Chapter eighteen

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Letting out a breath, Kai stepped up to the bath. “Hold on,” Sehun said, “one more thing.” The alpha paused as he closed in, dropping to his knees next to Kai and unlocking the manacle around his ankle. Despite the padding, the skin underneath it was red and sore, and Sehun didn't neglect to heal the place with magic.“There. You can get in now.” Kai was staring from his ankle to the manacle in Sehun's hand with a look of disbelief.“You can’t…” he tried to say. “I should be chained, always.” Kai actually reached for the metal ring, as if to put it back on. “No,” Sehun said simply, taking a step back, out of reach. “I get that this is what you’re used to, but it isn’t normal. It isn’t right. Go on, get in.” He retreated right the way back to the sink, setting the manacle down on the side. Kai watched him in confusion before doing as he was told and stepping into the bath. He lowered himself into the water with care, as if anticipating an unpleasant sensation.“Hot or cold?” Sehun asked. Kai lifted his head a little confused. “Your baths. Were they usually too hot or too cold?” That got a small smile from the alpha. “Both, depending on whoever was on duty. Sometimes they just hosed you down. If they were really pissed at you, they threw a few buckets of ice in there.” “Does this bath feel okay? Not too cold or hot?” Kai laid back, his shoulders resting against the tub.“It feels… nice.” Sehun smiled back at him. “I’m glad.” His eyes were drawn again to Kai's healed ankle, his foot propped up against the end of the tub.“How long since you’ve been free of those chains?” Kai's expression grew dark for a moment before a look of resignation took its place.“Since a few months before my first official fight. At the start, it was to create the impression that I was too dangerous to be loose, that I needed to be controlled. Eventually, I think  my trainers–hell, even I, started to believe it.” Sehun let his eyes close, turning away. From Kai's file, he knew exactly how long he’d been chained for. Five long years.“I’m sorry, Kai.” “Why? It has nothing to do with you.” Dipping the sponge into the water, he held it up, watching rivulets travel down his arm.“Why don’t I wash your back for you?” That was one area the alpha hadn’t been able to reach. Kai nodded and bent forward. A moment later, he gave a long groan of relief as Sehun scrubbed along the length of his back. “That feels good,” the alpha murmured. “It’s been itching like crazy.” Sehun went a step further, washing both of Kai's arms, paying special attention to his wrists. He could still see a faint difference in the skin where the manacles had been. He did the same to his legs, lingering on his ankles, especially where they’d had his one remaining chain attached. “How about that hair of yours?” he said finally. A minute later, he had both hands entangled in Kai's blond hair, fingers scratching gently across the alpha’s scalp. Kai was vocal in his relief and enjoyment, and Sehun took his time, making sure every inch had been thoroughly washed before allowing Kai to rinse himself under the shower, the suds washing away down the drain. He twisted around to face Sehun as he ran his hands through his hair, sending a cascade of suds down across his body. Sehun's eyes followed them, lingering on Kai's groin. He knew they sometimes altered the alpha fighters, for decorative or other reasons. Supposedly, it curbed wild behavior. He was relieved to see Kai appeared untouched, and only slightly surprised to see he was a little aroused. Alphas were naturally more endowed than betas and Omegas, and Kai wasn't different. Sehun found himself gulping at the sight, untill– The alpha reached down, a hand down along his , and Sehun jolted back to awareness, realizing he’d been staring.“How about I give you some privacy?” he offered, knowing that between the cameras and his visits, Kai hadn’t had any of that since his arrival, the only time Sehun noticed Kai's arousal was the first time Sehun showed the Alpha how to clean himself, at that time Kai didn't have the sensibility to know what to do. “I’ll be in my study. The room with the view,” he added when Kai seemed puzzled. Stepping out of the bathroom, he left the door open but retreated quickly to his study. A distant moan told him Kai was making good use of his privacy. It was largely Sehun's fault; the close proximity, the touching. It was no surprise Kai's body reacted to the scent and touch of a compatible omega. Someone less principled might have taken advantage. Someone more compassionate might have helped him out. Sehun took the most neutral path he could, though he felt anything but neutral as another moan carried through the walls. Sehun usually didn't have the leisure time for . He hadn't had since that faithful event. The least he did was jerk himself off and when he was really , he would use a . Since the chip had been inserted into his neck, his heats had ceased, thus his desires wasn't as high as a normal Omega's. But recently he had been having wild dreams about a certain someone that always left him panting, wet and wanting more. He couldn't ignore the attraction he had for Kai and it wasn't just because of their compatibility. He took a deep breath that let it out slowly, trying to ignore his own body’s excitement. He had to be the one in control here. **** Kai left the bathroom, feeling relieved in more ways than one. He held the clothes he’d been wearing in one hand, not wanting to put the dirty material on his newly clean skin. In his other hand, he carried the manacle. Sehun was sat at the desk, poring over some papers. He glanced up when Kai stepped inside.“Better?” Kai gave a cautious nod. “Much. Thank you.” He held out the manacle. “You should put this back on.” Sehun set down the paper he’d been looking at and leaned back in his chair, watching Kai closely. “What if I told you we didn’t have to?” Kai walked right up to the desk and set the manacle down on it.“You can’t take that risk. I might run. I might lose it again. It wouldn’t be safe.” Sehun stood, walking around the desk until they were side by side and Kai realized not for the first time how the Omega was slightly taller than him. Sehun was the only Omega with an Alpha's built that Kai had ever seen. Omegas like Sehun were rare. “In the cottage, maybe. But here, in the house, it would be different.” Kai shook his head. More people. More danger. “There’s a reason they kept me in chains.” “And there’s a reason I want to free you.” Kai felt his hands starting to shake and clenched them into fists, turning and striding toward the window. Outside, the sun broke through the clouds, bathing him in light. He placed his palms flat against the cool glass before falling to his knees.“I don’t understand.” He heard light footsteps behind him before a hand touched his shoulder. Bowing his head, he closed his eyes and waited. “I get that you don’t trust yourself,” Sehun said softly, “How about you put your trust in me, instead. Trust me. I’ll keep you and everyone else safe.” It seemed like a tall order. He lifted his head, glancing at the omega over his shoulder. Sehun had a look of determination on his face. “Do you have somewhere secure to lock me up?” Maybe they had an attic or a basement? The castle was huge, there must be. “I was thinking you’d stay here, with me.” Moving around so they were face to face, Kai tried to work out if Sehun was serious.“Here? No chains?” “No chains. But maybe a guard or two at the door, at least at first.” “I could stay here with the chains,” he suggested. He didn’t mind the cottage, but the time alone seemed to stretch on forever. The chains he could almost forget he was wearing if Sehun was nearby. “I don’t have the heart to bind you like an animal,” Sehun admitted. He reached toward Kai again, brushing a strand of wet blond hair from his forehead. Kai wasn’t used to so much touching. People usually kept their hands to themselves, too concerned that they might lose a finger. Sehun touched him with confidence, like he knew Kai wouldn’t hurt him, like he wanted Kai to feel his touch or maybe he was much strong enough to subdue Kai if things went south. “We’re shifters. At our heart, we are animals,” he told Sehun. Sehun's fingers lingered, across Kai's forehead and down his temple. He closed his eyes, swallowing hard, torn between pulling away and savoring the caress. “And animals belong in cages.” Kai opened his eyes, staring deep into Sehun's. The omega’s hand moved lower, cupping his cheek. Kai flinched, the proximity becoming a little too much. “Easy,” Sehun murmured. “What do you need right now?” “I don’t know.” How to explain all the thoughts running through his head. How to pick one need among the dozen. Part of him wanted to stay right there, in that moment, gazing into Sehun's green eyes and feeling the omega’s palm on his cheek. Sehun smiled. “Let’s start with some clothes and go from there.” Kai followed Sehun out into the corridor. "I've got some clothes for you, I left them in the spare bedroom. Here.” He opened a door and disappeared inside. Kai followed more slowly, watching and listening. He half-expected to find Sehun's alpha waiting. As many times as he’d been told the omega didn’t have one, he was having trouble wrapping his head around it. Sehun was a precious gem, too damn beautiful to be single. Sehun was stood by the bed, laying some clothes out.“There are a few options, so you can choose whatever you prefer.” Kai shuffled forward. There were a handful of T-shirts and a few pairs of pants. Some underwear, too. “I don’t know,” he said. He never made those kind of choices, they were made for him. “Just choose what you think would be comfortable.” Helplessly, he turned to Sehun, pleading. “Okay, how about…” Sehun reached over, ignoring the underwear in favor of a pair of jeans and a gray T-shirt. He handed them over and Kai took them, pulling the jeans on and buttoning them before tugging the T-shirt on over his head, the material hugging his skin but not squishing him. Turning back to Sehun, he found the other was looking him up and down with a smile, brushing a hand down Kai's shoulder. “Looking good. That color really suits you. Matches out your eyes.” Kai didn’t reply. Clothes were just clothes. Things to cover you when you needed them so you didn’t get too cold. Sometimes, for fights, they gave him special clothes. Usually, stuff that bothered his skin, stuff he tore off as soon as he got the chance. They just stood there gazing into each other's eyes, Kai's golden grey a contrast to Sehun's green ones. But the moment was broken when three little cubs dashed into the room– Jae in the lead– yelling Sehun's name as though they were here to collect a debt. The pair startled, turning around simultaneously causing the kids to stop in tracks. The kids' eyes shone, and Aurora had a broad grin at the sight of Kai. She didn't wait a second as she happily bounced over, hugging both his legs, which almost made him lose balance for a moment before stabilizing himself. Jae and Dae were rooted in place, both seemed to be in a conflicted situation, they were watching Sehun, clearly waiting for his permission but Sehun's attention wasn't on them. He was closely watching Kai, waiting for his reaction. Kai flinched, recoiling, he was torn between wanting to hold and push the girl away and flee. He didn't expect the kid to just barged in and lunged at him. He glanced at Sehun and the omega had his attention on him with a relaxed expression, but the tension in his shoulders betrayed him. Kai knew Sehun was like a gun at the moment, waiting to release its bullets if need be. Looking down, he was met with a pair of green eyes blinking at him expectantly. Even after looking for a while, he still couldn't tell what type of shifter the girl was, just like how he was unable to tell Sehun's. To be honest, Kai didn't know what he was supposed to do. Thus he could only watch the little girl as her face changed from happy to confusion, then to sadness. The last expression made something in him to tighten and he reached his hand reluctantly– to awkwardly pat the girl's head. He wasn't good with kids, Kai was sure if it were another kid– not Aurora– he would have pushed them away and retreated to a far place without feeling conflicted. But her– there's was something about the kids, something unexplainable that pulled at Kai in a good way. At that a bright smile curved her lips beautifully. And Kai wondered why she seemed so happy just because of a single pat. Seeing this Jae could no longer wait for his Papa's permission as he was already excitedly making his way toward Kai. But who would have thought Sehun would grab him by the neck to stop him from advancing. "Don't!" Sehun said and the boy looked up at him with a pout. "Why?" "Don't overwhelm him." "But I want to be patted too–" "Shh" Sehun placed a hand on Jae's lips. Jae pouted even more as he watched Kai and his sister's interaction. "Are you feeling better now?" Came Dae's voice. The boy had been silent, obediently standing in one place. "You are different now, different in a good way." "Yes he's feeling better." Sehun said, gesturing at his son to come over. "Are you my Papa's boyfriend?" The boy said, coming to stand next to Sehun with eyes on Kai. Kai tilted his head, unsure what to say. But fortunately he didn't have to respond because at that moment, a knock came from the door and moment later the bear shifter poked his head. "Hey sorry to interrupt, but you're needed at the main hall" He said to Sehun. Sehun frowned. "Is everything alright Wook?" "Yeah it will be if you come quick." Sehun glanced at Kai, then to his kids. "You stay here with Kai. I will be back as soon as I can. Uncle Chang Wook is right outside." Even though Sehun was talking to his kids, Kai still nodded. He understood what Sehun meant without needing to say much. He himself was afraid of being alone with the kids because he knew he was still unstable. But he could only watch Sehun leave after one last glance at him. **** Sehun was having a doubt leaving his kids with Kai alone, but deep down there was some sort of assurance, that Kai wouldn't hurt them and surprisingly he believed in that part. Especially remembering that time Kai had tried to protect them, even in his unstable state, Sehun allowed the tension in him to rest. Kai wouldn't hurt them. He told himself again. "Keep your ears open." He said to Chang Wook that was stood by the door. The bear shifter nodded firmly, as he moved closer to the door so as to make it easier to barge in if the need arise. Satisfied, Sehun hurried to where he was needed. The scene that greeted him was the one of a crowd gathered, amidst the crowd was Seulgi cursing loudly, as she was being held back by irene, preventing the Alpha from advancing. Looking to where Seulgi had her attention, Sehun saw Jennie standing between Seulgi and someone. He hadn't seen the tiger shifter for a while, but Sehun didn't find it weird because he was used to Jennie leaving for days and would only return when Yoongi called her or she felt like it. "What's going on here." Sehun said ,his voice carrying the undeniable sense of authority. Everyone turned around to face him. Jennie bowed in greetings and Sehun nodded in return. "This lady here wants to harm my mate." "Mate?" Sehun asked, looking at the tigress to make sure he hadn't misheard it. Jennie nodded, stepping aside to reveal a very pretty lady. She sauntered forward on five-inch stiletto heels, wearing a burgundy corset minidress that clung to every curve of her body. The neckline plunged indecently low between her full s while the hemline was scandalously short. Gold and pearl necklaces hung from at varying lengths, swaying with
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749 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot