his hands in an excited manner. The man before them wore black military grade boots, heavy-duty tactical pants in a deep, charcoal gray with tourniquets built into each upper leg, pockets for slip-in ballistic pads and a padded adjustable waistband for added comfort. Secured from his utility belt were several pouches, along with a quick-release, detachable thigh rig with a Drop & Offset kit containing two ballistic nylon tension straps fastened around his leg. It had a holster with a self-locking system to prevent anyone from removing the Glock 17 tucked away inside. On the same thigh rig was a tactical knife. He wore a heavy-duty shirt matching his pants in color with two patches on one arm—one for the NIS Seoul Division and one for Destructive Delta. Over his left pocket, NIS was stitched in white letters, and, similarly stitched over his right pocket, was K.Kim. Clipped to his belt was his shiny badge. His face was covered with helmet and Sehun wasn't able to see what he looked like, but from the looks of it, he would be very handsome and an Alpha. This was an NIS agent. A federal agent. NIS was the only place that recruit, Alpha, beta Omega, Shifter mage or human without discriminating, as long as one was capable he would be able to join. It was every law enforcement officer's dream to be able to reach there. Those agents weren't simple. One had to have a great amount of skills, or connection to become an agent. In other words only the best out of bests, could be part of the NIS. Sehun didn’t know a whole lot about how the NIS operated. He did know they were the guys you called when got real, and that NIS was also formed along with Mage corps. Seeing a federal agent, Sehun put his mind at ease, thinking he would be safe. That was his last thought before it all went blank . *** Warning; implied dubcon. By the time he came to, he noticed he was in a different place, in an unfamiliar room. Though he could feel and sense things but Sehun's mind was foggy. He tired to shake it off, but it wouldn't go away no matter how hard he tried, his rationale was slipping quietly. Trying to understand as much as he could before he lost his full senses, Sehun glanced around the room. The movement made him feel something– a collar around his neck, though he couldn't touch it but Sehun knew it was the type worn to prevent an Omega from taking a mating bite. What the hell was going? He looked around and that was when he noticed he wasn't alone. There was another man– an alpha, and compatible with him. Thinking of compatible should have ring a warning bell, but it didn't until Sehun moaned just from the sight of the of the man. Slightly terrified by his own action, Sehun tried to sit up, but then realized he was tied up in a compromising position with his legs spread wide as something thick ran down his cheeks. He realized too late that something wasn't right. He was also , his body was burning all over with need, his hole aching to be filled. And finally his brained supplied him the right information. He was in heat. The alpha growled,  it was so feral causing Sehun's body to tremble all over as he lifted his gaze to look at the alpha. The room was dark and Sehun could barely make out the man's face, but he was able to see as the Alpha's nose flared, obviously taking in Sehun's arousal. Though Sehun couldn't smell the Alpha's distinctive scent but the smell of his arousal was also evident. What Sehun didn't know was that their scents had been blocked and both couldn't smell what the other's actually scent was, save for the scent of arousal. No please! Sehun thought desperately as the Alpha approached his hole, but his mouth betrayed his thought as another moan escaped him which only urged the man even on. Sehun hadn't had his heat for a year now, he preferred to take clinical suppressants due to his job. He only allowed nature to take its course once every two years. And now it seemed his heat had come in full force– he wasn't the only one in heat, the alpha was also in rut, but unlike Sehun, the man was trying to fight it. Yet it was futile as his body also craved an Omega. Sehun realized they've both been injected with heat inducing drug and this kind of heat was the worst. It was unnatural, thus it came more powerful than a natural heat. The Alpha would make a move forward, then would abruptly stop, shaking his head as though in battle with himself. But it didn't work, in the end the primal side won. "I– I am sorry– I can't hold it in" he said with much difficulty. Sehun opened his mouth to speak but in the end he couldn't, all he could do in response was raise his hips in invitation. In the end none of them could fight it and gave into their instincts. At some point Sehun felt the lights switched on and was met with a pair of beautiful golden grey eyes, but he was
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750 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot