Chapter thirty.

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Standing in front of the murals, Yaguar felt a sudden rush of excitement as he watched. It was the story of the great war, that mostly told about the late crown prince –Wei Ying's victory. He was a good General, that led the gods to victory and banished the fallen to the depths of the earth. Yaguar didn't understand how or why such a magnificent God would die. Or was it that sealing away the fallen had weaken him to the point he lost his godhood? He shook his head, something told him that wasn't what had happened. For some reason he could feel it, felt a connection to those murals as though he had lived though all the events that occurred, only with the lack of memories to go with the feeling. And that feeling told him the crown prince hadn't been weakend or lost his godhood due to the war. It felt like it was forcefully taken away from him. "He was a good boy." A voice suddenly said, and Yaguar hummed without turning to look at the emperor. "Though hot tempered, stubborn and churlish, but he was truly lovely. The best thing that ever happened to my long eternal life." Listening to the fondness in the emperor's voice, Yaguar couldn't help but ask."How did he die?" "He did not." At that Yaguar turned to look at the emperor confused. "He lives?" The emperor smiled. "He does." He placed his hand over his chest. "In here with me, us." "Oh," now understanding what the emperor meant, Yaguar nodded, averting his gaze back to the murals. "What really happened to him?" He wasn't expecting the emperor to answer that question, but surprisingly the elder did without hesitation."He was punished for braking too many rules. His godhood taken and was sent to live in the mortal realm." Yaguar frowned."You did it, didn't you? You are the only one powerful enough to take away his godhood. You killed your own son." He shook his head, and a feeling of resentment rose up inside him. The emperor took a sharp intake. "I did." He didn't deny it. "I wonder what he did to deserve such cruelty from his father." The words came out harsher than he intended them to. "He meddled in the affairs of mortals." "Just that?" He glared at the emperor. "Couldn't you have punished him in a less cruel manner?" "I am sorry." Yaguar's eyes widened. "Why are you apologizing to me?" "Not to Yaguar but to Wei Ying." The elder said. If Yaguar had given it much thought he would have understood the hidden meaning in those words. But he wasn't some who liked to use his brain most of the time, thus he brushed it off as the emperor missing his son and probably regretting his decision of the past. "It's useless. I guess?" He shrugged. "He won't be able to hear you, will he?" A smile appeared on the elder's face. "I believe he would." Yaguar furrowed his brows but didn't say more as he continued to watch the murals. "I wish to–" the emperor began but was cut off by another god rushing inside the mural hall. "Your majesty forgive my disturbance. The empress is back." The messenger said. "She is?" The emperor demanded. "Yes, and she wishes to speak with you. Urgently" The messenger said bowing deeply. "We will continue some other time." The emperor threw at Yaguar before gracefully making his way out. Yaguar only shrugged, not caring whether or not they get to continue the conversation, after all he had no relationship to the crown prince. He had more important things to worry about. His family. Like the person that stabbed Sehun in the back. Yaguar should have known that person shouldn't be trusted, because it was Samael that planted them in the pack. But seeing the nature of things and how they were welcomed into the pack, and considered a friend, Yaguar had thought that would change their perspective. Apparently he was wrong. He needed to let Sehun know, even though he knew it would break Sehun's heart, to know a person he had taken in and considered family had done something like that. The most important thing here, was that person's action had caused Sehun to doubt his most loyal ally, Jungkook. And that was a very bad sign. Jungkook was a man of honor, that would play a big role in the future, without him, Sehun's success rate would be relatively low. If he felt he wasn't needed, and doubted, the half demon would surely leave the pack for good, probably taking Jimin with him, another person that Sehun couldn't afford to lose. With Jimin gone, Chanyeol and his mate might leave as well– it was going to cause a chain reaction, a very bad chain reaction. And the one person that could stop Jungkook from leaving was taking a nap. Eunhyuk. Aish that child of his need to wake up soon. With a sigh, Yaguar turned around. He needed to speak with the empress regarding this matter, the queen always gave the best advise– insight.
  **** Unfortunately, they weren't able to get something that would help identify the culprit from Minseok. The seer had warned Sehun to be more alert, and protect Dae'in at all cost. Which Sehun intended to. A little disappointed, Sehun decided to focus on the other problem at hand. Coming to a stop down the street, Sehun looked at the shabby building in front of him. Looking at it reminded him of the time he went to recruit Chanyeol. He checked the address one more time, this was really the place Hoseok had said the woman lived. But it didn't make sense. Kai was beside, a frown on his face, that frown hadn't left his face since the demon incident– Sehun couldn't fault him for it, he himself was on the edge, coupled with his rapidly approaching heat– but at this moment, Sehun could tell it was for a different reason. Sure enough he turned to face Sehun as he said. "I know that scent." Now understanding the reason behind it, Sehun hummed as he knocked heavily on the door. A curse came from the other end, and the sound of houseware falling could be heard. A moment later the swung open. "Who the hell is–" the lady's words died in , her eyes widening at the sight of the two and she quickly attempted to close the door but Sehun didn't let her, he was faster. "Nuh-ah not so fast miss." "Who are you people? If you're here to collect some money, then I am sorry I don't have any. Go find that bastard, don't come disturbing a lady that has nothing to do with." From the way she stammered, to the way she avoided eye contact, both Sehun and Kai could tell she was pretending not to know who they were and was spurting nonsense. "We're here to see you Im Yoona. I bet we don't really need introduction do we?" She glared at him."I don't know what you're talking about–" Sehun raised a hand. "Let's get this over with shall we? It will save us a lot of trouble." She cursed some more, but had no choice but to let the two shifters in. "Thank you." Sehun said, pulling Kai along as they stepped inside. Once he did, he realized how bad her living conditions were. The house was a mess, two children were sat in the little space that seemed to be the Living room. One was around four, while the other was two. The little ones were basically in rags, the oldest clothes were so tiny on her, she seemed to be having difficulty breathing, while the youngest had clothes that they were drowning in. They were so big on him that Sehun could hardly make out If it were a girl or boy. He knew this woman was mage, and for a mage that had many privileges– more than any other specie– to live such a life caused a huge question mark to float over Sehun's head. It was almost unnatural, because mages were the favored ones, they could have anything they desired as long as they were willing to sell their services to the nation. Then Why? Unable to help it, Sehun turned to the woman. She was watching him cautiously, hand tightening around the cooking spoon she was holding as though intending to use it as a weapon If need be. Sehun was even more confused, a mage didn't need such useless thing as weapon, when magic ran though them. As If sensing the question in his gaze the lady relaxed a little. "I am mated to an abusive Alpha that drained my mana and sold it in black market." Yoona said, with a shrug. "Yeah I bet it's karma, remember that man? Hyungnim? He was the same thug you'd seen the other time." She glanced at kids. "Just don't hurt me In front of them. Yeah? They can't take it." Of course he remembered, how could Sehun ever forget that man? The face had hunted him in his dreams for a while before he began his therapy session. "I am not here to hurt you, I am here because I need your help with something." "Oh, but what could a poor woman like me possibly help you with?" She spread her hands, gesturing around the house as though to prove her point. "Nothing much just honest answers." She laughed at that. "I once deceived you, how could you know if I tell the truth?" "I would know believe me." She hummed but didn't say more, her eyes constantly looking over to her kids that were now curiously watching Sehun and Kai. "I can help make your life better." "Ha?" She turned her full attention to Sehun. "Name your price." "I-" she chewed on her lower lip. "I don't think you could help with what I wanted." "Name it." Sehun insisted. "What I am going tell you will put my life and kids in danger, so i want to leave the country, go to Europe, start over somewhere with my kids, away form that bastard and anything that has to do with him. I am sure in a few years he would turn his attention to the kids, and will probably drain every ounce of magic in them. And I can't have that. Thus I need a a way out." "Done." Sehun said, without batting an eye. "You're really willing?" She seemed surprised. "Why would you help a woman that betrayed you?" "Because it's what I do now, I help people in need. I have a lot of people in my pack that I saved." She frowned a little, seemingly in thought for a while, then her eyes went wide, as though a sudden realization dawned on her."Holy –" she began but quickly covered , as she glanced at her kids for a moment. "You're the leader of hooligans paradise aren't you?" Sehun didn't intend to hide it thus he nodded. "I am. And you know I can help you." She nodded seriously." I believe you could. I will answer whatever you wished to know. I promise." She ushered them to the worn out couch. Sehun knew she meant every word, because he knew a person when desperate and Yoona was. "Then you have my words." He said, taking a seat, he reached out to rub the oldest child's hair. "What's your name?" "Sunny." The child said. "Hi Sunny, can you take your sibling while we talk to you Mama?" The girl looked to her mom, and Yoona nodded. "Go stay in the room. We're going to have a good food tonight." "Really?" The girl sounded happy. "Yes, Mama's friend here is gonna treat us a nice meal, right Sehun?" Sehun nodded with a smile. "That's right." "Come Woo Min," she tug at her brother, that stood on wobbly legs, the kids were really malnourished and Sehun's heart tighten, feeling for the kids. He watched until the kids were out of sight, before turning his attention to Yoona. "My first question, why that incident?" He need not to elaborate, he was certain she knew what he was referring to. Sure enough, she began to speak."At that time you're an obstacle and they decided to get rid of you in that way.  I thought you'd have guessed." Sehun hummed. "Obstacle to whom?" "Big bang. Kwon Jiyong wanted you out, because you were on his trail. But it wouldn't have been possible without the chief of police. He helped a great deal. Planted fake evidence where it was needed, just to bring you down." It was exactly what Sehun had thought. At that time he had been gathering anything he could find on big bang, wanting to get something that would bring them down and he was close to doing so, but ironically it resulted in bringing himself down instead. For them to do something like that to Sehun was understandable, but– "Why was Kai involved, why did you induce Kai's rut to make him sleep with me if all you wanted was me?" Was something that didn't make sense. She looked between Sehun and Kai as If searching for something important. When she didn't find what she was looking for, she let out a sigh, hands clasped together. "You really have no idea who he is." It was a statement. Confused as to what she meant, he glanced at Kai, giving a curt nod. Kai understood as he said. "I don't even know who I am, expect I was once an NIS agent." "You're more than that." She said. "Trapping you both at that time was like killing two birds with one stone. At first it was planned to deal with you separately, where another Alpha– hyungnim will sleep with you, and him" she pointed at Kai. "Was to be held captive as blackmail material." Sehun shuddered at that. He didn't know what he would have done if Kai wasn't the one he was paired up with that night that changed his life. "Wait what? Blackmail?" "I am getting there" she said."But then I causally suggested to pair you two, take a video of you two while you're at it and use it for their objectives. Truth is: I didn't have good intentions, I was only jealous of my boyfriend sleeping with another Omega. But who'll have thought my plan turned better for you both?" She cackled. Sehun was truly glad it did. "We didn't even know you two were compatible until something surprising happened." She said absentmindedly. " Like I said at first they had wanted to humiliate you and pair you with another someone else. Even after I made my suggestion hyungnim was skeptical, but then surprisingly Kai made things easier because no matter how muddled headed he were, Kai wouldn't allow anyone near you. It was just a coincidence that you were compatible, not because it was planned. And since they were down right determined to humiliate you, they decided to use Kai anyway." "But what did Kai do to offend them? He was an NIS agent, and those agents don't bother with the likes of big bang, that was for the local police to handle. I don't understand how the blackmail came in." She nodded. "Yes but they wanted something from his mom." "You knew my mom?" Kai said, his body shivered a little and Sehun grasped his hand in comfort. "She's the director of NIS." Yoona told them, both Sehun and Kai let out a gasp in unison, but didn't Interrupt the lady. "They wanted to blackmail her with the video to sign a document to allow them to ship some illegal weapons without a problem, because any law enforcement officer that saw the director's approval won't dare seize their goods. But they didn't accept the woman to be strong headed and down right refuse. In Kai's version of the clip, you face wasn't in it, just like his wasn't in yours. They used two different cameras from different angles to capture your moments. But even after seeing the video and saying they would release it to the public, she didn't budge. Out of spite they gave Kai a concussion and sold him to a fight house and told her she'll never get her son back. And no matter how hard she tried she couldn't find him , because they used
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749 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot