Chapter fifteen

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Even after the call ended for a while, Sehun couldn't tear his eyes away from the phone, he was starting at it with so much intensity as though it would provide him with all the answers he needed. " does the guy rob people or something? How could he ask for a million dollars?" Kris grumbled. It was only then Sehun looked away, sharing a look with Yoongi, at same time his brain was still processing what Minseok had just told them and the alarms in his head went off. The seer that was touched by Gods, had said his son was equally– no was even more touched than the older seer. Why would the gods want his son? He was still human after all. He also felt hurt when injured, and distressed when running into predicaments. But he always believed that there was hope ahead of him, and he was always willing to face everything with an optimistic attitude. However, at this very moment, when the truth was placed in front of him, Sehun suddenly felt a profound weariness welling up from the bottom of his heart; it was as if a hand had grasped him and was dragging him into an icy ocean. "It doesn't make sense." Sehun grabbed at his hair. "It makes sense. Sehun." Yoongi said with a nod. "Think about it, Have you ever heard of a seer at such young age? I mean every seer I've known or heard about had to reach maturity or at least seven years before they began seeing visions. But not Dae'in." Now that Yoongi had pointed it out, Sehun could see truth, it made sense. But he just didn't want to acknowledge the fact that his son wouldn't be a normal kid that could live a normal life like Sehun wanted for him. If this got leaked out, not just the demons but every er with authority,  international or national , the government, the scientists and and any rich motherfuker would be fighting to get their hands on his son, Dae would be a high commodity, someone that everyone in the world wanted and it frightened Sehun to the core. He was powerful now– the real reason he became what he was today was to be able to protect his loved ones, but even so he doubted he could fight off demons, shifters, mages and humans at same time. the gods for this! Why on earth would they touch his son? Some might see it as a blessing but to Sehun it was a curse. If he could see the gods he would give them a piece of his mind for this. What chosen one? Chosen one his . Out of more than seven billion people in the world, his son had to be the one chosen to suffer. Being a shifter with magic, Sehun could understand, being a unique hybrid, he could understand, being a seer on top that he could still understand, but what he couldn't and wouldn't understand was why Dae'in had to be touched by those immortals up there. The boy was so tiny, so small and Sehun was already worried all those power would be too much for his fragile body. Shaking his head, Sehun realized he would grow white hair soon, and would probably die early because of how he worried. Was that the reason why his son was a hybrid instead of a Jaguar or a lion? Was that the reason Dae could wield two elements? Was that the reason why– "Sehun!" Kris called, and his voice sounded scared. "You're gonna burn us to death. Calm down will you?" ", get your together." Yoongi said, eyes wide with worry. "Put the damn fire out." That was when Sehun realized what was happening, he was on fire, like it happened when his emotions were all over the place. Seeing that car seat was about to catch the flame, Sehun took a deep breath to calm him. He didn't wish to kill his brother and friend, at this critical moment. It would be devastating. When the flames were out, he turned to look at Yoongi. "Where's Minseok's night club located?" "Itawoen." "Alright, am gonna go meet him tomorrow night– this all" he slammed his a hand on the dashboard and the car swayed from the sheer about of his strength. "Aish, don't kill us by accident. Please." Yoongi said, smacking Sehun on the head.."You're not the only one worried right now. Dae'in Is my nephew, my family, naturally I am worried as , but losing our cool won't solve . Tell you what, we gonna go meet Minseok together and get answers." "No need, you heard him hyung. He asked to come alone." "And you didn't wonder why?" Kris  asked, glancing briefly at Sehun. "It doesn't matter, I don't care as long I can get answers." "You can't go alone. I am coming with you." His brother said. "No if Minseok can help then I am meeting him alone." "But–" "No buts hyung. You know I can take care of myself." "Sehun's right, he's like a ing cockroach, nothing will hurt him easily. So let's not push it. Yeah?" Yoongi patted Kris shoulder. "I feel like is about to go down real soon and I still haven't confessed to Tae-tae." "Well good thing you still have the chance. Quickly get him man, don't die a single dog." Kris said. ", you got a point." Yoongi agreed. Sehun didn't give an input, his mind in chaos to bother with his Hyungs, though deep down he was glad Yoongi got a push to take the a leap. They all went silent. All lost in their own thoughts until they were back at the castle before Sehun suddenly asked. "What's Minseok's relationship with Jongdae?" "Married." "Oh" that explains a lot. *** The hall of the heavenly Emperor shone with the brilliance of a thousand stars ground into fine powder. On the central dais, sat a throne of jade so grand it was blinding the eyes of all who look at it.The pillars in the hall were so tall as to disappear into infinity, the marble floors were as smooth as silk. The tranquil sound of a guqin permeated the air. The emperor himself sat on the throne with his face resting on his open palm. He was beautiful, ageless, eternal. Surrounding him were his courtiers. "Who else made a connection with the boy?" Yaguar burst into the throne hall where all the immortals had gathered for morning court. A few acknowledged him, while most didn't bother to spare him a glance. Already used to such treatment, he wasn't discouraged the least as he proceeded to take his seat next to his husband. "I asked a question, and I demand answers." He slammed a hand on the table. A goddess snorted. "Boy, you are in no place to demand anything from us." "I am not your boy, so do not satirize me" he said sternly and the goddess couldn't help but flinch. Why does she feel that this young god had a similar temper with a certain someone that was no longer here? "You know what Dae'in is to me, so I have every right to demand for answers." He retorted, glaring at the goddess, not at all considering her position was higher than his in the court. Yaguar didn't know how to describe this feeling and he doubted anyone would understand. It wasn't that he was an egocentric or a narcissistic, but there was something deep inside of him that kept telling him, reminding him he was the gods' superior and thus shouldn't be looked down upon. And it was so cogent to the point where Yaguar believed in that part. The only gods that he felt he should bow down to were the imperial family, emperor and empress, and the crown pri– there was no crown prince. The prince had met with his demise thousands of years ago. "And who the hell are you?" Another god satirized. "Just because you are the first of your kind does not mean you are superior to any of us here." The god, made a gesture around the room. That feeling wasn't because he was the first shifter nor the only shifter to ascend as a god– no it wasn't because of that but Yaguar himself didn't know the actual reason. "You have no place in this Court, not because of that boy, nor anything. You're an animal and you are here because of us, because your mate pleaded with the emperor to grant him a wish to let you change from animal to man. Do not forget that."Someone pointed a finger directly at his nose as he spoke. "Even the emperor's beasts are better than you." Though he was used to being looked at wrongly or with distain, got used to and was already insensitive to insults and ridicules that were as sharp as blades behind his back. But It had never happened in Yaguar's life that someone would point their finger at his nose and scold him with such harsh words. He didn’t have a very good temper to begin. Under his husband's imperceptible influence over these years, he had already become a quite gentle person, but after being stimulated by the event from today, the once extinguished flame inside him showed signs of flaring up again. Those words angered him to the point where he felt his claws protracting, his fangs elongated. He dragged his fingers on table and four claw marks appeared, proving them just right he was an animal and shouldn't be provoked. Considering that this young God always acted on impulse, completely ignoring all social conventions, in addition to his unpredictable behavior, the immortals couldn’t tell if he was seriously going to hurt them or not. Yaguar was about to speak when he felt a hand grasping his. He sighed, retracing his claws, looking sideway at his husband that shook his head with a pointed look. "Let me handle this." Saying so, his husband stood up, bowed at the emperor before he began to speak. "Your majesty, Pardon my spouse for his presumptuousness ." Yaguar glared at his husband but the other didn't even look at his direction. The emperor had a slight frown that couldn't be noticed as he gazed at the gods that made the previous comments– insulated Yaguar, but he didn't comment on it, instead he waved a hand at his general. "He is forgiven. What do you wish to say General?" "I wish to ask, other than me, my husband and the empress who else touched the boy without our permission?" The emperor hummed, his sharp eyes looking around the court, and any God that was on the receiving end of that gaze, felt a shiver ran down his/her spine. The emperor didn't need to say more, that look was enough for several gods to leave their seats and kowtowed on the floor begging for forgiveness. The emperor nodded. "These are your gods." The general bowed deeply in gratitude. "Thank you for your endless mercy your majesty." He then looked at the gods and goddesses on their knees. "Why? We have made it clear, the boy should not be touched by any other than my husband, the empress and I." "Forgive us Great general. It was out of our control, we could not help it, there was something about the boy that draws us to him." One of the gods said. "If you do not believe me, you could beseech his majesty to take a look at the boy himself." With furrowed brows, the general turned to face the emperor. "Your majesty, I will have to trouble you." With a wave of his hand, the emperor conjured a spiritual figure of the boy. Every immortal in the hall gasped, unable to believe what they were seeing. Even the general couldn't hide his surprise at the sight. "How could this be?" A Goddess asked, looking at the general for answers. The general shook his head, vigorously. "I am as surprised as you all are." In the hall, only two immortals seemed unaffected by the sight. One was the emperor and the other was Yaguar, whom was leisurely examining his nails, without any care about the state of the court. The general instantly turned to look at his husband. "Yaguar?" The said immortal rose to his feet. "No!" He said with a stubborn set to his jaws. "Still it does not give them the right to touch him." He pointed at the culprits on the floor. "He is just a little tiny child, three gods are enough. More will only overwhelm him." He looked to his husband, ordering. "Make them untouch him." With that, he turned around to leave. "How dare you? You owe us an explanation." The same goddess that spoke earlier said. "How could you hide this from us?" Yaguar paused, shook his head. Having a fit of the sulks inside him, he couldn’t help but sneer "I do not owe any of you an explanation, expect my husband. If anyone dared to touch Dae'in again– forgive my language; i don't ing care you hold a high position, I won't give you any face. I am gonna grab you by your hair plugs and slap that looks off your faces. In this whole realm only the emperor, empress and my husband that matters." He said, then averted his gaze to his husband. "Meet me in our rooms when you are ready to hear me out." He didn't wait for his general's response as he proceeded to walk out, leaving the immortals to gape at his retreating figure. Sometimes, they really felt that Yaguar would be better as a rogue or a gangster than a god. "Your majesty, you have to severely punish him for his discourteous churlish." A God said, coming to bow deeply in front of the emperor. The emperor did not respond, he was still staring at the closed door with a fond look in his eyes that surprised the God before him. "Your majesty? Your majesty?" He called several times before the emperor tore his gaze away. He hummed. "I said–" The emperor waved a dismissive hand. "I have heard you the first time." He let out a sigh. "Yaguar is still a child. It is natural to act churlishly. I would not hold him accountable for it." He rose to his feet. "The court is dismissed. General, go see the empress before you meet your spouse." He glanced at the immortals that were still kneeling. "Untouch the boy." He ordered, sternly and with that he made his away out. All the immortals were confused, this was not the first time something like this happened. But each and every time, Yaguar got away with it. And they believed it was why he never changed his way, instead becoming bolder each and every time. They didn't understand why the emperor was so fond of him. Why he was willing to indulge him. Yaguar wasn't the strongest nor the weakest, he wasn't the youngest god either. He didn't make splendid contribution in court. There was nothing extraordinarily about him, expect for being the only shifter god. Nothing that could explain the emperor's fondness for the young god. With complicated emotions, the immortals left the throne room one after the other.
  **** Stepping into the castle, Sehun went straight to the pack school where his kids and their peers would be taking their classes. After what he just heard, he suddenly had the urge to see his cubs, Dae'in especially. Wanting to assure himself the boy was alright. Coming to a stop in front of the cubs class room, Sehun looked through the window and first sighted Mina, her attention genuinely focused, eager to learn. Dae'in that was sat not far away from her was taking notes, listening attentively to what Jungkook was teaching. Sehun looked at the time and realized it was already past noon, time for demonology. Jae'in was dozing off and Jungkook slammed a book on the boy's desk, causing him to jerk awake looking around as though he had been caught doing the most naughtiest act. The class erupted in laugher and Sehun couldn't help the smile that curved his lips. Aurora on the other hand had her attention divided, she seemed to be doodling– Sehun could guess she was working on what would be the latest fashion for herself and her siblings– but at same time she was listening to what the teacher was saying. As if sensing his eyes on her, she raised her head and look to Sehun's direction. She raised an eyebrow but a smile still betrayed her stoic f
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750 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot