Chapter thirty-two

Hooligans Paradise.
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Surprise? I got motivated to update another chapter thanks to your wonderful comments. So enjoy.


Waving goodbye to Baekhyun– that he taken upon himself to train– Jungkook exited the training section with a smile. He was on cloud nine, due many reasons. One of which was having just finished speaking to his dad, like he did everyday. It had became a norm. In the past he had thought that bridge had been burnt between them the moment his mom died. But he was apparently wrong. And Jungkook had never been this happier. His dad back in his life, and Jimin by his side supportive as always.It had been a few days, but Jungkook still couldn't get used to the giddiness whenever he spoke to his old man and his never ending questions.  "Are you eating well?" "Have you mastered all the elements?" "Have you met your demonas amate?" Those were a few out of many, that his dad constantly asked.  Jungkook had told Asmodeus about Jimin, and answered every questions happily. It felt nice. Really nice to have a parent in your life even though you're realms away. He had never been more alive. With a another smile, Jungkook grabbed the beautiful pendant. It was a gift from Jimin, a mating gift to be precise. After their tryst, they had decided to take things further, and in the process had learned a lot about each. Jungkook never knew they were compatible, until recently when Jimin had confessed, to having made Sehun hid it because he didn't want Jungkook to be with him because of it. Knowing the truth didn't change anything, because Jungkook had genuinely fell for the Omega, it was only  the cherry added on top. Jimin had been his pillar, when Jungkook was in hard place. Had believed in him without an ounce of hesitation. Had supported him in every step he took. And that was enough for any sane man to feel things for someone. His father was happy to hear the news. Asmodeus had been worried for his son even after knowing he was dating Jimin. Asmodeus wasn't sure if Jimin was only leading Jungkook on without having real intension of settling down with him. Jungkook wouldn't fault his father, after all demons were doubtful in nature. But with a mating gift, his father was assured that Jimin was serious about Jungkook. Now all Jungkook wanted to was to travel to hell and see his Dad. There seem to be a  Secession war going on in hell between three princes, Beelzebub, Mammon and Samael. his Dad didn't want to him to come until he was certain it was safe. The anticipation was killing him, but there was nothing he could but wait. It would be easier if Asmodeus would come to– "Kook?" He abruptly came to a stop at the sound of his name. He turned around and was met with the sight of Sehun. It had been four days since the last time he saw him. Sehun looked different in a good way, stronger and Jungkook could tell from the golden Aura radiating off him. "Hey!" Jungkook smiled naturally. He had forgiven the other, it wasn't in Jungkook's nature to hold a grudge against someone that had been nothing but kind to him in the past. Though he wouldn't deny the fact that Sehun's accusations had stung, but that was all it was. "You're finally out. You got a mating tattoo."His eyes darted to the mating mark on Sehun's neck."And a crown tattoo?" "That I have no idea what it means." Sehun shrugged. Now that he didn't have romantic feelings for Sehun anymore, he didn't feel sad after seeing another Alpha's claim on him. Instead he was happy for the ultra Omega "Congratulations Sehun." He gestured at his neck. "We'll figure out what the crown meant." Jungkook had a diagnosis to why the crown appeared, but he wouldn't be sure until he consulted his Dad.  Sehun was suddenly bashful, lowering his head as though to hide the crown tattoo, but Jungkook didn't miss the smile on his face. "Uhm thanks." "You're welcome." "How're the cubs?" Sehun asked. "They missed you but didn't make a fuss. We take turns entertaining them while you're in heat." "That's nice of you all. Thanks." "They're our cubs too, we're family." "True, so how's the pack?" "Everyone's fine, nothing that needed your attention so far. But you should check in with Kris. I accompanied him two days ago to send Ms. Yoona to the airport, I am sure she's in Europe already and she's very thankful for our help." He smiled warmly. "That's good. How are the new members?" "All good. I've been training Baekhyun and a few other Omegas in combat." Asmodeus had warned Jungkook about the holy weapons now in Samael's custody. His father feared the demons were going to bring the fight to the mortal realm, thus it was of great essential to make sure every member of the pack at least knew to defend themselves. Sehun frowned."Baek has already resume training? Shouldn't he rest and care for the babe?" "According to him.  He's bored to death, Chanyeol's handling the babe and Beomgyu most of the time, he hardly let Baekhyun do a thing." At that Sehun smiled. "That's good." They went silent, Jungkook waited for Sehun to continue. He was certain the other had something more to say, otherwise he wouldn't have stopped him in tracks just to ask those questions that he could have asked anyone in the pack,  especially when Jungkook knew Sehun was a busy man as the pack leader. Sure enough, Sehun bit his lip, hopping from one foot to another."About last time, I am sorry really Kook." Jungkook waved him off. "No please don't apologize again. I mean it Sehun. We're good." "Really good?" "Yeah just like old times." Sehun let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks kook." And he smiled again, the expression Jungkook preferred to see on the leader's face. No matter what, Sehun was his friend first, and his family. "Now that we're behind that, I want to talk about the plans for big bang." "Oh" he had been updated by Hoseok with the process of the investigation. "It's happening in two days right?" Sehun nodded. "Yes, we'll leave by 8 in the evening, to set the necessary equipments– hey why do keep smiling?" Sehun looked behind as though expecting to see someone. "Am I?" Jungkook was unaware of his own actions. "Yeah, you've been smiling the whole time and it's kinda freaky. So unlike you." Sehun pointed out. "I've got a reason to smile." Jungkook shrugged. "Oh yeah? Tell me about it." Sehun was already grinning, even without knowing what it was. And Jungkook did, he told Sehun about his Dad, and even narrated the story Asmodeus told of Zazel, then finally ended it with his and Jimin's progress. "Wow, I am happy for you Kook. Really." Sehun said patting Jungkook's shoulder, his grin never ceasing. "And I am sorry about Zazel" "Thanks Sehun." Jungkook hummed. "I am gonna go see Kris, there's something I need to do with Kai at the cottage."  Jungkook didn't asked what, he only nodded, bowed before continuing on.
***   The last day of his heat, Kai began to have nightmares frequently that they barely slept with how much Kai trashed. Sehun decided it was time to tackle the problem once and for all. Now that he was linked to Kai, he was able to see glimpses of Kai's dreams and felt everything his Alpha felt. Beside it would be easier, now that Kai could remember bits of his past. Hence why he was certain they could do it. Bring an end to Kai's nightmares. To restore his memories. Kai had always known he’d be back in the cottage. But there was no denying it was different to previous occasions. There were no chains in sight, despite Kai talking to Kris in private to convince Sehun that back up was necessary. He’d been surprised when Kris had refused. Now he and Sehun were sitting cross-legged on the floor. He knew the omega had spent the past few hours talking to people outside of the pack, seeking advice on how to handle this. And now they were ready to begin. “We need to bring those memories you’ve buried to the forefront of your mind. You can’t confront or come to terms with what you can’t remember. Those memories are haunting you in your dreams. That gives them power. We’re going to take that power away from them and put it back where it belongs, with you.” Sehun's quiet confidence bolstered Kai's nerves. “How are we going to do that? I’ve tried to remember, but it’s like they’re behind a locked door.” “Doors have keys. Locks that can be picked. We just have to find a way in.” Sehun looked to his left, where a little bundle of items were sitting together on the floor. Kai didn’t know what they were for, but none of them looked dangerous. “How is a bottle of oil going to help us?” he wondered. “Ah.” Sehun smiled. “It’s not just any old bottle of oil. It’s the kind of oil they use on fighters before a battle. Memories are often strongly tied to sensations. Smell is especially powerful, doubly so for us shifters.”The omega moved behind Kai, settling himself on his knees.“We’ll take this one step at a time, okay?” his mate asked. “Okay,” Kai agreed, steeling himself. Sehun leaned in, his chin resting on Kai's shoulder, his voice a whisper in his ear. “I’m your life raft. No matter what happens, no matter what you remember, I won’t let you drown.” "Hun, if it comes to it–” He wanted a promise from his mate that if things went wrong, he’d run. “Kris, Yoongi and Taehyung are right outside if it turns out to be more than we can handle alone. We have so many friends here, Kai. So many people wishing you well. Let the fear and worry go. Put your trust in me to guide you through this.” “I trust you,” he echoed. “I’ll always trust you.” “And I will do my best to never, ever, let you down,” Sehun vowed. He reached to the side and picked up the bottle of oil.“Close your eyes,” he murmured softly. Taking a long, slow breath, Kai did. When he opened his eyes, he was in the ring they trained in. The head of their fighting club stood in front of him. Up in the balcony around him were the other fighters, watching, waiting. The air was heavy with anticipation and not in a good way. This was training but not the sort they did every day. They were about to learn a lesson of another kind. A man was dragged in through the door on the opposite side of the ring. Kai jolted with recognition and took a step forward.  "Taemin?" The trainer held up a hand, and he stilled, watching as he turned in a slow circle making eye contact with every fighter on the balcony.“You all know the rules. You run. You fight. To the death. Taemin ran. Today is the day he fights.” The trainer’s gaze returned to Kai. “Today is the day he dies.” Kai had known Taemin since they were kids, he was his best friend, and was also an NIS agent, forcefully taken from their families and fell to the care of the trainers. They’d grown up together, they were like brothers since childhood, and in the fight house, they trained together, fought side by side. They always had each others’ backs. Kai remember why he was at the site that night he was taken– the night he met Sehun– it was because Taemin had been missing for months and Kai got a lead that said his friend would be there thus he rushed over without back up. “No.” He wasn’t even sure he’d spoken the word aloud, but the trainer rounded on him. “You’d rather we took him out back and put him down? At least this way, he gets to go out fighting. He has a chance.”There was a smirk on his face as he said it. Kai and Taemin had never fought head to head for a reason.  Taemin was a leopard shifter, strong, fast, and wiry, but no match for Kai's Lion. He shook his head once, and the trainer got all up in his face, his words menacing.  “You fight or we’ll have to make a bigger example for the rest. We’ll kill him and all the fighters he shared a room with the night he ran.” Word on the grapevine was that they hadn’t sounded the alarm, had said nothing until the trainer came to get them up the next morning. The trainer stepped back, disgusted. 
“Take them,” he said, with a jerk of his head. Guards advanced on the gathered fighters above, shock sticks in their hands. Kai looked to his best friend, their eyes meeting across the arena. Taemin looked shell-shocked, as if the light was too bright, and he couldn’t quite figure out how he’d gotten there. They’d drugged him. Had he any idea what was going on? Did it matter? Kai knew Taemin wouldn’t want the others to share his fate. Like Kai, he’d take the consequences of his own actions, alone.“No,” he said quietly. “I’ll do it.” With a wave of his hand, the trainer stopped the advance of the guards.“Shifter form,” he threw over his shoulder, heading for the door. Kai whipped his head around to look back at him, his eyes pleading. “Oh for-” The trainer’s hand shot out, his shock stick hitting Kai in the side and sending a wave of pain through him. He roared in anger and that roar deepened as he shifted. By the time the change was over, the trainer was gone, leaving him alone with Taemin, the latter stumbling a little as he walked around, trying to get his bearings. Kai couldn’t kill him like this. Not as a man. It would make him no better than a monster. Ambling forward, he watched until Taemin finally noticed the hulking form of a Lion closing in on him.“Wha-” Kai didn’t give him a chance to speak, knocking him off his feet with a swipe of his paw. Taemin hit the ground with a surprising amount of grace for someone so clearly off-kilter. When he tried to get up, Kai knocked him flat again. He hadn’t hurt him, not yet. His intention was to goad Taemin enough that his shifter took over. The third smack of his paw did the trick, a low growl coming from the leopard that rose from the ground to meet him. Kai was big, bigger than Taemin, bigger than any shifter he had ever fought, watching his friend felt like he was fighting a child. But he had no choice. And then they were fighting, for real this time. Kai knew two things: they’d never let Taemin live and they’d never let him kill Kai. Al
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750 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot